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第一课时教学设计课题Unit1 Cinderella日期第 周月 日一、教学内容: storytime二、教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, take off, before, have to, try on, fit.2、能初步运用句型Why .? 及其应答Because .3、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事.4、学生能在理解的基础上合作表演故事.三、教学重点难点:1、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事2、能初步运用所学的单词和句型交流.四、制定依据(教材、学情分析)灰姑娘的故事是学生小时候就已经耳熟能详的童话之一,因此,学生在理解故事大意上没有问题。本节课以学生们熟知的cinderella的故事,呈现本单元重点why的询问及because的回答。在充分利用书本材料进行教学与操练的基础上,学生们自然交流,培养学生快速捕捉和获取文章大意的能力。培养学生对语法及句型的掌控能力,善于表达的良好习惯。五、教学准备:Ppt教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图开放式导入Get to know:I am very strong and tall, because I eat a lot.I like singing and dancing, because I love music.I like reading fairy tales (童话), because theyre funny.Lets say:Teach: Why? BecauseWhy am I very strong and tall?Why do I like singing and dancing?Why do I like reading fairy tales?Show a fairy: What do you want? Why?Listen and try to rememberBecause you eat a lot.Because you love music.Because theyre funny.I want a because.通过师生交流自然引出why和because,为学生下面的文本学习扫除语言障碍。核心过程推进Show the story cover: Cinderella1. Lets judge: yes yes yes no no noCinderella cant go to the party because she is very busy.Cinderellas friend helps her.Cinderella dances with the prince at the party.Cinderella goes home after the party.Cinderella leaves her shoe at the party.Cinderellas shoe is just right for many girls.Watch and orderRead and answer 自读故事1-3段,回答下列问题。1. Wheres the party?What do you think of her sisters?2. Who helps Cinderella?3. When does Cinderella have to come back?Read and match自读故事4-5段,将下列图文配对。What happens then?Find and say找出文中表示相同意思的句子。Cinderella is very happy at the party.I need to go now.A lot of girls try to put on the shoe, but its not just right.Listen and repeatRead and judge2 4 3 1 5Read and answerThere is a party at the princes houseTry to readA fairy.Cinderella has a good time at the party.I have to go now.Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit.灰姑娘的故事学生之前就耳熟能详,因此通过judge的游戏对文本进行提前介入。利用多种形式让学生通过自主学习对文本进行进一步的学习,层层递进,提高他们自主学习的能力。并利用文中人物性格的差异进行朗读指导,加深学生对人物的理解。开放式延伸Ask and answer同桌相互问答,回忆故事情节。Lets showLets imagine!你能给故事加个结尾吗?Retell or act out通过问答游戏巩固文本内容的理解。HomeworkRead the story 3 times. 朗读故事三遍。Revise the story and act it out. 创编剧本并表演。板书设计教学反思第二课时教学设计课题Unit1 Cinderella日期第 周月 日一、教学内容: Grammar time and fun time二、教学目标:1 能够运用准确运用动词第三人称单数复述Story time的故事;2 能理解并掌握运用Grammar time中以wh开头的特殊疑问词的用法及规则;3 能完成Fun time中的任务,与同学合作完成童话故事表演。三、教学重点难点:1.能够通过交流与学习,正确运用疑问词why, 以及其它wh开头的特殊疑问词提出问题并回答;2.能够通过与同学合作,运用所学语言拓展表演Fun time中的童话故事。3.能够运用所学语法知识提出问题,学会思考。四、制定依据(教材、学情分析)语法教学的最终目的依然是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生更好地运用语言,因此语法教学离不开语言情境和话题的创设。学生通过在语境中交流和运用感知语言点,自主发现和归纳语法现象与规则,而非老师强化语法结构与概念。本课教学中,对Fun time环节做了一些拓展和整合,结合Grammar time教学,要求学生运用所学语言丰富对话并表演,短剧的表演不再局限于教材所给的简单语言,更具有灵活性和开放性。教材是英语课堂教学的核心,教师在教学时,可以充分研读教材,对教材进行二度开发,适当拓展,充分运用。本节课的最后一个环节制作问题卡,跳出了前面Cinderella的语境,将语言教学升级,旨在激发学生的思维意识,启发他们用英语提出有意义的生活中的问题,有一定的难度,而在本节课中,我们分享到了很多孩子们的奇思妙想,是出乎老师意料之外的,这让我们再次意识到学生的思想世界是如此的丰富,而他们需要的是用英语表达的平台和机会。五、教学准备:Ppt教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图开放式导入Revision1. Free talk. 2. Talk about the characters in the fairy tales: Goldilocks, Snow White and The Ugly Duckling. T: We get a lot of fun from the fairy tales. We learned Cinderella.What do you think of Cinderella?3 Pair work: talk about Cinderella and the other characters. Talk about the characters.