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高中英语一轮复习 Part I Unit 12 Culture Shock作业 北师大版.完形填空 I get many emails each week from people who want to start building robots. As a builder of robots for 30 years, heres my _1_ on the subject. First, lets decide what a “robot” is. In my _2_, a remote controlled car is not a robot since it has no brain of its own. To be a robot, it should have the _3_ to think and make decisions. This may sound _4_ at first, but really any small computer can be programmed to make _5_. I want to encourage you, but _6_, building a robot is not easy. This is a task that would _7_ a normal person several months or years. In _8_, as past president of the Dallas Personal Robotics Group, Ive known professional engineers that spent several years just to _9_ a mobile base working.Im not trying to _10_ you, but I just want you to know what _11_ of project this is. If you are willing to spend many months, much money, and potentially _12_ and discouragement, then design and build your own robot from the very beginning. Most people _13_ that you can build a robot with parts found around the house and that is partially true. I think _14_ screwdrivers would be a good drive motor. _15_, there are many things that you will have to _16_, especially when it _17_ to the electronics, sensors and microcontroller parts. These items are simply not _18_ in the bottom of a toybox or at your local WalMart. _19_ almost all believed it would cost much _20_ when they began, most robots built from the very beginning cost between $200 and $15. Many people spend well over $1,000 and some, much more.1A.explanation Binstruction Cadvice Dquestion 【答案与解析】C从下文看是作者的一些建议。2A.opinion Bthought Cidea Dfeeling【答案与解析】Ain ones opinion是固定搭配,“在看来”。3A.power Bstrength Cforce Dability 【答案与解析】Dhave the ability to do “有做的能力”。4A.interesting Bhard Ceasy Dexciting 【答案与解析】B根据转折词but和any(任何一个)判断,此处应为“听起来难”。5A.choices Bmistakes Cconclusions Ddecisions【答案与解析】Dmake decisions“作出决定”,上文有提示。6A.immediately Bhonestly Cespecially Deventually【答案与解析】B根据“我想鼓励你”和“但是”,“不容易”判断,此处应为“说实话”。7A.spend Bafford Ctake Dpay 【答案与解析】C该句为sth takes sb time句型,意为“某事花费某人时间”。8A.general Bfact Ccommon Dneed 【答案与解析】Bin general“一般说来”; in fact“事实上”; in common“共有”; in need“需要”。根据下文的“作为”推断,要用“事实上”。9A.get Benable Ccause Dmake【答案与解析】A get sth working“让运转起来”。enable和cause后接to do;make后用动词原形。10A.discourage Bencourage Cconvince Dsatisfy 【答案与解析】A上文谈到的是制作机器人的困难,所以此处作者说“我不想让你泄气”。11A.color Bsize Cdate Drange【答案与解析】B根据后面的project看,应该是“让你知道这个工程(计划)的大小”。12A.excitement Benjoyment Cdisappointment Dpleasure【答案与解析】C根据后面的discouragement判断。13A.recognize Bsuggest Cpermit Dbelieve【答案与解析】Dbelieve“相信”,此处指“大部分的人都这样认为”。14A.electric Belectrical Celectronic Delectricity 【答案与解析】Aelectric“电动的”; electrical“有关电的”; electronic“电子的”; electricity“电”。根据screwdrivers看,应为“电动的”。15A.Therefore BHowever COtherwise DBesides【答案与解析】B上下文的转折关系,所以用however,意为“然而”。16A.borrow Bbuy Clend Dbuild【答案与解析】B上文提到制作机器人的许多部件可以找到,然后通过转折词,我们就可看出另外一些东西需要“购买”。17A.turns Bchanges Ccomes Dgoes【答案与解析】Cwhen it comes to.是固定句型,意为“当谈到;当涉及”。18A.available Bacceptable Cresponsible Dpossible 【答案与解析】Aavailable“可利用的;可用到的”。19A.Because BThrough CAlthough DSince【答案与解析】C上下文是让步关系,所以用although。20A.more Bcheaper Chigher DLess【答案与解析】D根据下文的“cost well over $1,000”判断,一开始的时候,几乎所有的人都认为花费少。.单项填空21He is never _ of his shortcomings because he is overconfident. Aaware Bawake Cafraid Dashamed【答案与解析】A题意: 因为过于自信,他从来意识不到自己的缺点。be aware of “意识到”,符合题意。22Tired of work through the year, she desired to _ and live an independent life for herself. Adrop off Bdrop outCdrop in Ddrop behind【答案与解析】B题意:厌烦了一年到头的工作,她想要退出而去过一种独立的生活。 drop out “退出”; drop off “将某人送到某处”; drop in “顺便来访”; drop behind “落后”。23He is firmly _ to rise in the world whatever it takes. Ainspired BdeterminedCdeveloped Ddecided 【答案与解析】B题意: 他下定决心无论如何也要出人头地。be determined to do “下定决心做某事”,强调心理状态,符合题意。24I tried to get out of the business, _ I found impossible.Awho Bwhich Cthat Dwhat【答案与解析】B题意:我试图脱离商界,却发现这是不可能的。在非限制定语从句中,关系代词指代前面整个句子意思时,只能用which。25She didnt speak loudly, so she couldnt make herself _.Ahear Bto hear Chearing Dheard 【答案与解析】D题意:她说话声音不大,因此无法让人们听清楚。make oneself heard / known / understood.是固定用法,意为“使某人自己(被)听到/知道/理解”。26I smell something_ in the kitchen; can I call you back in a minute?Aburning Bburnt Cbeing burnt Dto be burnt【答案与解析】A题意:我闻到厨房里什么东西糊了(正在燃烧),我能过一会儿回电话给你吗?burning 作宾语补足语,表示“正在燃烧”。27The monument was set up _ the soldiers who died for the country.Ain case of Bin face of Cin charge of Din honour of【答案与解析】Din honour of “为纪念;为庆祝”。