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本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 2007 年 6 月 15 日目 录1 翻 译12 外文参考文献7翻 译20世纪90年代以来,我国零售业的迅速发展令人瞩目,然而与发达国家相比,我国零售业仍然存在着巨大差距。中国加入WTO之后,国外零售业巨头纷纷进入中国市场,中国零售业要直接面对国际市场的激烈竞争。而在经济全球化的市场条件下,企业与企业之间的竞争已经演变为供应链与供应链之间的竞争,沃尔玛、麦德龙、7-11等著名跨国零售企业在供应链管理的实践中取得了巨大成效,中国零售业只有尽快实施先进的供应链管理模式,才能在日益激烈的市场竞争中获得生存和发展。作为一种集成化的管理思想和方法,供应链管理是围绕核心企业,通过物流、资金流、信息流等,将由供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商直到最终的顾客所组成的供应链连成一个整体的管理模式。目前,我国的众多零售企业对供应链管理的认识还仅仅停留在运作层面上,没有将其看成是企业战略实施的重要组成部分,因此只有通过对供应链管理进行战略性思考,结合商品类型来构建供应链以获取战略匹配,才能使我国零售企业的供应链管理实施产生质的飞跃。 一、效率型供应链和反应型供应链 供应链主要有两类功能:物流功能和商流功能。供应链的物流功能是指以最低的成本将原材料加工成零部件、半成品、产品并将它们从供应链的一个节点运送到另一个节点;供应链的商流功能是指对市场需求做出迅速反应,确保以合适的产品在合适的地点和时间来满足顾客的需求。物流功能和商流功能都需要一定成本,两者构成供应链的总成本,其中物流成本主要包括运输、储存、包装、装卸、流通加工、配送等费用,商流成本则包括供过于求时的商品降价损失、供不应求时的缺货损失,以及由此而丧失的潜在顾客收入。一般意义上的供应链是在物流和商流这两个功能间的权衡,即反应能力与效率、成本水平之间进行权衡。 供应链管理是一种集成的管理思想和方法,在市场竞争日趋激烈、信息技术迅速发展的今天,供应链趋向于尽量缩短响应时间以满足不断变化的用户需求。在这种基于时间的竞争中,要求供应链运作模式与市场需求同步,不仅响应速度要快,而且要反应得柔性灵巧。供应链反应能力可用供应链完成以下任务的能力来度量:即是否能对需求的大幅度变动作出反应;是否能满足客户较短供货期的要求;是否能向客户提供较多品种的产品;是否能提供创新的产品;是否能为客户提供高水平的服务。供应链拥有的上述能力越多,供应链的反应能力就越强。然而反应能力的提高也必须付出成本增加的代价。例如,要满足需求量的大幅变动,就需要较高的库存水平,从而导致效率水平的下降。因此,每一种提高反应能力的战略都会付出额外的成本,从而降低效率水平,反之亦然。 效率型供应链是以实现供应链的物流功能为主要目标,即以最低的成本将原材料转化成零部件、在制品和成品,并最终送至消费者手中。效率型供应链面对的市场需求、产品特性和相关技术具有相对稳定性,因而供应链上的各节点企业可以关注于获取规模经济效益、提高设备利用率、降低生产、运输、库存等方面的相关费用,从而最大限度地降低产品成本。反应型供应链则以实现供应链的商流功能为主要目标,即对市场需求变化做出迅速的反应,这类供应链所提供的产品,其市场需求有很大的不确定性,或者产品生命周期较短,或者产品本身技术发展很快,或者产品需求的季节性波动很强。反应型供应链需要保持较高的市场应变能力,实现柔性生产,从而减少产品过时和失效的风险。供应链战略便是在供应链的反应能力和效率水平之间的平衡,零售企业一旦确定供应链战略之后,强调反应能力的供应链必须将其所有的职能战略设计用来提高其反应能力,而强调效率水平的供应链,则必须让所有的职能战略都用来为提高效率做贡献。 二、零售企业商品类型与供应链战略的匹配 零售企业的商品类型可以根据市场需求的特性划分为功能性商品和创新性商品。功能性商品是指那些用以满足基本需求、生命周期长、需求稳定且边际收益较低的商品,例如超市销售的各种日用百货、冷冻冷藏食品、常温加工食品等。功能性商品的生命周期长、需求稳定并可准确预测,从而使供求可以达到近乎完美的平衡,这使市场调节变得容易,其商流成本可以忽略不计,零售企业可以集中几乎全部精力来降低物流成本,通过与上游供应商的密切合作,加速库存周转,及时补充存货,采取高效率低成本的采购,对供应商的选择侧重成本和质量,根据市场预测保证均衡有效地满足顾客的需求,实现整条供应链的库存最小化和效率最大化。显然,功能性商品要求效率过程,经营此类商品的零售企业应当采用效率型供应链。 创新性商品是指在设计或者服务等方面创新的商品,例如时装、高档电器、时尚用品和奢侈品等。这些商品能够带来较高利润,但是由于其生命周期短暂和商品的多样化,需求却很难准确预测,并且大量仿制品的出现会削弱创新商品的竞争优势,企业不得不进行一系列的更加新颖的创新,从而使需求更加具有不可预见性。创新性商品具有的高度市场不确定性,增加了供求不平衡的风险,因此其主要成本是商流成本而非物流成本,需要零售企业根据市场的变化快速灵活地响应顾客需求。选择供应商要考虑的不是低成本,而是获得速度和柔性;库存和生产能力的关键决策不是使成本最小化,而是响应速度和灵活性,以最大限度地减少市场需求的不确定性给企业造成的损失。显然,创新性商品要求灵敏反应的过程,经营此类商品的零售企业应当采用反应型供应链。如果零售企业经营的商品是功能性商品却采用反应型供应链,或者经营的是创新性商品却采用效率型供应链时,其供应链战略就发生了根本性的错误,这时就需要重新设计供应链。三、零售企业供应链管理战略的实施 1.识别零售企业的商品需求特性 我们可以从商品的生产周期、需求可预测性、商品多样性以及市场导入期与服务的标准等方面来识别商品的需求特性。一般来说,功能性商品的生命周期较长(两年以上),创新性商品的生命周期较短(3个月1年);功能性商品的品种较少(1020种变形),创新性商品的品种较多(通常有上千万种变形);功能性商品的需求预测偏差较小(10 %左右),创新性商品的预测偏差较大(40100%);功能性商品的平均存货率较低(12%),创新性商品的平均存货率较大 (1040%);功能性商品的市场导入期较长(6个月1年),创新性商品的市场导入期较短(1天2周);功能性商品的利润贡献率较低(520%),创新性商品的利润贡献率较高(2060%)。利用这些判别标准可以有效地识别商品的需求特性。 2.实施零售商品类别管理 零售商品类别管理是指零售商以某一商品类别作为战略经营单位进行管理,集中精力传递和实现消费者的价值,以取得更好的经营绩效。具体来说,零售企业对经营的所有商品按类别进行分类,确定和衡量每一类别商品的功能、收益性、成长性等指标,并将商品类型区分为功能性商品和创新型商品。在此基础上,结合考虑各类商品的库存水平和货架展示等因素,制定商品品种计划,对整个商品类别进行管理,提高顾客的服务水平,实现整个商品类别的整体收益最大化。 3.按照商品类型分别采用相应的供应链战略 对于功能型商品应当侧重于降低物流成本,采用效率型供应链,实施有效客户反应(ECR)系统。从提高商品供应的效率入手,与上游供应商和制造商之间利用现代信息技术建立相互协调的供应模式,零售商总部利用POS系统提供的商品销售信息,以及对销售量的预测,利用电脑辅助订货系统向供应商订货,由供应商或区域配送中心向各零售商店提供即时补货,拉动制造商进行产品生产,形成销售和配送的同步运转,共享物流设施和仓库资源,降低配送成本,最大限度地减少生产流通环节可能产生的各种浪费。对于创新型商品应当侧重于降低商流成本,采用反应型供应链,实施快速反应(QR)系统。