谈论他们熟悉的童话人物,激发他们的兴趣,营造英语学习的氛围,为下面讨论灰姑娘作铺垫。有对童话故事的已有知识经验,同桌之间展开交流,讨论对前一课时所学童话故事中的人物的评价观点,老师适时追问:Why?引导学生用Because正确回答,在语言交流中渗透语法点,为进一步学习和活动做好铺垫。核心过程推进Grammar time1. talk about CinderellaHow is Cinderella?Who comes to help her?What do they say?2. summaryWhen we answer the questions beginning with “why”, we usually use “because”.Game time tell me whyLook, ask and answer about the pictures.1 Billy cant get out.2 The Ugly Duckling is so sad.3 Liu Xiang can run very fast.4 The children all like Ms Yu very much.Fun time1 Talk about the first picture of Fun time without the sentence.Have a guess. What does goldilocks say?Grammar time1.Talk about more wh-words: who, whose, what, where, when.2 Try to ask questions about Cinderella with the wh-words.Fun time1 Try to ask more questions about the first picture.2 Try to put on the play.Try to act one scene in groups of four. And try to use more words to make the play richer and more wonderful. 3 Show the play in groups of four.Thinking time1 Summary: T: We know how to use these wh-words to ask questions about Cinderella. And we also can put on the play with the wh-questions.Thinking is very important. We all like thinking, so we can ask so many questions. Great people invented and created great things, because they like thinking too.2Enjoy some great people: Newton, Thomas Edison, Wright brothers, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.3 Try to finish the question card in groups of four. Try to ask questions with wh-words and write down the questions on the question card.She is sad.A fairy.Why are you so sad?Why cant you go to the party?BecauseThen read the sentence and try to answer. 2 Book open. Work in pairs. Say the sentences in the pictures. Check up one by one.Who helps Cinderella?Whose shoe is it?Where is the party?When does she have to go home?首先继续围绕谈论Cinderella的话题,呈现Cinderella伤心的画面,并询问学生:Why?再次渗透语言点,接着通过fairy的出现,引导学生回忆、猜测两者之间的对话,进一步发散和拓展课文中已有的语言,最后将两者之间的对话呈现给学生,引出本节课的语法重点,学生在语言情境中感知语法结构和功能。Tell me why。在这一环节中,通过图片与语言提示引导学生提问:Why? 结合学生熟悉的童话故事人物以及生活中熟悉的人物等话题,在欢快的图片闪现和音乐氛围中进一步感知语言,操练和巩固语法点,同时选择学生感兴趣的人物和话题进行交流更能够增强语言运用的趣味性,激发学生的学习兴趣。子的好奇心理,同桌合作交流,进一步感知和强化语言知识。借助Cinderella,引导学生通过同伴互助与合作,运用wh开头的特殊疑问句询问更多问题,结合学生的已有知识经验操练语言点,相对于前面环节,话题逐渐相对开放,难度加大,语法学习能够循序渐进的在话言情境中展开,并兼顾学生的兴趣。这一环节分两个部分完成:首先教师引导学生回顾世界伟人及其创造,通过图片加文字的形式呈现给学生,启发他们思考之后提出问题的重要性,激发他们的思维意识;接着教师引导示范,通过四人小组合作完成问题卡,并和全班同学分享各组的问题,发挥集体评价的作用,激励学生提出有意义的问题,达到学以致用。课后家庭作业中教师鼓励学生通过网络或其他方式寻找问题的答案,让这一环节的设置更加有意义,培养学生运用所学语言提出问题和解决问题的意识与能力。开放式延伸Sharing time1 Share the questions.2 Summary. Great invention and creation come from questions. Please keep on thinking. Maybe someday youll be one of the great people.Share the questionsHomework1 Go on to modify the question cards in groups of four and try to find the answers on the Internet or in groups. 2 Group members cooperate. Try to finish enriching and writing down the play in Fun Time. (Set an example.)板书设计教学反思第三课时教学设计课题Unit1 Cinderella日期第 周月 日一、教学内容: Sound time, Cartoon time & Culture time二、教学目标:1.能熟练运用“why”和“because”进行问答。2. 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,并能在教师的指导下进行表演。3. 了解字母组合dr在单词中的发音。4. 了解中西方传统的故事,并能用英语简单介绍自己喜欢的故事。三、教学重点难点:1.能熟练运用“why”和“because”进行问答。2.能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事。四、制定依据(教材、学情分析)学生对why, because的意义理解已经相对成熟,但可能在助动词的使用上还有一定困难,需要继续加强。中西方的童话故事是孩子们比较感兴趣的,可以给予他们更多的时间进行交流。