题意:这座纪念碑是为纪念为国牺牲的士兵们而建立的。28Its no use_ over spilt milk.Acry Bcried Cbeing cried Dcrying【答案与解析】D题意:不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣。It is no use / no good / senseless后常接ving形式。29The lights were left burning all night long.Yes. It seems that Zhang Peng is _. He was the last to leave.Ablaming BblamedCto blame Dto be blame【答案与解析】Cbe to blame “应受到责备”,用主动形式表示被动含义。30The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library.Aaccess Bpassage Cway Dapproach【答案与解析】A题意:设计这个系统的目的是让学生迅速、方便地使用图书馆的数字资源。 access to 为固定短语,意为“有权使用;有机会接近”。31He _ his success in the English speech contest to full preparation. Aarose Bpublished Cowed Downed【答案与解析】C题意:他把英语演讲比赛的成功归功于充分的准备。arise“出现”; publish“出版;发行”; owe“归功于”; own“拥有;所有”。32The central finance has handed out 6.3 billion yuan to help the local government ease capital shortages_the snow disaster.Aresulting in Bin spite of Cowing to Din terms of【答案与解析】C题意:中央财政拨出63亿元帮助当地政府缓解雪灾引起的资金短缺问题。result in “导致”; in spite of “尽管”; owing to“由于;因为”; in terms of“就来说”。33I was reading attentively _ I heard a loud explosion outside. Awhen Bwhile Cas if Din case【答案与解析】A题意:我正专心致志地看书,突然听到了外面巨大的爆炸声。此句中,when 意为“正在那时;突然”。while “当时候”; as if “仿佛;好像”; in case “以防;以免”。34The way _ our boss treats us is hard to understand. Awhich Bin that Chow D不填【答案与解析】D题意:老板对待我们的方式真是难以理解。当先行词是the way,且the way 在定语从句中作方式状语时,定语从句可用in which, that 引导,也可省略关系词。35Mr Li suggested us _ as much English as possible in our spare time. Aread Bto read Creading Dshould read【答案与解析】C题意:李老师建议我们课外尽可能多读英语。suggest doing sth “建议做某事”;当suggest (建议)后接从句时,从句的谓语部分用should do 形式,should 可以省略。. 阅读理解 A A British architect has designed the worlds tallest road bridge in southern France. This picture shows what an unbelievable sight it is. Designing a road bridge that is higher than the Eiffel Tower was a tall order, even for famous British architect Norman Foster. But after years of planning, he created an amazing design that has been built by the French construction company famous for building Paris landmark tower. Costing 270 million, the revolutionary new bridge spans the Tarn Valley at Millau, in the Massif Central mountains of southern France. The bridge was built to provide a direct route between Paris and the Spanish city of Barcelona. Previously the only route was through Millau, a small town of just a few thousand residents. More than 10,000 cars passed through Millau every day, causing huge traffic jams, so thebridge was commissioned in December 2001. Already it has been called a model of art, hardly surprising considering Foster is also responsible for designing other buildings of architectural beauty. The Millennium Bridge and Canary Wharf tube station in London, and the Reichstag parliament building in Berlin are all his designs. The bridge was opened and already is a great success. Even though drivers must pay a toll of 3.20, it has attracted visitors from around the world. 100,000 people have changed their journey just to catch a glimpse of this giant web of steel and concrete. But not everyone is happy. Some shop owners have complained that business has been poor since the bridge opened. The number of people traveling through Millau is much reduced. The bridge, like Concorde and the Channel Tunnel, is another remarkable example of what the French and British can achieve when they team up.36From the passage we can see that _. Ait was not hard for Norman Foster to design the bridge Bthough famous, Norman Foster met a lot of difficulties designing the bridge Cit took Norman Foster several years to build the bridge Dwith Fosters French, construction company designed the bridge【答案与解析】 B推断题。根据第2段中的“a tall order (难做的事情)”和“after years of planning”可以判断,他在设计大桥时遇到了不少的困难。37After the bridge was opened, _. Apeople spent less time traveling from France to Spain Bmore and more cars went through the town of Millau every day Ceveryone in Millau was pleased with it Dtraffic jams often occurred on it【答案与解析】A推断题。根据第3段中的“The bridge was built to provide a direct route between Paris and the Spanish city of Barcelona”可知,大桥提供了从巴黎到巴塞罗那的直达线路,所以人们从法国到西班牙会节省时间。38Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?ABefore the bridge was opened, people traveled from Paris to Barcelona by way of Millau. BResidents in the town of Millau suffered from traffic jams. CThe tallest building in France was the Eiffel Tower. DSome of the people benefited from the cars passing by.【答案与解析】C推断题。