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维修合同中英文对照英文:Service Agreement 1.Definition. ABC shall mean ABC (China) Electronics, Ltd. Customer shall mean the customer named in the Agreement; and Product shall collectively mean the Equipment and Software which ABC and Customer agree to be serviced pursuant to this Service Agreement. Such Product is listed on the first page of this Agreement. 2.Acceptance. The terms and conditions set forth on all twelve pages of this Agreement is an offer to purchase Service by Customer which shall become a Service Agreement when acknowledged in writing by ABCs Service Department; and the banking, negotiation or other use of any payment shall not constitute an acceptance by ABC. It is agreed that Service shall be provided only on the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. ABC shall not be bound by terms and conditions in Customers purchase order or elsewhere unless expressly agreed to in writing. Both parties to this Agreement agree that upon acceptance by ABCs Service Department, ABCs interest in the Agreement is assigned to ABC, Inc. (MINC). 3. Service Defined ABC agrees to provide service for the Customer for the Product listed on the first page of this Agreement. Such Products shall be serviced according to the terms and conditions on all twelve pages of this Agreement (Service). The Service shall begin and end on the dates set forth on the first page of this Agreement. ABC shall also Service other Product manufactured by MINC. or MINCs subsidiaries and purchased by customer during the term of this Agreement on the same terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement at the then current service fees for such Product. Upon delivery of such other Product to Customer, service fees for Service of such other Product shall be added to the billing cycle following expiration of the labor warranty on such other Product. In the event of loss, damage, theft or removal from Service of any Product, Customer shall immediately report the loss, damage, theft or removal in writing to ABC. In this event, Customers obligation to pay service fees with respect to any such Product shall terminate at the end of the month in which ABC receives such written report. Mobile Product shall be removed and reinstalled in different vehicles at Customers request for the service fee in effect at the time of Customers request. This Agreement does not include service of any transmission line, antenna, tower or tower lighting, unless such work is described on the first page of this Agreement. Service shall include the labor and parts required to repair Product which has become defective through normal wear and usage. This does not include consumable and their installation. Service does not include the repair or replacement of Product which has otherwise become defective, including, but not limited to, damage caused by accidents, physical or electronic abuse or misuse, acts of God, fires or other casualty. Service performed for non-covered repairs shall be billed at ABCs above contract rate applicable for such Service. Product under contract must be maintained in environmental conditions as set forth in the Product specifications and damage resulting from environmental conditions not conforming to the specifications is not covered by this Agreement. Where telephone lines and Product are used in conjunction with ABC maintained Product, ABC shall have no obligation or responsibility for such telephone lines or Product but shall, upon request, assist the Telephone Company in repairing such upon payment at the appropriate above contract rate. Customer shall indicate on the first page of this Agreement any Product which is intrinsically safe so that appropriate parts and procedures may be used to maintain such status. At the expiration of twelve (12) months after the commencement of Service hereunder (or any time thereafter), if Product cannot in ABCs opinion be properly or economically repaired, because (but not limited to) excessive wear, deterioration or unavailability of parts, ABC at its sole option, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to Customer sent by certified mail, may either: (1) remove such Product from this Agreement; or (2) may increase the price to Service such Product. Customer shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of notice of price increase to object to such increase. If Customer properly objects to such increase, ABC shall then have the option to remove such Product from coverage by this Agreement. Customers obligation to pay Service fees with respect to Product removed from this Agreement shall terminate at the end of the month during which such Product is removed. 4. Service Standards. The Product shall be serviced by ABC in accordance with the following standards: (i) ABC parts or parts equal quality shall be used; (ii) the Product shall be serviced at levels set forth in ABCs product manuals; and (iii) routine service procedures prescribed from time to time by ABC for its Product shall be followed. 5. Time And Place of Service. Service shall be done at the location specified on the first page of this Agreement. Where Service is to be performed at the location of the Product, Customer shall furnish shelter, heat, light and power at these locations, Customer shall notify ABC immediately of Product failure, allow ABC full and free access to the Product, and cooperate fully with ABC in ABCs servicing of the Product. Waiver of liability by ABC against Customer or other restrictions shall not be imposed by Customer as a site access requirement. Customer shall allow ABC full and free access to the Product. Customer shall allow ABC to use necessary machines, communications, facilities, features and other product (except as normally supplied by ABC) at no charge. Mobiles and removable Product shall be delivered by Customer to the ABC Service Center indicated on the first page of this Agreement. Hours of Service under this Agreement shall be the normal working hours, excluding holidays, of ABCs Service Center unless otherwise indicated on the first page of this Agreement. 6. Payment/Taxes. Each payment is due on or before the date set forth on the first page of this Agreement. ABC may terminate this Agreement by giving Customer ten (10) days notice by certified mail if Customer defaults in its payment to ABC. Customer shall reimburse ABC for all property taxes, sales and use taxes, excise taxes, and the taxes or assessments now or hereafter imposed by authority of any National or Local law, rule or regulation with respect to the Service of the Product except income taxes or other legally reimbursable taxes of ABC. 7. Right to Subcontract. ABC shall have the right to subcontract in whole or in part the Service called for by this Agreement. ABC shall notify Customer of the name and address of each subcontractor. 8. Revision of Fees. Prior to an Anniversary of the Expiration Date indicated on the first page of this Agreement, ABC may revise the Service fees set forth on the first page of this Agreement by giving Customer written notice of the amount of the increase at least sixty (60) days in advance of that Anniversary date. Upon receipt of any such notice, Customer may terminate this Agreement on the Expiration Date or any Anniversary of it upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to ABC sent by certified mail to the address indicated in this Agreement; otherwise the new fees shall become effective on the Anniversary date. In the event of such termination, all accrued and unpaid charges shall be due and payable immediately upon termination. 9. Automatic Renewal. After the Expiration Date indicated on the first page of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue for successive additional periods of one year, provided that either ABC or Customer may terminate this Agreement on the Expiration Date or any Anniversary of it upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party sent by certified mail to the address indicated in this Agreement. 