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人教版小学五年级英语下册Unit1 This is my day单元测试卷1带答案Part A (1) 词汇积累练来源:一、看图,补全短语,并译成汉语。(48分)1. _ sports_2. _ dinner_3. _ books_4. _ TV_5. _morning exercises_6. _ music class_语句应用练二、火眼金睛选一选。(30分) ()1._ do you eat dinner?I usually eat dinner at 7:00 pm.AWhen BWhere CWhat()2. _ do you play sports? I play sports on the playground.AWhen BWhere CWhat()3. When do you usually get up?_AI usually go to bed at 9:00. BAt 6:00. CNo.()4.I usually do morning exercises_6:00_the morning.Aat;in Bat;at Cin;in()5. What do you do?_AI am a policeman. BI usually go to work at 7:00.CI am a girl.情景交际练三、情景交际。(14分)()1.“我在早上8:00去上班。”应表达为:AI go to school at 8:00 in the evening. BI go to work at 8:00 in the morning.()2.“你什么时候做运动?”应表达为:AWhen do you play sports? BWhat do you do?C部分拓展练四、我会判断。(判断画线部分的读音是否相同,相同打“”,不同打“”。)(8分)()1.A.sayBpla ()2.A.wait Brain答案一、1.play进行体育活动2.eat吃晚饭3.read读书4watch看电视5.do晨练6.have上音乐课二、1.A(答语回答的是时间,所以提问用when。)2B(答语是on the playground, 提问用where。)3B4.A5.A三、1.B2.A四、1.2.Unit 1This Is My DayPart A (2) 词汇积累练一、英汉互译。(30分) 1. have English class _ 2do homework _3do morning exercises _ 4吃晚饭 _5去上学 _ 6起床 _语句应用练二、火眼金睛选一选。(30分) ()1._ do you get up? AWhen BWhichCWhat()2. When do you go home?I go home _ 5:00 in the morning.Aat Bin Cto()3.He usually _ up at 6:00. I get up at 6:30.Aget Bgets Cgetting()4._ is your favourite food? AWhen BWhat CWhere()5.I _ morning exercises at 8:00. Ado Bdoing Cdoes()6._ does Amy eat breakfast?At 7:00 am.AWhat BWhere CWhen三、连词成句。(20分)1. at, home, I, seven, go, the, in, evening(.)_2. do, work, when, you, to, go(?)_3. clean, usually, I, my, room(.)来源:_4eat, we, breakfast, 6:30, at(.)_实践运用练四、完成自己的时间表。(20分)_ s Timetableget up: _eat breakfast:_go to school: _eat lunch: _go home: _do homework: _play sports: _eat dinner: _go to bed: _答案一、1.上英语课 2.做家庭作业 3.晨练4eat dinner5.go to school6.get up二、1.A(询问何时起床,用when。)2A(表示在某一时刻用介词at。)3B(主语是he,动词用gets。)4B5.A6.C三、1.I go home at seven in the evening.2When do you go to work?3I usually (Usually I) clean my room.4We eat breakfast at 6:30.四、根据个人实际情况填写。Unit 1This Is My DayPart A (3) 词汇积累练一、看图,补全短语。(20分) 1_ breakfast 2._ English class 3. _ sports 4. _homework 语句应用练二、我会选。(30分) 1_ time do you get up every day? (Whats, What)2We usually _ football after school.(play, plays)3My mother goes to work_ six thirty.(at, in)4_ you for telling me about it.(Thanks, Thank)5Do you like _on the weekends?(fishing, fish) 阅读理解练三、阅读短文,判断对()错()。(30分)Im Amy. This is my day. I often get up at 6:30, then I eat breakfast at 7:00. I usually go to school at 8:00. At 12:00 noon I eat lunch at school. I play the piano at 4:00. At 6:00 I eat dinner. I like my life(生活) very much.()1. I get up at 6:20.()2. Every morning I dont eat breakfast.()3.I do morning exercises with my friends.()4. I like my life.()5.Amy eats dinner at 6:00. 表达交流练四、以“My Day”为题写一篇小短文,要求能够详细介绍自己一天的活动安排及时间。(20分)_答案一、1.eat(have)2.have3.play4.do二、1.What(句子中有do,所以不用Whats。)2play(主语是we,动词用play。)3at(表示在某一时刻介词用at。)4.Thank5fishing(like后面用动词的ing形式。)三、四、 My DayI often get up at 6:00, then I eat breakfast at 6:30. I usually go to school at 8:00. At 12:00 noon I eat lunch at home. In the afternoon,I play sports at 3:00.I go home at 5:00.At 6:30 I eat dinner.


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