江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour Task学案无答案新版牛津版

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九年级上册Unit 2 Task学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一、教学目标1. 利用表格的形式,组织写作思路2. 利用颜色和情绪之间的关系,完成一份报告2. 将所学的颜色与性格,情绪之间的关系,运用于生活,学会理性分析自己以及他人教学重点、难点: 1. 掌握与颜色和情绪相关的写作的关键词及有用短语2. 利用颜色和情绪之间的关系,完成一份报告二、词汇、短语 1.信任trust (n.) (v) trust believe (v) 相信2.相配match (n. ) a good match (n. 比赛; 火柴) match (v) Sth1 matches Sth2 = Sth1 goes well with Sth23.温暖,暖和warmth (n.) (adj.) warm温暖的,暖和的(反义词) cool4.使平衡balance (v) (n.) balance 平衡 keep a balance 保持平衡5.使她自己看起来更有力量 make herself look more powerful 7感觉有一点点焦虑不安 feel a little bit stressed8.人们情绪与他们所选择穿的颜色之间的关系the relationship between peoples moods and the colours they choose to wear三、句型、要点1. That is why she is wearing red.2. I think the woman must feel a little bit stressed. a little bit + adj.a little + adj. = a bit + adj. a little + 不可数名词 = a bit of +不可数名词3. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful red balances the calm white.九年级上册Unit 2 Task 学案主备:张云 审核: 日期:2018-8-1学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】1想一想:(根据所学内容写出下列含义所指的颜色。) energy and nature _ power and strength _ sadness or calm _ success and joy _ calm and peace _ wisdom and warmth _ power and protection _2试一试:(认真阅读书上内容,找出下列词组或句子,并在书上划出来。) 一双白鞋子 _ 有点儿紧张_ a good match _ balance the calm white _make herself look more powerful _ It is a good fruit juice advertisement _3.请准备一张自己好朋友的生活照片,试着说说照片上人物的着装,并能在课上和同学、老师交流。【课堂学习】Step1 Pre-writing Task 1: What does represent?BlackbluegreenorangeredwhiteyellowTask 2: Discuss in pairs.Whats the colour of the womans ? _What does represent? _Why does she wear ? _Step2 While-writing Task 1: Help Millie complete part of her report using the table on Page 32. Colors and what they represent Millie The woman in this picture is wearing a _ dress and a pair of _ shoes. She is carrying a white handbag too. This is interesting because red and white are very different colors.Red represents _ and _. Maybe she feels weak, and that is why she is wearing redshe just wants to make herself look more powerful.White represents _ and _. She may hope that the colour white could help her calm down.I think the woman must feel a little bit stressed, and she hopes these colours will change that. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful _ balances the calm _. Task 2: Analyze the structure of the article. Three parts: Part1(Para1) Introduction (What he/she is wearing) Part2 (Para2&3)Main body (What each colour represents, moods & reasons) Part3 (Para4) Conclusion (Your opinion) Task 3: Make some notes about the two advertisements.Step3: Say something about them. The woman beside the sea is wearing The color represents can give her energy. can make her feel I (dont) think it is a good , because The man is wearingThe color represents can make him feel I (dont) think it is a good , because Step4: While-whiting Choose one ad and write a report.Task 1: Help Millie complete part of her report using the table on Page 32.Task 2: Analyze the structure of the article. Para1: Introduction _Three parts Para2-3:Main body _ Para4:Conclusion _Task 3 Make some notes about the two advertisements.Task 4 Say something about them.Task 5 Choose one ad and write a report.Step5 Evaluation time (评价时间)Self-editing:(自我修改) Check your reports by yourselves , find out the mistakes and try to correctStep6知识点讲解:1.protection n.保护, protect v.保护。Eg She put on dark glasses as a _ against the strong light.She put on dark glasses to _the eyes against the strong light.她戴上墨镜以防强光照射。2.The woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed.这位女士正感到虚弱,并有点紧张不安。a bit + adj. = a little +adj. She is_ hungry. a bit of + n.(U)= a little + (U) I have _ money.a little bit + adj. 