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学校:_班级_姓名:_号码:_装订线-2009-2010学年下学期期中考试八年级 英语 答题时间:100分钟 总分:100分 一 、听力测试(15分)(一)听句子,选择正确的答语(5分)()。A. That is a good idea . B. It does nt matter . C. It will rain . ( ) 2. A. I was watching TV. B . I had a fight with my best friend . C .I could call you up . ( ) 3. . A .He watch TV . B .He is having dinner . C . He was cooking . ( ) 4 .A. Yes,I did it all by myshelf . B .I saw it . A . Yes ,I had a good time there. ( ) 5 .A .No,thanks . B ,thanks, we wont do it again . C .OK, lets go.(二)听对话,选择正确的答案。(分)()6. What does Jack want to be in the future ? A .A worker . B ,An astronaut C. A computer programmer . ( ) 7 .Whats wrong with Tony ?A. He has a cough . B .He has a toothache . C .He has a cold . ( ) 8 .When will school finish ? A . at 4:20 B .at 4:30 C .at 4:50 ( ) 9 .What are the speakers talking about ? A .the summer holiday s B .The summer palace . C .The weekend plan . ( )10 . What does the girl mean ? A .She wants to go to the movies with the boy B .She wants to give tickets to the boy . C . She wants to buy a ticket for the boy .(三) 听一段对话 ,选择正确的答案 。(5分) ( )11 .What does Bill do ? A .A teacher B .A worker C .A student ( )12 . What will Bill do during the holiday ? A . He will look for a job . B .He will do his homework .C .Both A and B ( ) 13 . What kind of job is Bill going to look for ? A .A fulltime job B .A parttime job . C .A volunteer job . ( )14 .Which country will Mary travel around ? A .Japan B . China C . America ( ) 15 .How many cities will Mary visit ? A .Five B .Six C .Seven .二 、单项选择填空 (20分) ( )16 .There_robots in the peoples homes.A. will have B.will be C.is going to have( ) 17 .Do you think there will be _ people in the future? A.much B. less C.fewer( )18.Mr Wang will go to Shanghai_ 7 days. A. on B. after C.in( )19.Shanghai is one of the _ cities in China. A.big B.bigger C.biggest( )20.I hope your dream will _. A.come true B.come out C.come in( )21.Can I borrow some money _ you? A.to B.from C.with( )22.My mother doesnt like watching TV,_. A.also B.too C.either( )23.They all went to Jims birthday party_me, I had to do my homework at home. A.besides B.but C.except( )24.I have a problem and I dont know _. A. what I should do B. what should I do C.how to do( )25.Xiao Li is my best friend, we get on _ with each other. A. good B.well C.great( )26.-What _ you_ when your mother got home? A.did ; do B. are; doing C.were; doing( )27._ I was watching TV, my mother got home. A. When B.While C.After( )28._ clever boy he is! A. What B.How C.What a( )29.My history teacher said that I _ do better. A. can B.could C.be able to( )30.Mr Green told me he _ go to HongKong tomorrow. A.will B. is going to C. would( ) 31.Lana said that she wasnt mad _ Tom anymoreA.at B.with C.on( )32.If he _ tomorrow, Ill help him. A.come B.comes C.will come( )33.If you bring some food to the party, the teacher will _. A.take away it B.take it away C.take them away( )34.If it _tomorrow, Ill go fishing with my father. A.doesnt rains B. dont rain C.doesnt rain ( ) _ makes me really happy . A. help others B .Helps others C .Helping others 三 、完形填空(每小题1分,共计10分)Mr Smith had a nice, brown coat. He _46_ it very much, _47_ his wife didnt like it, because it was _ 48_ . She often said, “Give it to a _49_ man.” But Mr Smith always said, “No, I like it.” One day a cigarette fell on it and made a hole in it, _50_ Mrs Smith said, “Please dont _51_ it again.” Mr Smith took it to a small tailors and said to the tailor(裁缝), “Please make another coat _52_ this one.” The tailor made the coat very _53_ . Then he hit a cigarette and made a _54_ in the _55 _ place.31. A. wore B. had C. put D. loved32. A. but B. so C. and D. for33. A. new B. big C. small D. old34. A. rich B. kind C. poor D. friend35. A. so B. and C. but D. or36. A. had B. wear C. wore D. take37. A. about B. with C. like D. of38. A. happily B. hard C. sad D. carefully39. A. picture B. hole C. map D. flower40. A. same B. different C. great D. important四、阅读理解(40分) (A) My friend, Dick, has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Every Saturday afternoon Dick takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much. One Saturday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk. But the man was still there. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the man and looked at him. But the man kept talking. Finally Jack could stand it no longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the man, but this time he held the mans hat in his mouth.41 From the story, we know that Jack is _.A Dicks good friend B a large police dog C a young man42。 Where does Dick walk with his dog every Saturday afternoon?A In his room B In the street C In the park43 Jack became very worried one afternoon because _.A he couldnt be taken out for a walk at the usual time.B a young man came to visit Dick that afternoon.C Dick walked around his room several times.44。 What does the word “stand” mean in the passage?A 站立 B理解 C忍受45。 Why did Jack sit down again in front of the man with the hat in his mouth?A Try to take the man laugh. B Like the young man very much. C Ask the young man to leave.(B)Mr. Jenkins is a farmer. One day he drives his truck to town and on the way his truck knocked down a boy and hurt(弄伤) him. He takes the boy to a hospital and he pays a lot of money for that, but the boys parents want to get more money from him, so they say their son cant lift(举起) his right arm above his head.Mr. Jenkins lawyer comes and asks the boy some questions. “Now, my boy,” he says, “Mr.Jenkins truck knocks you down in the street.”“Yes, sir,” he says.“And you cant lift your right arm now?”“Yes, sir,” he says.“Could you show how high you can lift your right arm?”Slowly the boy lifts his right arm before his nose.“Poor boy,” says the lawyer, “And how high can you lift before the accident?”“Oh, I can lift it very high.” Says the boy, and the right hand goes up high above his head.46.Mr. Jenkins truck knocks down _.A. a lawyer B. a boys father C. a boy47.The boys parents want to get _ from him.A. more trucks B. more money C. more monkeys48.Mr. Jenkins lawyer asks the boy to _.A. ask some questions B. answer some questions C. lift his left arm48.The boy says he cant lift his _ now.A. right arm B. left arm C. right foot50.There is _ wrong with the boy.A. something B. anything C. nothing (C)学校:_班级_姓名:_号码:_装订线-WearelearningEnglish,buthowcanwelearnEnglishwell?AstudentcanknowalotaboutEnglish,butmaybehecantspeakEnglish.Ifyouwanttoknowhowtoswim,youmustgetintotheriver.Andifyouwanttobeafootballplayer,youmustplayfootball.So,yousee,youcanlearnbyusingit.Youshouldlistentoyourteacherinclass.YoushouldspeakEnglishtoyourclassmateseverydayandalsoyoucouldwritesomethinginEnglish.ThenonedayyoumayfindyourEnglishverygood.( ) 51.YouknowalotaboutEnglish,butmaybe_it. A.youcanspeakB.youcanstudy C.youcantspeakD.youcantstudy ( )52.Youmustgetintotheriver_. A.tolearnhowtoswim B.toskate C.tojumpD.toplay ( ) 53.Doyouwanttobeafootballplayer?Please_. A.buyafootball B.playfootball C. havesomelessons D.readsomebooks ( )54.Youcanlearnbyusingit.Forexample:_. A. Listentoyourteacherinclass B.SpeakEnglishtoyourclassmateseverydayC.WritesomethinginEnglish D.Alltheabove( ) 55.Whichdoyouthinkisthebesttitleforthisarticle? A.Howtoswim B.HowtoplayfootballC.WecanknowalotofaboutEnglish. D.HowcanwelearnEnglishwell ( D )阅读短文,从A-G中选择5个句子放进短文中。 How to collect coins Collecting coins (硬币)is nice ,and all coins are easy to have .Collecting coins is fun and educationai (有教育意义的)for you .Most people think that you have to buy coins to start a collecttion,1 ._.Step 1. Find something to hold your coins .2._. Coins holders can be cheap or you use an old shoe box . Step 2 ,3_.If you buy expensive coins ,put them in a safe place so that you wont lose them . Step Decide what kind of coins you want to collect .You might like to collect foreign coins or your countrys coins . Step 4. Ask friends and relatives if they have old coins , 4._. Step 5 . One of the best ways to “ buy and sell carefully” is to read some books before you buy the coin . 5._you will know how to tell the difference between a rare (稀有的)coin and a common coin.A. or you wont talk with them .B. After reading books .C. but you can begin with just the coins in your pockets .D. if you have enough money .E. and then ask if you can have them or buy them .F. This does not mean that you have to buy expensive coin holders.G. Put them in a safe place. 五、书面表达(共计15分)请根据表格中的提示内容写一封信给你的祖母,向她报告你的年终考试成绩。要求:1. 词数60词以上。 2. 注意书信的格式。Chinese teachercould do bettermath teacherhard-workingEnglish teacherspeaking is goodphysics teacherlazy 八年级英语 共6页,第7页 八年级英语 共6页,第 8页


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