五、教学准备:Ppt教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图开放式导入Free talkRevisionT: Last class, we learned a fairy tale, Cinderella. Look, Whats the matter with Cinderella? T: Why is she so sad?T: I have some pictures here, can you use “Why” to ask questions? Lets talk in pairs.She is sad.Because通过简单的师生交流对课文进行梳理,对Why,because进一步进行巩固。核心过程推进Sound timeT: Why is Snow White so happy?T: Yes, here is a nice dress.(PPT呈现Sound time 图片部分)1. Look and talkT: This is Andrea, what is Andrea doing? (PPT呈现:Andrea is drawing a dress. For her friend Sue.)T: This is her twin brother Andrew, what is he doing?PPT呈现:Andrew is having a drink. Its cold and blue.2. Follow the tape3. Say the chant in pairs4. Sum up T: Look at the words, Andrew, drink, Andrea, drawing. What is “dr” pronounce?5. What other words have this sound? Can you give us some examples? (将学生说出的单词在黑板上板书。)6. I have some new words, try to read them.(PPT呈现新单词)7. Heres a new rhyme, lets read together.Cartoon time1. Watch and answerT: The boy dreams to have a hike, so do Sam and Bobby. Hiking is happy, but, are they happy?T: Why are they not happy, can you guess?T: Ok, lets watch the cartoon and find the answer.(学生回答这一问题时指导朗读:Do you have any snacks, Sam? Im very hungry.)2. Read and discussT: Theyre hungry, do they find anything to eat? Lets read and discuss in pairs.T: Do they find anything to eat?T: What do they find?T: Yes, they find some mushrooms under a tree.(板书Mushroom) Bobby is very hungry, he finds some nice mushrooms under the tree, how does he feel now? T: If you were Bobby, what will you say? T: What does Bobby say?T: Bobby picks a big red mushroom, he says: Would you like one?What does Sam say? T: Why cant they eat them? Bobby does not understand, I dont understand either. Why?3. Listen and repeat4. Happy reading5. Happy acting6. Lets showBecause she is beautiful and she has a nice dress.She is drawing a dress.He is drinkingGive more wordsTry to readNo, they arent.MaybeYes.They find some mushrooms.He feelsLook! There are some mushrooms. We can eat them.(指导朗读)Sam saysBecause the mushrooms are bad for us.(板书)通过猜测,提问等方式让学生对卡通故事的内容进行学习,提高他们自主学习,探究学习的能力。开放式延伸Culture time1. Look and talkT: I know you like reading stories. Look, what is this story about? What about this one? What does Yang Ling like? Lets read together.T: What about Mike? Yang Ling likes Chinese stories, Mike likes fairy tales, what about you.T: Why do you like the story?2. Enjoy the picturesT: We have so many wonderful stories, I hope you read and love them. Because reading is like sunshine, it can light your heart, reading is like water, it can clean your mind.I likeBecause 让学生通过通话故事的交流感知中西方共同的传递真善美的目的。并再一次巩固why, because的用法。Homework1. Read and act cartoon time.2. Dub for the video.板书设计教学反思 第四课时教学设计课题Unit1 Cinderella日期第 周月 日一、教学内容: Checkout time & Ticking time二、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词why, because, clothes, let2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词prince, fairy, before, fit ,mushroom, late, pick ,understand3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Why are you so sad, dear? Because I cannot go to the party.4.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型There is a party atCome and help me!Let me help you.Finally, Cinderella tries it on.Do you have any snacks?5.了解字母组合dr 在单词中的读音。三、教学重点难点:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词why, because, clothes, let2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Why are you so sad, dear? Because I cannot go to the party.