Unit 1 Star signs教案

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Unit 1 Star signsI. Teaching objectives 单元教学目标Skill Focus听Listen to identify specific points about events and advice for month ahead.说Talk about peoples characteristics.读Read an article to identify different characteristics using information about star signs.写Write a letter of recommendation based on characteristic.词汇1. 重点词汇 divide similar energetic active impatient leader patient save fair peace argue silly mistake humorous differently easy-going dream probably should unfair inactive explain balloon experiment laboratory toothache dentist butterfly clone awake cheese lemonade around available lively difference mark 2. 认读词汇 bull centaur crab ram characteristic selfish stubborn curious outgoing cooking confident modest practical elegant powerful forgive creative imaginative equally otherwise formal informal slang expression abbreviation contraction cheers extra organized personal quality sincerely 3. 短语 star sign be able to Students Union yours sincerely语法1. It is + adjective + of + (not) to -infinitive.2. Verb to be + adjective + “enough” + “to”-information.3. Different parts of a sentenceII. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析1. 教材分析 本单元的主题是描述人物,旨在通过阅读、听力和对话练习等活动帮助学生掌握如何描述一个人的性格特点。让学生掌握用it is + 形容词 + of + (not) to-不定式来表达对某人行为的看法,以及用动词to be + 形容词 + enough + to-不定式来描述一个人的性格和能力,这也是本单元的语法重点。本单元的写作任务是写一封正式的信函,一篇关于某人性格与技能的文章,并提交一封推荐信。1.1 Comic strip 通过漫画中Eddie和Hobo之间的对话,点明本单元学习的内容要点是星座。1.2 Welcome to the unit 让学生了解各个星座标志的名称。由此激发学生们了解一些西方文化的兴趣。1.3 Reading 选择一段文章,让学生了解星座是什么以及他们各代表什么,并能学会描述一个人的性格特征。1.4 Vocabulary 通过一些描述人物性格特征词汇的集中学习,可以让学生用形容词描述性格,并辨别形容词是褒义还是贬义。1.5 Grammar学习总结本单元出现的语法项目。该部分包括三个方面的内容,一是“it is + adjective + of + (not) to-infinitive”的学习;二是“to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive”的学习,三是学习句子中的不同成分。1.6 Integrated skills 将各种语言技能有机地结合在一起,以提高学生综合运用语言的能力。让学生在书面和口语形式中理解星象,从阅读和听力材料中加深对有关信息的了解,然后再弄清事实。1.7 Study skills 让学生辨别和了解英语口语中正式程度的不同表达,在已经完成的作业中找出并改正不合适的用语错误。1.8 Main task一是要求学生写一封正式信函,二要求学生写一篇关于某人性格和技能的文章,三是提交一封推荐信。1.9 Checkout 通过自我检测,帮助学生复习巩固本单元所学的语言知识,同时让学生对自己的薄弱环节加强学习,不断提高。2. 课型设计与课时分配.Period 1 SpeakingPeriod 2 ReadingPeriod 3 VocabularyPeriod 4 GrammarPeriod 5 Integrated skillsPeriod 6 Study skillsPeriod 7 Main taskPeriod 8 CheckoutIII. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. Words and expressions 生词和短语 star sign bull centaur crab ram b. Key sentences 重点句子It says Ill have lots to eat and drink today.I wont be hungry.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable Ss to know the names of the symbols that represent the star signs.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help Ss know the names of the symbols that represent the star signs. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Speak out the names of the symbols that represent the star signs.Teaching aids 教具准备Pictures and multi-media.Teaching procedure and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead-inT: Good morning. Boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Mr / MissT: Welcome to school. You are Grade 3 this term. I hope you will get more knowledge and we will have a good time this term. Ss: OK.T: Hobo and Eddie are good friends. They always give us some interesting stories in every unit. Lets look at what happened between them in this unit. Ill give you four minutes to read the comic strips with your partners. Then Ill ask you some questions. OK. Lets begin.Show the pictures on the screen.1. What did Hobo do for Eddie?2. What did Eddie do?3. What about Eddies food?Four minutes later.T: OK. Hobo and Eddie are good friends. But this time there is also something happened between them. What did Hobo do for Eddie?S1: Hobo took the newspaper for Eddie. T: Good. The second question. What did Eddie do?S2: Eddie read the stars in the newspaper.T: Right. What about Eddies food?S3: Hobo ate Eddies food.T: Good job. This is a very funny story. At the beginning, Eddie expresses thanks to Hobo. Show Ss some pictures of the 12 animal signs of the 12 Chinese horoscope. Ask Ss say the name of the 12 animal signs.T: Please look at the screen. Who can tell us what these are?Ss: They are 12 animal signs. T: Very good. Do you know what your animal sign is? S1: Monkey.S2: Rooster.S3: My animal sign is rooster, too.Show the English name of the Chinese star signs on the screen.Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog PigT: The animal sign belong to the Chinese culture. OK. What about the Western culture? Are there any similarities or differences between Chinese culture and Western culture?Ask Ss to discuss with their partners.Show some pictures about the 12 star signs on the screen.T: OK. Can you give me your opinion about the animal signs and the star signs?S1: The Chinese animal signs are all represented by creatures. Some of the western star signs are represented by creatures.S2: The Chinese animal sign system is based on the year you were born in. The western animal sign system is based on the month you were born in.S3: They are both the traditional culture.T: Very good. Step II Lets look at the pictures in Part A on Page 7. Do you know what they are?Ss: They are star signs.T: Yes. Look at the six words above the picture. They are the names of the creatures, but they are not the names of the star signs. Please write the correct names in the blanks.Give Ss three minutes to finish.T: Do you know the meaning of the word centaur?S1: A “centaur” is a creature that is half-man, half-horse. T: Good. Pay attention to the word “fish”. It is both a singular and a plural noun. The plural noun “fishes” is used only to refer to different species of fishes. Clear?Ss: Yes.T: Now, Ill give you three minutes to write the correct names in the blanks.After three minutes, ask Ss to check the answers. T: OK. Time is up. Please check the answers with your partners. Then tell the partners their Chinese names. Ask Ss to complete Part B.T: Mille wants to know what the other six star signs are represented by. Help her join the dots to find out. If you want to know the names, you can find the names of the star signs represented by pictures on Pages 8 and 9.Give Ss some minutes to finish Part B.T: There are 12 star signs in total those in Part A and those in Part B. Each star sign represents a period of time in a year. Do you know what your star sign is?S1: My star sign is Cancer.S2: My star sign is Leo.GameAsk a student to come to the front of the class. Whisper one of the animals from Part A in his / her ear, e.g., bull. Ask the student to slowly draw the animal on the board. The other students have to guess which animal is being drawn. Students raise their hands when they think they know the names of the animals. The first student to give the correct name of the animal comes the front of the classroom and draws the animals have been drawn.For stronger classes, you could whisper a description of one of the star signs in Part B. Step V Homework1. Review the names of the symbols that represent the star signs.2. Find some information about star signs on the Internet for the last class.Period 2 ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. Words and expressions 生词和短语 divide similar characteristic energetic active impatient leader selfish stubborn patient curious outgoing save cooking confident modest practical fair elegant peace argue powerful silly forgive mistake humorous differently easy-going creative imaginative dream equally probably should b. Key sentences 重点句子Some people believe that people born under the same star sign share similar characteristics.You are patient enough to wait for a long time without getting angry.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable Ss to know what star signs and what they represent.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help Ss know what star signs and what they represent. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Recognize and understand vocabulary about characteristics.Teaching aids 教具准备Pictures and multi-media.Teaching procedure and ways 教学过程与方式Step I ReviewHave a dictation of the symbols that represent the star signs.Step II Lead-inTalk about star signs. Show some pictures about the star signs. T: Do you know what they are?Ss: Yes. They are star signs. T: Do you know their names?Some Ss may know their English names. Encourage Ss to speak their English names. If necessary, Ss could speak their Chinese names.Give Ss three minutes to discuss.When the Ss discuss, show them background information on the screen.Background information:In Western astrology, an individual horoscope usually plots the moment of birth and is used by astrologers to analyze character, as well as to predict what will happen in the future. It is also believed that each celestial body has its own characteristics. Therefore, a baby that is born under the star sign Gemini will show character traits that relate to Gemini.The Chinese horoscope is organized according to 12 animals, each animal representing one lunar year. These 12 animals were chosen when, according to legend, the Buddha summoned all the animals to come to him before the departed from earth. Only 12 animals came to bid him farewell.Similar to the Western horoscope, the year you were born in is believed to influence your character. For example, a baby born in the year of the Dragon will exhibit characteristics typical of that sign.Step III ReadingIn this step, Ss will learn some vocabulary about characteristic.T: Mille knows what the star signs say about people are not facts, but she wants to learn about her classmates star signs just for fun. She is reading an article about the star signs. Before we listen to the tape, I want ask you a question. Are you interested in star signs? Ss: Yes. T: Last period