牛津初中英语7B Unit 3 Finding your way单元分析、课时教案及课时练习

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牛津初中英语7B Unit 3 Finding your way单元分析、课时教案及课时练习_第3页
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7B Unit 3 Finding your way单元分析、课时教案及课时练习【教材分析】本单元先通过去旅游引入有关地点和交通的话题,再由一个传统的逃生故事,设计了几个幸运的转折,进一步让学生学习如何来选择路径,整个单元紧紧抓住学生的兴趣,围绕实际环境,采用丰富的活动形式来教授学生识别方向的表达方式,并运用到实际生活中来。【单元目标】 1.知识与能力:本单元需要学生掌握与方向路线相关的常用见词汇及表达法,要求学生具备一定的听,说,读,写能力。 在掌握相关内容后,学生能熟练运用相关的语言知识,并能够向别人指明路线。2.能力目标: 通过语言技能的训练以达到本单元的教学目标,不但会指明路线也要能在地图上标记号,能识别图标。还要注重阅读能力的培养,让学生学会自学习。3.情感目标: 通过对课文的学习,鼓励学生学会在危境中善于思考,镇定自若,自我解救,做一个正直勇敢,乐于助人,善于思考的人。【教学的重点和难点】1、词汇及句型。2、难点:1)运用表示移动方向的介词来指明路线。 2)一般将来时的疑问句、肯定和否定回答形式。【学情的分析和教学建议】1. 学情分析:表方向的介词的学习是英语学习中非常重要的,要正确掌握和运用方向的表达方式对现在的学生来说还是有一定的困难,毕竟他们生活的活动范围有限,尤其是农村的学生,所以在教授起来有一定的困难,这就要求在教学时要注意教学方法,创设一定的生活情景。2. 教学建议:根据本年级学生的生理和心理特点和实际情况,教学本单元的指导思想确定为:让学生主体参与,主动探究,合作互动,充分发展。具体采用情景教学法、分组学习法、计算机辅助教学法、练习法来教授本单元的语言内容,从而起到学以致用的目的。Comic strip和Welcome to the unit主要是活跃课堂气氛,起着引导的作用,有利于提高学生的兴趣,通过去旅游引出有关的地点和交通的话题,为进入下一步的学习做好铺垫。Reading是整个单元的主体部分,通过一个传统的逃生故事,设计了几个幸运的转折。最后以善良战胜邪恶的美好结局结束全文。由于学生对这种类型的故事非常感兴趣,我在教学中准备使用多种教学手段设置情景,结合紧张的故事情节,有效的把单词和句型以及故事情节结合在一起,注重听,说,读的训练,使知识点的训练密切联系生活实际,达到灵活运用,学以致用的目的。Vocabulary专门归纳了各种交通标志,学会给另人指路、能对他人指引的路线做出正确的反应。Grammar是整个单元的核心部分,主要讲了如何运用表示移动方向的介词来指明路线,建议在教授时让学生参与到其中,并适当地引导他们自己探索、总结,一般将来时要当堂课巩固并结合牛津补充教材适当补充一些内容,培养学生的自主学习能力,也能加快他们掌握的速度,加深他们的印象。Integrated skill是整个单元的综合运用部分。本部分的内容是对听说读写能力的综合训练。要求学生能听指令画出路线图,培养精听技能。让学生积极参与,用简单却能说明问题的评议为他人指路,尽量做到语言流畅,表达自然。Study skill主要是帮助学生了解因特网,懂得利用因特网查找信息,可以把学生带到计算机教室去上,布置任务让学生根据分类查询信息,这样能帮他们认识并理解单词间的关联,达到实践运用的目的。Main task、Checkout是训练学生的写作能力和自我检测能力,通过向学生介绍了正式信件的格式,能在写邀请信的语境中组织信息并指明路线,将本单元的主要知识点进一步地掌握和运用,最后由一些练习巩固了方位及行走路线的表达方法,在练习过程中认真检查学生的掌握情况,课后适当个别补差。五、课时的安排:新课程提出教师要善于结合实际教学需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容、编排顺序等方面进行适当地调整和整合。本单元建议用10课时进行教学,具体安排如下: 第一课时 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit第二课时 Reading (1)第三课时 Reading (2 )第四课时 Vocabulary 第五课时 Grammar(1)第六课时 Grammar(2)第七课时 Integrated Skills (Part A)第八课时 Integrated skills(Part B)& Study skill第九课时 Main task 第十课时 CheckoutPeriod 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unitTeaching goals1To introduce the topic of places and transport2To activate existing vocabulary and identify the meanings of new words related to the topic3To guess meaning from pictures4To talk about visits and means of transport using model sentencesTeaching proceduresStep 1 Presenting 1. (show them a picture about the birds flying to the south)T: Where do birds fly in autumn? T: Where do they fly in spring?Get them ready for the words about directions.2. Show them the chart about directions.north-west, north, north-east, west, east, south-west, south, south-eastT: Can you say the directions out with correct words?a hospital, a restaurant, a supermarket, a school, a bus stop, a hotel, a shopping mallStep 2 Presenting 1. Take one picture from the student and ask the others.T: Where is the hospital/restaurant/hotel?S: The hospital is north/east/ of my house.2 Ask several pairs to do the dialogue.Step 3 Presenting1.T: The Class 1, Grade 7 students are planning a spring outing. Read the instructions. Look at the map and find the places they plan to visit. Then write the numbers in the boxes. 2. T: How can we get to the Park Lake/ the Zoo/ the Sunnyside Garden? S: Lets go there by bus/underground T: We also can use other expressions to give suggestions.Why dont we? What about ? Why not?Step 4 Practicing1. Show them a picture and ask them work in a group of four students.S1: Where is the park/?S1: Lets go to the park/S1:How can we go there?2. Ask some pairs to practice the dialogue.Step 5 Presenting1.T: Hobo and Eddie are going to a spring outing. Now please listen to the tape and answer the questions.Where are Hobo and Eddie standing? How does Hobo go down the hill? What does the sign say? Do they have to go up the hill again? 2.Ss read the dialogue together. Then they act it out. Comic strip & Welcome to the unit一、词组翻译1. 跟我来 2. 下去 3. 别害怕 4. 