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投资合同合同编档号:甲方:郑州高科净水材料有限公司乙方:SOLEIL ASIAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LIMITID 甲乙双方本着平等自愿、互惠互利、风险共担的原则,根据相关法律法规,经双方协商一致,订立本投资合同,以便共同遵守执行。Investment ContractContract File Number :Party A: Zhengzhou Hi-Tech Cleansing Water Material Co., Ltd. B : SOLEIL ASIAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LIMITID In line with the principle of voluntary, equality, mutual benefit and risk-sharing, Both parties agree to enter into this investment contract according to relevant laws and regulations.第一条:项目总投资额及乙方投资计划项目总投资万元人民币,折合万新币,甲方需要乙方投资总额为万元人民币,折合万新币。乙方资金来源,自有和合作伙伴。首批资金为万元人民币,折合万新币。后续资金按照甲方资金入帐申请函划拔,双方合作资金均以人民币作为结算币种。Article : The total amount of investment and investment plan of Part BThe total investment amount is 450 million Yuan, equivalent to 90 million Singapore dollars. Party A needs a total investment amount of 450 million Yuan from Part B, equivalent to 90 million Singapore dollars. The fund sources from Party B and its partners. The first batch of fund is 280 million Yuan, equivalent to 560 million Singapore dollars. The follow-up fund appropriates to Party A in accordance with its letter of application , bilateral cooperation funds should be settled in RMB.第二条:投资用途和甲方资产现状甲方确认公司现有资产价值万元人民币,其企业及相关项目均符合中华人民共和国相关法律法规,确认投资资金将用于“万吨固体聚铁”项目,该项目预计年平均净收益可达万元人民币。Article II: Investment purposes and Current assets of Party AParty A confirms that the value of its current assets is worthy 3,000,000 Yuan, the enterprise and the related projects are in line with relevant laws and regulations of PRC, recognize the investment funds will be used to the project , 120,000 tons of solid polymerization Iron, which is expected to make average annual net profit up to 180 million Yuan .第三条投资期限甲乙双方合作期限为年,自甲方收到乙方首批资金之日起计算。Article Investment PeriodThe cooperation period between Party A and Party B is six years ,since the date Party B receives the first batch of the funds from Party B.第四条投资回报率计算及结算方式、合同约定投资年回报率,每年的投资回报率为%。、投资回报自甲方收到乙方首批资金之日起计算,满个月后支付第一年回报,以后逐年延续,期满日前一个月内一次性返还投资本金及当年回报,双方解除质押手续,终止合同。如甲方提前还款,则乙方向甲方收取提前年限每年%作为补偿,不足一年按一年收取。Article ROI calculation and settlement1 .The contract stipulates the ROI, which is 11% annually.2. The ROI should be calculated once Party A received the first batch of the funds from Party B .Party A should pay Party B the ROI of the first year after the expiration of 12 months, and so on in subsequent years. Party A should repay Party B the principle and the interest of the year in one time during one month before the expiration of the investment period. Then Party B should release the pledges set on Party A, and the contract is terminated concurrently. If Party A prepays the principle, Party B shall be paid 2% of the principle as compensation each year before the expiration of the investment period, and less than a year will be regarded as one year.第五条投资资金的安全保证、甲方必须依照:甲方承诺用公司全部股权向乙方设定有效质押。为保证乙方投资安全,待乙方投资资金到位后,未经乙方许可,禁止甲方用公司资产向任何第三方设定任何形式的抵押担保。在签订本合同后的日内,甲方需提供股权质押的相关法律手续,以证明拟质押股权切实依法可以向乙方设定有效质押。Article V security guarantee of the investment funds1 .the Party must do as following:. Party A commits setting valid and entire equity pledge to Party B. To ensure security of the investment funds of Party B, Party A is prohibited to set any form of collateral with the company -owned assets to any third party, without permission of Party B. . Within 30 days after the signing of this contract , the Party A must provide relevant legal procedures of equity pledge , to prove that the valid pledge has been set to Party B.、甲方向乙方提供的投资涉外担保及质押公证包括但不限于以下几个方面:甲方百分百的股权质押是有效的,符合法律要求的和有约束力的;甲方提供的任何保证必须按照中华人民共和国担保法和与之相关的所有相关法规办理。上述质押手续和抵押手续需经甲方所在地公证部门公证,以证明所办理的相关抵押、质押手续按照中华人民共和国担保法和与之相关的所有相关法规办理,是真实、合法、有效的,具有约束力,上述手续需经过乙方核准。