从提高顾客响应的速度出发,与供应链各方建立战略伙伴关系和合作机制,采用EDI电子数据交换技术实现供应链各节点企业的分工协作和信息共享,缩短商品的设计和生产周期,实施JIT 生产方式,进行多品种中小批量生产和高频度小批量配送,降低供应链的库存水平,迅速地满足顾客的个性化和定制化需求,提高整个供应链的反应能力。步入微利时代的零售业,要想提高相对利润,降低成本,向供应链要利润已经成为业内共识,因而受到广泛重视。统计数据显示,供应链管理的有效实施可以使企业总成本下降20%左右,供应链上的节点企业按时交货率提高15%以上,订货到生产的周期时间缩短20%-30%,供应链上的节点企业生产率增值提高15%以上。对成本远远高于国际平均水平的国内零售业来说,提高供应链管理不啻为一个保持竞争力的最有效的选择。 国内的零售业一直把沃尔玛奉为学习的楷模,人人都说,沃尔玛的成功是供应链的成功,沃尔玛高效的供应链体系也一直被国内企业追捧。但国内的零售业似乎很难效颦,从表象上看,拥有自己的卫星和遍布全球的大型服务器,每一台货物运输车辆上都拥有卫星移动计算机系统这一点,我国企业就难以效仿。同样,维持这一庞大网络的IT投入和升级管理费用也并不是多数企业可以承担和愿意冒险尝试的。但是通过表象,我们可以看到,沃尔玛供应链管理的很多思路并不复杂,其中有许多都是我们可以借鉴的,同时也要结合我们自身的特点,选择适合自己的方式。 与供应商合作 去年炒得沸沸扬扬的国美“封杀”格力事件,再次验证了“渠道为王”的正确性,也反映了国内零售巨头与强势品牌供应商之间的紧张关系。零供双方的争斗无疑是利益的博弈,只有双方都有利润可赚,这种合作才能继续下去。就是沃尔玛也同样曾经因为低价遭到中小供应商的抵制,曾出现过沃尔玛一提出价格,对方马上拍屁股走人的事。但后来出现的新技术降低了成本,沃尔玛也采取了诸多措施,譬如把IT模板提供给供应商,以此提高效率使供应商有利润可赚,双方的矛盾才得以缓和。所以说是高效的物流系统保证了沃尔玛的“天天低价”。 所以,作为零售终端,仅仅提高内部的供应链管理是远远不够的。现阶段企业的竞争已经不是单个企业间的竞争,而是与自己有协作关系的上下游企业共同组成的快速响应市场需求的供应链之间的竞争,任何一个节点出问题,供应链就不畅通,再高效的物流体系也会“掉链”。只有把这些企业都整合在一起,优化配置人、财、物等诸多因素,使生产资料以最快的速度,通过生产、分销环节变成增值的产品,送到消费者手中,才能发挥出供应链的强大竞争力。对零售商来说,还要参与到供应商的生产计划和控制中去,搞好自己与供应商的信息共享交流,让供应商了解到自己的库存,帮助供应商降低物流成本。 这一点,美国沃尔玛做的非常好。沃尔玛要求所有的供应商都能通过网络实时了解自己产品的销售情况,以便及时地按排生产计划,帮助供应商大大降低了库存水平。沃尔玛还通过各种方式向供应商传递自己的需求信息。同时,让供应商通过网络实时地了解沃尔玛销售产品的成本构成,从而探求如何在生产中间降低成本。宝洁公司是最早加入这种合作关系的公司,所以,一般也把这种合作模式称为“宝洁沃尔玛模式”。沃尔玛让宝洁自己来实现货价、库存管理,现在,宝洁公司能够通过网络系统及时地了解到自己产品的销售情况,甚至还成立了一个专门的部门负责和沃尔玛联系。同时,有宝洁营销人员常驻在沃尔玛的总部,负责随时处理订货需求。在双方结算中实现了ETF转账结算,避免了支票的时滞和错误。通过这种产销联盟的建立,实现了产销双方的双赢。通过这种合作关系,沃尔玛如今已经成为了宝洁最大的经销商,并且有效控制了库存和缺货,节省了大量费用,同时宝洁也优化了自己的管理。 同样是沃尔玛,由于国内多数供应商的信息系统远远比不上沃尔玛的高效、先进,很难与沃尔玛模式相适应,沃尔玛的高效的物流系统的建立也需要一个过程,致使双方沟通不畅,国内沃尔玛时常出现缺货现象就不足为奇了。 了解你的供应链 在零售企业的供应链管理环节上,零售商、供应商和制造商,都是这一系列链条上的节点。零售商要想做好供应链,就要了解和管理供应链上每一环节的情况,通过专业的管理软件来完成对供应链信息的搜集和管理。 供应链管理软件是将零售企业内部的一些信息,例如订货业务,退货业务,网上对账对单业务以及其他的与供应商,制造商等企业的交流信息,通过一个专业的网络平台工具来进行交互和管理,从而解决零售企业在信息交互单据传输方面的难点问题。 有些公司非常清楚自己的供应链存在问题以及问题出在哪里,它们知道需要实现怎样的目标,便拥有稳健的计划,购买合适的产品,所以很快就能获得回报。但是大多数公司对自己的供应链并不了解,认为找一个灵验的解决方案,上马一个信息系统就可以解决所有的问题。没有找出问题的症结所在或者自以为找到问题的症结所在,实际效果自然是没什么改进。事实上没有哪个方案可以解决供应链的全部问题。 所以物流IT系统的建立要从投资回报最有潜力的环节切入,要对企业本身现有的问题和缺陷做精心的分析,找出最需要改进的地方,而不是盲目地全面开花,仓促完成。没有战略和重点的全面IT系统化并不能带来全面的服务水平和服务利润的提高,还可能在投资和实施方面产生负面影响。物流IT系统的投资属于企业的长期战略投资,所以在设计和导入物流管理信息系统之前,企业必须制订相应的发展战略规划和合理的经营策略,比如明确的市场定位、(行业定位、产品定位或客户定位)服务定位(仓储服务、货运服务、货代服务、供应服务、分销服务或供应链整合)等,然后才能根据发展规划选择合适的系统。另外,很多国内企业在构建全国范围内的供应链管理系统时,可能会遇到经验、人员、资金上的困难,更多的情况是面临着国内企业整体信息化程度不高的问题。一些企业在最初组建自己的供应链管理系统时,就面临着供应商信息化程度参差不齐、难以纳入统一的管理体系的困惑。一个比较理想的解决办法是:采用外包的供应链管理“平台”服务,将自己不擅长的IT专业技术、管理软件、维护升级等工作交给专业化的“平台”服务供应商去做。这样,零售企业和它们的所有供应商都能够更好地使用到同样的公共平台服务。对供应商的培训和技术支持等专业服务也可以完全交由专业化的“第三方”去做,这样可以为企业节省大量的人力和物力,使企业从繁琐的技术中解脱出来,专注于自身的业务发展。外文参考文献20 Since the 1990s, Chinas rapid development of the retail impressive, but compared with developed countries, Chinas retail business is still an enormous gap exists. Chinas accession to the WTO, foreign retail giants have entered the Chinese market, Chinas retail industry to directly face the international market amid fierce competition. And the globalization of the economy, market conditions, Business and competition among enterprises has evolved into the supply chain and the supply chain, the competition among Wal-Mart, Metro, 7-11, and other well-known transnational retail enterprises in the supply chain management practice achieved tremendous results, Chinas retail