稍许有点 He is _ tired.3.The powerful red balances the calm white. 强烈的红色平衡宁静的白色。balance (v.) 平衡achieve a balance (n.) betweenand 取得和之间的平衡 【课后拓展】一、词汇 (每空一词) 1. The sports shoes are comfortable and they _(相配) your T-shirt well .2. The girl _(喜欢) red to blue in the past.3. On Mothers Day I will buy a _ (手提包) for my mother as a present .4.We shoud try our best to _(使平衡) our hobbies and studies.5. If you are honest , people may _ (信任) you ,or no one (相信)what you say and do.6.If you are in need of physical_ (力量),you should wear red.7.Would you rather _ (wear) green than red8.Many people were moved by the _ (warm) of welcome from people in Hongzhou.9. Xi Jianping made a _ (power) speech to the whole world in September 7th,201510. When he is in Grade 9 ,he sometimes feels (stress) and worries too much.二、单项选择:( )1.- How many students can you see in the reading room ? - _.A. No one B. None C. NobodyD. Nothing( )2. The boy _ short hair looks lovely in black . A. has B. have C. with D. is( )3. You should wear white if you are _. A. tired B. strength C. stressed D. strong( )4. Have you finished your project? Not yet. Ill finish it if I ten more minutes. A. give B. am given C. will give D. will be given( )5. The students were all tired, but _ of them stopped _ a rest. A. no one; to have B. all; having C. none; to have D. nobody; having( )6. Although Math is very difficult, you cant_.A. give in it B. give it in C. give up it D. give it up( )7.Lilys favourite colour _ blue,because she likes to be the leader,so it_ redA. should be , must be B. couldnt be , mustnt be C. cant be , must be D. must be , cant be( )8.I dont know when Kitty_ tomorrow,and please give this message to her when she_ A. comes,will come Bcomes,comes C. will come,will come D. will come,comes( )9. My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer.Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband with my daughter and me _ my car in the garden.A. were washing B. has washed C. was washing D. washed( )10.-Its too hot. Would you mind _ the door?-_. Please do it now. A. to open; OK B. opening; Certainly not C. opening; Of course D. to open; Good idea三、首字母填词。Long, long ago, seven colors argued about who was the most important colour. Red said, “I am the ruler of all of you. I r_1_ bloodlifes blood. Without me, the world would be empty.” Orange said, “I am the colour of health and power. I am so beautiful that no one can think any of you.” Yellow said, “I bring laughter and w 2 into the world. Without me, there would be no fun.” Green said, “I am the most important. I am the sign of newl 3 and hope. Without me, all animals will die.” Blue said, “You only think about the earth, but f 4 the sky and the sea. Water is the basis of life. Without me, you all would be n 5 ” Purple said, “I am the colour of king, power and w_6_. People usually listen to me.” Indigo finally said, “Dont forget me! I am the colour of silence. You need me for balance” Suddenly it started to r 7 . The colours were a 8 and come close to one another. The rain saw this and said, “You, foolish colours, dont quarrel any more. Join hands with one another and come to me.” Doing as they were told, the colours united and joined hands. A beautiful rainbow a_9_ in the sky. The rain said, “ The rainbow is a s 10 of hope for tomorrow. Let us remember today and appreciate (欣赏) one another. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _ 6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _四、书面表达。根据下面提示写一篇短文, 90120词, 短文必须包括以下要点,并做适当发挥:1.我喜欢红色和橙色,与橙色相比我更喜欢红色。2.平时我经常穿红色的运动服,穿红色使我看起来很精神,红色代表力量和强烈的情感。当我很难做出决定时它会给我许多帮助。它是我的幸运之色。3.我是个很开朗的人。 我喜欢运动,我每天运动两小时。我在任何时候都保持充沛的精力。4.我认为红色很符合我的性格。_ _ _ _ _ 6EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F375


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