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教学设计Unit 3 My room (the 1st period)Lets learn Lets PracticeTo learn another colors (black , white)Learn new words by having a look at the cats roomVisit rabbit, dog, monkeys roomsLets reviewLets chantTo master the sentences more easily by chant Challenge 1 : look at the pictures and say out the thingsHomeworkTalk about how to design the cats room with classmatesTalk about the colors that we learned in last lesson. Lets singTo sing a song with the sentences that we will use to rev.iew.Challenge 2 : look at the pictures and answer the questionsChallenge 2 : look at the pictures and fill in the blanksLets rememberClean up your room and make it tidy第一课时 Unit 3 My room (1st period)Teaching Objectives: 1. Language and skill Objectives:1) Function: 1. Be able to say out the things in the room.2. Be able to describe the things with colors.2) Target language: Be able to use the following sentences to ask and answer: Whats that? Its Is that ? Yes , it is. No, it isnt.3) Vocabulary: Be able to master the words: Black white bed pillow window door clock lamp2. Moral and Strategy Objectives:1) To have a sense of teamwork.2) To love our rooms and make it tidy.Teaching key points and difficult points:To say out the words correctly.To ask and answer the things with colors correctly.Teaching Aids: CAI, PPTTeaching Methods:Task-based Approach, Communicative Approach, Multiple-media Approach Teaching ProceduresTeaching Aims1. Lets singThis is the first lesson. Use the song of colors in Unit 2 to remind the words of colors.利用Unit 2 的颜色歌曲来激发学生兴趣与复习。2. Lets review Review the words of colors that we learned in last lesson and learn “black” “white”.复习学过的颜色,学习黑色和白色这两个新的颜色。3.Lets learnLearn new words by having a look at the cats room通过介绍小猫的房间,学习新单词,学生更感兴趣,也能创设一种整体的语境。4. Lets practice The cats parents want to give the cat a new room as a birthday present. Visit the three friends rooms .Challenge yourself for three times, then you can become the designer of the cats new room. 通过练习让学生巩固所学单词,特别是颜色与物品的共同使用。5.Lets chantTo master the sentences more easily by chant on the book再次通过歌谣让学生对本节课所学句型形成语感,朗朗上口。6.HomeworkTalk about how to design the cats room with classmates让学生与同学讨论下一节课怎样为小猫设计新的房间及其物品,发挥了他们的想象力,提高了他们的合作能力,为下一节课做准备。7.Lets rememberClean up your room and make it tidy教育学生要爱护我们的房间,时刻保持良好的卫生习惯。板书设计: Blackboard designUnit 3 My room Whats that? Its Is that ? Yes , it is. No, it isnt. bed pillow clock door lamp window 教学测试安排:1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.附课堂练习:PPT 打印版: 9


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