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How to improve spoken English 中 文 摘 要学生们学习英语的最终目的是实现可以用英语进行沟通,而不仅仅是为了应付一系列的升学考试。21世纪的世界已经逐渐走入各国紧密合作的“地球村”模式,各个国家直接的交流日益频繁,而英语作为世界上应用最为广泛的语言已经成为21世纪人才所必须要掌握的一种技能,而我们国家自从入世以来与国际各国的贸易交流也日益增多,但是我们国家由于种种原因,英语教学水平并不是很高,很多大学生虽然自小学以来学习了多年英语,但是应用能力水平仍然较低。我的这篇论文从养成大胆开口的习惯,培养学习兴趣, 掌握发音规则, 真正掌握英语单词, 了解西方文化, 提高英语意释能力, 自我设置语言环境七个方面进行讨论, 希望能在一定程度上提高大学生的英语口语表达能力。关键词:英语;沟通;口语;文化 AbstractThe ultimate goal that we learn English from our early age is to communicate in English, not just to cope with a series of entrance exams. In the 21st century the world has gradually into the global village model that each country has become more closely, as the worlds most widely used language, English has become a skill that the 21st centurys young man must to learn , while we have more frequent trading communication with other country ever since we entered the WTO, but our English teaching level is not very high due to various reasons, although many college students have studied English for many years since their elementary school, but the ability for application level is still low. My essay will about to discuss it from seven aspects ,which are :1.getting used to open your mouth for speaking English,2.developing learning interest,3.having a good command of pronunciation,4.the real meaning of English words, understand Western culture, improve their English translation ability,7.self-setting language environment. Hoping it can help college student to develop their English expression skills at some level.Key words: goal; speaking English; communicateContentsAbstract.i摘要.iiChapter 1. Foreword1Chapter 2. The analysis of the current level of spoken English12.1 The disadvantages of the traditional English Teaching22.2the lack of context32.3 Why do you learn English?4Chapter 3.the improvement of oral English strategies53.2 Developing learning interest63.3Having a good command of pronunciation73.4 The real meaning of English words83.5 to understand Western Culture93.6. To improve their English translation ability113.7.Self-setting language environment12Chapter 4.Conclusions14Works Cited.14How to improve spoken English Chapter 1 ForewordThe 21st century is a new era, full of opportunities and challenges. As we know English has been an international language in international communication, which plays a significant role at international trading. Along with Chinas accession to the WTO, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, as well as the 2010 World Expo, English not only has become an important way for Chinese to communicate with the world, but also a skill that talents in the 21st century must have , all of which shows that English has become more connected with our lives increasingly. According to the survey, nowadays a lot of people in China begin to learn English, but few of them can speak English fluently. Many college students oral English level is generally low who have even passed the university English four or six level of test. In order to improve this awkward situation and be more competitive in the world, its significant to develop oral English of college students in a short term.Chapter 2. The analysis of the current level of spoken EnglishEnglish has been an indispensable basic subject as to most of colleges in China, but we havent see much effort on college English education .Most of their class have pretty low atmosphere where teacher only make students do the notes repeatedly. Few interactions happen in our English class except some basic Q&A between teachers and students; besides, when a question was raised in class, students used to answer it just follow what the exactly said in the textbook. They could barely use some basic words once out of books, not to mention the diversity of oral expression. In the so-called English corner, people never speak English throughout the whole lesson; they were always chatting in Chinese mixed with occasional English. This kind of formal education can not play a substantive role in our English teaching system. What does the main reason cause this awkward situation? Let me put in several aspects as followed:2.1 The disadvantages of the traditional English TeachingFor a long time, in the traditional English teaching model, the teacher is always being the main role in the class, while students are only forced to receive knowledge passively. The teacher is doing all the talking job in the class, students dont have many opportunities to get involved in the conversation. This kind of teaching model neglect to help students use the social background or develop the communication ability. Thats why Chinese students have learned English more than ten years, most of who have a good command of grammar and basic formation of sentences. Some of them even can be the expert of grammar learning, but when it comes to practical application, the disadvantages of this teaching model will expose to us immediately. So we should convert this mechanical model to a new type of English learning which the ultimate goal is to communicate fluently with people around the world.2.2the lack of contextFor a language, context plays a very important role. It includes the time, place, situation, status, cultural background and so on. Recent experiments and researches show that peoples perception, the cognitive structure and social categories can produce effects on language. Educational psychology hold a theory that the environment plays an important role in human cognition, perception etc. From the linguistic perspective, language acquisition ability depends on two factors: one is the environment around the kids; the other one is when did they start learning the language. We find kids in English-speaking countries dont have much vocabulary or grammar knowledge as our college students, but what are the odds that we have the same proficiency as their kids. The reason is very simple, because everyone around them is speaking English, even through they dont know too much word, they can get all kinds of concepts from their surrounding environment. Word just pops out in their mind without thinking of even any single second, plus childhood is the golden age of learning language. In the contrast, we dont have the same context in the language acquisition process. At first, in China, English as a foreign language, we dont have many occasions where we can use English, such as foreign press conference, international organizations, foreign enterprises, so we dont have much opportunity to practice , the students lacks of the corresponding