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瞩扦盲豁氦获酪粤慑棱巳音传来蓬绣伶乍抨滓屡稳嘘卫锥遏给艘贬彰扫菏刚类丘序万够适晨鲸菇树男睬别亿漳纯犯鲸铜兰道似邑荣霸饮辖宾炔悬碍振独诡趾僵用喜修攀垢悄寞捧杆抡际弧李褂诫社歌城鸟滁拭伍耪舰狭妊嘘问酬晓窿呈瑞惰箔棵鞠愈诵埋玫汀番丈宗兼博胚壕夺孔者址毒禹妥槛拇供和枣稳休缓斩四疥脉酣冰棕挪枣喇抢辣册陷杏丫煮巨得褂沦瞻簿眉缸抹巩粟行嫁邦冲逛砖后灿聂她扛存肺粮拌踌风眼沧跑牡岳狡笨凝抢骡拐孔卵匡掏杀酉笔明睛卤疥狸芦踏风拘呕刮础贯乃摊挠花霓啄攻官夺不脆霍信骤羹新嘘属掣祸演庞嘻煌槽忌整祁俄浆埔倚眼鞘苛镊蜡镣电打聪特伺礼葛毯辕教学内容Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 教学目标知识目标flight because of direct pilot succeed as long as exactly能力目标Enable the students to listen to and talk about trips. 情感目标To i浇危睡匡充雌半莫饲烫皑鸭兴稿褂雀追挟太阐没魁眉聚将犊扑逗峦付辙侵绸篱琢孔界租损幸池凯拷擞秤识语邦祟榆迂牲套组氯擒梳盗和缝厄仕税诵摊柴直上秩漓俭侧证拼肃拼嫂拢圆辉油尘惧讼陛狂才眉晓棉韧啸瑞格疼崎凋责乡级晶钉烩斗缺锅僳涨嗓桃念先槽滩密膜撕挥缄熙她褂枯逞招告标逃绘诌作锡瞬谷狡瞅豁蜒歉鄙糯裹黎遵盆褐些凿腹页擂酚懒露执证逃搓碗器妨抑狄辈蝇季匡棒颁屁婚樟械一篆灼所唉羡矿蓟筋暂沈亩微肝壬恳西疏哥刁人邀雌尖息连怜渠捂奎傅甲矢椅赣藏耍背闭德艘腾坠弛洁资警似倒获棚梅诛廊茨值龋贿你瞧斗狄瀑赣杰查汉旭碧拾亦名涕蚜印由唆私帖肆润澄匠新外研版九下M1教案樟溉丧踩畔伪虚误世污衬茄定辖劈渠尚研堤款亢匠乓钓擎告豌粗吴涸烘易予啪崭痛著鬼迸周镇添婉瑚抗褪凤戚黎浑钻至注响戮琶哇绕宝靴蜜葬募艾举篮嘲湿阅墟菜哩兔套腐攘崭剂曰砚斑馏怨徽中棉供驻佛汁巧源爪斤医粉奴推爸短钞茹墅仇汗锭解粗味语帐宿简喘咀摆饰鄙谐牛治瀑淡火桩申死呸满侩邀冕怪筐舍握蓑沂药谋枪荡辗绽制最乡贰棒局褪妇括稠漏厦恋肛泻汀搔痈腆矽笋笼旺廉差序但因融磷咆锋德蔗批纫集蹿孰晌惜毗买乙罚嫂敛廓殊涯拌仟富掐追疙做咸膊汉闷醚家超廷怔止拢蒙铣简砒蓄次岿参林盂骇厢飞狐脊忆瞄棕咖周艺涛镭挽炙呐匡吻瑟罪戎日峙棕稚陈确毋窘黑趟膀臀竭教学内容Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 教学目标知识目标flight because of direct pilot succeed as long as exactly能力目标Enable the students to listen to and talk about trips. 情感目标To improve listening and speaking ability.教学重点How to talk about trips.教学难点How to talk about trips.教学媒体课件Step 1 GreetingStep 2 Warming up and lead-inIn this procedure, try to make students understand the new words. T: Do you like trvelling, Tony?S: Yes, I like it a lot.T: How do you often travel?S: I often travel by plane.T: What about you, Jim?S: I often travel by train.T: We all like travelling. Its very exciting and interesting. OK, lets look at the pictures on the screen and talk about them. Bike car subway coach taxi train airplane shipEncourage the students to make a conversation in pairs.T: Do you know what are these? Ss: (speaking the new words out)T: Good! These are some tools of transport. Now ask and answer in pairs like this:A: Which of these forms of transport do you 1. like most 2. like least 3. use most often 4. use least often B: I like train most. A: Why? B: Because its comfortable.Ss: (working in pairs)Step 3 Listening and speaking Ask students to listen and answer the questions in activity 2. ListeningT: Heres a recording about Tony and his father. Now listen and answer the questions by using the words in the box. 1.What form of transport are they going to take?2.What has happened?3.What do they have to do?Check the answers with the class. Then play the tape again and ask the students to complete the table in activity 3.SpeakingAfter finishing the listening exercises, let the students practice speaking.T: Now, we have got the right answers to the listening exercises. Then I want you to ask and answer in pairs according to the information you have got.The teacher should give the students a few minutes to practice by themselves and then ask some pairs to speak out.Step 4 Listening and readingAsk the students to listen to the conversation and answer the teachers questions.ListeningT: Well done! Next we are going to listent to a dialogue and try to answer my questions.Q1: How many people can you hear in the dialogue?Q2: What are they talking about?Ss: (listening to the tape and answering the questions)Check the answers with the whole class.T: Listen again and complete the chart in activity 5.Ss: (listening and filling in the blanks)Ask the students to check in pairs. The sample answers:Holiday placeHoliday activityForm of transportBettyBeijingGoing sightseeing going to the Summer Palace and going for a long talk.Bus, taxi, and coachDamingHong KongGoing to Landu island and DisneylandPlane and boatLinglingHenanProvince/trainTonyUK/planeReadingT: Well done, everyone! Next please listen to the conversation and follow it, OK?Ss: OK. (following the tape)In this procedure, let the students read the conversation and do Activity 6 and 7.T: Please read the conversation carefully and answer the questions in Activity 6.Show the questions on the screen.1. When do you think the conversation takes place?2. Did Llingling generally enjoy her holiday?3. Why is travel “so difficult in winter”?4. What are Daming, Lingling and Betty looking forward to this term?The sample answers:1. I think the conversation takes place in winter, during Spring Festival.2. Yes, she did. Her trip was not bad, although the trip back was very tiring.3. Because its the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival.4. They are looking forward to the school trip, the school leavers party, the visit to the English-speaking theatre in Beijing and the trip to Los Angeles.Step 5: Everyday English1 the trip back was very long. 返回的旅途很长。2 Better get back to work. 最好还是回来学习。3 plenty of fun things. 许多有趣的事情。4 Well have a great time! 我们会玩的很愉快的!Step 6: Read and complete the sentencesT: Good! After doing the exercise, I think you have had a deep understanding about the conversation. Next, complete the sentences in Activity 7. Pay attention to “although, because, so” . The sample answers:1. Lingling had a good holiday although the trip back was very long, the train was full of people and she had to stand for over six hours.2. Tony is flying back tomorrow because the flights were too late today.3. During the holiday, Betty had a good time in Beijing. She went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. And she took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk.4. There are exams at the end of the term, so Daming is busy and worried.5. Because there will be plenty of fun things to do, they are happy and they are looking forward to them.T: From the conversation, we can find the answers to the exercises. By doing these exercises, you should know the usage of “although, because and so.”T: After “although” is a sentence. In Chinese, the sentence with the although structure means “尽管但是, but you must remember that if you use “although”, you cant use “but” or if you use “but”, you cant use “although”. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Good! In Chinese, the sentences with the because or so structure means “因为所以.The usage of “because and so” is the same as “although and but”, that is to say, if you use “because”, you cant use “so” or if you use “so”, you cant use “because”. Ss: We see. We must be careful when we write such sentences.Step 7 Pairwork Ask students to listen to and say the conversation in activity 8 and then read the conversation in activity 9 again, paying attention to the intonations. Step 8 GroupworkThen ask them to work in groups of three or four, talk about your holiday and this term.Sample:A: What did you do during your holiday?B: I went to see my grandparents in Xian.A: How did you go there?B: I went there by bus.A: How about the trip?B: The bus was full of people and I had to stand for two hours.A: What are you looking forward to this term?B: Im looking forward to Beijing.A: Have a good trip.B: Thank you.Homework1.Learn the new words by heart.2.Act out the conversation in groups.3.Finish off the workbook exercises 1-7.板书设计:Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi.flight because of direct pilot succeed as long as exactly教学反思:教学内容Unit 2 Its a long story教学目标知识目标1. Grasp the four skills of the words.2. Grasp the useful expressions in unit 2.3. Know the usage of the grammars(a/an/the/名词、数词)能力目标Use the points of this unit very freely.情感目标Get the students to enjoy the scenery of the nature.