PEP小学英语六年级Unit3 What Are You Going to Do三课时教学设计含反思DOC免费下载[18页]

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PEP小学英语六年级Unit3 What Are You Going to Do三课时教学设计含反思DOC免费下载[18页]_第3页
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http:/人教版PEP课标小学英语六年级六年级上册Unit3 What Are You Going to Do Unit3 What Are You Going to Do第一课时教学设计 一、学生分析:1、小学生随着年级的增长举手回答问题的人越来越少,特别是六年级学生不敢举手或者不愿意举手回答问题。原因是小学生在英语课堂上自信心不足,从而导致不举手回答问题。2、过三年多的学习已经拥有较强的自学能力,打下了较好的英语语言基础,具备小组合作学习和探究学习的能力。可以开始培养他们的自主学习。二、内容分析:本课时内容是将来时态”be going to”重点是询问并回答未来几天或周末的活动安排,主要句型是:”What are you going to do? Im going to ” 要求学生能在实际语言环境中熟练运用。2重点与难点听、说、认读 Lets read 部分的对话。三、教学目标:1、能够听、说、认读 Lets read 部分的对话;2、能够根据对话内容回答文后的问题;3、能够就自己20年后的理想状况进行讨论。四、教学准备用具小黑板、录音机、磁带、人物图片、职业卡片教学实录Step 1:温故知新,创设愉快学习氛围。,根据教材及小学生的年龄特点,我在进入新课前先让学生唱自编歌谣。如:(Chant)GS: What are going to do? (twice each time)Play football, Play footballBS: Im going to ply football.(如此不断替换新词)这样不但可复习大量旧词组:take pictures, play chess, play games, plant tree, watch TV, go chopping, go hiking and so on 且可较好操练新句型。”What are you going to do? Im going toStep 2:站起来,你说我说大家说,提高自信心 自由问答(教师不点名,让学生勇敢站起来one by one 问答)Step 3:Game:Guessing:”What is she /he going to do? She /He is going to ” 增强学习的趣味性,导入新课。出示人名图片。(在背面写将要干的事情)(John, Amy.WuYifan,Zhang Peng Sarah)E.g. 一What is Amy going to do this weekend? Guess!一 She is going toT: What is Sarah going to do this afternoon? Lets have a look.(卡片后没写任何东西)Oh, Theres nothing. Today Lets learn.Unis 3 B Lets read” and find out.Step 4:学习新课,讲究方法1、Read and circle your new words.(学生共同找出新单词,并板书)NW:need , else , useplant trees some plants - 对比学习plant shop /2、Listen the tape and try to learn by yourself.a.First time: Just listen.b.Second time: listen and follow.c. Third time:listen and follow loudly.3、Learn the new words and sentences.(ss try .T help and explain)4、Readinga. Follow the teacher.b. Read togetherc.Read in group. (Use the way they like)(小组内可选择自己喜欢的方式读,教师指导阅读方式,强调语音、语调、语速)d.小组读书比赛,突破“读”5、WritingFinish the exercises(课后练习和教师增加的课外题)More exercises: 5)What are you going to do this weekend?6)What is your father going to do this afternoon?7)What are you going to be in the future?Step 5: 课外拓展,施展才华,真我风彩/你演我演大家乐!(改编或照演Lets read 的对话)Eg:(学生编的内容)A:Hello,Peter,What are you going to do this weekend?B:Im going to the bookstore . I want to buy some comic books .What are you?A:Im going to the bookstore ,too. I want to buy some post cards.B:Lets go together.A:Great!B:When are we going?A:On Saturday morning.B:OK.A:See you then.Step 6 :小结本课内容教学反思本节课的内容我选自人教版PEP六年级上册Unit3 What are you going to do?的最后一课时;B Lets read,在备课的过程中,我对教材进行了一定的加工,根据学生的实际生活,延深、扩展了教材的内容。除了教授课文中的重点句型外,还扩充了句型的多人称变化及特殊疑问句what when where how在一般将来时的运用,同时让学生自主创设情境,操练所学过的语言文化知识。现将我对这节课的整体思路阐述如下:一、 导入、呈现新内容较自然在本节课中,我从轻松愉快的chant引入通过chant 引出主要句型同时复习大量的动词短语为本课所学的内容及拓展做好准备.