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LEVEL3 ENGLISH TEST 2 (50 minutes)Section I Use of English Knowledge (15 minutes) Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET. In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words.They,taken together,1 the whole vocabulary. First,there are those words 2 which we become familiar in ordinary conversation,which,we learn, 3 is to say,from the members of our own family and from our friends,and which we should know and use 4 we could not read or write.They 5 the common things of life,and are the stock in trade of 6 who speak the language.Such words may be called “popular”,since they belong to the people 7 and are not the 8 of a limited class only. On the other hand,our language includes a large number of words which are 9 seldom used in ordinary conversation.Their meanings are known to every 10 person,but there is little 11 to use them at home. Our first 12 with them comes not from our mothers lips or from the talk of our classmates, 13 from books that we read,lectures that we hear,or the more formal conversation of 14 educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in an elevated 15 .Such words are called “learned”,and the difference between them and “popular”words is 16 great importance to a right understanding of language.We may 17 a girl as “lively” or as “vivacious”. In the first 18 ,we are using a native English word 19 from the familiar noun “life”.In the 20 ,we are using a Latin derivative which has exactly the same meaning.1Amake upBput upCbring upDtake up2Afor BwithCbyDto3AitBthisCwhichDthat4Aas ifBeven if CifDif only5AconnectBinterfereCrevealDconcern6AallBnoneCsomeDany7Aat libertyBat lengthCat bestDat large8AprofessionBpossessionCpracticeDexpression9ArelativelyBregularlyCconsequentlyDtentatively10AeducativeBeducationCeducatedDeducatable11AroomBspaceCtimeDoccasion12AencounterBacquaintanceCknowledgeDcomprehension13AorBand CbutDexcept14AhighlyBsimplyCpoorlyDhumbly15AstyleBtypeCsortDpattern16Aon BwithCat Dof17AthinkBdescribeCsupposeDlook18AsampleBphaseCcaseDstage19AformingBbeing formedChaving formedDformed20AlatedBlatterClaterDlatestSection II Reading Comprehension(15 minutes) Read the following two texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET.Test1 Jefferson was extremely fond of poetry in his youth,as his literary commonplace book and other evidence indicates.His poetic acquaintance was wide,though his tastes were fairly conventional.Like many sophisticated readers of his day,he was in love with the works of Ossian,the third-century Celtic bard whose poems were actually the work of James Macpherson.One of the things that attracted Jeffersom to Ossian was the supposed simlarity of his bardic offerings to the writings of Homer and Virgil,whom Jeffersom also greatly admired.He was decidedly partial to the classics,including Horace,the great favorite of the Enlightenment.And like most readers of his time,Jefferson revered Shakespeare,whom he singled out as the English poet to be studied most diligently.His library contained,at one time or another,many different editions of Shakespeare,and he was quite familiar with the efforts of eighteenth-century editors who vied with one another to improve the reliablility of the text. But Jeffersons taste for poetry declined as he grew older.About the time he assumed the presidency,he confessed to a correspondent that his youthful liking for poetry had almost completely deserted him.Unlike Lincoln,he seems to have faced the problems of his presidency without resorting to ligerary works for perspective or inspiration.It would have been out of character for him to have read aloud,let alone to members of his Cabinet,and he probably allowed himself comparatively little time for purely personal reading.A notable exception was his discovery of John Baxters history of England,which he embraced and recommended enthusiastically as an alternative to the “subversive”history of David Hume.Another exception was a purposeful exsursion into the New Testament,his first effort to extract the “diamonds” of authentic Christianity from the corrupted text of the Gospels.This strictly private project may be the appropriate counterpart to Lincolns reading Shakespeare aloud to his visitors,for it exemplifies Jeffersons characteristic retreat to his study and his need to concentrate his own “recreational”activities on what he would have called “useful objects”.21.According to the passage,Jefferson appreciated very much Ossians poems because _. Athey were pastoral Bthey were full of passion Cthey had something in common with the poems of Homer and Virgil he greatly admired Dthey were actually the work of James Macphersom he greatly admired22. According to the author,Jefferson_ Adidnt like the classics at all Bhad a prejudice against the classics Chad a strong liking for the classics Djust partially liked the classics23. Jefferson was able to get many different editions of Shakespeare mainly because _. Athey were quite cheap and he was rech enough to afford them Bhe had made friedns with many editors who often gave him copies when they got publoshed Che was very influential and coiuld get them free fo charge Deighteen-century editors competed with each other to improve the reliability of the text24. It can be inferred from the passage that_. ALincoln sometimes turned to literary works for inspiration buring his presidency BJeffersom often turned to literary works for perspective during his presidency CLiterary works helped Lincoln to improve his character and personality DLiterary works helped Jefferson to