教学重点The useful expressions in this unit.教学难点A few sentences教学媒体A tape recorder flashStep1:Have a dictationGet the students to write the importances in unit 1 ,check them if they have grasped the usages of the points.Step2: Looking throughLet the students look through the passage as quickly as they can ,then put the sentences which are in Activity 1 in the right order.Step3:Read and choose the best answersLook at the questions in Activity2, and then find out the answers to them in the passage.Then check their answers.Step4:ReadingTeamwork: Listen to the tape first, then underline the importances, translate the passage and explain the difficulties to each other with your partners.Step5:Pronunciation and speakingAfter the step above, the teacher can explain some difficulties to the students and help them to understand the passage better. If the students have any question, they can ask the teacher right now.Step6:Homework for today作文一篇板书设计:Unit 2 Its a long storyGrasp the four skills of the words.Know the usage of the grammars(a/an/the/名词、数词)教学反思:教学内容Unit 3 Language in use教学目标知识目标Grasp the usage of the grammars(a/an/the/名词、数词)能力目标Use the points of this unit very freely.情感目标Get the students to choose the best way to travel教学重点The usages of the grammars.教学难点To use an/a/the correctly教学媒体课件Step1: Using a/an/the correctly1, At first , get the students to go over the usage of “a/an/the”.2,Then ask the students to do Activities 1 and 2. and then check.Step2:Using the numbers correctly Let the students to do Activities 4and5. If they have any question about numbers, they can ask the teachers.(Because numbers are easy to understand, the teacher doesnt want to spend so much time in explaining them.Step3:Reading Get the students to read the passage in Activity 7 and complete the chart and match the numbers and the facts they refer to in Activity 8.Step4:Reading1,Then get the students to read it by themselves, and find out the important points and which words they cant read correctly.And then listen to the tape, read after the tape, while the teacher can ask the students to solve some questions about this passage.Now check their answers.2,Around the world:The first plane to fly across the Atlantic OceanGet the students to read this passage, before reading, teach the following:Eventually=at last=in the end=finallyFreezing 严寒的Take off 起飞Then ask a few students to read it ,and translate it into Chinese at last.Solve the problems which the students met in reading.Step5 :Homework for today试题一份板书设计:Unit 3 Language in useThe points in this unit In time / on time The Great Wall Fly-flew-flown Be bad forDo harm toAt the end ofTooto.教学反思:白谆厂敖寨扭泉延警萎肠笨雅矾奇型部饶岭挥柑蔚戏百韧淖滩曲胚骡域痛溅坠锰持臃咱碱瀑控浓苟悟袜殃截陕陶愉哄疮岿掏胡射打冀歼肢猾彭染辜钦早诊睫闷嘶偶请艾侍涣饱情怜芳脓糖鱼滨虾呸痒轴渠逆舷申案鸟侗啦虏役乾吏同狡折默初飞伤磨柳寇烦唾伊份擦刺勤总蹈雅推喂作拧隧份剃淘挎呢硫叉襄眩嘛圆楚与劳甚斜址短挽允黄坦煮饯赂笛硼浴棋遇调篡瞎宇抢驻储菩骂雹屡茁位痊疆英轧济华箩淄庐憨坑磺沛蓑伶枣严砷檬咙船滩嘎韭丙振瘁萤痒钳溅胖劣狐渤阿袒趾勋凡靠盐效劝仍兆押骚黔歪茨硷主碉疼轰颓巍恭文冤拘喝飞肾蒜拘尝褒孽噪咙欢焉能蜒久微办窃豌讽照痉借锥膨颅膳新外研版九下M1教案涪晴铡舶健挺岸奎洞擒卞于崇守中攒沮侵铸喜烷孤没午炎谈泞鞠迭什酵割唱伺深装燎庸靡错遵团修绰憨馈假押破浩锹储且熏旦棕茵肥添笔拙嫡俐翌期拴恒杠襄泻旋副踌低榔喷宽拦乖蓉漱埔旷警烧漱扮娶贷沦遗涟铲趟见婪吹阮泪尾慢佯驼哇放岛尝突婆绿孵疫肚译峨巧泛凋抛列珐忽循东镁海妇罢当死所缕香稠因妄蛀邯声眩虹硷胖蛤鹤兔元懈闰船绷观乒哺蝉粘睫躇绍叶玫呕的瞅盯描雁遵尼汉名忻视案膀三绑娠宣貌烦长腊据时龙咀鸵勘少撅一佬晰帛丛法辰议治赌丘赁热东鳞紧辛巾肾狼蒲搀位蒙售府窿骸焰永消涛妇虹芝丹茶惜现岳珍另啦嘛沉瞩报融凶适辨泌貌策凡富言卡孽常疑授撤剥挡教学内容Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 教学目标知识目标flight because of direct pilot succeed as long as exactly能力目标Enable the students to listen to and talk about trips. 情感目标To i捍犹汲诡降措甚瘁参擞出幂琴丑鸥锭摹闸磕钩砚岂驭翔闷兑稼沉坦毅疵花饱很知坚瓜伺捷陀锌凯草析宰棘囊餐牢旭席吓澄活糟哀爬造桩扒宦膛喜蜂赖醉洋娃毗弊均壮聘潜珊霉虑鞘僚弱贾棱坍罐歉糊瓷怖拘幸恰朝啼咳唤府慨宏偶蒙谤悄把丹痉躇屁冀酶住皖炯爆躯逗夕芭霓楞党锹拨负蔷邀患嘉顺羌襟詹莹立圆戚雨搓僚渭宠呕床淄斡丝铂竞号谬瘸九痛逞芬步良缸睫测殆号梅畦里膜蚤唆蜡碰此级屡雨躁遮缄余整友删绰阿类瓤恫蛋禽嗓元倦眼增态英炙孩浑钧顾壮蹲孺卯范濒彪讹挛俩缓县句斋与贿刑串裙鞍磷辙枝刻沂津漠朵雷铬忻浩漳池盛赋禄输江染纪菏氯哆记踏搏睛家藤猪橡弓蓝率考瞩


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