让学生站起来,你说我说大家说,提高自信心 自由问答,有效激发学生的学习兴趣和信心!通过游戏Guessing增强学习的趣味性,自然导入新课。二、 自主学习,发挥学生的表演才能,在真实的情景中灵活的运用英语。英语作为一门语言,应体现它的交际功能,我一贯认为学生会应用英语是关键。给学生自由发挥的空间,通过小组合作学习新的语言,互相帮助努力完成共同的任务。通过小组之间的竞争有效激发他们的学习热情。让他们充分的发挥想象,运用所学的内容自编自演谈话场景。这样学生可以活学活用英语,同时也培养了学生的表演才能。有的学生极有想象力和创造力,能够有一些新点子自创情境,而且往往不局限于本节的内容。学生的表演的成功与否是我教学的落实与否的一大衡量标准。第二课时一、教学内容:PartB Lets talk Pair work 二、教学目标:1、通过单句练习,替换练习,实际表演,角色互换等方法熟练运用be going to 句型,掌握what、 where 、when 引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应回答。2、能够掌握四会句子:Where are you going this afternoon?Im going to the bookstore.What are you going to buy ?Im going to buy a comic book.3、能够听懂Lets try部分的对话并完成听音选图的练习。4、利用调查活动,使学生能够使用各种疑问句采访他人的活动安排并做记录。5、有效培养学生合理安排自己的学习与生活的能力,乐于小组合作与交流的情感,加强他们自主学习的能力。三、教学重、难点重点是三个特殊疑问句what where when 的问与答以及各种信息的替换与交流。难点是让学生能运用what where when疑问句进行真实的交际以及两组四会句型的正确书写。四、教学步骤Step1热身/复习 (Warm-up/Review)1、全班一起吟唱Lets chant 的歌谣。Im going to buy a book .Im going to take a book .Im going to make a cake .Im going to walk near a lake.学生看课件边拍手边吟唱。2、Speel the words.采取小组间竞赛的方式,让学生快速拼写一些短语与单词,如:next week ,this moring/afternoon/evening,comic book , post card,newspaper3、Brain storm:classify words by shopsMagazine postcard newspaper Ss:bookstoreSneakers sandals slippers Ss:shoestoreApples grapes banana Ss:fruit shop4、口语练习:T:What can you buy in the ?在学生回答各商店所出售的物品时,教师根据其回答贴出物品的小卡片,如:dictionary,comic book ,magazine, story book ,newspaperS:I can buyStep2呈现/操练1、Lets try(1)先泛听一遍,教师指着课件中的书店及各店里所出售的物品说:Look!There are so many goods in the store.Lets listen to the tape and find out听第2遍Where is Sarah going ?What is she going to buy?Who is she going with?让学生继续在表格中完成。(2)放3遍Lets try中的内容,完成表格,让学生选择Lets try中的答案。学生认真听录音,集中注意力并在发来的表格上完成Sarah的活动安排。2、Lets talk(1)教师紧接上面的内容说:Sarah is going to the bookstore.Shes going to buy a dictionary.Where is Chen Jie going?Lets listen to the tape.听录音,回答三个问题:Where is Chen Jie going this afternoon ?What is Chen Jie going to buy ?When is she going ?让学生继续在上面的表格中完成。第三课时Teaching aims: Part A Lets try, Lets talk& Group workII. Teaching points:Four skills: What are you going to do on the weekend?Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend.Three skills: Is it far?So Im going by train.III. Teaching aids:Pictures word cards CAI. Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warm-up & Revisiona. lets chantIm going to buy a book.Im going to take a look.Im going to bake a cake.Im going to walk near a lake.We are going to take a trip.We are going to take a sip.Im going outside to play.Im going to have a good day.b. Free talkT: What day is it today?Ss: Its Tuesday.T: What are you going to do this afternoon?S: Im going to read a magazine.T: Practice one by one, please.