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2013届高考英语读写任务-句式与经典范文1. 记叙经历这类要点中常含“以你或你朋友的经历说明” “讲述一次你或你朋友.的经历”等。 叙述经历一般包括记叙文的基本要素, 即某人在何时何地因何原因做何事。 这个故事往往是与阅读材料中的故事相类似的,是要紧扣你要说明的主题的。相关句式:1. I have a similar experience. 我也有类似的经历。2. I also went through such an experience. 我也有这样的经历3. This story reminds me of a similar experience of 故事让我想起的一次相似经历。4. I once had an unforgettable/ similar experience that 我曾有过难以忘怀的经历5. After reading the story/passage, I cant /couldnt help remembering读了这个故事/这篇文章后, 我不 禁想起6. On reading the story, my mind began its search for a similar experience. 读了这个故事, 我开始在脑海 中寻找相似的经历。7. This story reminds me of another story that happened to 这个故事让我想起了另外一个故事, 这个 故事发生在8. It occurred to me that my friend had a similar experience. 我突然想起我朋友的一次相似的经历。9. I still remember the day when 我仍然记得的日子。10. One of my friends experience is a convincing example. 我朋友的一次经历是有说服力的一个例子。11. I shall never forget the first speech competition I experienced when I was in Senior one. 我永远也忘不了我经历的第一次演讲比赛, 那时我在读高一。12. What impresses me most is thatFrom this experience I learn/ realize/ know that我印象最为深的 是, 从这次经历, 我学到了13. Once when I , Later, In the end , 有一次, 当我, 后来, 最后14. Two years ago, I , Then, Finally, Not until then did I realize两年前, 我, 然后,最后直到那时, 我才意识到经典范文:以你自己成长的经历说明你的感受Once when I was ill, you rushed me to the hospital and stayed with me the whole night. Each time I felt depressed, you would encourage me with a smile. But when our teacher advised us to help parents (to) wash feet, I thought nothing of it. How silly I was to take it for granted that you make every effort to bring me up and give me everything! I feel ashamed that I failed to notice your tiredness, unhappiness or even illness. 2. 读后感受这类要点中通常含有“读后的感受”或“对(某段经历)的感受”。相关句式:1. I felt terribly sorry when I read 当我了解到我感到很难过2. I was deeply touched when I read your letter, in which 读了你的来信我很感动, 在信中3. After reading the story of 。, I was touched by看完的故事后, 我因而感动4. Reading the story, I felt sorry/ashamed for读完文章后, 我为而感到遗憾/惭愧。5. Having read the passage, I acquire a better understanding of读完文章后, 我对有了深刻的理解。6. The moment I finished reading the passage, I was lost in thought. 读完文章的那一刻, 我陷入了沉思。7. When it comes to, I could tell you thathave already made a good impression on me. 当谈到, 我可以告诉你给我留下了良好印象。 8. Knowing that , I felt absolutely shocked/thrilled because了解到, 我感到极度震惊, 因为9. What inspired/ impressed me most is that 让我最受启发/ 印象深刻的是10. What I have learned from the passage is that 从文章中, 我懂得了11. Its the first time that Ive realized 这是我第一次意识到经典范文:读信后的感受。(2007年高考)I was deeply touched when I read your letter, in which I was capable of understanding your happiness over my coming to the world as well as your sincere hope on my growing. Its the first time that I ve realized your deepest love for me, which accounts for my true appreciation.对中学生活的感受。(2008年高考)As far as I am concerned, the details of my life in high school have already made so strong an impression on me. As a matter of fact, I really had a great time in this school where I gained a great deal of knowledge and made a great number of good friends. Therefore, I really cherish my life here.3.方法措施这类要点中常含有“怎么办”“如何/怎样(应对,处理,解决)”“采取什么措施”“对解决,你有什么建议”等字眼。相关句式:1. Its necessary that .是必要的2. We are supposed to我们应该3. What needs to be done urgently is 最紧迫的事情是4. As a student, what we should do is 作为学生, 我们应该做的是5. Here are some suggestions on how to deal with 在处理.,这里有一些建议。6. The ways to can be suggested as follows. 建议解决的方法如下。7. Some suggestions on doing can be listed as follows. 在做的建议可以列出如下。8. We should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. 我们应该采取一系列有效地措施来解决这个处境。