I ask you to find out some information about star signs. What do you know about star signs?S1: Nowadays many students are interested in star signs and what the star signs say about them. They want to forecast their career, their family, friends and their future romantic life.S2: Zodiac signs and Sun signs are terms which mean the same as star signs. They are very popular in magazines and newspapers.T: Good job. Now lets listen to the tape. After listening, I want to ask you a question. Which star sign loves peace and do not like to argue with other? Play the tape recorder. S1: Libra loves peace and do not like to argue with other.Give Ss five minutes to read it. Then ask them some questionsShow the questions on the screen.1. Is Aries lazy?2. Which star sign likes saving money?3. Does Sagittarius like jokes?4. Which star sign has the best imagination?5. If your birthday is on 30th September, what is your star sign?Suggested answers:1. No, Aries is energetic and active.2. Cancer.3. Yes. Sagittarius has a good sense of humour.4. Pisces. Pisces is creative and imaginative. Pisces likes to dream.5. Libra.Step IV Extension activitiesFor stronger classes, write the names of the 12 star signs on the board. Ask each student in turn which star sign they are. Write the students names underneath the relevant star sign. Finally, ask students which is the most common star sign and which is the least common star sign in the class.For stronger classes, divide students into pairs. Ask them to write a short passage about their partner. They can use the reading passage as a guide. Remind them to use the third person instead of the second person. For example, my partner Lily is a Scorpio. She is a peaceful and helpful person. She is elegant and she likes to be fair to everyone.Explain some important and difficult words for students.Characteristic n. (line 4) a typical feature or qualitye.g. She has many of her fathers characteristic.Confident adj. (line 29) feeling or showing trust in oneself or ones abilitye.g. She answered the questions in a confident way.Creative adj. (line 70) able or create e.g. She is a very creative fashion designer. Elegant adj. (line 41) tasteful or stylish in appearance or managere.g. She looked very elegant in that dress.Energetic adj. (line 6) full of energy e.g. The child is so energetic. He never stops running around.Fair adj. (line 40) treating each person, side, etc., equally and according to the law, rules, etc.e.g. A teacher should be fair to every student in judging his or her performance.Generous adj. (line 30) giving or ready to give freelye.g. It was generous of you to share your lunch with me.Impatient adj. (line 7) disinclined to wait for something / someone; easily irritatede.g. She became very impatient while waiting in the queue.Outgoing adj. (line 19) friendly and cheerful with other peoplee.g. She loves parties because she is very outgoing.Patient adj. (line 57) having or showing patiente.g. You must be patient when talking to a young child.Peace n. (line 42) the state of being calm or quiet e.g. She likes to enjoy the peace of the summer evenings.Practical adj. (line 36) sensible and realistic e.g. He is not practical as he always Step V ExercisesPart BBefore doing Part B, review adjectives used to describe characteristics. Ask students to describe their classmates. For weaker classes, ask students to give names and adjectives only. For stronger classes, encourage students to use full sentences. For example,T: Who is patient in this class?S1: John is patient.T: Who is energetic in this class?S1: Sarah is energetic.Ask less able students to work in pairs. Tell them to skip the ones they are not sure about and do the easier ones first. Check answers as a class.Part C1. Tell students to work in pairs to complete Part C1. When students have completed all the answers, ask them to raise their hands. The first pair to complete the exercise correctly is the winner.2. After students have finished, give the correct answer to each question. Highlight where students can find the answers in the passage. This will help them when correcting their own mistakes and provide them with a better understanding of where they went wrong.3. For stronger classes, ask students to correct the incorrect sentences.4. Review key vocabulary learnt in the reading passage. Ask more able students to describe their partners using these adjectives.5. Ask students to do Part C2 on their own and check their answers with their partners. Ask students to refer to the reading passage. If students have different answers, ask them to discuss the answers.Part D1. For weaker classes, write a list of characteristic on the board for students reference active lazy businesslike modest confident outgoing creative patient easy-going peaceful elegant practical energetic proud fair selfish generous shy hard-working strong imaginative