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小学英语音标单词整理归纳一、元音音标发音及其单词和例句前元音: i: I e ? i: wethesemaybeeveningheChineseJapanesemeshepolic emanmagazinepiecepeopleeighteenj eepmeetseebetweenthreetr eestreetsweepneedseatcleanspeakteacherpl easemeanj eansbeachEastermeateatbeesleepteasweetHallow eenbelievebliefSeeing is believing. 眼见为实。Have a nice day.Have a sweet dream.甜蜜的梦What would you like to eat ?你想要吃点什么呢?I like cheese.cheese, please.我想要点奶酪。 I puppetblanketjacketbasketelevenEnglishinfifteenfiftygivesti llhi mhisi tmissofficepi cturesitsixthiswi ndowanimalbigchi ldrencinemadifferentfr idgeilll ittleliveriversi ngti cketvillagewhi chwi thei ghtyeveryonefamilymanyanythingbabyfunnylovel yonlyverysunnykidf ishpigshi phospitaldrinkmi lkchickchickenifcityrabbitpinpickkiloholi dayMond ayBusiness is business.公事公办。Do you live in the city ?你是住在城市里吗?Yes,it s very noisy是的.,太吵了。What a pity! 真脏啊! e manyanyanythingbedwellwelcomeverytelltelephonepennextletterhelphelloguessgetelseAmericanaddressyesyellowtw elvetwentytenspellsevenpencilleteleveneggdressdeskwentwhenbreakfastheadsweaterbreadweathernetcheckquestionelephantbestmentelevisionlessonr edanswer the question 回答问题Do my best(do one s 尽best)我所能(尽某人所能) ? grandfatherhandhathavemappandathatanimalbackbadbankcameracapdadf axjacketJapanJapanesemanthankappleandatbagamblackblackboardcancatf amilygladshallcarrotrabbitpassengerbattleastronautgramcapitalhappypackHand in hand 手拉手Let the cat out of the bag 泄露秘密后元音: : ? ?: ? u: : basketballfastpassportratherf atherglassclassgrass(草 )bananacantdarkcardepartfarmercardfarsmartlargebarbecuepastauntdanceafternoongrandf athergrandmaclassroomasklastpardonpartysharpenergardenAr tcartoonareMarchparkhardWhat are you doing now?I am looking after my little brother.elder ? watchwantwhatwalletwasboxclockdoctordognotofficeonoforangesorrystopdollfr omjobshoppingsockwrongfoxwashbecausesofthot流行歌曲 pop songs爱屋及乌love me,love my d og.?: watermelonwaterdoorforfortyorhorsesportsmorningfourairportoutdoorind oorshortallsmalltalkcallwalkwallfallballalsoalwaysautumnAu gustdrawsawstrawberrya quarter to four你喜欢那种运动?What kind of sports would you like?What s your favourite sports?你最喜欢的运动是什么?足球footb all ? pushclassroomwoodwomancouldpullcookpeacefulshouldJulyfootgoodywouldputlookbookgoodfootballbedroomfull of oneself自以为是goody-goody 伪善的人Would you please take a look at my paintings,mum?I d love to.They re wonderful. u: dowhotwowhoseshoejuicerulerblueJunefoolchooseroomafternoonschooltoosoonzoobroomfoodtoot htoothachenoodlescartoonmoonbootgooseChoose between the two 二选一Make a fool of sb使某人出丑Put oneself in sb s 设shoes身处地How cool is the machine!I can operate it.Yes,it s -foolproof.中元音: ? ? ? ? brothercolourcomemothersomesongloveLondonlovelymonkeymuchuncleumbrellabusupsupperplusmumlunchhusbandfunnyduckundernumberhundredcupbuttouchyoungcousincountry ? aboutLondonpolicemanunderbananacomputerwatermelontigerpandao clockwelcometeacherwomantodayafternoonsisterAmericaJapanesebrothernumberAmericanJapandaughtermothercameraEnglandfatherflow er ? wordworldworkerworkherherstermbirdgirlshirtthir tybirthdaythir dcir cleturnsurfhurtThursdaypursewereearly双元音 e? a? ? ? a? ? e? ? ? e? cakegametabletakebabynamefavouritegradelateradiopl anesameracedatetodaycrayonstaydayawayalwayspl