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機密文件 未經許可 嚴禁復印 生管課宣目 錄CONTENT一. 基礎篇 三.務實篇 Basic Knowledge Detailed Operation生管的定議5頁 制作生產排配表的三大要素.29頁Definition of production control Three elements for making production schedule生管管制項目6頁 怎樣制作生產排配表.30頁Controlling Items How to make production schedule生管人員必備條件7頁 每日早晚會物料確認.31頁Prerequisite Qualification Material Status Confirmation in the Morning and Evening生管工作目標8頁 開線前之物料確認.32頁Working Objective Material Status Confirmation before opening line“三即” “三現”9頁 接二十四周需求時之處理.33頁3T Method Operation upon receipt of 24WK shipping plan經營策略.10頁 交管臨時加量處理對策.34頁Management Strategy Handling provisional increase of demand生管人員的角色.11頁 因物料短缺而造成的斷線.35頁Roles played production controller Handing line down due to shortage of material我的層次在哪里.12頁 因品質,工程問題停線之處理.35頁Where my levels lie Handling line down due to quality and engineering problems名詞解釋.13頁 因外購件短缺品質不良停線之處理.36頁Terms Handing line down due to shortage of or poor quality of purchased parts庫存管理.14頁 因特殊作業處理.37頁Inventory Management Special work handling BOM有幾項15頁 3B/MVB生產備料.38頁BOM items Material preparation for 3B/MVB二.系統篇 ECN切換注意事項39頁Systematic Management Major Points about ECN產能規劃基本項目.17頁 各種表單作業流程.40頁Production Capacity Planning Basic Items Working flow for various forms Detailed work flow for material dispatch 生管系統.18頁 物料調度作業細則.22頁Production Control System Detailed work flow for material dispatch 物料需求計劃(MRP).19頁 組裝周生產排配計劃作業系統指導原則.20頁Material Requirement Planning Assembly Weekly production schedule making principle組裝周生產排配計劃作流程.21頁 組裝生產工令結案作業原則.24頁Assembly Weekly Production Schedule Making Flow工令展開作業原則.23頁 Assembly plant word order closing principleWork Order Processing Principle 前 言Preface 本書深入的告訴大家生管的一些基礎知識,是所有生管人員This manual illustrates some basic knowledge about production control.的一本普及讀物,它可以作為生管人員培訓的教材也可以作為It can not only be a reading Material for production controller but一般同仁自學讀本. Also be a training material all other fellow co-workers.本書總共有三章分別介紹了生管的基礎知識,在作業時遇It is comprised of three chapters stating basic knowledge about production見的異常問題之處理和系統作業流程.Control, how to handle abnormal case and operation flow of production control最后如果你從本書中得到令您滿意幫助請讓你的朋友知道.Hope it can help you in some degree.如果您發現有不足之處,也請你讓編著者知道. Any comment or opinion please let writers know. _梅麗平基 礎 篇basic knowledge(一)One一. 生管的定議: Definition of production control:生管就是生產管制.它包括物料的調度跟催,庫存掌控.生產P.C means production control It includes material dispatch and follow-up,進度的掌控.生產異常的協調處理,從而確保生產線正常生產和inventory and production status control and handling for abnormal situation to交期.Guarantee normal line run and delivery schedule二. 生管管制項目:Production Controlling Items:料號/數量/地點Part number/Quantity/Locality /時間/規格/Time and specification三. 生管人員必備條件:Prerequisite Qualifications as a production controller了解所生產的產品. With knowledge of products 熟悉生產制程.Familiar with production process.生管專業能力.Professional knowledge in production control溝通,協調能力.Ability in communication and coordination實事求是能力.Down to earth attitude 四. 生管工作目標:Working Objective for production controller 掌握生產訊息,快速靈活應變.Master production information and respond flexibly and promptly 及時掌握生產異常.加以協調對策並跟催處理,呈報相關人員.Know abnormal situation on time, coordinate to find solution, follow up status of completion and report to the relevant personnel.五.“三即”三現”:3T Principle立即趕到現場.Timely Presence at the scene立即看到現場.Timely sight of the status立即掌握現況.Timely mastery of situation 六.