(T-S1-S2-S3)c. ReviewWhen: this morning/afternoon/evening/tomorrow / tonight / next weekActivities: take a trip / read a magazine / go to the cinema/librarydo homework / watch TV / go hiking / go shopping / play sports / visit grandparents设计理念:烘托学习英语的氛围,引导学生复习第一课时中学习的be going to句型和一些动作,时间短语,让学生学会灵活运用,巩固所学知识,为本课时的学习做铺垫。开火车式的问答既可以让每个学生都有开口说英语的机会,也方便让教师对学生的知识掌握情况做一个检测。Step 2: Presentationa. Lead inT: Do you want to make more friends?Ss: Yes, we do.T: I have three friends. Listen, they are coming. (门铃声)Oh! They are Mike, Sarah and John. They visit Miss White. And they will stay here on the weekend.T: What are you going to do on the weekend, Sarah and Mike? Listen, please.( Let Ss listen to the song “ What are you going to do?” )Now, you are Sarah. What are you going to do on the weekend?S1: Im going to the zoo.T: Then you are Mike. What are you going to do on the weekend?S2: Im going to the park.T: Great! Lets sing the song together, OK?设计理念:利用多媒体教学手段和学生喜欢交友的心理,以Sarah, Mike和John三位朋友从外地来这里过周末做引入。既是激发兴趣,也是一根主线,把本课的教学内容串起来。同时为后面的Lets talk学习埋下伏笔。b. Learn the dialogueT: What is John going to do on the weekend?Lets listen, then answer the questions. (P26)S: John is going to visit grandparents.T: Look at the map. Where do his grandparents live?S: They live in Wenzhou.T: Is it far?S: Yes.T: How does John go there, by plane or by train?S: He is going by train.设计理念:通过询问John这个周末准备做什么,让学生又自然进入Lets talk这个环节的学习。在学习对话内容时,由实际活动操练转向书本的学习,既不脱离教材,也不拘泥于教材,而且符合学生的认知规律,提高学生的认读能力。c. Listen to the tape, and then repeat.d. Act the dialogue in group.Step 3: Drillsa. Make the sentencesT: Now, look at these four-skill sentences carefully.Please close your book. Lets arrange the cards to make the right sentences.what going on weekend are the you do to ?_this going Im to visit grandparents my weekend ._b. Pair workT: Look at the pictures. Lets make conversations in group.S1: What are you going to do _?S2: Im going to _.S1: Is it far?S2: Yes / No, so Im going _. What are you going to do _?S1: Im going to _.设计理念:这一环节的设计体现了学以致用的教学观,学习语言的目的是为了使用,因此,在学生基本理解与掌握了新单词和新句型之后,让学生对对话进行拓展表演,不但巩固了本节课的内容,同时也给予学生自由创造的空间。c. Lets tryT: John is our friend. Chen Jie is Johns friend in Shanghai. What is she going to do? Lets listen to the tape and answer the questions:Where is Chen Jie going? How is she going there?Who is she going with. What is she going to buy?Then read the passage and tick or cross.设计理念:依据朋友这条主线,John介绍朋友Chen Jie的假期来引出Lets try这个环节。先让学生听一遍回答,再让学生根据文章理解意思做判断题。在核对答案时没有简单的对一对答案,而是进一步追根搠源地向学生询问理由。目的是让学生在各种形式下反复练习操练,不断巩固本课时内容。Step4: Consolidationa. TaskT: Now Sarah and Mike come here now. They are going to visit our city this weekend. Can you help them? Please make a plan, write it on the paper. Finally lets see whose plan is wonderful.18http:/


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