ayE-mailraincoatraintrainTheygreateightmirrorvisitordoctordriv erworkerfirstnurseagegrapeclassmateMaywait a? Chi nafindfivenicericemi netigertimedriverkiteminuspineapplewritebehindbesidebikemybyfl ycryhighrigh tlightnightfightJulygoodbyepie ? boytoytoiletjoincoi nnoise ? zeroOKsofasoonlynosehell ogophotoopenolddontclotheshomehopephonesmokecoatboatroadgoatyell owknowwind owshowsnowylowlowerblow a? brownnowhowcowfl oweraboutblousemouthmousecounthouseplaygroundl oudlyaround ? reallytheatreearhearearphonesyearnearbyhere e? parentcarefulAir portairairconditiontherewherelikewhitewifechildskybrigh tpointradiothosecloseNovembersnowbowltowntrousersmountaindearchairbearpearhairpaira pair of trousers/glasses ? sureFebruary三、人称、句型、语法的总结介绍一课时: be动词主讲与人称代词的搭配1 、基本形式:am 、 are 、 is(1)am第一人称 I+am( 注意:“ I ”无论何时都要大写,不管位于句首还是句中)例: I am a beautiful girl.I am twenty.(2)are第二人称 you+are;一人称复数we+are ;三人称复数they+are其他复数名词 +are( 注意:第二人称单复数同形,都为you)例: You are my good friend.They are on the road.(3isWe are in the same class.The books are on the desk.第三人称 he( 男) +is ; she(女 )+is; it( 不是人 )+is; 其他单数名词+is例: HeShe is a good student.A dog is on that street.It is a white cat.2 、肯定、否定、疑问(等于号后是简写 )肯定否定 be 动词后一般疑问 be 动一般疑问否定一般疑问回加 not词移到主语前答 肯定和否定I am =I m .I am not =I mAm I ?Am not I ?Yes,I m.not .No,I m not.You are = you re You are not =YouAre you ?Are not you. .?Yes,you are.aren t=Aren tyou ?No,you arenot.SheHeIt is =SheHeIt is notIs sheheit?Is not sheheit?Yes,sheheIt=SheHeIt isnt=Isn tsheheit?is.No,sheheItis not.We are=We reWe are not =WeAre we ?Are not we ?Yes,we are.aren t=Aren twe ?No,we arenot.They are=They reThey areAre they ?Are not they ?Yes,they are.not =They aren t=Aren tthey ?No,they arenot.例: I am(not) from London.My eyesare(not) small.My hairis(not) long.Am I a Chniese? 回答: 肯定: Yes, you are.否定: No, you aren t.Is the cat fat? 回答:肯定: Yes, it is.否定: No, it isn t.注意:在一般疑问回答中,肯定回答除I m不可简写 ,否定回答均可简写。另:特殊疑问句中:wherehowwhowhatwhy+be动词 + 人称代词或名词?例: What is your name?My name is GaoBuHan.Where are you?I min the classroom.3总结:Be 的用法口诀I 用 am;you、 we 、 they 都 用 are;is 连着 he,she,it ;单数名词用 is,复数名词全用 are。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be 后 not 莫忘记。疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。四、英文音标发音讲解:一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音元音字母 读音 例 词a在开音节中ei name plane Jane baby cake在闭音节中 ? bag dad hat map black backe在开音节中i: he these me Chinese在闭音节中 e bed let pen desk yes eggi 在开音节中ai bike fly drive time nice kite在闭音节中 fish big drink sit milk swimo在开音节中ou those close go hoe home no在闭音节中 C clock not box shop socku在开音节中ju: student excuse duty Tuesday在闭音节中 bus cup jump much lunch在开音节中,元音字母u 在辅音字母 j l r s 后面时读 u: 音,例如: June blue ruler super二、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音元音字母读音例 词a 在 w 音后面C want what watch wash qualitya 在 f n sk ph sp ss st th 前 : after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father i 在 -nd -ld 和 gh 前 ai find child light higho 在 -st -ld 前ou most postcard old coldo 在 m n v th 前 come monkey love mother三、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音元音字母读音例 词a EE China another woman breakfastorange comrade village cabbagee E hundred student open weekendchicken pocket begin childreni E/ holiday beautiful family animalai exercise satelliteo E second tonight somebody welcomeEu also zero photou E autumn difficultju: popular congratulation January动词中的 a 如果处在开音节位置,a 读 ei 音,例如: operateu 处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s 后面时,读 u(:) 音,例如: July influence February issue在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作 E音,也可以读作音。