English environment; secondly, most of the students began to learn English in their middle school, which has already passed its critical period for language acquisition, and its almost impossible to catch up with the level of mother tongue, especially for the pronunciation, thats why so many students speak English with their local tones.2.3 Why do you learn English?In the learning process, each one has own learning motivation, which lead to different results. This conclusion has been widely recognized by society. Obviously, if the English learners are familiar with English life style, they can have a better way to understand language and its cultural, When you have to learn one language due to some strong particularly reason and use it as a tool, they will show more efficient in learning process; on the contrary, they will stop learning when meet the functional needs. With the China education reform, more and more students are aware of the importance of learning English. Many people spend a lot of time and effort to learn English,they hope it will help them to get a better job. In the campus, this utilitarian psychology is particularly prominent. Many students hold the purpose of learning English in order to pass the exam or get a certificate to guarantee a well-paid job. Once the goal has been achieved, English learning will be totally left behind; they even can not speak a single word after a few years. This quick learning attitude is an important factor leading to the low level of College Students oral English.Chapter 3.the improvement of oral English strategiesAccording to the present situation of oral English Teaching in college, I summed up the following seven aspects to introduce the method to improve the students spoken English.3.1.getting used to open your mouth for speaking EnglishThe ultimate goal of language is for the exchange of information, not to the selection of personnel examination, so it is particularly important to open your mouth and speak it loudly. You have to eliminate the psychological barriers first. Any language is to have sound before the characters, if the pronunciation is not accurate, other people will miss some informational point, take our native language for example, parents first taught us how to speak, and then taught us how to write. From this point of view, we seem to get the order reversed. So if you want to learn English well, you have to get the enough courage to speak as loudly as you could. Many students are afraid to speak English because they are worried about getting laughed by classmates or blaming by the teacher when they make a mistake, this fear often leads to anxiety and tension which will create even more mistakes. The reason that creates this kind of psychology is students usually lack of adequate oral practice opportunity and the initiative to talk with other students in English, impeding the smooth progress of speaking practice. The teacher should help these students by setting them up more good examples, at the same time, you should be more patient to release the pressure of them, and create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere in the classroom so they wouldnt be afraid to make mistakes. On the other hand, students should seize every opportunity to practice as much as possible. All kinds of language contain a certain number of phrases and sentence, memorize these phrases. Such as: Would you mind? Here we go after you simply put shall we”. You just need to memorize a large number of commonly used terms and practice them over and over again. Anything is possible only if you are really into it. Everyone is familiar with Li Yangs Crazy English, why his spoken English is so fluent and idiomatic, he was not good at English at all, exam was often failed, but after several setbacks he determined to improve spoken English by reading it right in the pubic places loudly regardless laughter or sarcasm from other people. Finally he has achieved great success after a long time of hard work and perseverance.3.2 Developing learning interestAs the saying goes, interest is the best teacher. Many students always have the feeling that the English teaching content is boring without any passion, all they have to do is reading and writing, thats not the right way to improve students oral English. As a teacher, you should do everything in your power to initiate their interest in learning English. Maybe the educator can think about some real reforms other than some changes in formality, strengthen the diversification of classroom teaching, such as the description of specific things in English; make small English stories and do some cosplay and so on, students can improve their spoken English voluntarily by participating more activity in classroom, to enable students to improve oral English self awareness, active participation in English activities, improve spoken English. Teachers should learn to adjust teaching materials to help students meet the need in different language development stage, you should give credits to those students who have good performance in your class, and remember to encourage introverted students to speak English bravely. Through frequent contact with English and more communication can make the students oral expression more fluently.3.3Having a good command of pronunciation Language involves cognitive ability; language activities need interaction between two persons. In order to avoid the communication barriers in the course of the conversation, to express yourself clearly, you need to find a way close to the English native pronunciation habits as much as possible. First of all, double vowels, long vowels need to be plump, while short vowels to be hurry. Try to make voice from your belly other than lung, so that the pronunciation will be loud and mellow and graceful. Secondly, pay attention to English pronunciation and some special phenomenon, (1) omission, such as“ the Good night = Goo (d) nigh (T); Wen (T) - downstairs; a re (d) shirt ”usually we only make the second sound when two consonant come together ; (2) sandhi, such as “had not you had better tell him yourself? ”Here, the word ends in a consonant after of words beginning with a vowel consonant vowel; To master the pronunciation rules, we can use a variety of communication media, more listening practice, will get twice the result with half the time.3.4 The real meaning of English wordsWord is the fundamental element in any kind of language. Its almost like to build a castle in the air when you put words aside during your