虽然短文中提到“Designing a road bridge that is higher than the Eiffel Tower”,但是大桥比埃菲尔铁塔高,并不一定说明埃菲尔铁塔是法国最高的建筑物。39From the passage we can infer that _.Asome people are not satisfied because they have to pay when going across it Bthe bridge not only is a convenient route but also has become a place of interest Cthe bridge was in the charge of French president Jacques Chirac when under construction D100,000 cars go across the bridge every day【答案与解析】B推断题。大桥提供了从巴黎到巴塞罗那的直达线路,可推测“方便”;许多人改变旅行路线来观看大桥,说明大桥已成了一景点。B Having a private life is becoming more and more difficult. The thing is that today everything we do is recorded on computers. We cannot even order a pizza without being asked our phone number. For some people, it might be a problem. A total stranger can, with one touch of his computer, have all the information about your life. Thats the price we pay as our world moves with technology. Soon we will just have to put our thumb on a screen and everything about our private life will appear. It is up to us to fix the limits to invasion of our privacy. For example, when people become famous, they lose their privacy; but for them thats a personal choice. We cannot be rich and famous and walk on a crowded avenue without being recognized by people. What troubles me is why people want to put their noses in each others business. Private investigators are agood example of how some people are paid to look into and spy on the private lives of people. The worst thing is that not only are they paid to do their job, but they often overcharge for their work. This job has to be forbidden because it is against the right to have a private life. The fact that anyone can eavesdrop (窃听) on other people does not really bother me; I think that it is human nature to be curious. What does bother me, however, is that some people do it for the purpose of hurting someone.40What does the writer want to say in this passage?ANew technologies affect our life.BIt is difficult to have a private life.CYour phone number is not a secret.DComputers can recorder everything.【答案与解析】B主旨题。文章的第1句“Having a private life is becoming more and more difficult”为主题句,意为“过私人生活越来越难”,后面都是围绕此点展开的。41From the passage we can infer that if we put our personal information on the web, _.Ait might bring us troubleBit might cause trouble to othersCwe can develop friendship with a strangerDa stranger can recognize us with only one touch【答案与解析】A推断题。根据第2段“A total stranger can, with one touch of his computer, have all the information about your life. Thats the price we pay as our world moves with technology”中的“陌生人”和“付出的代价”可知,这样做可能给我们带来麻烦。42According to the writer, if famous people _.Awalk on the street, they will be recognizedBbecome rich, theyd better not walk aloneCwant to have privacy, they shouldnt be on a crowded streetDlose their privacy, it must be their own choice【答案与解析】A细节题。第3段的最后一句“我们不可能在富有和出名的时候在繁忙的街上走而不被认出来”给出了答案。43The worst thing private investigators often do is that _.Athey put their nose in other peoples businessBthey look into other peoples private lifeCthey are paid to do the jobDthey ask for more money【答案与解析】D细节题。根据第4段“.but they often overcharge for their work”中的关键词overcharge(过高地要钱)可知,他们要的钱太多。C Great Basin National Park is a United States National Park established in 1986, located in eastcentral Nevada near its border with Utah. It is the first national park in the western state of Nevada. It is far from any city. In the early 1800s, an American explorer traveled through the area. He found the land shaped like a bowl. So he named it the Great Basin. There arent many places in the world quite like Great Basin National Park. The drastic (猛烈的) difference in elevation between the high mountain peaks and the desert floor below bring a large variety of wildlife and plant life to the park. For example, you can climb a mountain covered with green trees, then cool yourself in a field of snow when you arrive at the top. Here and there, sharp rocks push out through the snow. Among the rocks you might see nest of the golden eagle, a bird that was once in danger of dying out.There are a number of developed campsites within the park, as well as excellent back country camping opportunities. You can climb in a campground on the edge of Lehman Caves. The caves are a group of large underground rooms made of limestone. You can walk through them for about a kilometer. The state of Nevada has wanted a national park for more than sixty years. There has always been opposition from people who believe that a park would harm mining and agricultural interests.The bill that set up the park, however, guarantees that mines will remain open, and that sheep and cows will continue to feed on the mountainsides.44. Which of the following diagrams gives the correct relationship between Nevada,Utah and the Great Basin? (N Nevada; U Utah; G the Great Basin )【答案与解析】A推断题。