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五四题型专练(一)(xx湖北丹江口3月诊断)1当你横穿马路时,请注意交通标志。Please the traffic signs when you cross the road.2无论你买到什么,你可能认为那些产品就是那些国家生产的。 you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.3经过努力,他成功通过了期末考试。He the final exam through working hard.4你的汽车出了故障,必须尽快请人修理。 your car and you must have it repaired as soon as possible.5昨天他如此急于去影剧院以至于忘记关电脑了。He was that he forgot to turn off the computer.(二)(xx广东广州第四中学二模改编)1贝蒂如此生气以致不能说一个字。Betty was couldnt say a word.2你上学要花多长时间? you to go to school?3我的父母经常对我的学习严格要求。My parents are my study.4这是一场多么令人激动的比赛啊! the match is!5你知道飞机将在什么时候起飞吗?Do you know when the plane ?6当我们离开房间的时候,必须把所有的灯都关了。All the lights when we leave the room.(三)(218四川眉山丹棱第一次诊断考试)1孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就会越好。The earlier kids , the better it is for their future.2我不会去参加这个聚会,除非受到邀请。 I wont go to the party, 3妈妈,哥哥已经看了两个小时的动画片了。Mum, my brother cartoons on TV for two hours.4多亏了你的帮助,我们按时读完了这本书。 , we can finish reading the book on time .5今天的新闻里没有什么重要的内容。Theres in the news today.(四)(xx四川内江中考)1五月份有31天。_.2明天别忘了带上你的外套。_.3我看见Mary正在房间里安静地看书。_.4这位老人非常激动,以致不能清晰地讲话。_.5Mike很喜欢中国。他来中国已经5年了。_. (五)(xx江苏苏州中考)1这个暑假你打算做什么?_.2我已经决定读一些书并游览一些名胜古迹。_.3养成一个良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很重要。_.4旅游被认为是放松的最好方式之一。_.5阅读和旅游能给我们打开一个全新的世界。_. (六)(xx山东潍坊中考改编)1那就是李华头疼的原因。_.2新图书馆将会比旧的大多了。_.3韩梅,高个子,黑色长发。_.4你最好一回家先做作业。_.5我表姐每周花两个小时的时间学京剧。_.参考答案(一)1pay attention to2No matter what/Whatever3succeeded (in) passing4There is something wrong with5in such a hurry to go the theater(二)1so angry that she2How long does it take3always strict with4How exciting5will take off6must be turned off(三)1learn to be independent2unless Im invited3has watched4Thanks to your help5nothing important(四)1There are 31 days in May.2Dont forget to take your coat tomorrow.3I saw Mary reading quietly in the room.4The old man was so excited that he could not speak clearly.5Mike likes China very much. Hes been in China for five years.(五)1What are you going to do this summer holiday?2Ive decided to read some books and visit some places of interest.3Its very important for us to develop a good reading habit.4Travelling is considered to be one of the best ways to relax.5Reading and travelling can open up a whole new world to us.(六)1Thats (the reason) why Li Hua has (got)/gets/suffers from a headache.2The new library will be much bigger than the old one. 3Han Mei is tall/a tall girl with long black hair. 4Youd better do your homework first as soon as you come (back)/get/arrive home. 5My cousin spends two hours in learning Beijing opera every/each week. 8 / 8文档可自由编辑打印


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