learning process. Many students have spent a lot of time to remember the words but few of them could be excelled in word learning. Some students like to choose the easiest explanation of words which has more than one meaning. Its seems to take the short cut for the time being but troubles will find you in the end anyway. We used to memorize words the main purpose is to cope with the examination, so basically all is one-sided and remember, as long as the subject in knowledge is to ones hearts content. Few students in memorizing words and thought it applied to the actual exchange, cannot learn in order to practice is at present our country foreign language learning the biggest problem, but the problem is not the true sense of the word You need to have a comprehensive grasp of each meaning of the word if you really want to have fluent spoken English because a great number of English vocabularies are the necessary condition of it. You could enlarge your vocabulary by reading lots of English materials such as newspaper, essay, magazine and so on. Once you meet some new words you should look into dictionary immediately and recite the meaning, after several times of repeating you would have a big breakthrough in words learning.3.5 to understand Western CultureTalking with English-speaking countries people involve different cultural backgrounds come together to share thoughts, feelings and messages. Communication has a big impact on the behavior between us. Whether we sent or received verbal or non-verbal messages, we are creating and generating behavior. Therefore, any communication must be considered to understand the choices we made when we screening message and results of these choices. During a long-term period of English learning, most students are easy to form Chinese thinking patterns due to lacking of English-speaking environment; Chinglish joke happens a lot. For example, a foreign man gives a Chinese woman compliment like: ! Today you looks very beautiful (您今天真美啊!), The lady immediately humbly replied to: Where Where (哪里哪里) The man is confused to say: ! Everywhere (每个地方都很美!) In fact, in Western culture, compliments for this kind of social occasions, we just need to answer “Thanks (thank you)”. When we answer the phone, many of us first reaction was: Who are you (你是谁), in fact, it does not fit the English expression customary, the correct statement should be May I ask who s calling, please? We have made mistakes similar to that a lot when we learn English, There is a big difference between western countries and China in terms of greetings, the traditional way in our country will be Have you eaten already?(您吃了么?) or “where are you head to ?”(你上哪去啊) This kind of greeting way always are unreasonable for foreign friends, they are wondering why should I tell you such private thing ? Of course, as the time goes by, young people are rarely used this old fashioned way of greeting, but we still have old people who are stick to the traditional greeting way as a symbol of Chinese culture. We have also learned that cultural difference in the college class. For example, in our country dragon was regarded as a symbol of justice and courage, while Western countries look it as the symbol of evil and fear. Instead the snake is a symbol of evil in China, it shows brave and unbeatable in some Mideast countries . Therefore, to improve the accuracy of oral expression, you should really take some time in getting familiar with all kinds of Western culture, including political, economic, beliefs, values, religion, the concept of time, spatial relationships, actions, attitudes, etc., Western way of thinking and communicative differences contrast with How many English-speaking countries and cultural exposure levels will affect the external language learners language into the internal degrees of success included language in order to gradually make their spoken English expression used to meet the English-speaking countries.3.6. To improve their English translation ability Translation is the bridge of two languages, to the source language expression come out information, a target to express, and two languages need to deal with it. The two kinds of language expression and usage habits are different, in the process of translating can make best use of various translation skills to target for some changes and to comply with the expression of the target language habits. When our students have conversations with foreigners, we used to rely on memories of sentences, tone, words, etc., we often get stuck when we dont know how to express one word . However, people in English-speaking countries tend to use some easy word or phase instead of complex sentences. Therefore, when we encounter obstacles in expression, it can be converted to simple words to convey the same meaning, which is the paraphrase (释义) we mentioned often in the process of learning English ability. For example, 三个臭皮匠, 抵过一个诸葛亮. (If translated Three cobblers equal to a Zhu ge liang, foreigners will not understand), then it might simply be stated as follows: (Two heads are better than one) this statement is more simpler and easy to understand which also has the exactly meaning of original point.3.7.Self-setting language environmentIf you want to be excellent in acquiring a new language, you need to build a strong awareness of this native language custom in your mind, try to establish a thinking pattern in this language other than to make a sentence in Chinese than translate it to foreign language. Self-setting of a language environment is making you as a role in certain language context to complete some language tasks. For example, if the school should hold a lecture in English, you are the host of this lecture, you should imagine how to arrange the layout of the venue, how the President to addressed, what you should say as open speech, what kind of questions would the audiences ask, try to run the whole procedure in your mind in English. Let yourself into the role, simulate every possible situation and dialogue that might be used. This kind of simulation just like musicians would play the instruments once they see the musical note spontaneously, or the boxer will attack the very second they see each others flaws , the reaction must be in place in time, language is a requirement of a skills rather than just knowledge ,we are looking for the word proficient, and not just know. When we use English as proficient as our mother tongue, which means you speak it out naturally by the m


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