2 . Party A should provide notarization of guaranty and pledge for foreign-related investment , including but not limited to the following aspects:. The hundred percent of the equity pledge set on Party A is validly binding, complying with legal requirements. Any guarantee Party A provides must be conducted in accordance with the PRC Security Law and all relevant laws and regulations. The pledge formalities must be notarized by local notary department where the Party A locates, in order to prove that the collateral and pledge formalities are in accordance with the PRC Security Law and related laws and regulations, and they are real, legitimate, effective and binding. The formalities above are subject to Party Bapproval.第六条:甲方权利和义务、甲方的权利核实和确认乙方的主体资格;有权要求乙方按协议约定拔出投资款;有权按本协议约定的用途使用本投资款;有权要求乙方对本次合作及甲方所提供的有关财务数据以及生产经营方面商业秘密予以保密,但法律法规和规章另有规定的除外。Article : Party As Rights and Obligations 1. Party As rights. Verify and validate the subject qualification of Party B;. Request Party B fund it according to the agreement ;. Use the investment fund for the purposes according to the agreement;. Request Party B keep this cooperation and relevant financial data provided by Party A as well as trade secrets of production and business confidential, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations.、甲方的义务在合同规定期限内按照本合同的第五条款之约定办理完毕相应合法质押手续,并及时提交乙方以供乙方快速核准。应按合同约定的用途使用投资款,不得非法挤占、挪用。并保证如期依法办好合法有效的股权质押手续、资产抵押手续和投资资金进帐合法手续。应积极配合并自觉接受乙方对其生产经营,财务活动及投资使用情况的检查、监督。甲方不得抽逃资金或转移资金,以逃避对乙方的责任;本合同有效期间,甲方发生公司名称、法定代表人(负责人)、住所、经营范围、注册资本金变更等事项,应当及时通知乙方。甲方应当全面了解质押方面的法律规定,并承担相关责任;2 . Party As obligations. Complete the legal pledge procedures in accordance with the fifth term of the contract within the period stipulated, and submit to Party B timely for quick approval. Use the investment funds for the purposes according to the contract, and shall not misappropriate the funds illegally. Complete the legal pledge procedures of equity and assets as scheduled ,and get the account ready for investment funds. Cooperate actively with and accept consciously Party Bs inspection and supervision over its production management, financial activities and investments usage . Shall not remove or transfer the investment funds secretly , in order to evade responsibility for Party B ;. Notify Party B promptly, as occurred following change during the effective period of this contract, such as company name, legal representative ( responsible person ) , residence, business scope, registered capital and other matters. Should fully understand the legal provisions on pledge, and bear the relevant responsibilities ;本合同有效期间,甲方如发生承包、租赁、股份制改造、联营、合并、兼并、分立、合资、申请停业整顿、申请解散、申请破产、被吊销营业执照、法人代表人或主要负责人从事违法活动、涉及重大诉讼、生产经营出现严重困难、财务状况恶化等情形对履行本合同项目还款义务产生重大不利影响的,应当即以书面通知乙方,并按乙方要求落实本合同项目的债务清偿及担保,并可提前解除双方合同,及时清结双方债务。应当承担本合同项目质押担保有关的律师服务、登记、鉴定、公证等费用。须按照乙方的要求提供有关财务会计数据及生产经营状况数据,包括但不限于每季度一个月前的前三个银行工作日内向乙方提供上季度末的资产负债表,上季度末的损益表,并于年度末提供当年现金流量表,并且对所提供数据的真实性、完整性和有效性负责。. During the effective period of this contract ,in the event of contracting, leasing, joint-stock reform , joint operation, merger, consolidation , division, joint ventures, application for suspension for internal rectifications , application for dissolution or bankruptcy , revocation of business license, legal representative or responsible person to engage in illegal activities, involving grave litigation, serious difficulties in production and operation , worsening situation of financial condition etc., which may affect the repayment obligations of Party A under this contract materially and adversely, it shall notify Party B in writing immediately ,and dispose the collateral to pay the projects debts according to the request of Party B . And Party B is entitled to terminate the contract before the date of expiration , and demand Party A liquidate its debts timely. Bear the costs related with the collateral for legal services, registration, identification and notarization. . In accordance with the requirements of Party B, provide the relevant financial accounting, production and operation data, including but not limited to the balance sheet, statement of loss and gain of last quarter, in the front three bank working days of the first month of each quarter. And provide cash flow statement of the same year at the end of the year. Party A should be responsible for the authenticity, integrity and validity of the data.