stubborn impatient wise inactive2. Ask less able students to pick five characteristics that describe themselves and write them in the blanks in Part D1. Tell more able students that they can also use characteristics that are not listed on the board. Tell less able students to refer to the reading passage if they need help with idea.3. Now, ask students to read the description of their star sign. Ask them to write whether the characteristics listed under their star sign match the characteristics they have listed.4. Ask all those who think their characteristics match their star sign to raise their hands. Then ask all those characteristics do not match to raise their hands.5. Do a class survey. Ask students whether they believe in star signs. Count how many say “yes” and how many say “no”. Write the numbers on the board. For more able students, ask them to say why they believe or do not believe in star signs.6. Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to write down five words that describe their partners characteristics in Part C2.7. Ask students to exchange books and compare what they have written. Encourage students to discuss the results. For example, I agree with what you have written because I m I disagree with what you have written because Im not / I dont Period 3 VocabularyTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言Words and phrases 生词和短语active hard-working impatient proud selfish strong unfair generous imaginative modest patient 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable Ss to use adjectives to describe characteristic.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help Ss use adjectives to describe characteristic.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点To recognize whether an adjective is positive or negative.Teaching aids 教具准备Multi-media.Teaching procedure and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Part A 1. Divide the class into groups of four. Each group works together to complete Part A. One student in each group writes down the answers on a piece of paper. Groups raise their hands when they have finished.2. When all the groups have finished, each group must give their answers to another group to mark. Remind students to put the name of their group at the top of the paper. 3. Read out the correct answers to the class. Each group marks another groups answers. The group with the most correct answers wins.Step II Part B1. Ask students to work on their own to do Part B. remind them to look at the pictures and the words provided.2. Ask students to compare their answers with their neighbours and discuss the differences.3. When the discussion is finished, ask students who agree to raise their hands. If a student gives an incorrect answer, ask other students what the correct answer should be.Step III Extension activity1. Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to describe three things they like about their partners. Ask them to write a short passage, e.g. “I like my partner Tony because he is hard-working, patient and strong.” Remind students to use adjectives that have a positive meaning. Once students have finished their passage, ask each student in turn to stand up and say three positive things about his / her partner. 2. Alternatively, put all the passage into a box and draw them out one at a time. Ask the class to guess who is being described.Period 4 GrammarTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. Words and phrases 生词和短语silly forgive generous organize balloon experiment laboratory toothache dentist butterfly clone awake cheese lemonade b. Key sentences 重点句子It is nice of you to bring me the newspaper.It is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.I am patient enough to wait for a long time. You/We/They are patient enough to wait for a long time. He/She/It is patient enough to wait for a long time. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable Ss to use it is + adjective + of + (not) to-infinitive to express opinions about a persons actions.Enable Ss to use the verb to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive to describe a persons characteristic and abilities.To distinguish the different parts of a sentence.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help Ss use it is + adjective + of + (not) to-infinitive to express opinions about a persons actions.Help Ss use the verb to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive to describe a persons characteristic and abilities. Help Ss distinguish the different parts of a sentence.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点To distinguish the different parts of a sentence.Teaching aids 教具准备Multi-media.Teaching procedure and ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework.Step II Part AT: We use the it is + adjective + of + (not) to-infin


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