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人教版 必修1Unit 118基础单词1. upset vt.&vi使不安:使心烦 adj.心烦意乱的;(身体上)不适的,不舒服的2. series n.连续,系列a series of + V(谓 sing.); two series of + V(谓 pl.)3. pack vt.&vi捆扎:包装:打行李1 )pack.in/into 把挤在里面 eg. Pack your things into this suitcase.2)packsb.off匆匆打发,送走某人eg. The boy was packed off to school after a hurried breakfast.3)pack up 收拾彳亍李, 打包 eg. Pack up your things and be gone from my company.n.小包,包裹 a pack of 一包,一群4. overcoat n.大衣 a heavy overcoat5. teenager n.十几岁的青少年teens6. tip n,提示:技巧:(物体的)尖;小费vt. 1)给小费 tip the water 2$2)使倾斜,翻到 tip the bottle over7. item n.项目,条款单词拓展1. add vt.增加,添力口:补充说一addition n.附力口,附力n物additional adj.附力口的2. ignore vt无知,忽视ignorance n.无知,不学无术ignorant a.不学无术的,无知的3. calm adj.平静的,镇静的;(水面)平静的vt.(使)平静,(使)镇静-calmly. Adv4. concern vt.涉及,关系到:关心n.关心,关注-concerned adj.有关的,忧虑的,担心的5. loose adj.松的,松开的loosen v.放松,松开,放开6. outdoors adv,在户外,在野外一(反义词)indoor7. entirely adv,完全地,整个地entirely adv.(湖北)She devoted herself to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.A. strongly B. extremely C. entirely D. freely(C)8. power n.力量:权力;电力9. suffer vl.& vi.遭受,忍受suffering n.痛苦,苦恼-sufferer n.受难者10. settle vt.&vi.使定居,安排,解决settler n.殖民者-*seHlemem n.解决,协议:住宅区:结算,清算; 定居IL recovervt.&vi.痊愈,恢复一recoveryn.恢复12. exactly adv,确实如此,确切地exact adj,精确的,确切的:(人)严格的13. disagree vi.不同意disagreement n.一agree vi.同意一agreement n.同意1)不一致,不同意 I disagree with you about/on this.2)(气候,食物)不合适 The climate disagree with me.l)(to)表示同意agree p持相同意见受的折磨:受的苦:患某种疾病。eg. Be careful, or our company will suffer.suffering nU疼痛,折磨pL痛苦,苦恼6. set down写下,记下把归因于(to)The failure was set down to bad planning.与set相关短语:set about 着手q二 I set about research the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.set out动身,启程出发;开始开始做(todo)set aside存蓄 She tries to set aside some money every month.留出set in 设置(戏剧,小说,电影等的)背景 The film was set in the USA in mid-19th century.set up建立,创立set forth 陈述,提出 The reasons for my decision are set forth in my report出发,动身set off出发,动身(for sp./after sb.)引起,引爆 set off firecrackers/fireworks【高考链接】(1) (2013湖北高考)In much of the animal world, night is the time set for sleeppure and simple. 答案:这里pure and simple表示“完全,不折不扣”,指某事唯一的原因。此处用set aside表示“留出,拨出 (时间等)”,表示这段时间就是用来睡觉的。句意:在大多数动物世界里,夜晚就是完全用来睡觉的时间。(2) (2013安徽高考)Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they on their life journey. (D)A.give up B.settle down C.get through D.set off(3)(2012-浙江高考)Armed with the information you have gathered, you can set preparing your business plan.答案:句意:用你所搜集到的信息武装自己,你可以着手准备你的生意计划了。set out开始,后接动词不定 式:set about开始,后接动名词;set off出发,引爆:set up建立。(4 )(2012.福建高考)You had better set up some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.(5 ) (2012大纲全国高考II ) We set to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day. 答案:句意:那天我们打算粉刷整栋房子,但是只完成了前面的部分。set out tod。sth.计划做某事。(6) Einstein liked Bose s paper so much tliat he set his own work and translated it into German. 答 案:句意:爱因斯坦如此喜欢鲍斯的论文,以至于他把自己的工作放在一边,把它翻译成德语。(7 ) For all these years I have been working for others. Im hopmg ril make up my own business someday.7. go through (大纲要求:通过:浏览,翻阅;经受。)1) .通过;穿过;透过:The rain has gone through my overcoat,雨水淋透了我的外衣。We went through the woods in the car.2) .审查,检查:讨论:We shall go through these papers togethe匚我们将在一起审阅这些论文。3) .翻找;搜寻:查看:Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater.妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣。4) .从头到尾看(或做、说、排练)一遍:John went through the magazine quickly,约翰快速地把杂志从头到尾看了一遍。5) .经历(痛苦、困难等):遭受;忍受:His relationship with Mary went through four stages.