【英语论文】中国电影对美国电影的影响The Impact of Chinese Films on American Movies

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中国电影对美国电影的影响The Impact of Chinese Films on American Movies学 生: 学 号:05081010112专 业:英 语班 级:教育2005.1指导教师: AcknowledgementsMy sincere gratitude goes to all those teachers of the Foreign Language Department, whose instructive lectures are of great help for the completion of this dissertation. But here I must offer specific thanks to my supervisor, Mr. Xia (Xia Hongzhong), who gave me very helpful guidance and provided extremely useful comments on the whole draft.I would also express the sincere appreciation to my good friend Jeff Bailey, who helped me find materials related to my dissertation and invited me to watch movies and discussed about them. That provides great help to my paper. And also thanks to the librarians in the library, they provided great guidance for my material searching. Further more, Id like to thank all my roommates, they gave me a good environment and atmosphere of learning.ABSTRACTChina is a civilized country with five thousand years history, Chinese culture is having a constant impact on other countries in the world. As in the movie industry, though later developed, Chinese movies do have a great influence on the western movies. This article aims at finding out the history of Chinese movies and how it evolved to have such an influence on Hollywood movies from the newly produced animated movie KungFu Panda. And through the analysis of the famous Chinese KungFu actors, the hero in the movie, and the words related to Chinese KungFu in this movie, it explains how and why Chinese have had the impact on Hollywood. Thus, appeal the whole world to give their attention to Chinese movie industry.KEY WORDS: movie; martial art; KungFu 摘 要中国是一个有着上下五千年文明历史的文化大国,中国文化从古到今也在对世界各国各产业产生着不断的影响。在电影方面,中国电影的发展虽然要比西方国家要晚,但是近代却对西方电影产生了一定的影响。本文从中国电影历史出发,抽象出其中较有代表性的中国元素,结合好莱坞最新功夫动画大片功夫熊猫,讨论中国电影对美国电影产生的影响。通过对一些具有代表性的功夫明星,功夫熊猫中的主角,以及在此电影中出现的与功夫有关的术语的分析,提示了中国电影对美国电影产生影响的方式及原因。从而使社会更加深刻的注意并认识到中国电影在世界舞台中的地位,使以中国电影为代表的中国文化为全世界更为广泛的接受。关键词:电影;武术;功夫ContentsI Introduction.1II The Impact of Chinese Films on American Movies .22.1 Martial Arts (Chinese KungFu)22.1.1 Chinese Martial Art.22.1.2 The Influence of Chinese Martial Arts on Chinese Culture.32.2 Chinese Martial Art Movies (KungFu Movies).3 2.2.1 The History of Martial Art Movies in China.4 2.2.2 The Influence of Chinese Martial Art Movies on the West World.42.3 Chinese KungFu in Hollywood Movies.52.3.1 Representative Actors (Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li).52.3.2 Representative Movie (KungFu Panda).6 Plot Summary.6 Words Related to Chinese KungFu.7Kungfu Done Panda Style.8Animal Heroes.9III Conclusion.10IV Bibliography11The Impact of Chinese Films on American MoviesI IntroductionSince God said “Let there be light”, so there is light. And movie was created from the combination of light and modern technique. Following the development of modernization and civilization, movies are accepted and transmitted all over the world. On December 28, 1895, the successful show of the French brothers in Paris marked the era of movies. In 1896, the brothers hired 20 assistants to go to five continents for the show of their movies. And from this, movie became a double value of art and cultural merchandise product and expanded from the West to the whole world.The development of movies in China is far later than that in the West. At first, movies in China were all western movies which were brought from abroad. 90% of Chinese movie market was filled with western movies until 1949. The first Chinese movie was made in 1905, which marked the beginning of movie industry in China. From then on, Chinese have been doing a lot to fulfill the film market.Many people make contrast between Chinese and American movies. One thing for sure is that the latter is developed much earlier than the former. Nowadays everybody in the world knows Hollywood. Chinese films, however, dont seem to be that popular. That is an obvious contrast, but theres something positive from that. From recent years Hollywood movies, its easy to find that Chinese film, though later developed, has some impact on American movie industry.At the beginning, Hollywood considered Chinese elements more in the Qing Dynasty, and it set up the basis of the impression left behind, which is usually distorted and ugly. This situation last until the 90s of the last century when Chinese market began to open to the whole world. For the huge Chinese market, Hollywood is gradually beginning to try to “appease” China.In the beginning, it wasnt obvious, just the occasional appearance of Jacky Chan in minor roles in Hollywood productions in the 1980s. Then, in the late 90s to the early 21st century, the avalanche of Chinese film and movie talents started moving into Hollywood in droves. These included directors such as John Woo (Face Off; Broken