industry only to the early implementation of advanced supply chain management. order in the increasingly fierce market competition, existence and development. As an integrated management ideas and methods, supply chain management around the core business, through the flow of materials, funds, information flow, will be suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retail customers until the final composition of the supply chain together into an overall management model. At present, Chinas large retail enterprises in the supply chain management awareness has remained only at the operational level, not to treat it as a corporate strategy to implement an important component of the it is only through the supply chain management of strategic thinking, with the types of goods used to build the supply chain to acquire strategic match, can we make our retail enterprise supply chain management to implement a qualitative leap. 1.An efficient supply-chain and supply-chain reaction Supply chain there are two main functions : to the logistics function and flow function. Supply chain logistics functions refer to the minimum cost of the raw materials processed into components, semi-finished products, products and their supply chain from a node to another node; supply chain to flow function refers to the market demand to make rapid response, to ensure an appropriate product in the appropriate place and time to meet the needs of customers. Logistics functions to flow and function needs some costs, which together constitute the total supply chain costs, with the main logistics costs including transport, storage, packaging, handling, distribution processing, distribution costs, flow to the cost of including an oversupply of commodities price losses, and supply of stock losses and the resulting loss of potential income customers. The general sense is the supply chain and logistics business flow between these two functions of the balance, responsiveness and efficiency cost trade-off between the level. Supply chain management is an integrated management ideas and methods, in the increasingly fierce market competition, the rapid development of information technology today, the supply chain tends to shorten the response time to meet the evolving needs of users. In this time based on the competition, supply chain operations with the needs of the market simultaneously, not only faster response speed, and a flexible response to the magic. Supply chain reaction capacity available supply chain following tasks ability to measure : Is able to demand significant changes to respond; whether it can satisfy customers in a shorter period of Availability; whether it will provide customers with more varieties of products; the possibility of providing innovative products; ability to provide a high level of customer service. Supply chain has more of the above capacity, the supply chain reaction capability will be. However reaction of the increase must also pay the cost of the price increase. For example, to meet the demand for the drastic change in, it needs higher inventory levels, leading to a declining level of efficiency. Therefore, each raising a strategic response capability will have to pay additional costs, thereby reducing efficiency levels, and vice versa.Supply