他与玛丽的关系经历了四个阶段。7) .用完,用尽,花完:rve gone through too much money this month.这个月我已花了许多钱8) .履行;实行:参加:完成(finish):You have to go through certain formalities before you can emigrate.在你移居国外前必须履行某些手续。9) .通过(考试等):修完(课程):He has gone through the examination,他已通过考试.10) .穿破;磨穿,用破(worn-out):A child can go through three pairs of shoes in a month.孩子可在一个月内磨破三双鞋。与g。相关短语:go about 从事;着手做 How shall we go about the job? 着手:开始 to go about cultivating the wasteland 开始垦荒处理,修理 How do you go about (着手修理)repairing this telex machine(电传机)?忙于I must go about my business我必须忙我自己的事go along进行:继续赞成:同意(with) to go along with a suggestion/go along with sbgo after 追赶: 追求 He went after the burglars ./We both go after the same job.go against 反对,违背 Dont go against your parentswishes.对不利 The war is go against us.go around/round 流传 Theres a rumour going around that Sue and David are having an affair.四处走动,到处活动She goes around barefood.go away 离开 We7c going away far a few days.go back 回去 The children have to go back to school next week.回溯 The customs goes back 500 years.回忆起 He went back to his Yaifan days.go by 经过 You cant let an opportunity like that go by.过去 Three weeks went by with no news go down.go down 下降,下落 The price of petrol is going down.go for为去去请 Shall I go for a doctor?努力获取go in for从事酷爱,喜爱 She goes in for a lot of sport.参加 She s going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.go into进入,加入调查,探究 We need to go into the question of costs.go off 离去,走掉 Dont go off without saying goodbye.去世消失 The pain will go off.go on 发生,进行 What s going on here?继续下去。继续某种行为 The present state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on.(时间等)过去 Things will improve as time goes on.go out0 (潮)退,(灯)熄,终止 The year went out with blizzards and gales.过时外出(尤指参加社会活动)送出,公布,播出 Have the invitation gone out yet?The first episode goes out next Friday evening at 8 p.m.go over 检查,复习 Go over your work carefully before you hand it in.go up 上升,增长 It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global warming.go with陪一起去伴随与相配 I need some new shoes to go with these trousres.go wrong出毛病发生故障 Something has gone wrong with the computer.go ahead(是口语中一个十分 有用的表达。归纳起 来,它在中学英语中 有以下3种用法。)意义例子一、表示同意或允许(表示同意 对方的请求,根据情况可译为: 说吧,做吧,开始吧,进行吧。)A: May I start?B: Yes, go ahead.好,开始吧A: Will you do me a favour?B: Go ahead.说吧。A: Do you mind if I smoke?B: No, go ahead.不介意,你抽吧。A: Can I borrow your dictionary?B: Yes, go ahead.可以,拿去吧。二、表示继续或持续(表示请对方继续说、继续做 等,通常可译为:继续吧。)Go ahead, wef re all listening.继续讲吧, 我们都在听着呢!Go ahead, what are you waiting for?往前 走呀,你在等什么?A : Don t intemipt me while I, m explaining the problems to you.B: All right, go ahead.好,说下去吧,三、表示请对方先走或先做某事 (其意为:你先走一步,你先请。)You go ahead and tell him that we re coming.你先走一步,告诉他我们就来。You go ahead. I * 11 join you soon.你们先开 始,我一会儿就来(和你们一块儿干)。Go ahead, please.你先请(劝别人先吃或 先走等的客套说法)【高考链接】(1) (2011-四川高考)To get a better grade, you should take over the notes again before the test.(2) Do you think that housing price will keep go in the years to come?Sorry, I have no idea.(3) Ive studied growing plants as one of my interests. Could I make some suggestions?-Take right ahead .(4) Didnt you have a good time at the party?Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to go so quickly. 答案:此处表示“时间过去”,所以用g。by。