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三、四年级重点句型句子,对话总结。Good morning.(早上好) Good afternoon.(下午好) Goodbye(再见)Good night.(晚安) see you (再见) See you tomorrow. (明天见)Nice to meet you .(见到你很高兴) Nice to see you again. 特殊疑问句1、A:Whats your name?你叫什么名字? B:My names.我叫. A:Whats his name ? 他叫什么名字? B:His name is.他叫.A: Whats her name ? 她叫什么名字? B: Her name is.她叫. 2、A:How are you?你好吗? B:Fine(好), Im fine(我很好) , thank you / thanks. Im OK, Very well(非常好), 3、A:How old are you ? 你几岁了? B:Im.(数字) 例:A: How old are you?你几岁了? B:Im 12. 我12岁。4、(1) A:How many.? 多少. B:数字。 例: A:How many cars?多少辆车? B:11或11 cars. (2) A: How many .can you see? B:I can see .你能看到多少. 我能看见. 例: A:How many boys can you see? B:I can see 8.你能看见多少个男孩? 我能看到8个。(3) A: How many .do you have ? 你有多少. B:I have .(数字) 例: A: How many books do you have ?你有多少本书? B: I have 9 .我有9本。(4) A: How many .are there.? .有多少. B: There is / are . 例: A: How many people are there in your family ?你家里有多少人? B: There are five people in my family .我家里有五个人。A: How many books are there on the desk ?课桌上有几本书? B: There is one book on the desk. 课桌上有一本书。5、A: How much is / are .? .多少钱? B: Its. / They are.(价格)例:A: How much is this dress ?这连衣裙多少钱?B: Its one hundred yuan. It is expensive.100元。太贵了。A: How much are the shoes? 这双鞋子多少钱?B: Theyre 25 yuan. They are cheap. 25元。很便宜。A: How much is the pair of sandals ? 这双凉鞋多少钱?B: 30 yuan. 6、A: How/What about.? .怎么样? B: 根据情况回答。例:A: How about this skirt ?这裙子怎样?B: It is colourful . 它色彩丰富。A: What about these socks? 这双袜子怎样?B: Theyre pretty. 它们很漂亮。7、(1) A:Where are you from?你来自哪里? Where is he/she from? B:Im from.我来自. Hes/Shes from (2) A:where are you ?你在哪里? B:Im here.我在这里。 (3) A:Where is / are .?.在哪里? B:Here it is.它在这里。 Its/Theyre in/on/under/near.它/它们在.里/上/下面/附近。例: A : Where is my ruler? 我的尺子在哪里? B:Its in the book.它在书里。A:Where are my books ? 我的书在哪里? B:Theyre on the chair.它在椅子上。A: Where is your mouth ?你的嘴巴在哪里?B: Here it is.8、A:Whos this(that) boy(man / girl /woman) ? 这个/那个 男孩/女孩/男人/女人是谁? B: Hes /Shes . 他 / 她是.例:A:Whos this boy? 这个男孩是谁? B:Hes my brother . 他是我哥哥。 A;Whos that woman? 那个女人是谁? B:Shes my mother.她是我妈妈。9、(1) A: Whose . is this ?这是谁的.? Whose is this.?B: Its . 是.的。例:A: Whose jacket is it ?它是谁的夹克衫? Whose is this jachet?B: Its my fathers.是我爸的。(2) A: Whose . are those ? 那些是谁的.? B: Theyre . 它们是.的。 例:A: Whose sneakers are these ? 那双网球鞋是谁的?B: Theyre Mikes. 它们是麦克的。10、A: What colour is / are . ? . 是什么颜色?B: Its / Theyre .(颜色类单词)例:A: What colour is it ? 它是什么颜色? B: Its green . 是绿色的。A: What colour are the pants ? 那长裤是什么颜色的?B: Black . 黑色的。11、A: Whats your father(mother / aunt / uncle)?你的.是做什么的? B: Hes / Shes .(职业)例:A: What is your father ?你爸爸是做什么的?B: He is a doctor . 他是位医生。A: Whats your aunt ? 你姑姑是做什么的?B: Shes a nurse . 她是位护士。12、A: What time is it? B: Its+点钟(Its one oclock.)13、A: What would you like for.? 你.想吃什么?B: I would(Id) like some. 我想吃些.例:A: What would you like for dinner ? 