10. Interruption of Service. Customer shall notify the servicing agency in the event of the failure of any Product. If the servicing agency fails to repair the Product within a reasonable time, Customer shall notify the ABC office designated by ABC. After said notice from Customer to the servicing agency and to the ABC office designated by ABC, ABC shall be liable for any interruption or interference affecting the use or transmission through the Product maintained to the extent of a pro rata allowance based on the monthly service fee for the time such interruption or interference is attributable to the fault of ABC or its subcontractor. ABC does not assume and shall have no ability under this Agreement for failure to provide or delay in providing service for the Product due directly or indirectly to causes beyond the control of ABC, including, but not restricted to, acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts of the PRC, the United States, any State, Territory of the United States, or any political subdivision of the foregoing, or the District of Columbia, acts of failure to act of the Customer, its agents, employees or subcontractors, fires, floods, casualty, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather conditions or defaults of ABC subcontractors due to any such causes. 11. Warranty Limitations. Except As Specified in This Agreement. ABC Disclaims All Warranties, Express or Implied, Including, Without Limitation, the Implied Warranties of Merchantability and Fitness for A Particular Purpose. In No Event Shall ABC Be liable for Incidental or Consequential Damages to the Full Extent Such May Be Disclaimed by Law. 12. SRRC or MPT and Other Government Matters. Although ABC may assist in preparation of the SRRC or MPT license application, Customer is solely responsible for obtaining any licenses or other authorizations required by the State Radio Regulatory Commission (SRRC) or Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, or any other National and/or Local governmental agency. Customer is solely responsible for complying with applicable SRRC or MPT rules and regulations and the applicable rules and regulations of any other National and/or Local governmental agency. Neither ABC nor any of its employees is an agent of Customer in SRRC or MPT or other governmental matters. ABC, however, may assist in preparation of the SRRC or MPT license application at no charge to Customer. 13. Entire Agreement. Customer acknowledges that it has read and understands the terms and conditions of the Agreement and agrees to be bound by them, that it is the complete and conclusive statement of the agreement between the parties and that this Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and all understandings and agreements, oral and written, heretofore made between ABC and Customer, are merged in this Agreement which alone fully and completely expresses their agreement. 14. Amendment. No modification of or additions to this Agreement shall be binding upon ABC unless such modification is in writing and signed by the ABC Division Service Vice President authorized to make such revisions and an authorized agent of Customer. 15. Validity. If any term or provision of this Agreement shall to any extent be held by a court or other tribunal to be invalid, void or unenforceable, then that term or provision shall be inoperative and void insofar as it is in conflict with law, but the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular term or provision held to be invalid, void or unenforceable. 16. Headings. Section and paragraph headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not to be deemed or construed to be part of this Agreement. 17. Law. This Agreement and the Rights and Duties of the Parties Shall Be Governed and Interpreted in Accordance With the Laws of the PRC. 18. Assignment. No assignment or transfer, in whole or in part, of this Agreement by Customer shall be binding upon ABC without its prior written consent. 19. Waiver. Failure or delay on the part of ABC or Customer to exercise any right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of any right, power or privilege of this Agreement. 