lO.get along/on with sb与某人相处 get along/on (well/nicely/badly) with sb某事进展(如何)get along/on (well/nicely/smoothly/badly) with sth【常考用法】get along well with my new partners与我的新搭档相处得好get along badly with his classmates跟他的同学相处得不好get along/on (well/nicely/smoothly) with my new job 我的新工作进展(很好/很顺利) 【短语链接】get about/around四处走动;传播:流传 get.across讲清楚:(使)被领会get away from逃离get down to认真做,开始着手做get through (电话)接通:用完,通过get over解决:克服:控制,恢复过来get rid of消灭,摆脱,除掉get in收获;收割get up起床:站起身【高考链接】(1)(2012 安徽高考)The athletes years of hard trainmg when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.A.went on B.got through C.paid off D.endcd up答案:c 句意:这位运动员多年的艰苦训练最终在她赢得了奥运金牌时得到了回报。go on继续:get through通过,完成;pay off回报:end up结束。由句意可知,C项正确。(2) (2011-3折江高考)The school isnt the one I【eally wanted to go to, but I suppose Ill just hate to it.A.make the best ofB.get away from C.keep an eye on D.catch up with(3 ) (2010四川高考)Jenny was looking for a seat when luckily, a man take up and left.答案:句意:珍妮正在找座位,这时,很幸运的是,有一个人站起来走了。takeup占据,开始从事:(4) (2010 福建高考)Weve just moAed into a bigger house and theres a lot to do. Lets get it.(5) (2009.四川高考)一Have you get业?No. I had the wrong number.答案:get through通过,接通电话,符合题意。get along进展;get on上车;get to到达,get in进入(7 ) I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we getfine.(8) Its gomg to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me get back the clothes on the line?答案:表达“收衣服要用get in clothes。(9) Hardly could he get this amount of work in such a short time.答案:句意:在这么短的时间内他几乎不能做完这些工作。getthrough做完,通过,符合句意。get off 动身,起飞,下车:get into进入,染上(习惯),陷入;get down使沮丧,记下。(10) ) If we can get our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.答案:句意:如果我们能克服目前的困难,那么一切都会好起来的。come across偶遇:get over克服(困 难等):come over来访;get off下车。ILpowern. l)u力量,能力,体力,精力There are also elves, tall beautiful creatures who have magical powers and never die.2)影响力,势力,权力 The president has alot of power.3)强有力的人(国家)Theres a meeting of world powers in Rome next week4)动力,电力 atomic powervt.供给电力 All cars will be powered by electricity, solar energy or wind.短语:be in power执政come to/into power 当权,上台do everything in ones power to do sth 竭尽全力做eg. I did everything in my power to separate my friend from your sister.辨析:词语辨析例子strength常指固有的潜力。说人1 .Union is strength.时,指“力气”:说物 时,着重指“强度”。2.The boy lifted the stone with all his strength3.strength of mind will精神意志力4 (U)抗力,持久力the strength of a bridge桥的抗力强度5(U) a.势力,威力;资力 national strength 国力 military strength 军事力量b.兵力;人数,人手battle strength战斗力at full strength全体动员地,以全力in full great strength以全体巨大 力量6.长处;优点 His strength lies in his honestyenergy指人的精力,自然界的 能量.energy resourcesforce主要指自然界的力量, 暴力,势力,法律,道 德或感情的力量及军 事的力量。air forcepower主要指做一件事所依 靠的能力、功能,人或 机器等事物潜在的或 所能发挥出来的力量, 职权、权力或政权。1. .atomic power2. He has the power of holding his audience 他具有吸引住听众的 能力3. the power做的力量,能力 She is said to have the power to foretell the future据说她有预测未来的能力4. powers(身体上,精神上的自然)能力,体力,智力His powers were failing他的体力在衰退lose oner;s powers丧失体力;衰老a man of great mental powers 才智横溢的人5. (U)权力,势力,控制力;政权the party in power执政党come to into power 掌权;得势 rise to fall from power 取得失去权力 be in a person:s power 在某人之掌握中控制下have a person in ones power可随意操纵支使某人have power over控制【高考链接】You are always full of .Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day.答案:power 权力,势力:strength 力气,优势:force 力,武力;energy 精力。由 Taking plenty of exercise every day.可推断出应是be full of energy精力旺盛工12.loose adj. 1)松的,宽松的 He wore a long loose coat.2)不精确的,不严密的 His translation was loose.3)自由的,散漫的a loose talkadv,松散地:松弛地;不严谨地搭配:get/break loose 跑掉eg. The woman managed to break loose from her attacker and run for help.set loose释放,放出eg. After two weeks of negotiation, the terrorists decided to set the women and children loose.【常考用法】TV series电视连续剧a series of attacks 一系列的攻击a series of books 系列丛书13.series n.