不认识路 5. 乘地铁 6. 怎样到哪儿 7. 在公园西北 8. 确信 9.不得不乘公交车上学 10. 让我们去动物园 二、词汇1. (跟随) me. I will show you the way.2. The museum is (北方) of Beijing.3. The park is (西北) of the hospital.4. The bus is (南) of the school.5. The school is (西南) of the zoo.6. Lets (help) him with his English.7. (not do) your homework at school.8. (not be) afraid to sing before people. 9. Do you know what (do) for our trip?10. I think youll (have) to (clean) the floor now.三、完成句子1. 别害怕。我们都会帮你的。 2. 别太确定。我们请老师帮忙吧。 3. 别那么做。 4. 汤姆正在登山。 5. 让我们帮老师拿书吧。 6. 有些人怕狗。 7. Lets enjoy Beijing opera here. (改为同义句) 8. Be late for school.(改为否定句) 9. I think we can go there by underground.(改为否定句) 10. She goes to the zoo by bus.(对划线部分提问) Period 2 Reading ()Teaching goals1.To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge2.To understand a series of events and simultaneous actions.3.To identify specific details by following a route and marking points on a map.Teaching proceduresStep 1 RevisionReview the words about directions. Step 2 Presenting 1. Teach new words by acting (push, pull.)2.Teach more words by showing the pictures .(police station, police uniform, robbers, green van, traffic lights, knife, building)3.Then tell the students a story with these words. Question:Why are the three robbers in police uniform in the police station? Can you guess?4.Get the students to look at the picture on page 46 C2 . Help them find the following places:(restaurant, hotel, Hill Building, police station, Park Road, 4th Street, 5th Street, 6th Street, 7th Street,8th Street)Step 3 Reading1.Get the students to listen to the tape, and try to solve the main problems of the story .2 Open the books, check the answers with them, and read the text quickly and answer the following questions.Step 4 Reading1. Now please work in a group of 4 students. Try to draw out Justins and Pauls route to the police station on the map on page 46 Part C2. ( check the answers)2. Do some Tor Fexercises ,check the students answers and provide help if necessary.3.Get the students to read after the tape ,and explain the important phrases and sentences to the students .Read and repeat .4Work in a group of 4 students, each student read one person.(Susan, policeman, Justin, Paul) Ask the best group to show their play to the others.5.Finish the exercises of B2 on page 45 and C1 on page 46.Step 5 Summary Today we learned about the story of a robbery, now please read the story again.Step 6 Doing homework1. Read the text familiarly and try to recite it if possible.2. Ask my students to try to tell the story in their own words.Reading 1一、用所给词的适当形式填空1The two (强盗) push them into the back of the van .2.They go out of the building (快)3.There are some people in police (制服).4.My best friend lives (附近).5Shall we take different (路线).5.The old woman tells us (turn) right .6.Can the police (catch) them 7.Paul tries (get) up early .9.He stops (talk) to me when he sees me in the street .10.We are surprised (see )her in the dress . 二、 将下列句子改为同义句1. Shall we read the story together? read the story together?2. He used a knife to open the box. He the box a knife.3. She didnt live far away the Hill Building. She in the Hill Building.4. Millies friend called: “Help! Help!” on the phone. Millies friend her help on the phone.5. They went to the station by car. They the station.6. Would you please give me two more bananas to eat? Would you please give me to eat?7. The baby was very happy when he saw his mother. The baby was very happy his mother.8. Be here early tomorrow.(否定句) tomorrow.三、缺词填空 Today, I was told the story A lucky escape. It is an i story and I like it very much. Justin and Paul are twins. One day, their friend Susan called for h . They went to Susans building, but three men in police u pushed them into a van. Paul opened the door with a knife. When the van stopped at t lights, they r out of it and took different r to run away. When they a at the police station, they were s to see the robbers there. The policemen stopped the van because they didnt l the back door. The robbers tried to run away, but the policemen c them in the end.