9. Some workable measures may be taken to 采取一些可行的措施来10. Here are many steps which can be taken to settle this problem. 这里有很多方法可以被用来解决这个问题。11. In my view, to , effective measures should be taken without delay. 依我看, 为了.必须刻不容缓的采取有效措施。12. To solve this problem, have a very important role to play. 要解决这个问题, 的作用举足轻重。 13. It is high time that we should使我们该的时候了。 14. Lets take immediate action to before it is too late.让我们趁早立即采取行动。15. With these measures taken, we can surely 通过采取以上办法, 我们一定能16. Only by adopting the above measures can human beings live in harmony with animals. 只有通过采取上述措施, 人类与动物才能和谐相处。17. If I were /had/did, I would/might do 假如我会18. If I had done, first, I would have done假如, 首先, 我会经典范文:你认为怎样才能更好的鼓励孩子学习(2010高考)Here are some suggestions on how to encourage children to study. To begin with, it will be wise for parents to be friends with your children, so that they will follow your suggestions. Besides, I think it a good idea to build up childrens confidence, which plays an important part in their studies. Last but not least, it is a good and pleasure environment that creates a good student, so it is important for parents to set up a good environment for children to study. 假如你是那些动物, 你会有什么反应?(2009高考)If I were the animals, I would certainly feel annoyed and disturbed by the endless zoo-visitors who like to hug me and photograph with me. Whats worse, if unbearable, I would even bark or show my teech to the children. Worst of all, it would be likely for me to attack or even bite the visitors when sometimes held too tightly. In a word, I would be rather unhappy if I were the animals.4. 主观意愿主要是指梦想, 理想和渴望之类的要点。相关句式:1. I dream of 我梦想着2. I am looking forward to 我渴望3. I consider it wonderful if I can have an ideal 如果我能拥有理想的, 我认为是极好的。4. I sometimes daydream that I will我有时做着白日梦想着5. My ideal/perfect should be 我理想中的应该是6. First of all, I hopeWhats better, Therefore, it would be if 首先我希望更好的是, 我会总之, 如果将会7. It will be better that, Whats more, In a word, 更好的是另外, 简言之,8. To be frank, More importantly, Therefore, 说实在的, 更重要的是, 因此,经典范文: 理想的大学生活(2008年高考)I am looking forward to my ideal life in the college. I sometimes daydream that I will bump into a handsome boy and have friendly roommates. Whats better, I will be taught by a group of fabulous teachers from whom I can gain a lot of knowledge. Therefore, it would be wonderful if my ideal daydream come into reality. 5. 表明观点这类要点中常含“你对。的看法”“你认为是否应该。”等字眼。相关句式:1.In my opinion, 在我看来/依照我的看法, 2. Form my point of view,依我之见,3.As far as Im concerned,就我而言,在我看来, 4. I am in favor of the idea that我喜欢这个主意5.Personally speaking, I cant agree more that 就个人而言,我非常同意6.I think it right/necessary if / that 我个人认为是对的/必要地7. I strongly argue against the idea that 我强烈反对这个主意8.I dont agree with idea that 我不同意这种观点9. I dont think it reasonable that 我认为是不合理的10. After taking it into careful consideration, I dont think it wise/proper for sb. to do sth. 在充分考虑之后,我认为某人做某事是不明智的。11. I hold the view/belief that 我认为12. According to my experience, I think that 根据我的经验, 我认为13.There is no doubt that毫无疑问,14. It can be denied that 不可否认,15.No one can ignore the fact that谁也不可忽视16. The reason why I think so are as follows. For one thing, For another, 我这样认为的原因如下。首先,其次,17. I think so because Moreover,.Perhaps 我这样想是因为再者,也许,18. The main reason is Whats more, 其主要原因是再者,结果,19. I have several reasons to support my opinion. First of all, In addition, 我有几个理由支撑我的观点。首先,其次,经典范文:你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照?(2009广东高考) I dont agree with the idea that it is illegal to take photos with animals mainly because tourists pay for tickets to visit the wildlife parks and it will be a pity for them if they cant have a photo taken with an animal. Moreover, more tourists will be attracted to the wildlife parks if they are permitted to take photos with animals. Perhaps wildlife parks can set some special time, which can both satisfy tourists and protect the animals.6. 