chain efficiency is to achieve a supply chain logistics functions as a major objective, that is, at a minimum cost of raw materials into parts, and finished products, and eventually sent to the hands of consumers. Efficient supply-chain needs of the market, the characteristics of the product and related technologies are relatively stable, thus the supply chain nodes of the enterprise can focus on access to the benefits of economies of scale, improve equipment utilization, lower production, transportation, warehousing and other aspects of the associated costs, so as to minimize product costs. Supply chain reaction was achieved in the supply chain to flow function as a major objective, that the right to make changes in market demand, rapid response, such as supply chain for products, the market demand is very great uncertainty, or a shorter product life cycle, product or technology developed rapidly, products or seasonal fluctuations in demand strong. Supply Chain Reaction need to maintain a higher adaptability to the market and achieve flexible production, thereby reducing product obsolescence and the risks of failure. Supply chain strategy is in the supply chain-reaction capability and efficiency levels between the balance Once the retail enterprise supply chain strategy, stress reaction of the supply chain must be all the functions strategy designed to enhance its response capabilities, emphasizing efficiency and the level of the supply chain, it must allow all the functions of the strategies used to improve efficiency and make contribution. 2. Retail enterprise commodity types and supply chain strategy match Retail business in the type accordance with market demand into the characteristics of functional goods and innovative products. Functional those commodities are used to meet basic needs, long life-cycles, demand stability and lower the marginal income products, For example, supermarket sales of household items, refrigerated food, food processing temperature. Functional value of the life cycle length, needs stability can accurately forecast, so that supply and demand can achieve almost perfect balance, This makes it easy to adjust the market, the business flow costs can be omitted. Retail enterprises can concentrate almost all his energy to reduce logistics costs, with the upstream suppliers, in close cooperation accelerate inventory turnover, timely inventory and to adopt high-efficiency low-cost procurement and the right to choose suppliers on cost and quality, According to market forecasts to ensure balanced effectively meet the needs of its customers bring the whole of the supply chain to minimize inventory and maximize efficiency. Clearly, the functional efficiency of the process of commodity requirements, operators such goods retail enterprises should adopt efficient supply chain.Innovative products refers to the design or services, and so on innovative products, such as fashion, high-end appliances Fashion and luxury goods such. These commodities can bring higher profits, but because of its short life cycle and commodity diversification, demand is difficult to predict accurately, a large number of fake products and the emergence of innovative products will weaken the competitive edge, Enterprises had to undergo a series