四、译句。1 这个盗贼从大厦里跑了出来。 2 米莉试图锁上门,但没有成功。 3 我们走同的线路,好吗? 4 他们将朝左转入人民路去警察局。 5 看到他们的父母,这些孩子很惊奇。 Period 3 Reading ()Teaching goals1 To understand and use the expressions in the text2 To retell the story in their own wordsTeaching proceduresStep 1 Revision 1Get the students to read the story again for 5 minutes .then get them to answer some questions without looking at the books Step 2 Post-reading (language points )1.Useful phrases:get a call接到一个电话; robber抢劫犯; drive to开车前往; ride to骑车前往; walk to 走路前往; run to跑步前往;fly to 坐飞机前往; get out of 从地方出来; ran out of从地方跑出来; jump out of 从地方跳出来;look out of向外面看;at once= right now 立刻,马上;three men in police uniform 三个穿警服的人;push into the van推进;drive away开车离开; run away跑开2Important sentences:a.Paul tried to open the door but failed.(try to do 尽力去做某事)b.It works.(奏效,起作用)My computer doesnt work. There must be something wrong with it.c.He uses a knife to open the door. He opens the door with a knife.(use sth to do sth /do sth with sth 用什么去做某事)d.take different routes (to)/ take this route (to)eturn left/right into (to) Road/Streetf.go/walk along StreetgThe van stops at the traffic lights. Suddenly, Justin stops talking (stop doing sth.停止做某事)h.He is surprised to see the three men in the police station.(be surprised /happy /sorry to do sth )us)Are you surprised to see the robbers again? (Yes, we are.)Why do the police take the robbers to the police station? (Because the police find the door of their van open.)Step 4 Doing homework1. Read and recite the text.2. Revise the important expressions and try to use them.Reading 2一词组翻译1.骑自行车去公园 6.走另一条路 2走出超市 7.见到你很惊讶 3警服 8.坐拐进入公园路 4在交叉路口 9.在交通灯处停下 5用钥匙开门 10.开心地笑 二、完成下面的句子。l. The man _ (穿着警察制服) is Daniels uncle. 2. Every morning my father _ (开车带我去) school.3.Lucy _ (跑出) the classroom after school.4.Everyone _ (吃惊地看见)see a big cat when it _ (跳出) the box.5.Policemen often help students cross the road_ (在交通灯处). 6.Shall we _(走不同的线路)to the shopping mall? Lets see who is faster.三、翻译句子 1) 保罗试图打开门,但是没有成功。Paul tries to 2)让我们跑到位于第四大街的警察局吧。Lets on Fourth Street.3)他很快开走了货车。He 4)两个盗贼跳下车逃走了。The two robbers 5)我们为什么不走另一条线路呢?Why dont we ?6)米莉昨天告诉我们一个双胞胎强盗的故事。Millie told us a story 7)当老师进来的时候,学生们都停止了说话。The students when the teacher comes in.四、句型转换1.Susan wants to close the window, but it doesnt work. (改为同义句)Susan wants to close the window _ _.2.Take the second turning on the right. (改为同义句)_ _ at the _ turning3.Lets go along the lake. (先改为反意疑问句,再改为同义句)_ _ go along the lake? 4.Lets go along the lake, _ _? 5.To my surprise, I meet a friend of mine here. (改为同义句)I _ _ _ _ a friend of mine here.Period 4 VocabularyTeaching goals1 To recognize expressions about directions2 To give and respond to directionsTeaching procedures Step 1 Revision 1. T: Please look at the map on page 46 C2. Can you retell the story in your own words?(turn right, turn left, traffic lights2. T: Show them signs of turn left, turn right and traffic lights.Which one is turn right? Which one is turn left? Which picture means traffic lights?Step 2 Presenting 1. T: Look at these three signs. (zebra crossing, straight on, crossroads) 2. T: Now, can you come to the blackboard and write down the correct words on the right places? ( give them some road signs) S: T: When you cross the roads, you must know about these signs. Step 3 Doing activities1. Ask one student to come the front and show others the road signs. Divide the other into 2 groups. One group ask: What can you do when you see this sign? The other group answer: I can (must) turn left/turn right/go straight on/be careful/cross the road.2. Ask the students do the exercises on page 47 part A. Step 4 Presenting1. Draw the map on Page 47 part B, read the article to the students and invite some of them to choose which one is right. 2. T: Now please open your book and check the answers together. 