improve his character and personality25. According to the passage,Jefferson_. Aliked to read literary works aloud to his cabinet members during his presidency Bthought highlty of David Humes works about history of England Cstill felt extraordinary passion for poetry as hegrew older Dhad a very high opinion of John Baxters works about history of EnglandText 2 The principal factor depressing life expectancy in developing countries has always been the high death rate for infants and children.World Bank studies suggest that as much as two thirds of the difference in life-spans between people in developed countries and those in developing ones can be traced to differencs in survival rates for children under five.It is here where the most improvement has come.According to UN estimates,significant regional drops in infant mortality-ranging from 25 percent to 60 percent and centering near 40 percentappear to have taken place between the late 1950s and the late 1970s in northern Africa,Latin America,and Asia.Although sub-Saharan Africas mortality trends cannot be quantified with confidence,there is reason to believe that life expectanc has risen and infant mortality has declined in that region,as well.There is little doubt that population growth has accelerated in sub-Saharan African since the 1950s;in fact,sub-Saharan Africa is widely though to have the highest rate of population growth of any major region in the world.Only a small portion of that acceleration is likely to have been caused by increases in fertility (and increases in fertility,insofar as they have occurred,may also imply improvements in health and nutrition). Mortality,of course,is not a perfect measure of nutritional change.Improved nutrition is only one of a number of forces that have been pushing down death rates in developing countries.Others include the upgrading of hygiene and sanitation;the extension of public health services;medical innovations;improvements in education,communications,transportation,and ,in some areas,civil order.Even so,the extent to which improvements in nutritionboth direct and indirecthave reduced mortality in developing countries has frequently been underestimated.For example,Sri Lanka experienced an abrupt jump in life expectancy shortly after the Second World War.Whereas this was long described as a “technical fix”a triumph of DDT over the anopheles mosquitoyears later researchers realized that abrupt and rapid drops in mortality had also taken place in Sri Lankas highlands,or “dry zones”,where malaria had never been a serious problem.In both highland and lowland regions health improved in tandem with access to food.26.According to the author,life expectancy in developing countries is not high mainly because developing countries_. Ahave a low standard of living Bhave low survival rates for infants and children Chave no public health services Dhave no public and private hygiene and sanitation27. Between the late 1950s and the late 1970s,infant mortality in northern africa _. Afell sharply Brose tremendously Cstill remained high Dwas lower than that in Asia28. The author holds that_. Amedical innovations are the only way to reduce mortality rates in developing countries Bimproved nutrition is the only one factor that reduces mortality rates in developing countries C mortality rates in developing countries have been brought down by a number of forces Dthe upgrading of hygiene and sanitation has played a crucial role in reducing mortality rates in developing countries29. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that before the Second World War,_. Amalaria had taken few lives in Sri Lanka B malaria had been already put under control in Sri Lanka C malaria had been a very serious problem in lowland regions in Sri Lanka D malaria had remained unrestrained in Sri Lanka30. Judging by the context,the phrase “in tandem”in the last paragraph probably means Ain touch Bin contrast Caltogether DalongsideSection III Writing (20 minutes) Suppose you graduated from university two years ago and you want to further your study in America.Write a letter to the graduate school of a university you want to apply to,asking it to send you an application form and some related doccuments.Write about 100 words and use the name of “Wang Ping”.You neednt write the address.ANSWER SHEET OF LEVEL3 ENGLISH TEST 2Name:_ Post applied:_ Department:_ (總分100分,60分合格) 1-20題每題2分(共40分), 21-30題每題3分(共30分)1ABCD11ABCD21ABCD2ABCD12ABCD22ABCD3ABCD13ABCD23ABCD4ABCD14ABCD24ABCD5ABCD15ABCD25ABCD6ABCD16ABCD26ABCD7ABCD17ABCD27ABCD8ABCD18ABCD28ABCD9ABCD19ABCD29ABCD10ABCD20ABCD30ABCDWriting(30分):_ANSWER OF LEVEL3 ENGLISH TEST 21-20題每題2分(共40分), 21-30題每題3分(共30分)1ABCD11ABCD21ABCD2ABCD12ABCD22ABCD3ABCD13ABCD23ABCD4ABCD14ABCD24ABCD5ABCD15ABCD25ABCD6ABCD16ABCD26ABCD7ABCD17ABCD27ABCD8ABCD18ABCD28ABCD9ABCD19ABCD29ABCD10ABCD20ABCD30ABCDWriting (30 points)- a possible version: To whom it may concern, I graduated from Beijing University two years ago,majoring in computer science.And now I am working in a local company and want very much to scale higher intellectual height in pursuing advanced studied in a quality graduate program at an American university. Checking into some resources,I have found that your graduate school offers a program that caters to my research interests.So,I am writing to ask for a package of your application documents.I hope that this letter will start me off in a process that will lead to my enrollment in your program next year.Your timely assistance will be greatly appreciated.Yours sincerely,Wang Ping


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