經營策略:Strategy of managementTIME TO MAREKET並行開發 TIME TO VOLVME 同步制造. TIME TO MONEY 全球發貨.七.生管人員角色: Roles played by Production Controller家中的媽媽.Mother at home球隊的中鋒.Key player of sports team八.我的層次在哪里:My Levels近求完美I have proficient我做好I am competent我做到I can do我知道I know我不知I dont know九.名詞解釋: TERMS工令:就是生產派工指令.WO means work order工令結案:指根據每批產,派工指令完成情況,進行核算及小結.WO closing means to calculate the balance of input and output and close the order by each order in accordance its status of completion.三量:需求量.排配量.庫存量.Three Quantity: requirement quantity schedule planning quantity and stock quantity.SWR:指殊作業需求申請單.SWR: Special work requirement.BOM四大類:衝件,塑件,外購件,包材.bill of materialFour kinds of BOM: Stamped parts, plastic parts, purchased parts, packing materials.流程卡:用於生產物料批追溯管理的表單.Traveler: table used to batch tracing management of production materials.物料調度:物控人員根據生產計劃對物料數量和時間進行掌控.Material dispatch: Material controller control materials quantity and schedule in according with production plan十.庫存管理:Inventory control 現有庫存.Current stock待驗庫存.Stock to be inspecting已發庫存.Stock issued 十一.BOM有哪幾項:日期.版次.項目.組立項次圖.客戶料號.鴻海料號.用量.單位.中英文名稱.Date. edition. project. assemble circle. customer part number. Honghai part number. quantity. unit. Chinese and English name.系 統 篇SYSTEM(二)一. 產能規劃基本項目:Basic items for Production Capability Planninga模具.Tooling材料.Material設備.Equipment/Machine場地.Space人力.Manpower.二. 生管系統:Production Management SystemO 內生管:Inbound Production Management system產能規劃.產量計劃.采購管制.庫存管制.Production Capacity production Output Planning, Procurement control, Inventory Control.O 外生管:Outbound Production Management System運算規劃.客戶成交條件.交貨管制. Operations Management, Customer Terms and Conditions, Delivery Control三. 物料需求計劃(MRP):Material Requirement Planning產品展開生成MRP.Generate MRP on basis of product breakdown計算毛需求,凈需求量. Generate initial requirement and final requirement確定訂貨(接產)日期.Confirm Delivery Date. 四.組裝周生產排配計劃作業系統指導原則:Guideline of weekly assembly production schedule operation systemF 滿足客戶需求做到客戶要貨有貨,不要貨時零庫存.Meet customers requirement there is no stock once there is no requirement.F 依據客戶需求變更改計劃,使計劃更具可行性.Change schedule in accordance with customers demand and make schedule to be more feasible.F 合理利用資源,提高企業競爭力.Make bast use of resources and increase companys competition.五.組裝周生產排配計劃作業流程:Weekly Assembly Production Schedule Operation System:& (參見流程圖)(Consult flow chart) 生產線領料承接生產工令展開管制作業承接生產工令展開管製流程 生產流程卡B發料單(大)A是否需補料發料單(小)開發料單(小)成品入庫至成品倉入庫驗收單裝配生產日報表是否需零件,半成品退料退料單各線物料全技員將各種相關表單匯整並核對.成本帳務組收集各種表單並分發相關單位開退料單后退料至零件倉貼工令結案標示單工令結案標示單核對發料單入庫驗收及退料單的數量,內容是否相符.經營核對退單給責任全技員NG成本結算OKACDEFGG 承接生產工令展開管制作業系統,產線物料員去倉庫憑單領料生產,同時查實物料與單據是否相符. Continued from the production work order scheduling control operation system, the material drawer of the lines goes to the warehouse to request materials, and check if the materials got agree with the sheets or not.G 生產結束后,各機種需求計算成本及與工令結案有關表單全部匯總至企劃部成本帳務組,成本帳務組收集完后分發相關單位.After completion of production, all sheets needed for calculating cost or related to work order clearance shall be collected to the cost accounting Team of the planning dept, who sends out the same to the related units after collection.G 經管單位在電腦檔中核對工令物料使用狀況,並計算制造成本.Management Departures checks the material consumption status of each work order in PE/FILE,and calculate the cost.G 各線物料全技員將各種相關表單匯總整理核對.Mulitil-skill operatars at ever line collect and check the related forms.G 