四、 -r 音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音元音字组 读 音 例 词arar 在 w 音后面 : car farm dark sharpenerC: warm quarter towardsoror 在 w 音后面 C: forty morning shortE: word worker worseer ir ur E: certainly bird Thursday辅音字母 r 双写时, 前面的元音字母不能与r 构成 -r 音节 ,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规则发音。例如: carry sorry hurry-r 音节在非重读音节中通常读E 音,例如: dollar teacher martyr forget Saturday五、 -re 音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音元音字组 读 音 例 词are E care dare hareere iE here mereire aiE fire hire wireore C: more score beforeure juE pure cureare ere ire ore 很少出现在非重读音节中,ure 在非重读音节中读E音,例如: picture pleasure重读元音字母加 Rr,再加非重读元字组时,重读元音字母应按-re 音节拼读规则拼读,字母Rr读 音。例如: parent zero story during inspiring某些常用词及多音节词经常出现长音短化现象。例如:orange very American paragraph六、元音字组在重读音节中的读音元音字组读音例 词ai/ay ei afraid rain wait day playair E air hair chair pair repairalal 在 f m 前C small ball talk wall allC:l always also salt almost : half calmau/aw C: autumn daughter drawea i: teach easy cheap pleasee heavy bread sweater weather ei break greatear iE hear dear near clear year E bear pear wear swear E: earth learn earlyee i: jeep week green threeeer iE pioneer deer beerei/ey ei eight neighbour theyi: either keyeu/ew 在 j l r s 后ju: new few newspaperu: flew brew jewelryie/eis 音之后i: piece field receiveoa ou coat Joan boat goaloar/oor C: roar board door flooroi/oy Ci noise point boy toiletoo u: broom food tooth schoolbook look cook foot goodou/ow au flower house count downou know row throw though young country enoughu: group you soupour C: course your fourauE our hour oursE: journeyui 在 j l r s 后ju:i fluid suicide tuitionu: juice fruit suit七、非重读音节中元音字组和字群的读音元音字组或字群读音例词ai/ay ei/ey Sunday foreign monkeyow ou yellow sparrow tomorrow元音字组在非重读音节中读 E音或。例如 :neighbour serious famous biscuit coffee -sion -tion Fn impression nation-sion 在元音字母后Vn vision decision occasion-tion 在 s 后 tFEn question suggestion-sten sn listen-stle sl whistle-sure VE pleasure measure-ture tFE picture culture八、元字组在复合词非重读音节中的读音复合词中的第二部分不标注重音符号,但其中的元音字母或元音字组仍按重读音节拼读规则拼读。例如:everydayei handbag? blackboardC:有些词随着语言的发展,前后两部分已失去其单独存在的意义,融合成为一个词。其中的非重读部分要按非重读音节的读音规则发音。例如:sun 太阳+ dayei 日子Sunday 星期天holy神圣 + dayei 日子 holiday 假日 break 中断 + fast 斋:戒 breakfastE 早餐 cup 茶杯 + board 木板 C: cupboardE 碗柜九、辅字组的读音辅字组读音 例词b bike bus bag/ bomb tombcc 在 e 前或在 i/y 前 k cake picture coat music s face decide cinemach tF much chick rich teacher k school headache chemistry F machine-ck k cock pocket black knock d d doctor bread hand day-dge dV bridge fridgedr- dr children driver drinkf f five four breakfastgg 在 e i/y 前 bag garden go dV orange large Germangh f cough enough / light daughter highgu- -guegu 在非重读音节中 guess league dialoguew language anguishh h hot head house hand/ hour honestj dV jeep jar joke join Julyk k kind bike skate make weekkn- n knife know knockl l life milk school tall


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