20. Time To Sue. Except for money due upon an open account, no action shall be brought for any breach of this Agreement more than two (2) years after the accrual of such cause of action except where a shorter limitation period is provided by applicable law. 21. Language. This Agreement is executed in both Chinese and English versions. In case of any discrepancy, the English version shall prevail.中文:维修合同 1. 定义 - ABC是指ABC(中国)电子有限公司;客户指合同中提到的客户; 产品 指ABC和客户同意依据此维修合同进行维修的设备及软件。这些 维修合同进行维修的设备及软件。这些 产品列在合同的首页。 2. 接收 - 合同的首页及以下十一页所阐述的条款及条件是客户购买维修的提议,经ABC维修部门书面承认后,它将成为一个合同。ABC将客户所付款项入帐、兑现或作任何其它用途,都不构成它对此提议的接收。双方一致同意ABC只在本合同所规定的条款及条件下提供维修。不经明确书面同意,ABC将不受用户购买定单或其它地方的条款和条件限制。一旦ABC的维修部门接收这个合同,合同中的ABC利益归ABC公司所有。 3. 规定的维修 - ABC同意对合同首页所列的产品为客户提供维修。ABC将按照此合同首页及以下十一页所规定的条款和条件对这些产品提供维修。维修的起止年限以合同所述日期为准。ABC还将按照合同所阐述的同等条款及条件,以当时维修费标准为客户在履行合同期间所购买的ABC公司以及其子公司生产的其它产品提供维修。一旦这些其它产品交付给客户,ABC将在其保修期截止前,将这些产品的维修费加入定期帐单。对于任何产品在维修期间有丢失、损坏、被盗或迁移事件发生,客户应立即向ABC书面报告此类丢失、损坏、被盗或迁移事件。针对此类事件,ABC将于收到书面报告的当月月底终止客户对此类产品相关的维修费支付义务。 - ABC将根据客户要求拆除车载产品并将其安装在其它车辆上,此项服务按客户提出要求时的服务费标准收费。 - 如果合同首页没有说明,本合同将不包括馈线、天线、发射塔或发射塔照明装置等维修。维修包括维修正常磨损及使用损坏的产品所需要的劳务以及配件,但不包括消耗品及它们的安装。维修不包括维修或更换由于其它原因造成损坏的产品。这些原因包括(但不仅限于)意外事故、物理或电子滥用、错误操作、不可预知因素、火灾或其它灾难。为没有提到的维修提供维修将按高于合同标准的ABC维修收费标准收取费用。合同中的产品必须在产品说明书所述环境条件下进行维修。环境条件与产品说明书不符造成的损坏不在本合同维修范围之列。 - 对于将电话线和其它产品与ABC维修的产品联接使用的情况,ABC对此类电话线和产品将不负任何责任,也不承担任何义务,但将根据要求协助电话公司进行维修,并按高于合同标准收取适当费用。 - 客户应在本合同的首页标明处于固有安全状态的所有产品,以便使用合适的备件及操作步骤维护此种状态。 - 维修开始十二个月期满后 (或此后的任何时候),如果ABC认为由于 (但不 仅限于)产品过度使用、性能劣化或无配件等原因而不能进行适当的或经济的维修,ABC将单方面作出如下两种选择:(1)将此产品从合同中去掉;或(2)提高此产品的维修费。在作选择之前,ABC将提前30天以带回执的信函书面通知客户。客户收到维修费增加的通知后,可以在30天内对此提出反对意知后。如果客户有正当理由反对维修费增加,那么ABC将选择第(1)条,即将此产品从合同中去掉。客户支付此类产品维修费的义务将于产品从合同中被去 掉的当月月底终止。 4. 维修标准 - ABC将按如下标准对产品进行维修: (1)使用ABC配件或同等质量配件;(2)按ABC产品手册所述标准对产品进行维修;(3)遵循ABC对其产品提 出的常规维修程序。 5. 维修时间与地点 - 维修将在合同首页规定的地点进行。如维修在产品所在地进行,客户应在该地提供遮挡、暖气、照明及电力。产品出故障时,客户应立即通知ABC,并 允许ABC自由、全面地接触产品。在ABC对产品维修期间,客户应与ABC全面合作。客户不能将ABC放弃对客户的责任追究权或其它限制条件强加给ABC而作为允许其进入现场之条件。客户应该允许ABC自由、彻底地接触产品、了解产品状况。客户应允许ABC免费使用必要的机器、通讯设施、设备、特征及其它产品(ABC正常提供的除外)。车载台及可以卸下的产品应由客户运送到本合同首页所指定的ABC维修中心。 - 除非合同首页特别指明,本合同下的维修服务时间为ABC维修中心的正常工作时间,不包括节假日。 6. 支付/税金 - 每笔款项应在合同首页所述日期的当天或前几天支付。如果客户不履行合同,没有支付ABC有关费用,ABC将通过带回执的信函通知客户终止合同。除了所得税及ABC可以通过合法手续得到补偿的税以外,客户应补偿ABC与产品维修有关的所有财产税、销售和使用税、其它的税种及现在和将来国家和当地法律 和规章制度征收的税或有关资产费用。 7. 分包合同权 - ABC有权对合同要求的全部或部分维修订立分包合同。ABC应通知客户每个分包人的名字和地址。 8. 费用的修订 - 在合同首页所述的终止日期周年之前,ABC可以修改合同首页所述的维修费,并于终止日期周年之前60天书面通知客户维修费增加的数量。客户接到通知后,可以在终止日期或终止日期的周年日终止合同,并提前30天通过带回执的信函按合同所述地址书面通知ABC,否则新的维修费在该周年日起生效。在此类终止事件中,所有累积的和未付的费用应于终止日期前立即支付。 9. 自行延长一年 - 在合同首页所述的终止日期后,合同将在下一年继续生效,但ABC或客户只需提前30天通过带回执的信函按合同所述地址书面通知对方即可在终止日期或任何一个终止日期的周年日终止合同。 10. 维修的中断 - 如果产品发生故障,客户应通知维修代理。如果维修代理没能在合理的时间内修好 产品,客户应通知ABC指定的ABC机构。客户通知维修代理和ABC指定的ABC机构以后,ABC将对影响维修中产品的使用或传送工作的、由于ABC或其分包人的错误所造成的中断或干扰负一定责任。此责任最大限度是以月服务费为基础,根据维修中断或干扰的时间向客户提供适当比例的补偿。对合同中由于直接或间接的非ABC所能控制的因素造成的维修失败或耽搁,ABC将不承担责任和义务,这些因素包括(但不仅限于)不可预知因素,公共敌人因素,中国、美国、美国任何州或地区或其政治分支的因素、哥伦比亚地区因素,客户及其代理商、雇员或分包人所造成的因素,还有火灾、水灾、意外事故、流行病、隔离检疫期限制、罢工、运输封港因素,以及不寻常的恶劣气候因素等等,另外还包括由于这些因素导致ABC分包人所造成的失误。 11. 担保限制 - 除非合同特别列明者外,ABC不承担其它任何保证,无论是明确的或隐含的,包括(但不限于)适销性和适用性方面的隐含保证。在法律许可范围内,ABC将不对意外或间接损坏承担任何责任。 12. 国家无线管理委员会或邮电部以及其它与政府有关的事宜 - 尽管ABC会协助客户作向国家无线管理委员会或邮电部申请许可的准备工作,但向国家无线管理委员会、邮电部及任何其它国家或地方政府部门申请所需许可或授权书的责任,全部由客户一方承担。客户也应自己负责遵循国家无线管理委员会或邮电部有关规章制度,以及其它国家及地方政府部门的有关规章制度。ABC及其任何一个雇员都不是客户在国家无线管理委员会、邮电部、或其它政府方面事宜上的代表。但是,ABC可以免费协助客户申请国家无线管理委员会或邮电部的许可证。 13. 全面合同 - 客户承认已经阅读并且理解了合同的条款和条件,同意受这些条款和条件的约束,承认这是双方共同认可的完整的结论性的声明,承认本合同已经阐明了双方在论述主题上所达成的一切一致意见和理解,并承认ABC和客户双方迄今为止就上述主题所达成的理解与共识,不管是口头的还是书面的,都已被归入本合同,合同本身全面完整地表达了双方所达成的协议。 14. 修改 - 本合同的修改和增补除非成书面形式,并由ABC有权认可这类修改的区域维修副总裁及客户授权人的签名,否则对ABC是无效的。 15. 有效 - 如果本合同的任何一项条款或条件在任何程度上被法院或其它法庭判为无效、作废或不可实施,那么该条款或条件与法律相冲突之处将不予实施并且作废,但本合同其余条款或条件将继续实施,双方的权利及义务也将照合同根本没有包括那些特殊的、被判无效、作废或不可实施的条款或条件那样理解及实施。 16. 标题 - 本合同所用的章节段落的标题只是为了方便,并不被视为本合同的一部分。 17. 法律 - 本合同和双方的权利及责任将按照-共和国法律管辖和解释。 18. 转让 - 如果事先没有取得ABC书面同意,客户全部或部分转让或移交本合同,将不对ABC有约束力。 19. 弃权 - ABC方面或客户方面没能或延误履行本合同下的权利、权力或特权将不被视为放弃本合同下的权利、权力、或特权。 20. 起诉时间 - 除有欠付款项外,对违反本合同条款的事件的起诉必须在事发两年内才有效。如 有 关法律规定的时效更短时以更短者为准。 21. 文字 - 本合同由中、英两种文字签署, 两种文字具同等法律效力。 本合同由中、英两种文字签署,如有冲突以英文为准。


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