Arrow), Lee Ang (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Incredible Hulk; Brokeback Mountain), actor Chow Yuen Fatt (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; The Killer), actress Zhang Zhi Yi (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; The Geisha) martial arts director, Woo Yeun Ping (Matrix; Kill Bill), actor as well as director Jacky Chan (Shanghai Knights; Rush Hour) and many others.In addition, Chinese talents were not only involved in typical KungFu or martial arts movies but also in science-fiction such as The Hulk and The Matrix, sentimental movies such as Brokeback Mountain and The Geisha. But in this article, we will basically focus on the most typical Chinese element that had the greatest influence on Hollywood movies. That is martial arts, and it is also called Chinese KungFu.II The Impact of Chinese Movies on American Movies2.1 Martial Arts (Chinese KungFu)The origins of Chinese martial arts can be traced over 5000 years ago to self-defense needs, hunting activities and military training in ancient China. Hand-to-hand combat and weapons practice were important components in the training of Chinese soldiers. From this beginning, Chinese martial arts proceeded to incorporate different philosophies and ideas into its practice expanding its purpose from self-defense to health maintenance and finally as method of self-cultivation. Conversely, the influence of martial arts ideals in civilian society can be found in poetry, fiction, and eventually film. Chinese martial arts are now an integral element of Chinese culture.2.1.1 Chinese Martial ArtChina is a country of martial arts. It has one of the longest histories of continuously recorded martial arts tradition in the world and there are hundreds of styles probably the most varied.“Over the past two thousand years, many distinctive styles have been developed, each with its own set of techniques and ideas. There are also common themes to the different styles, which are often classified by “families” (家, jia), “sects” (派, pai) or “schools” (门, men) of martial art styles. There are styles that mimic movements from animals and others that gather inspiration from various Chinese philosophies, myths and legends. Some styles put most of their focus on the harnessing of “qi” (气) energy, while others concentrate solely on competition and exhibition. Each style offers a different approach to the common problems of self-defense, health and self-cultivation.”(Nick 1994)Chinese martial arts can be divided into various categories: For example, external (外家拳) and internal (内家拳).Chinese martial arts can also be categorized by location, as in northern (北拳) and southern (南拳) as well, referring to what part of China the styles originated from, separated by the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang); Chinese martial arts may even be classified according to their province or city. The main perceived difference about northern and southern styles is that the former tend to emphasize fast and powerful kicks, high jumps and generally fluid and rapid movement, while the latter focus more on strong arm and hand techniques, and stable, immovable stances and fast footwork. Chinese martial arts can also be divided according to religion, imitative-styles (象形拳), and more. There are distinctive differences in the training between different groups of the Chinese martial arts regardless of the type of classification.2.1.2 The Influence of Chinese Martial Arts on Chinese CultureChinese martial arts had a great influence on many aspects of Chinese culture. It plays a prominent role in the literature genre known as “Wuxia” (武侠小说). This type of fiction is based on Chinese concepts of chivalry, a separate martial arts society (Wulin, 武林) and a central theme involving martial arts. Wuxia stories can be traced as far back as the 2nd and the 3rd century BC, becoming popular at the Tang Dynasty and evolving into novel form at the Ming Dynasty. This genre is still extremely popular throughout East Asia and provides a major influence on the public perception of the martial arts.Martial arts influences can also be found in Chinese opera, of which Beijing opera is one of the best-known examples. This popular form of drama dates back to the Tang Dynasty and continues to be an example of Chinese culture. Some martial arts movements can be found in Chinese opera and some martial artists can be found as performers in Chinese operas.2.2 Chinese Martial Art Movies (KungFu Movies)Talking about Chinese KungFu movies in China, its countless. The first production of those began at HongKong. From the 1960s, studios in Hong Kong began cranking out martial arts and other films one after another. Many of these films were loosely based on popular novels and storybooks. Production quality was low, acting was mediocre and the actors and actresses were not really trained in martial arts even