產線物料全技員,確認工令已完成結案后貼上工令結案標示單,送交生產單位助理.Material Sheet Clerks of the lines stick the Work Order Clearance label after confirming end of such work order, and send the same to the assistant of the production unit.G 生產單位助理將產線送來單據一一核對,查看該工令的領料數量與產出數量是否一致,若NG則退回該線物料全技員處查核,若OK進行存檔.Assistant of the production unit checks every sheet from the lines to see the consistence between the requisite material quantity and the output. Any sheet shall be returned to the Material Sheet Clerk for second check subject to NG. If OK, the sheets shall be filed.G 生產單位助理若發現工令結案作業未完成,退單給各線責任物料全技員.If the assistant of production unit finds that the work order clearance has not been ended, sheets shall be rejected to the responsible Material Sheet Clerk.NG工令展開作業流程圖制作發料單發料單主管簽核承接組裝周生產排配計劃管制作業流程(1) 以會議結論制作之版次.數量.排配表.依機種輸入每線每天工令編號列印周排配表簽核按排生產OK倉儲備料制作流程卡流程卡作業生產執行系統& 承接組裝周生產排配管制作業流程II,生管人員以產銷協調會討論制作數量排配和工令展開.Following the weekly assembly production schedule operation process(II), results concluded at the production & sales Coordinating meeting shall be base for arranging the quantity and work order deployment.& 工令不可重復並且每班派發一次,編碼原則依據經管WJID01*Order only one everyday, code according to & 按排生產作業作出發料單,流程卡等資料.Making material issue sheets and traveler the basis of production schedule.& 列印發料單,主管簽核,然后分發倉庫.Printing material issue sheets, manager examine and verify, hand out warehouse.& 在流程卡電腦檔中將線別,工令,生產數量輸入檔案中列印出來分發給生產單位和品管.Line no work order, production input computer traveler hand out assembly production and quality assurance.六.物料調度作業原則:Guidelines of material management:目的:1.規範物料調度作業程序.purpose: Standardize operation procedure of material dispatch 2.保證生產計劃正常運行,達到同步制造.Guarantee normal fulfillment of production schedule to balance demand and production指導原則: 1.人保持倉儲安全庫存,以保證安全庫存,以保證生產不斷料並貫徹實施JUST IN TINE (JIT)Guidelines: Keeping safe stock. Pledged production. With Material just in time 2.合理進行物料調度,以充分利用倉儲空間.Material rational control for planning space.Rationalize material dispatch and make best use of warehousing space 七.工令展開作業原則: Work order Assignment operation principle 提供生產管制進度之工具,讓主產單位嚴格照工令數量生產.Provide a tool to production progress control 工令不可重復,並且每班派發一次.Repeated work order is not allowed, and work order should be issued once a day. 作業生產工令領,退,補料及成本結算之依據使生產產銷平衡.As a base for material request return a increase and cost settlement of the production work order.八.組裝生產工令結案作業原則:Assembly work order closing control operation system:當每日生產結束后,作為成品入庫之依據.As a base of sending finished product into warehouse.當每個工令之生產結束后必須進行工令結案.Work order closing must be executed after each work order is completed依據工令的完成狀況,評估各生產線之生產績效.As review production efficiency based on the completion of the work order務 實 篇Actual Practice(三)一. 制作生產排配表的三大要素:Three essential factor of production scheduling 二十四WK需求表. 24 week shipping plan 產能規劃. Production capacity plan 供料狀況. Material status二怎樣制作生產排配表: How to make production schedule 確認24WK需求,各機種物料之料況.Confirm 24wk shipping plan and materiel supple for each model 根據組裝各產線的產能和各供料單位的產能,排配各線作何種產品和多少數量更為適宜.To regulate the method of making weekly assembly production schedule and to standardize the operation procedures. 日排配量要均衡(除非因物料欠缺等原因).合理利用裝配人力資源.Daily production schedule must be smooth excepting material lacked 召開產銷協調會,討論生產排配計劃之可行性.Adjust schedule in accordance with production capacity. 定稿生產排配及分發相關單位.(人工分發和電子公告欄)Finalize production schedule and it to relevant units (by hand or via e-mail)三.