你晚餐想吃什么?B: I would like some fish and vegetables . 我想吃些鱼和蔬菜。14、A: Whats the weather like in Beijing ? 北京的天气怎样?B: Its warm today. 今天暖和。A: Whats the weather like in fall in Beijing ? 北京秋天的天气怎样?B: Its sunny and cool. 秋天的天气晴朗又凉爽。15、A: Whats the matter with you ? 你怎么啦?B: I have a cold. 我感冒了。16、A: What size ? 多大码? B: Size five. 五码。17、A: Whats this / that ? 这/那是什么? B: Its a / an . 它是.例:A: What is this ? 这是什么? B: Its an orange. 它是个橙子。18、A: What are these / those ? 这些/那些是什么? B: They are. 它们是.例:A: What are these ? 这些是什么? B: Theyre carrots. 它们是胡萝卜。一般疑问句1、A:May I have a look?我可以看一下吗? B:Sure(Certainly) . Here you are.可以,给你。 A:Can I help you ? 你需要帮忙吗? B:Yes , please . 是的。2、A:Can I have a / some .please?我可以吃些吗? B:Yes,Please .可以,请。/ Sure . / Certainly .例: A:Can I have a pear , please ? 我可以吃个梨吗? B:Certainly, here you are.可以,给你3、A:Can I use . 我可以用.吗? B:No problem.没问题。/ Sure . / Certainly .例:A:Excuse me.Can I use your pen ? 打扰了,我可以用你的钢笔吗?B:No problem. 没问题。4、A: Can I wear my new jacket ? 我可以穿我的新夹克衫吗? B: Yes , you can . / Sure . / Certainly . 可以。 No , you cant . 不,不可以。5、A:Is she . ?她是.吗? Is he . ?他是. 吗? B:Yes , she / he is . 是的,她是。 No , she / he isnt . 不,他不是。例:A:Is she your sister? 她是你的姐姐吗? B:Yes , she is. A:Is he your brother ? 他是你的哥哥吗? B:No , he isnt . 6、A: Is this .? 这是.吗? 例:Is this your skirt ? Is that .? 那是.吗? 例:Is that a horse ? Is it .? 它是.吗? 例:Is it hot ?B: Yes , it is . 是的,它是。 No , it isnt . / No, its not . 不,它不是。7、A: Are they .吗?它们是.吗? 例:Are they peaches? Are these .吗?这些是.吗? 例:Are these cows ? Are those .吗?那些是.吗? 例:Are those tomatoes ? B: Yes , they are . / No , they arent .8、A:Do you like .?你喜欢.吗? 例: Do you like apples ? B:Yes , I do. 是,我喜欢。Yeah , very much.是,非常喜欢。Yes , I like them very much.是,我非常喜欢他们。No,I dont. 不,我不喜欢。9、A: Do you have .? 你有. 吗? 例:Do you have a computer ? B: Yes , I do . / No , I dont .陈述句。1、A:Have some / a / an. 吃些/个. 例:Have a peach . B:Thank you.好,谢谢。No,thank you.不,谢谢。2、A:Lets .让我们. 例: A: Lets eat the brithday cake. 让我们吃生日蛋糕吧。 B:OK. / Great. / Good idea. / All right. 好/好极了/好主意/好的。3、Let me . 让我. 例:Let me clean the board. 让我擦黑板吧。 Let me try . 让我试一试。 Let me show you. 让我示范给你看。4、A:Here you are.给你。 B:Thank you.谢谢你。 A:This is for you. 这是给你的。5、A:Thank you . 谢谢你。 B:Youre welcome . 不客气。6、A:I like .我喜欢. I dont like .我不喜欢. I like .very much.我非常喜欢. B: Me too.我也是。 I have . 我有.例: A:I like potatoes. 我喜欢苹果。 B:Me too.我也是。7、A:Im sorry . 对不起。 B:Its OK .没关系。8、I can use chopsticks .我能用筷子。 9、We had a good time. 我们过得很愉快。10、He looks strong .11、This / That is.这是/那是.例:This is a horse. That is a cow.12、These / Those are.这些是/那些是.例:These are sheep. Those are goats.13、There is / are.有.例:There is an orange on the table. There are grapes on the table.14、Its time for+(名词) 该干.的时候了。Its time to+(动词)例:Its time for breakfast. 该吃早餐了。Its time to have breakfast.15、Ill take it. 我买了。Well take them. 我们买了。


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