of more new innovations, so that the demand for more unpredictability. Innovative products with a high degree of market uncertainty, increased the risk of an imbalance in supply and demand, Therefore the main cost is not the cost of business flow logistics costs, Retail enterprises need to market changes fast and flexible response to customer demand. Choice of suppliers to not consider the low-cost, but access speed and flexibility; inventory and production capacity in key decision-making is not to minimize the cost, but the speed and flexibility of response. to minimize the market demand for the uncertainty caused by the loss. Clearly, innovative products to respond quickly to the request process, the operation of such goods retail enterprises should adopt reactive supply chain. If the retail business is a function of the value of goods they used reactive supply chain, Or maybe the operators are innovative products that have adopted efficient supply chain, supply chain strategy will be a fundamental error, it is necessary to redesign the supply chain.3. Retail enterprise supply chain management strategy implementation 1. Recognition of the value of retail enterprises demand characteristics, we can commodity production cycle, demand predictability, and the market value of diversity into view with the standard of service and so on to identify the characteristics of the demand for commodities. In general, the functional value of the longer life cycle (more than two years), innovative products and the life cycle is short (3 months to 1 year); functional value less variety (10-20 kinds of deformation), innovative products more varieties (usually up to 10 million species of deformation); functional commodity demand forecast error is less (10%), innovative products forecast larger deviations (40%100%); Functional value of the average stock lower rate (1% 2%), innovative commodity stock average rate higher (10 to 40%); functional commodity market into a longer term (6 months to 1 year), innovative products into the market for a shorter period (1 day to 2 weeks); Functional commodities lower profit contribution rate (is 5% -20%), innovative products higher profit contribution rate (20% 60%). Criterion use these can be effective in identifying characteristics of the demand for commodities. 2. Implementation of retail merchandise categories manage retail commodity categories management refers to a retail commodity groups as a strategic business unit management, to concentrate on transmission and consumers realize the value, in order to obtain better operating performance. Specifically, the retail enterprises operating on all goods by category classification, identification and measurement of each functional category of commodities, income, growth and other indicators, and the types of goods divided into functional goods and innovative products. On this basis, consider combining various types of commodity inventory levels and display shelves, and other factors, the development of commodity varieties, the entire merchandise category management, enhance customer service levels and achieve overall commodity categories of overall revenue maximization. 