if acting in martial arts movies.2.2.1 The History of Martial Art Movies in ChinaIn 1970s-1980sThe 1970s to 1980s were the heydays of Chinese movie making. Large film studios and movie-making companies began to form in Hong Kong. At the same time, the first Chinese movie legend, Bruce Lee, went on to make movies for Hong Kong and Hollywood studios that literally swept Asia and the rest of the world into a KungFu mania.Bruce Lee died in 1973, Chinese movie making reached its peak of that decade at this year and then went into a decline. During this period of time, movie making went into the doldrums in mainland China as nothing but propaganda movies were made during those cultural revolution upheaval periods.In 1980s-1990sThis was the golden era but also the most commercially exploited era of Chinese movie making. There was a flood of Chinese movies ranging from martial arts to love stories, to slapstick comedies, to Hollywood copycats as investors and movie makers seek the golden target from a finicky Chinese audience. There were some commercial success, but most movie ventures lost money. Breaking the trend of Chinese movie flops was Jackie Chan, an up and coming martial art actor who laced his KungFu movies with a high dose of humor and sometimes slapstick. His movies became best sellers across Asia.Around the same period, Tsui Hark, another great Hong Kong director, directed and produced a few block blusters around the legends of an early KungFu master, Wong Fei Hong. He also brought fame to Jet Li, a top martial arts champion from China, who was the key actor for many of his movies.These led to a revival of martial arts movies, which had gone into a downtrend ever since the death of Bruce Lee in 1973. Chinese martial arts movies were not only a great showcase for Chinese KungFu, many of them had gripping storyline, great acting skills, strong production and strong social themes; Not only did many of these Chinese movies took Chinese speaking society by storm, they also took Asia and eventually the rest of the world by storm. Chinese movie making talents had arrived on the world stage.2.2.2 The Influence of Chinese Martial Art Movies on the West WorldChinese martial art is a forever famous word in Hollywood as well as in the whole world. China is a civilized nation of more than five thousand years of history. And Chinese KungFu is one of the greatest cultural treasures of our nation.References to the concepts and use of Chinese martial arts can be found in popular culture. Historically, the influence of Chinese martial arts can be found in books and in the performance arts specific to Asia. Recently, those influences have extended to the movies and television that targets a much wider audience. As a result, Chinese martial arts have spread beyond its ethnic roots and have a global appeal. In modern times, Chinese martial arts have spawned the genre of cinema known as the martial arts film. The films of Bruce Lee were instrumental in the initial burst of Chinese martial arts popularity in the West in the 1970s. Martial artists and actors such as Jet Li and Jackie Chan have continued the appeal of movies of this genre. Martial arts films from China are often referred to as “KungFu movies” (功夫片), or “Wire Fu” if extensive wire work is performed for special effects, and are still best known as part of the tradition of KungFu Theater.In the west, KungFu has become a regular action staple, and makes appearances in many films that would not generally be considered “Martial Arts” films. These films include but are not limited to The Matrix Trilogy, Kill Bill, and The Transporter.Martial arts themes can also be found on television networks. With 60 episodes over a three-year span, it was one of the first North American TV shows that tried to convey the philosophy and practice in Chinese martial arts. The use of Chinese martial arts techniques can now be found in most TV action series, although the philosophy of Chinese martial arts is seldom portrayed in depth.2.3 Chinese KungFu in Hollywood Movies2.3.1 Representative Actors (Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li)Mentioning Chinese KungFu, we cant miss Bruce Lee. I believe everyone is familiar with him. In his 32-years life, he let American know Chinese KungFu. Hye Seung Chung, a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan said,“Before Lees time, Asian men had been largely depicted as emasculated and childlikecoolies, domestics, etc. in American popular culture, but Lee proved that the image of the Asian man can be tough, strong and sexy. However, the Bruce Lee craze of the 1970s created a new stereotype of the Asian man: namely, the martial artist, which still permeates in Hollywood cinema.”At first, with many attempts to break into Hollywood, Bruce Lee got a chance at a television show. He became Cato on the Green Hornet. In Asia, the show is called “the Cato