分析原因这类要点中常有“的原因”“为什么”等词。相关句式:1. The reasons can be listed as follows./ The reason for this are as follows.理由如下。2. There are several reasons why为什么我们有好几个理由。3. As far as I am concerned, the reason why we is that 我认为我们要的原因在于4. There are several reasons that contribute to 有几个方面的原因造成5. The following factors may contribute to this phenomenon. 以下是导致这个现象的因素。6. Various reasons might result in the above phenomenon. 多个因素可能导致以上现象的发生。7. My views are based on the following reasons. 我的观点基于以下几个原因。8. Reasons for why we are varied. 为什么我们的理由有多种。9. It is not only because , but also because 不仅是因为,而且是因为10. mainly because, in addition,lastly , 主要是因为,除此以外,最后,11. Thanks to/Owing to/Because of 由于/因为12. Consequently/therefore/thus /as a result, 因此/结果经典范文:人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照?There are several reasons why people like photographing when visiting zoos or wildlife parks. First of all, some want to remember their enjoyable and unforgettable experience with the animals by taking photos with them. Whats more, animals like koala and panda are so lovely that many tourists can not help hugging them and photographing with them.7 后果影响相关句式:1. If,will do great harm to sb. (sth) in 假如,就会对有害。2. will bring (brought/did bring)sb. many unfavorable consequences. 将会带来或带来了许多不良后果(影响)。3. influenced / will influenced sb. (sth) both in and in 已经或将会在和两方面带来影响。4. not only influence / affected greatly but also did great harm to 不仅大大得影响 了,而且还对造成了很大的危害。5. did/do affect sb.(sth) a lot in as well as in 确实在和方面影响很大。6. First,Worse still Worst of all 首先,更糟糕的是,最糟糕的是,7. are (were)likely to do Whats more, Worst of all 更容易更糟糕的是, 最糟糕的是,8. To make things/matters worse,使事情变得更糟的是9. For one thing, For another thing, Even worse, 一方面,另一方面,更糟(坏)得是,10. In the first place,Besides,Whats more, 首先,其次,更糟的是,经典范文:想家给学习和生活带来的影响。(2011广东高考)Homesickness did influence me a lot both in my study and in my school life. The great loneliness stopped me from concentrating on my class and I couldnt keep pace with my classmates. To make things/matters worse, I couldnt sleep well and finally got sick.Feeling homesick brought me many unfavorable consequences. I was more likely to distract from my class. Whats worse, I got terrible scores. Worst of all, I cried at night and couldnt sleep well, which surely depressed me a lot.8. 感激祝福相关句式:1. I am very grateful/ thankful to sb2. I would like to thank you for /Thank you for/ Thanks for 感谢3. I sincerely/ deeply/warmly appreciate 我真挚地、深深地、热情地感谢4. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to 我对表示真诚的感激之情。5. Please allow me to extend my gratitude to you.请允许我表达对你的感激之情。6. My true gratitude is beyond any words /description.7. I (do/really)hope/wish that can/would/will do sth 事实上,我的确祝愿8. I wish sb. sth / to do sth 我但愿9. I have thousands of blessings for 我又成千上万的祝福送给10. I sincerely extend my good blessings to 我真诚地祝福11. Best wishes for 把最美好的祝福送给12. Not only do I hope you but also I wish you besides,经典范文:表达你对父亲的感激和祝福。(2007高考)I deeply appreciate you, my dear dad. Most important of all, thank you for supporting me over the last eighteen years of my life. Moreover, thank you for giving me so much love and care over the years. Finally, thanks for the advice and instruction that youve given me. Actually, my true gratitude is beyond any words. I do hope you are healthy and strong and lead a happy life. I have thousands of blessings for you.6


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