高中英语:Module 1 Deep South Period III 教案设计

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BooK 8 Module 1Deep South Period III 教案设计Speaking and writing & Reading and vocabulary (2)Step1. 预习并完成 Speaking and writing Activity 2Step2. 预习 Reading and Vocabulary (2),完成Activity 2,3,5,6.Step3.Language Points in Reading and Vocabulary (2)1. board vt. (1)给某人提供膳宿She usually boards students.(2)上(船,火车,飞机等) board planen. board (1)木板 (2)船舷 on board 在(船等)上2. via: prep by way of /through 经由, 通过eg. Send him a note via her go from London to Washing ton via New York.3. come into sight 看见The ship came into sight out of the fog. 那艘船驶出浓雾,依稀可见。4. trap vt. 使某人陷入困境They were trapped in the burning hotel.The life broke down and we were trapped inside (it).trap sb into sth/doing sth 用计捕捉某人/使某人上当。I was trapped into telling the police all I knew.我中计了,把所有知道的全部告诉了警方。n. 陷阱圈套 set a trap 设置陷阱/圈套5. break up:(1)变得衰弱,瓦解崩溃(2)使某物结束 They decide to break up the cooperation.break(up)with sb 与某人绝交break away from sb/sth 摆脱 脱离break down 出故障,失灵,崩溃break out 突然发生break into 闯入6. sink(sank, sunk) vi. 下沉, 沉没, (太阳)落下The ship sank in the water.The sun sank slowly behind the hills. 太阳慢慢落山了。vt. 使下沉 They sank the ship.sink n. 洗涤槽7. head: vi. (向特定方向)出发 动身;(船)驶往The ship headed for Beijing.8. float vt(i). (使)漂浮,使漂流/飘动There wasnt enough water to float the ship.1 / 2float a raft of logs down the river 使圆木筏顺河漂下9. come up with: 找到/提出(答案、办法)She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.她想出了增加销售量的新主意。10. rescue vt. 救出某人/某物rescue sb/sth from sth(from: 从,免受)Police rescue the hostages from the plane.rescue a man from attack援救一男子免遭攻击n. come/go to the/sbs rescue 援救或帮助某人。e.g. A wealthy man came to our rescue with a generous donation.有个富人慷慨捐赠来解救我们。12. abandon vt. (1)遗弃 抛弃 Its parents abandoned the baby.(2)完全放弃(尤指开始的事物)abandon a project(方案)/plan(计划)/design(设计)随堂检测1. The flying are preparing for the bombing the next day. A. person B. crew C. man D. people2. He his wife and went away with all their money. A. left B. quitted C. abandoned D. aided3. A balloon f across the sky.4. Flighting BA193 for Paris is now b , it is ready for passengers to board.5. He (设置陷阱) to arrest the criminal.6. 她被困在燃烧着的房子里了,是一个消防员冒着生命危险把她救出来的。(trap) 7. 如何来推销这种产品你有什么好办法吗?(promote) 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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