3. According to the types of goods respectively corresponding supply chain strategy for functional products should focus on lowering the cost of logistics. using efficient supply chain, the implementation of effective customer response (ECR) system. From the enhancement of the efficiency of the supply of goods start. and upstream suppliers and manufacturers between the use of modern information technology to establish mutual coordination modes of supply, Retailers use POS systems headquarters of merchandise sales information, and the sales forecast computer-assisted ordering system orders to vendors, by suppliers or regional distribution centers to retail stores provide immediate replenishment and spur manufacturers to produce products, the sales and distribution of synchronous operation and sharing of logistics facilities and storage resources, lower distribution costs, minimizing production and distribution processes may produce the waste. For innovative products should focus on lowering costs to flow, using reactive supply chain, the implementation of rapid response (QR) system. Raising the speed of response to customers, and supply chain parties to establish strategic partnership and cooperation mechanism EDI use of EDI technology nodes of the supply chain division of the enterprise collaboration and information sharing, reduce the volume of the design and production cycle, the implementation of JIT production, multiple varieties of small batch production and the high frequency of small batch delivery, and lower supply chain inventory levels, quickly meet customers personalized and customized demand, improve the entire supply chain response capability. Entered a period of marginal profit of the retail industry, in order to enhance the relative profits and reduce costs to the supply chain to profit has become a consensus subject to wider attention. Statistics show that the supply chain management can be effectively implemented so that the total cost dropped 20% supply chain nodes enterprises on time delivery rate above 15%, Production orders to shorten the cycle time of 20% to 30%. supply chain nodes enterprises increase productivity more than 15% of the value. The cost is far higher than the international average level of the domestic retail sector, improve supply chain management can be seen as a competitive in the most effective option.China has always regarded the Wal-Mart retail regarded as a learning model, everyone said, Wal-Marts success is the success of the supply chain. Wal-Marts efficient supply chain system has also been courted by domestic enterprises. But the retail industry seems to be difficult to effectre from the superficial perspective, it has its own satellites and around the world of large servers, every piece of cargo transport vehicles have satellite mobile computer system this point, it will be difficult for Chinese enterprises to follow. Similarly, maintain this vast network of IT investment and upgrading of management costs is not the majority of enterprises are willing to take risks and try . But through the surface, we can see that Wal-Marts supply chain management a lot of ideas is not complicated, many of which are what we can learn from, but also to integrate our own characteristics to choose which style suits them.Cooperation with suppliers last y


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