连续:系列a series of accidents 一连串的交通事故a series of safety problems 系列的安全问题 a series of exams 一连串的考试a series of meetings 系列的会议【提醒】,series 为单复数同形的名词,类似的还有:people,sheep.deerjneans,species,staff.policeo13.on puipose 故意【常考用法】break the glass on purpose 故意打破 了玻璃break the law on purpose 故意违法 do sth.on puipose 故意做某事【短语链接】for the purpose of 目的是by desigainteiition 故意地by chance/accident 碰巧,偶然【高考链接】(1) (2012福建高考)China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals for the of all its citizens.(2 ) (2011 江苏高考)Wed better discass everything before we work out the plan.A. in detail B. in general C. on purpose D. on time14 .no longer/not.any longer 不再【常考用法】、no longer young/not young any longer 不再年轻no longer go to school/not go to school any longer 不再去上学了no longer a distant dreani/not a distant dream any longer 已不再是遥远的梦cant wait any longer/caii wait no longer 不能再等 了cant stand this life any longer/can no longer stand tliis life 受 不了这种生活 了not work here any longer/no longer work here 不再在这儿工作 了【短语链接】、no more/not.any more 不再15 .get/be tired of 对厌烦【常考用法】get/be tired of the endless homework 厌烦 了 无休止的作业get/be tired of eating the same breakfast every morning 厌烦 了每天早晨吃同样的早饭get/be tired of going into that office ever)r day 厌倦了每天都要进那间办公室get/be tired of his speech 厌倦 了他的演讲短语链接】be/get tired from 因而疲惫 be/get tired out 筋疲力尽【高考链接】、(1) (2009浙江高考)(tire) and short of breath Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.答案:本句中的Tired and short of breath为形容词短语作状语,补充说明主语所处的状态,又如:Tired and hungry, I arrived at home last night.(bc+adj./iii5iI+/bi)(2) (2009*胡南高考)Every evening after dinner, if not (tire) from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.(4) After the long journey, the three of them went back home,(又累又饿).16 .pack vi. & vt.捆扎,包装,把打包n.小包;包裹:一群:大量【常考用法】pack my belongings up把我的东西包起来 pack the presents up把礼物包起来pack my bags收拾我的行囊pack a few things收拾一些东西a pack of reporters 一群记者a pack of wolves 一群狼【高考链接】(2010新课标全国高考)The workers the glasses and marked on each box This Side Up:A.carried B.delivered C.pressed D.packed答案:句意:工人们把玻璃杯装好,并给每个箱子标上“此面向上”的标记。carry扛,搬,背;deliver递送;press按,压;pack包装,把打包。故选D项。17 .fall in love with 爱上,与相爱【常考用法】fall in love with music 爱上音乐fall in love with each other 相爱fall in love with English 爱上英语【提醒】fall in love with sb.爱上某人,属于非延续性动词短语,可与完成时态连用:但不能与表示一段时间的状语连 用。此时fall相当于become,后接表语表示“变成(某种状态),类似的还有:fall ill生病:fall silent沉默: fall asleep入睡等。而be in love with sb.与某人相爱,表状态,即动作可延续,可以与表示一段时间的状语 连用。18 .disagree vi,不同意【常考用法】disagree with me与我观点不一样:不适合我disagree about/over this matter 关于这件事意见不一Thats where I disagree.那就是我不同意的地方。【短语链接】agree with赞同(某人或某人说的话);(水上、食物等)适宜/适合agree to赞同(计划、意见、方案等) agree on就达成一致agree that同意agree to do sth.同意做某事arrive at/come to/reach an agreement 达成协议make an agreement with 与订立协定in agreement with 与一致in disagreement with 与不一致【高考链接】(1) (2010辽宁高考)The new movie to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.A.promises B.agrees C.pretends D.declines答案:A本题考查动词词义辨析。句意:这部新影片有望成为(电影史上)最卖座的影片之一。promise 有望:有可能;答应,许诺:agree同意,赞成;pretend假装:加cline下降。由句意知选A。(2 ) (2010.陕西高考)You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must agree you, I suppose.(3) When did you last hear Jay?He phoned me this morning,and we agreed a time and place to meet.19 .grateful adj.感激的,表示谢意的【常考用法】be grateful to you for your timely help 感谢你及时的帮助be grateful to my teacher for his guidance 感激老师对我的指导【高考链接】(2012山 东高考)Be _you cant expect me to finish all this work in so little time.A.reasona


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