根据第1段中的“.located in the eastcentral Nevada, near its border with Utah.”可知,A项与该描述相符。45We can conclude from the passage that _.Athere is plenty of snow in the Great Basin Bthe highest mountains are in the middle of the park Cthe park is about one square kilometer Dthe mountains are quite high above sea level there【答案与解析】D推断题。根据第3段中的“.climb a mountain covered with green forest, then cool yourself in a field of snow when you arrive at the top.”可知,山下是绿色的树,山顶是积雪,这说明山很高。46Lehman Caves are _. Arooms built with limestone Babout one kilometer each Cconnected with each other Dplaces where visitors live【答案与解析】C推断题。根据第4段中的“You can walk through them for about a kilometer”可知,游客能穿过这些山洞,这说明山洞是相通的。47Why was no national park built in the Great Basin for a long time? ABecause it was found not long ago. BBecause it was far away from any city. CBecause some considered it harmful in some ways. DBecause it was near the border with Utah.【答案与解析】C细节题。根据第5段中的“There has always been opposition from people who believe that a park would harm mining and agricultural interests”可知,有些人认为建公园在某些方面不利。D White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said he called to wake President Obama early Thursday with the unexpected news. “I think it is safe to say he was surprised,” he said.Speaking at the White House, Mr Obamas tone was one of humility. “To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the famous figures who have been honored by this prizemen and women who have inspired me, and inspired the entire worldthrough their courageous pursuit of peace,” Mr Obama said. Global reaction was swift and varied. UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Kimoon described the peace prize as “great news”. “President Obama embodies the new spirit of dialogue and engagement on the worlds biggest problems: climate change, nuclear disarmament and a wide range of peace and security challenges,” he said. Across the United States, many Americans expressed surprise. “I am amazed, actually,” one person said. Another added: “I was a little shocked because I thought the timing was interesting in that he has not been in office for very long.” A third person said, “As much as I like Barack Obama, I just do not know that he has done enough to get such an honor.” At American College in Cairo, political scientist Saiid Sadek found Mr Obamas selection odd and undeserved. “There is no peace in Iraq, nor in Afghanistan. The ArabIsraeli conflict is still going on. As usual, nothing happened. So what for is he getting that prize?” he said. Two other sitting US presidents have become Nobel winners: Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.48What was President Obama doing when the award was announced?AHe was working in his office.BHe was speaking at a meeting.CHe was sleeping.DHe was talking with UN SecretaryGeneral.【答案与解析】C细节题。根据第1段第1句“White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said he called to wake President Obama early Thursday with the unexpected news”可知,Obama当时到正在睡觉。49What would be the best title for the passage?AUS President Obama Was Awarded Peace PrizeBObama Peace Prize Award Arose Praise and CriticismCThree Sitting Presidents Have Won the Peace PrizeDThe Nobel Peace Prize Was Announced【答案与解析】B主旨题。根据第3段的第1句“Global reaction was swift and varied”以及后面的内容可知,人们对奥巴马当选褒贬不一,所以用B项作标题概括了文章的内容。50How did most people feel when they heard the news?AThey were amazed.BThey were excited.CThey were fooled.DThey were inspired.【答案与解析】A细节题。根据“expressed surprise;I am amazed;I was a little shocked”可知,大部分的美国人对奥巴马当选感到惊奇。.短文改错Dear John, Hello. Youve no idea that how much Im missing you! Why hadnt you written me for so a long time? Are you all right recently? My summers holidays have already started. What about yours? You said last time when you will pay a visit to my city, did you still remember? Will you be able to carry your plan this summer? Please write to tell me all about that, so that I can be well preparing ahead of time if you do come. As you know, Im fond of collect stamps ve


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