高中英语:Module 1 Deep South Period II 教案设计

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BooK 8 Module 1Deep South Period II 教案设计Language points in Introduction & Reading and vocabulary (1)Language Points in Introduction1. polar adj. (1)(南、北)极的,地极的,近地极的 e.g. the polar regions(2)磁极的 e.g. polar attraction 极向引力2. pole n. 地极 e.g. the North/South Pole3. quiz c 竞赛,比赛(尤指电视或电台中人们竞相回答问题以测验其知识者) e.g. take part in a quiz, a sports/music/general knowledge quiz vt. 问某人问题 e.g. quiz sb about sb/sth4. explore vt(i) (1)探险(测),考察 e.g. explore the Arctic regions, explore the new continent vt. (为测试或了解)仔细检查,探索(究) e.g. explore the solution to the problem n. exploration n. explorerLanguage Points in Reading and Vocabulary1. range: (1) (山、丘等)连贯而成的脉,排, 列, 行 e.g. a mountain-range (2)成套或成系列的东西、种类 e.g. a range of tools/foods, have a wide / narrow range of interests, hobbies (3)限度,范围 e.g. This subject is outside my range.2. imagine vt. 想像,设想 imagine (1)that: Imagine that you are a university student.(2)sb/sbs doing sth: imagine me/my doing it(3)sb/sth+(to be)+adj.: imagine her to be beautiful(4)sb/sth + as + n.: imagine him as a tall man(5)doing sth1 / 43. adapt vt. (1)adapt sth for sth 使某事物适合新的用途、情况等/修改某事物 This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater. 这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好。(2)adapt sth for sth (from sth) (为电视、舞台等)改编或改写This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。 (3)adapt oneself to sth使自己适应 adapt himself to the new environment/climate n. adaptation adj. adaptable4. survive vi. 生存,幸存 vt. (1)经历(某事物)幸存 survive an earthquake (经历地震而死里逃生)(2)比活得长She survived her husband for ten years. n. survival n. survivor5. stand out (from/against sth) 突出/显眼 e.g. Red stands out against a white background. 白底衬着红色特别醒目。6. identify vt. (1)认出/识别/鉴定 Identify ones baggage among hundreds of others. 在几百件行李中认出自己的行李。(2)identify oneself with sb/sth 支持某人(物),与某人/物有关联He refused to identify himself with her.n. identification 7. balance c 天平, 秤 u 平衡,平稳 out of balance keep/lose ones balance balance vt. 使某物保持平衡 a clown balancing a stick on the end of his nose在鼻子尖上立着棍子使之保持平衡的丑角vt(i). (使)平衡,(使)相抵 My accounts balance. 我的账收支相抵8. set foot on/in sth 进入,到达,参观(某地) e.g. The first man to set foot on the moon. Dont ever set foot in the house again! set sb/sth. on sbs/its feet 使某人/某事物独立9. rivalry c.u 竞争(赛),对抗,较量 the usual rivalry between them 他们之间的勾心斗角 rival n. 竞争者/对手 business rival rival v. 与竞争/与相匹敌The natural silk rivals the best in the world.这种天然丝可与世界上最好的媲美。None of us can rival him in strength. 我们没人力气比他大。10. promote vt. (1)促进,发扬,提倡,引起promote growth (prosperity, understanding) 促进生长(繁荣,谅解) promote what is right 提倡(发扬)正确的东西promote disorder 引起混乱11. argue vt. 争论,辩论Im too tried to argue the point. 我太累了不想争论这一点。(1)说服 sb into(out of) doing sth 说服某人做(不做)某事vi. 争论/辩论 argue with sb about/over sth arguement c (1)争论/辩论 be engaged in an arguement 参加一场辩论 (2)论据/点, 理由 put forward an arguement 12. represent vt. (1)代表,象征,标志The rose represents England. 玫瑰花是英格兰的象征。(2)反映,体现 The film represents a good subject.representative n.(1)代表 (2)典型,有代表的人/物 adj. 典型的,具有代表性的13. aim:(c) 目的,意图 (u) 瞄/对准aim vt(i). aim(sth) at sth/sb 瞄准,对准He aimed(his gun)at the target. 他用枪瞄准目标开火。vi. at/for sth (向某方向)努力,力争Shes aiming at a scholarship. 她争取获得奖学金。aim at doing sth意欲,企图,力求做某事to do sthWe must aim at increasing/to increase exports. 我们要力求增加出口货物。随堂检测 1. I can hardly imagine Peter across the continent in five days. A. sail B. sailing C. to sail D. to have sailed2. She isnt a for the work.3. The expenses b the receipts.4. He was p to be captain.5. He s (陈述)his views at the meeting.6. 你必须权衡住在市中心的利弊。(balance)7. 尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。(risk) 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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