每日早.晚會物料確認:Confirm material status in every morning and afternoon meetings 根據當班所排配生產計劃,對各機種物料進行物料確認.Confirming all kind of materials on the basis of daily production schedule 在物料確認時,應以各供料單位之產能+庫存計算再減去組裝需求.Material available=production capacity +stock assembly requirement 如有因物料影響需調整生產計劃時一定要與相關單位確認OK方可執行.Due to material shortage any adjustment of production schedule will not be executed will out of and relevant mat end suppliy unit. 在物料確認會上一定要提示相關單位注意事項,如上一班的欠量及欠量原因一定要告所有供料單位.Abnormality must remind material produced units. For example before day production debt and reason. 物料確認會之結果,通報裝配.如有異常以便讓裝配早作準備.Result of confirming material must remind assembler. 會后針對爭議之事項進一步確認.Keep following up un setlled issues after meeting.四.開線前之物料確認:生管人員必須在裝配開線前對當班需生產之機種進行一次物料確認.Prior to production of every shift production control leis should check material status for every model to be assembled.如因物影響,無法開線時,應及時通報責任單位處理,並安排產線待命.It there is a line down due to material shortage production controllers should not ft units concerned and arrange operators to rest and wait.如不能按計劃生產要即時換線,改生產其它機種且通知相關供料單位和呈報上級主管.The P.C men should change the line, Manufacture other machine type. notify the interrelated division and super officer .When production cant be carried out in accordance will production schedule. 五.接到二十四WK需求時之處理:G 確認二十四WK需求數和交期.Confirm the 24-weed requirement quantity and Delivery date.G 依組裝產能模擬生產排配.Simulate scheduling according to assembly production capacity.G 依生產排配確認各供料單位供料狀況.Confirm every material status of every material supplying unit.處理方法 衝壓,成型之模具產能.Tooling and molding capacity from stamping plant and plastic plant. PCA,B/M II,中央采購之物料,L/T時間.PCA,B/M II The cenrat purchasings material lead-time 烤漆單烤,混烤之產能The production capacity of single baking-paint and complex baking-paint.G 召集各供料單位確認生產時間,數量.Call on all material supping units to confirm production time and quantity.G 根據會議決定修改生產排配.Revise the production schedule according to the meeting conclusion.G 呈報主管簽認分發.Submit schedule to superstore for approval and distribute it to al relevant unitsG 按排產線生產.Arrange operation lines produce.五. 交管臨時加量處理對策: Cope wilt provisional addition to schedule from DCCG 接到交管需求變更通知后,立即通知各供料單位所增加之料號,機種別,Upon receipt of DDCs requirement modification, notify all miatevicl supplying units of the 數量,交期.In formation of P/n model type quantity and delivery time.G 確認各供料單位供料狀況.Confirm material status of ever material supplying unitG 呈報主管裁示.Submit modification to supervisor for approval G 回復交管數量,交期.Make a reply to DCC about delivery quantity and timeG 修改生產排配,按排生產.Modify production sdredule and arrange production.七.因物料短缺而造成斷線: Line down due to material shortage 立即趕到現場,確認斷線之原因. Get to scene in time.clarify the reason of line down 立即通知責任單位處理. Inform responsible unit immediately 稽查供料單位開線前之庫存和生產狀況(模具狀況,產能狀況). Check material stock and production condition before production (tooling condition production capacity condition) 初步判定是否可繼續生產. Initial judge if production can go on 可繼續生產,立即按排產線產線生產. If production can be continued, arrange production line to produce promptly. 無法生產,則立即按排產線換線生產其它機種同時跟催物料.(衝壓,烤漆,成型,B/M II,PCA,重要物資,小件采購,包材采購)If no production can be continued, arrange production line to produce other model and follow up material status.(Stamping, painting, B/M II, PCA, key component purchasing, small component purchasing and packing material purchasing.) 