第七条乙方的权利义务、乙方权利:有权了解甲方的生产经营、财务活动,有权要求甲方提供有关计划统计、财务报表等文件数据。有权要求甲方偿还本金和回报收益。有权在甲方违反合同的约定后对甲方的抵押、质押物进行接管或拍卖。有权要求甲方对本次合作及乙方所提供的相关文件、数据及合同内容等方面的商业秘密予以保密,但法律法规和规章另有规定的除外。有权核实甲方提交的任何资料,并有权对甲方提交的资料提出质疑。Article VII Party Bs rights and obligations 1. Party Bs rights:. Keep track of the production and financial activities of Party A, request Party A provide planning, statistics, financial statements and other file data. Request Party A repay the principal and its profits. Take over or auction the collateral if Party A violates the contract . Request Party A keep confidential this cooperation and relevant financial data provided by Party B as well as trade secrets of production and business, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations. Verify and question any information submitted by Party A.、乙方义务:按照本合同的约定按期足额拔出投资款,但因甲方原因造成迟延除外。对甲方提供的有关财务资料及生产经营方面的商业秘密应予以保密,但法律法规和规章另有规定的除外。2. Party Bs obligations:Appropriate fully the investment funds on schedule in accordance with this Contract, except the delay is caused by Party A. Keep confidential relevant financial data as well as trade secrets of production and business provided by Party B, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.第八条投资资金的发放和履约保证、甲方在按照合同第五条约定办理完毕股权质押合法手续后,可向乙方提交资金入帐申请函,并提供可以合法接收乙方投资款的帐户,乙方在核准无误后在日内将首批资金万元人民币折合万新币划入甲方提供的帐户。、甲方根据项目进展情况向乙方提交第二笔资金的入帐申请函,乙方在核准无误后在日内将第二笔资金划入甲方提供的帐户内。Article VIII Disbursement of investment funds and performance guarantee1. After completing the legal procedures of equity pledge in accordance with Article 5 of the contract, Party A may submit an application letter to Part B for disbursement of the investment funds, and provide Part B with one account to receive the investment funds lawfully. After examination and approval, Party B should disburse the first batch of the investment funds into the account provided by Party A within seven days, amounting to 280 million Yuan equivalent to 56 million Singapore dollars.2 .Party A may submit application letter to Part B for disbursement of the second tranche investment funds according to the progress of the project. After examination and approval, Party B should transfer the second batch of the investment funds into the account provided by Party A within seven days.、为保证本次合作的顺利进行,甲方须向乙方交纳资金额度的占用费、保证金及律师服务费、见证费、公证费等综合行政费万元新币,此费在甲方向乙方支付第一年回报时返还甲方。、乙方在收到甲方合法有效的履约材料后拒不划拨首期资金视乙方违约,则乙方在返还甲方交纳的综合行政费的同时再按甲方交纳综合行政费用数额的%进行赔偿。、若甲方在规定的时间内未按照本合同的约定办理各项履约手续和履行应尽义务,则视为甲方违约,甲方所交纳的综合行政费用将用于补偿乙方,不再返还甲方。3o ensure the smooth progress of this cooperation , Party A shall pay 80,000 Singapore dollars to Party B for comprehensive administrative costs, such as the fees for occupation of the funds , security deposit ,attorney fees , witness fees , notary fees, etc. The fees will be refunded to Party A after the payment of the profit of the first year to Party B.4. Party B shall be deemed to form a material breach of this Contract, provided it refuses to allocate the first batch of the investment funds after receiving the legal and valid performance formality from Party A . Under these circumstances, Party B shall pay Party A 50% of the comprehensive administrative fees for compensation, other than returning the comprehensive administrative fees paid by Party A. 5. Party A shall be deemed to form a material breach of this Contract, provided it fails to conduct various performance formalities or carry out its due obligations within the specified time, the comprehensive administrative fees paid by will be kept as compensation by Party B , no longer refunding to Party A.第九条违约责任、甲乙双方均无条件各自履行本合同约定的义务,如有一方违反,则对方有权宣布本投资合同终止。在首批资金到帐前,如甲方发生违约行为,甲方需自行承担前期所支付各项费用损失,包括但不限于支付乙方的综合行政费。如乙方发生违约,则需返还甲方前期所支付费用,并赔偿甲方所支付综合行政费用数额的%。在首批资金到帐后,如甲方违约,应立即偿还本合同项下所有到期或未到期之投资款、回报和费用,并按本合同投资款总额的%向乙方做出违约补偿,如乙方未按约定的期限和方式给予甲方后续投资款,则乙方应按本条所述之同等条件向甲方做出违约补偿。、双方违约责任的承担以本合同条款所述为准,如任何一方在规定的时间内未完成本合同约定,承担相应违约责任。