四、教学准备:Ppt教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图开放式导入Free talkShow the goal of this class核心过程推进Task 1 Ask and answerWhos the girl?Can she go to the party?Why?Task 2 who is the best story teller?Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. One day there is a partyTask 3 think and writeCheckTask 4 choose and writehas to, have a good time, try on, fits, puts on, takes off CheckTask 5 Look and write四人一组轮流提问并回答。四人小组配上表情与动作,接龙讲述故事。比一比,哪组的讲述最棒!There is a at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any clothes or shoes.The fairy Cinderella. Cinderella has beautiful and . She can go to the party now. Cinderella has a time at the party. The prince her very much.Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock. She leaves a behind. The prince visits every . Many girls on the shoe, but it does not . Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.1. This dress you well. You look so pretty!2. Its late for school. Mary run and catch the bus.3. This T-shirt is very nice. You can them .4.We always on summer holiday.5. Its time for swimming. Mike his clothes and his swimming suit. 独立完成书P14上的练习和同桌一起以对话的形式核对答案通过各种小组活动巩固本单元的内容,并促进孩子们合作学习的能力,增加课堂的趣味性。开放式延伸Show a picture bookWhat questions does Lily ask?Lilys adventureLily的奇幻之旅中发生了怎样的故事呢?四人小组选择信封中的一个场景,把人物的对话写一写吧!通过有趣味的想象让孩子运用本单元的重点句型和词型进行交流,巩固。HomeworkLily的奇幻之旅中还会有发生怎样的精彩故事呢?请续编故事,完成绘本的创编吧!板书设计教学反思第五课时教学设计课题Unit1 Cinderella日期第 周月 日一、教学内容: 绘本Cinderella二、教学目标:1. 能读懂绘本,并对绘本内容能进一步进行想象。2. 能演唱歌曲Cinderella三、教学重点难点:1. 能正确理解灰姑娘故事前期的内容,并能记住生词。四、教学准备:Ppt教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图文本材料This is an old house. This is Cinderella. This is her step-mother. She has two daughters. They are very lazy. They dont like Cinderella. Look, she has to work day and night. She is cleaning. She is cooking. She is washing dishes. But her sisters play all day. Dear mum, I miss you. Dear Cinderella, dont be sad. Ill play with you. Me, too. One day, the castle has a ball. Prince, lets have a dance. Sorry. Cinderella has to work at home. She is sad and lonely. A fairy appears. Dont be sad, Cinderella. Ill help you. Look, a dress and a pumpkin. Oh, the pumpkin becomes a cart. You must leave the castle before 12. I see, thank you. What a beautiful girl! Lets have a dance. All right. They have a good time. But her step-mother and two sisters are angry. Oh, time is up, goodbye! Stop! Stop! Oh, one of her shoes. How beautiful! I must find her. Everyday, the prince looks for her. Look, the prince comes. Who will try on this shoe? Let me try! Oh, my god! I cant. Whos that girl? Come on and have a try. All right. Oh, my god. You are the beautiful girl. No! No! Cinderella and the prince are very happy. 开放式导入1. talk more about Cinderella.学生通过前期对灰姑娘故事的了解对灰姑娘进行更多的介绍。核心过程推进1. talk about her step-mother and sister. How about her step-mother?What is step-mother?How about her sister?2. learn in groups, write the new words on the blackboard.3. read the story.They are bad and lazy.Write the new words and learn from each other.开放式延伸Act the story.Act the story.板书设计第六课时教学设计课题Unit1 Cinderella日期第 周月 日一、教学内容: 练习与测试和Ticking time1.练习与讲评练习与测试中的内容2.引导学生读懂Ticking time的自评内容3.组织学生完成自评4.请部分学生说一说自己的自评结果,并引导学生得出结论:应该在哪方面加强练习。第七教学设计课题Unit1 Cinderella日期第 周月 日一、教学内容: 完成本单元测试卷教学设计课题Unit1 Cinderella日期第 周月 日一、教学内容: 评讲本单元测试卷


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