Show”. Bruce Lee later helped develop a show called “KungFu” which became wildly popular. He didnt get the leading row. Frustrated and angry, Bruce Lee returned to Hong Kong to make movies. Several films later, he made his Hollywood debut with Enter The Dragon. And from then on, he began his Hollywood KungFu career.Jackie Chan is one of the best-known names worldwide in the areas of KungFu and action films. In his films, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, use of improvised weapons and innovative stunts. Jackie Chan has been acting since the 1970s and has appeared in over 100 films. Chan has received stars on the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars and the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Another Chinese famous martial artist is Jet Li. In 1998, he made his American film debut in Lethal Weapon 4, which also marked the first time he had ever played a villain in a film. He agreed to do Lethal Weapon 4 after the producer Joel Silver promised to give him the leading role in his next film, Romeo Must Die (2000) which was a box office hit. Li and fellow martial arts veteran Jackie Chan appeared together onscreen for the first time in The Forbidden Kingdom, which began filming in May 2007 and was released to critical and commercial success on April 18, 2008. The film was based on the legend of the Monkey King from the Chinese folk novel Journey to the West. Li also starred as the lead villain in the fantasy action film The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor with actors Brendan Fraser, Isabella Leong and Michelle Yeoh.2.3.2 Representative Movie (KungFu Panda)Plot SummaryKungFu Panda is a newly produced Hollywood animated film which has the greatest Chinese elements in it. At first, many people were angry at it because they thought that the American are using Chinese symbols but making American films. But we can see this from another point of view. Chinese elements are gradually attracting their eyes. And this film turned out to be a great success. It became the worlds third film in box office receipts in 2008.This is a very simple story, almost a republication of a Chinese old swordsmen film: Theres a worshipful master, an evil prentice who had betrayed his teacher, a crowd of loyal prentices and a new, silly one who will at last became the most important one and beat the evil one.The Panda named “Po” plays the part of our fat, lazy outsider, who has long harbored a dream to practice KungFu alongside the Five Masters of the artTigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper, and Monkeyand escape the noodle shop that currently serves as his lot in life. Soon, however, the Masters own master, red panda Shifu, is handed a prophecy that villainous snow leopard Tai Lung will escape from prison, sending Shifu into a frenzy to determine which of his students will be named the legendary Dragon Warrior and save the day. Wacky hijinks is sure that Po is gifted with the title of the chosen one, which of course invites the ire of Shifu and his studentsand which Po greets with dumb fat-guy antics, blows to the crotch, and clumsy disrespect for everything the Masters represent. But all is forgiven, because though Po does not want to be a hash-slinger for the rest of his life, he can not deny the fact that he is already a working-class schmo. As such, KungFu Panda is extraordinarily timid in examining the factors that would theoretically prevent anyone from going out and achieving their dreams: it casually sidesteps difficult familial questions involved in Pos adoptive upbringing under wacky goose Mr. Ping, who forced a generations-long “noodle dream” on him.Words Related to Chinese KungFu in This MovieThroughout the history of interactions between China and the western world, words are borrowed from each other. And from these Chinese or Chinese-like words in this movie, we can tell how Chinese movies had the effect on American movies. For example, KungFu itself is a Chinese word GongFu (功夫). It was popularized in Chinese movie industry at 70s and 80s with Bruce Lee and HongKong KungFu movies. Now, with the rapid growth of box office income, some more Chinese words might get into American dictionary.The first one is Oogway. Oogway, or “WuGui”, is indeed the original pronunciation of tortoise (乌龟) in Chinese. In ancient China, tortoise often means longevity. However, in more recent time, slow and dumb is often being emphasized on this animal. Maybe the movie will help to revive the reputation of it.The second one is Shifu. Its Chinese version is “ShiFu” (师父). It was consisted by two parts. The first one is Shi, means teacher. The second is Fu, means father. In the time when students lived in Shifus house starting from a very young age, Shifu really means both teacher and father, just like what the Kungfu Panda depicted. So


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