高中英语:Module 3 Foreign Food-vocabulary and writing教案(外研版选修8module 3)

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Period 3Vocabulary and writingStep 1RevisionReview the main words learned last class:Ask the students to explain the main words learned last class. Step 2 Main language points in the text.1.entertainA teacher should entertain as well as teach. 教师不仅要教书,也要能引起学生兴趣。 amuseHis story amuses me. 他的故事使我发笑。 We were all amused at his foolish behaviour.我们对他那愚蠢的行为都感到好笑。She amused herself by reading detective stories. 她读侦探小说消遣。The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek games.孩子们玩捉迷藏游戏取乐。amusing, interesting这两个词不是同义词,但都含有“引起兴趣的”这一含义。其差别在于:amusing指在娱乐、嬉戏时有趣的东西给人的感觉,或者在非集中思想于工作、学习时某有趣的东西给人们的感觉;interesting指在任何时候某有趣的事物引起了人的注意。I had an amusing experience last year.去年我有过一次好笑的经历。He is an amusing story teller.他讲的故事很使人发笑。The play was very interesting. I didn't enjoy it.那出戏很有趣。我没能欣赏。He got a very interesting job.他找了一个自己很感兴趣的工作。2.tenderEasily crushed or bruised; fragile: 纤弱的容易破碎或受伤的;纤弱的:1 / 4a tender petal. 纤弱的花瓣tender beef.嫩牛肉Young and vulnerable:幼弱的年轻且易受害的:of tender age. 年幼tender green shoots.柔弱的嫩芽tender skin.过敏的皮肤Considerate and protective; solicitous: 慈爱的考虑周到且给予保护的;慈爱的:a tender mother; his tender concern.慈爱的母亲;他亲切的关怀Characterized by or expressing gentle emotions; loving: 温柔的以温柔的感情为特征的或表露温情的;表示爱的:a tender glance温柔的一瞥a tender heart.心肠软3.remarkHe remarked that it was getting late. 他说天色渐晚了。Such unkind remark was not called for.这种不客气的话真不该讲。remark, state, say这三个词都有“说”的意思。其实,remark, state, describe, narrate的词义更近,而say, speak, talk, tell的词义更近。这里主要分析remark和state的含义。remark 所表示的“说话”含有评论性的意思。例如,在学生的演讲比赛结束时,班长请在场的师长讲讲话,这种讲话是remark而不是任何其他的词But this does not matter, for, as he often remarked, one is never too old to learn.但是这不要紧,因为,正如他一向所说的那样,一个人要活到老学到老。It is rude to remark upon the appearance of other people.对别人评头论足是粗鲁的。but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.但是它(公牛)突然看到了那个醉汉,他正大声地说些粗鲁的评论话,而且挥舞着一顶红色的帽子。state 的含义是把某件事情详细地陈述出来,这样的陈述不仅阐明事情的性质,而且还包含着阐述这种事情是有一定的目的The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.公共汽车司机们声明,罢工将继续下去,直到达成关于工资和工作条件的总的协议为止。He stated his views on the question at the meeting.他在会上阐明了自己对这个问题的看法。They have made a solemn statement that their internal affairs are not to be interfered in.他们已经发表了庄严的声明,他们的国内事物是不容干涉的。Step 3Homework:1. Review the text after class.2. Remember main language points in the text.Explaining and practicing 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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