無法生產,調班休息.If no production can be arranged,change shift and arrange production tone to rest. 將處理方法呈報主管裁示. Sending the solution to management for approved.八.因品質.工程部問題停線之處理:F 將異常停線原因通報給相關單位.Notify all relevant units of the cause of abnormal line down.F 通知工程,責任單位,生技,品管到現場會判,尋求處理辦法.Notify engineering dept, responsible unit, production technology dept, quality control dept to reach scene and find out solution.F 跟催處理進度.Follow up treatment progress.F 初步判定是否可繼續生產.Infirm judge it production can be continued or not.F 將處理方案呈報主管. Sending the solution to top management.九.因外購件短缺品質不良停線之處理: Deal with line down caused by shortage or poor quality of purchased materials. 確認外購物料斷線之原因.Confirm the reason of shortage of purchased materials which caused line down. 如因品質不良,是否可申請特裁,挑選或替代.If problem lies in poor quality , we can consider to apply for Waver , sorting or replacement. 如因物料短缺應立即確認生產廠家到料時間,運輸方式,數理.If purchased materials are short , we should confirm material arrival time , method transportation and quantity 短缺物料到廠前確認檢驗時間,檢驗方式,是否先上線作隨線檢驗.Confirm inspection time , method and if materials should put into line and inspection be conducted in the line before materials in short arrive of factory. 初步判定恢復生產時間且通知相關供料單位.Initially judge low long it will take to resume production and notify relevant material supplying units. 將處理經過,方案,呈報主管.Report trouble shooting process and measure to supervisors.十.特殊作業處理: Special workF 確認需特殊作業之原因,數量.Clarity reason and quantity for SWR.F 是否申請SWR(由誰申請,責任單位是誰,裝配生技是否同意).Decide it SWR is need or not.(Who will submit application.Who is responsible for SWR and it production technology staff has agreed.F 呈報上級主管裁示是否可進行作業. Report to the super-officer for deciding if it can be operatedF 通知相關單位準備所需物料等. Notify the interrelated division to prepare the requirement materialF 按排生產且要求工程,生技,品管到現場指導,必要時要求工標到現場指導.Arrange production and ask engineering dept production technology dept QC dept to send representatives to scene to guide operation .It necessary ask industrial standard dept to send to the scene to instruct.十一.3B.MVB生產備料:Material preparation for 3B.MVB production. 與主導單位(工程)確認生產時間,數量,機種別.To confirm with leading unit(engineering dept)about production time quantity and produce model 確認相關文件資料是否已發行.治工具是否準備就位.To know if related documents have been issued and it tooling and equipment are ready. 確認各單位備料狀況對一些特殊料號嚴加掌控.Confirm with each material supplying unit about material preparation and strictly control some special P/N. 排配生產時間,數量,線別且通知相關單位.Schedule production time quantity line and notify concerned units. 提前一天跟催主辦單位開出發料單以便備料.Make sure that leading unit will issue material issuance form to enable material preparation one day earlier than production day. 通知工程,生技到現場指導生產.Infirm engineering dept production technology dept to go to production line to guide. 生管到現場了解生產制程,熟悉各工站制程特點,以便后繼生產按排.Production controllers go to production line to know production process get familiar with facture of each process and facilitate future production arrangement. 與工程,交管確認量產時間,數量,后繼需求量且通知各供料單位. 十二.ECN切換注意事項: Paints about ECN確認ECN切換時間,方式,數量,外箱是否標示.Confirm ECN time method quantity and carton marking確認發料單,流程卡是否修改完畢.Make sure material issuance form and traveler are ready.生產時嚴格掌控設變物料以免混料.Strich control of ECN materials to avoid mixture of materials 切換后對舊物料追蹤處理.Follow up treetment of old materials after ECN.


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