Article IX Liability for breach 1. Both parties shall fulfill their respective obligations under this contract unconditionally, if one party form a material breach, the other party is entitled to declare the investment contract terminated. Before the first batch of investment funds transferred to the designated account, if Party A violates the agreement, it shall bear the loss of pre- paid fees, including but not limited to payment of Part Bs integrated administrative fees. Conversely, If Party B defaults, it need to return the pre- paid fees , and compensates Party A 50% of the comprehensive administrative costs pre-paid by Party A. Upon receipt of the first batch of funds, if Party A forms a material breach of the Contract, it shall immediately repay all due and undue principle, profits and fees under this Contract, and compensate Party B total amount of 5% of the investment funds. If Party B fails to provide the subsequent investment funds within the agreed period and in the agreed manner, Party B shall make compensation for breach, subject to the same conditions as described in this paragraph.2. Both parties shall assume liability for breach in accordance with this Contract, if any party fails to perform the obligations within the stipulated period, the delinquent party shall bear the corresponding liability for breach.第十条合同的生效及管辖/法律和管辖权本合同所有条款甲方、乙方各自确认无误,双方授权代表签字盖章,由公证官公证或律师见证本合同后方可生效。双方在执行本合同过程当中如果出现争议,或凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,达成共识后应签订投资合同补充条款,所签订补充条款须经本合同的公证官公证方可生效。协商不成,由乙方决定提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会或新加坡国际仲裁中心,按照申请仲裁时该机构现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。Article Contract taking effect and the jurisdiction / law and jurisdictionBoth Parties understand fully all the terms of this contract. The Contract shall take effect after being signed and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties, and notarized by a notary officer or witnessed by a lawyer. If there is a controversy in the course of execution of the contract, or any dispute arising out of or relating to this contract , the two parties shall resolve it through friendly consultations , once reaching a consensus, the supplementary terms of the investment contract should be signed, and it shall take effect after being notarized by the same official notary. If negotiation fails, Party B is entitled to decide submitting the dispute to the International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of China or the Singapore International Arbitration Centre for arbitration. The dispute should be arbitrated in accordance with valid arbitration rules of the agency . The arbitral award is final and binding on both parties.第十一条书面通知条款甲乙双方在履约过程中如需通知对方应采用快递、传真、电子邮件的方式,只要各方可以证明信已寄出了,就视为对方已收到(因快递或物流公司原因导致的文件无法送达的情况除外)。Article XI written notice TermsOne Party should notify the other one by express delivery, fax or e-mail in the process of performance if necessary, as long as the party can prove that the letter has been sent, the other party shall be deemed having received it. (Except the file can not be served due to the courier or logistics company) .第十二条完整合同条款各方之前所有的共识和约定,无论书面与口头之约定,都将以本合同为准。Article XII Complete terms of the ContractThis contract shall prevail over all the consensus and agreement prior to it, no matter written or oral.第十三条第三方权利任何与本合同无关的第三方(公司或个人)无权介入本合同。Article XIII Third partys rightsAny third party (company or individual )unrelated to this Contract has no right to intervene in it .第十四条声明本合同由中文文字组成。本合同一式两份,双方各执一份原本。所表述的内容双方已清楚知晓,并愿意签字盖章。Article 14 StatementThis contract is written in Chinese and in duplicate, each party holds one original . Both parties have comprehend its contents clearly, and be willing to sign and stamp on it .甲方:郑州高科净水材料有限公司盖章签名:Party A: Water Material Co., Ltd. , Zhengzhou Hi-TechStamped and signed :乙方:SOLEIL ASIAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LIMITID盖章签名:B : SOLEIL ASIAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LIMITIDStamped and signed :


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