2.3 Module 2【重点语法】(原卷版)-2021-2022学年八年级英语上册链接教材精准变式练(外研版)

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2.3 Module 2【重点语法】(原卷版)-2021-2022学年八年级英语上册链接教材精准变式练(外研版)_第1页
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2.3 Module 2【重点语法】(原卷版)-2021-2022学年八年级英语上册链接教材精准变式练(外研版)_第2页
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2.3 Module 2【重点语法】(原卷版)-2021-2022学年八年级英语上册链接教材精准变式练(外研版)_第3页
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重点语法 Module2 (原卷版)2021-2022学年八年级英语上册链接教材精准变式练(外研版)教材重点语法知识链接及典例解读形容词的比较级(1)教材原句So its a newer city than Hong Kong?因此它是一个比香港更新的城市吗7Thats larger than the population of many other cities in China. Its streets are much wider and cleaner too.那比中国的许多其他城市的人口都多。它的街道也更宽,更干净。Its taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen.它比深圳的许多其他建筑物都高。Some day it will become as busy as Hong Kong,Im sure.我确信有一天它会变得和香港一样繁华。教材原句语法链接1,含义比较级通常用于两个人或两个事物之间的比较,表示两者之间较.的。2.形容词比较级的用法形容词比较级+than+所对比的对象表示*比.更.”A basketball is much bigger than a volleyball.篮球比排球大得多。形容词比较级+and+形容词比较级表示越来越.” The weather is getting warmer and warmer.天气正在变得越来越暖和。the+形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级表示越.越.”The more you eat, the fatter you will be.你吃得越多,你就会越胖。as+形容词原级+as.表示和.样.He is as tall as his brother.他和他哥哥一样高。3.形容词的比较级前面可以用even, sill, yet, any,much, rather, little, a lot, far等修饰语用于加强语气或表示比较程度。典例解读1.If more people give up driving cars, the air will get much in a few days.A.cleanB. cleanerC. the cleanest解析句意为:如果更多的人放弃开车,几天后空气会变得干净得多。由上文more people 可知本空略合比较的含义。空前的much常用于修饰比较级,表示得多”。故选B项。答案 B2.-What do you think of the environment in your home town?-Its Both the air and the water are badly polluted.A. not badB.as good as beforeC.not so good as beforeD. much better than before解析句意为:-你认为你家乡的环境怎么样?不如以前好。空气和水都污染很严重。not bad意为还不错;as good as before意为和以前一样好;not so good as before意为不如以前好much better than before意为比以前好多了。由空后空气和水都污染很严重。”可知环境不如以前好了。故选C项。答案C3.My mother is hard-working feels.she does for my family, she feels.A. More: happierB. The much:the happyC.The more:the happierD. The most;the happiest解析句意为:我的妈妈很勤劳。她为我们家做得越多,她就感觉越快乐。由the+形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级表示越”,越.可知答案。答案C4我现在的感觉比昨天更糟。(完成句子)Now Im feeling _ _ _ yesterday.【答案】much worse than 【详解】根据句意可知,本句为比较状语从句,使用连词than。bad形容词,糟糕,其比较级为worse;much副词,可以修饰比较级worse,much worse更糟。故填much;worse;than。5这个城市越来越美丽,我为她感到骄傲。(完成句子)Thecitybecomes_ _beautiful.Iamproudofher.【答案】more and more 【详解】表示“越来越”用“比较级+and+比较级”的结构,“beautiful”的比较级形式是“more beautiful”,表示“越来越美丽”用“more and more beautiful”。故填more; and; more。6在学校,他比其他任何学生都高。(汉译英)_【答案】He is taller than any other student at school.【详解】than比,用比较级,any other+名词单数:其他任何的,故填He is taller than any other student at school.一、单项选择1How many mistakes can I make, sir?_.AThe less; the better BMore; better CThe fewer; the better DFewer; better2_ you work, _ your English will be.AThe more ; better BThe harder; the better CHarder; better DThe hardest; the best3There is _pollution and _fishes in the river now than 20 years ago.Amore, lessBmore, fewerCless, much4_ you exercise, _you will be.AMore; healthierBThe more; the healthierCThe more; healthier5Everyone wished to buy _ things with _ money.Amore, lessBless, moreCmore. fewer6Our country is becoming _.Amore beautiful and more beautifulBmore and more beautifulCmore beautiful and beautifulDmore and more beautifully7The more books you read, the_you will understand.AgoodBwellCbetterDbest8The _ the weather is, the _ clothes we will wear.Ahot; thinBcolder; thinerCcolder; thinnerDhotter; thinner9We all think your friend Dennis is as as you.-In fact, he is than me.Acareful; more carefulBcareful; carefulCmore careful; carefulDmore careful; more careful10Taking a car is always _ than _ a bus.Afaster, takeBfast, to takeCfaster, takingDmore faster, taking11I have _ time _ Kate, so I can read a lot.Aless, thanBmore, thanCfewer, thanDmuch, than12 Which is _ city, Shanghai or Beijing? I have no idea.AbigBbiggerCthe biggerDthe biggest13This film is _ interesting than that one.AmuchBtoo muchCmuch tooDmuch more14The jeans I bought yesterday are too long for me. Can I change them for a _ pair?AlongBlongerCshortDshorter15The radio says itll be much _ tomorrow.Yes. Its said that there will be much _ tomorrow.Arain, rainBrain, rainierCrainier, rainDrainy, rain16He looks much _ than he is.AoldBolderCeldDelder17When you are at table, you shouldnt take _ you need.Aless food thanBmore food thanCmuch food thanDlittle food than18Jack gets up_than his brother.AearlyBmore earlyCearlierDearliest二、用所给单词的正确形式填空19Im afraid shes getting even _ (bad). You should take her to the doctor at once.20I know something about the film. Can you tell me _ (much)?21Keepstudyinghard,andyourEnglishcanbe _ and _(good).三、根据首字母填空22The more careful you are,the f_mistakes you will make in the exam.四、将所给单词连成句子23friend, is ,popular, than, more, my, me_.


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