3. Key structures: 1) Turn right and you will find it on the left.2) Walk along the road and turn left. Its on the left.3) Come to the crossroads and walk straight on. Youll see it on the right.4) When you come to the corner of the road. Turn right and youll find a hotel. Cross the road and the museum is opposite the hotel.4. Supplementary exercises:1) Is there an underground near here?2) A: How can I get to the Zoo?B: Go straight on and turn left at the second crossing.3) A: Wheres the library?B: Its down Bridge Road on the left.4) A: Could you tell me the way to the museum?B: Go down this road till the corner, turn right and youll see it.5) A: Please tell me the way to the Sunnyside Park?B: Walk along the street and take the first turning on the right.Vocabulary一、词组翻译1.交通灯_2.向右拐_ 3.斑马线_4.动物园入口_ 5.正确的地图 6.在你左边 7.去博物馆 8.在马路拐角处 9.道路标志 10.看地图 二、介词填空1. This is a picture my family. Mother is standing the left of my father. The boy standing front of my mother is my brother. I am standing next my brother. There is a smile each face. 2. She went 4th Street and turn right the Forest Park.3. The zoo is the park and museum. 4. This is a play a story twin brothers. Their friends call them help. Justin and Paul drive Hill Building. Three men police uniform push them a van. They are not policemen. They are robbers. Paul opens the back door the van a knife. They run the police station. They are happy. The policemen stopped the van because the front the van is open.三、句子翻译1. 穿过马路,学校就在你的左边。 2. 你能告诉我去警察局的路吗? 3. 他一直往前走,然后左拐进了一家宾馆。 4. 你来到交通灯处,右拐,就能看见动物园了。 5. 当你来到路的拐角处,你就看见入口处在左边。 6. 要去动物园的话,当你到十字路口时向左拐。 7. 我兄弟认为我们应该走不同的路线。 8. 我用小刀打开了门。 9. 我沿着第七街道走左拐进了公园路。 10. 我告诉警察有关抢劫犯的情况。 Period 5 Grammar ()【Teaching goals】To use prepositions of movement to give directions【Teaching procedures】Step 1 Revision1. Show the students a picture and ask the students the way. I want to go to the school. I must _(cross) the road.I want to go to the school. I must walk _(across) the road.(板书)(Explain the differences between them.)T: There are many words in English of prepositions of movement. Today we are going to learn some of them.(Teach across, to, through, along, up, round, over, down, from)Step 2 Doing activities1. Show the pictures on page 48 to the students on the screen. T: Now please work in pairs and guess the meaning of each picture , then write the answers on the paper.2. Take out the word cards about the prepositions and ask the students to put the right card under the picture.3.Explain the differences between some prepositions. (across/through)Step 3 Playing a game 1. Show students the pictures on page 48, and ask them to say out the correct prepositions. T: Look at the pictures, try to ask and answer the questions in pairs like this:A: Whats Simon doing in Picture 1? B: He is swimming across the pool.2. T: Now lets work out the rule. We use prepositions of movement _(before/after) the verbs.Step 4 Doing activities 1. T: If I stand on this side of the teachers desk, you are at the other side of it. We say we are on the opposite side of the desk.2. T: Neil is in Sunnyside Shopping mall, He wants to go to Sunshine Town Railway Station. Can you tell him the right way to go there?3.Work in a group of 4 students. The group leader writes down the prepositions.4.Ask each group leader to tell the other students about their results.Step 5 Practicing1.Learn the dialogue between Neil and Simon on Page 49 part A. Look at the map and write the answers.2.Ask the students to make out a new dialogue using Neil and Simons dialogue as an example. They can replace Sunshine Town Railway Station with other places.3.Invite the students to role-play the dialogue.Step6Doing homework1.Remember the words and phrases. 2.Do some consolidation exercises.3.Make up a new dialogue asking the way.Grammar(1)一、英汉互译1.穿过隧道 2.走下楼梯 3.向树上爬 4.火车站 5.最后 6.take different routes 7. at the other side of the street e out of the shopping mall 9.turn right into 4th Street 10.meet at the school gate 二、用单词的正确形式填空1. Shall we take different (路线)?2. You can s


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