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同学们请注意相互转告:第一做第一大题,会话,对基础不好的同学,1-5题,A卷选C答案,B卷选A答案;6-10题,A卷选A答案,B卷选B答案;第二做综合填空题,选C答案,第三做阅读,选B答案;最后做词汇题,11-20题,选A答案,21-30题,选B答案。 作文一定要写,第一:找到作文标题并把标题写出就可得2分,试卷里有的,一般都是黑体的且加粗的,如课本的253页“A Better University or a Better Major ?”就是标题。第二:背模板,一般是三段论,把模板记下了,如实在写不出什么东西了,就抄阅读的段落的东西,看那样子象那么回事,如果这样写了,多的可得12分,最低也可得6-7分。翻译能写点就写点吧。一 观点类模板观点子类模板(对立观点)Different people have different views (1)提出两种On _. Some people think that_, 人的观点。while others argue that_. As far as I am concerned, I agree (2)明确表示自己with the_ opinion. For one thing, I firmly 同意某个观点。believe_. For another, _. Just think of_, who_.Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that_. (3)结论Only if _ can we_, just as the saying goes, _. My View on Opportunity1. 有的人认为机会是极少的,另一些人则认为人人都会有某种机会。2. 我的看法3. 结论。Different people have different views on opportunity. Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world, while others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunity along his life route. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion. For one thing, I firmly believe opportunities are everywhere around us. No person will be unlucky enough to have no opportunities all the time, because “every dog has his day”. For another, since opportunities are transient, we have to make good preparations and improve ourselves. Just think of Newton, who discovered the Law of Gravity when many people had watched an apple falling ahead of them. Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that there are quite a few opportunities in our society. Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by, just as the saying goes, “Opportunities are only for the prepared minds.”利弊子类模板(对立观点) Nowadays, _is playing a more and more important role in peoples life._. However, 指出某一事物peoples opinions are still divided on this point.Those who are favor of _claim that it hasa lot of advantages. Firstly, _. Secondly, 支持者的观_. Last but not least, _. 点:利 Those who are opposed to _hold thatdisadvantages are many. In the first place,_. 反对者的In the second place, _. Finally,_. 观点:弊 There is some truth in both arguments. 作者的观点: But in my mind it is likely to do more good 利大于弊。than harm._. Spring Festival Gala on CCTV1.许多人喜欢在除夕看春节联欢晚会2.有些人却提出取消春节联欢晚会3.在我看来Nowadays, spring festival gala is playing a more and more important role in peoples life. It is one of Chinas popular annual television events, watched by millions of people on the eve of the Lunar New Year. However, peoples opinions are still divided on this point.Those who are favor of this program claim that it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, they argue that the Evening Gala has somewhat become a tradition since it was initiated in the 1980s. Secondly, watching the show is an indispensable part of the festival for them. Last but not least, it is said that this is a good chance for a family to have a rest happily.Those who are opposed to the program hold that disadvantages are many. In the first place, they claim that the stereotyped Gala should give way to diverse modern celebrations. In the second place, they argue that the spring festival gala on CCTV should not have been the most powerful program in this day. Finally, they maintain that it is money-consuming.There is some truth in both arguments. But in my mind it is likely to do more good than harm. The spring festival gala in CCTV is not only a traditional event for all the Chinese, but also supplies us with good programs in this family-gathering. Yet to maintain peoples interest, the organizing committee should develop a program more exciting, more colorful and more entertaining than the previous ones.利弊子类模板(事物性质)Like anything else._ has both advantages and disadvantages. 提出某种现象The main benefits of_ are as follows. First,_. In the second place, _. Last but by no means the least,_. 谈“利”However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with,_. Second,_. Finally, _. 谈 “弊”In conclusion, the advantages of _outweigh its disadvantages._. 作者认为利大于弊Advantages and Disadvantages of Overseas Study1.海外留学的好处2.海外留学的副作用3.结论Like anything else, overseas study has both advantages and disadvantages. The main benefits of studying overseas are as follows. First, the academic level is usually higher and the research facilities are usually more advanced. In the second place, by understanding a new culture and meeting different people, they can develop a more reasonable and balanced view toward the world. Last but by no means the least, the experience will be invaluable to character building, making most students more independent, diligent and enterprising.However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with, if a person does not make full preparations before going out, he will have great difficulty adapting to the new environment. Second, the cultural differences will hinder the regular life in many ways. Finally, money is always a big problem. Many students have to find part-time jobs to earn money to pay tuition and fees.In conclusion, the advantages of overseas study outweigh its disadvantages. Once they return home, the overseas students will make great contribution to our motherland. 办法类模板 With the fast development of national economy, more and more_, 引出一which causes serious_ problems. If 个重要we ever want to solve this problem,_ 的问题are both needed. On the one hand,_ so that_ 分两方面is at hand. Through _. On the other 说明解决问hand, _. 题的方法:政府和群众All in all, only when_, can we hopeto solve the_ problem satisfactorily. 结论How to Solve the Problem of Water ShortageWith the fast development of nationaleconomy, more and more enterprises, companies and residents consume more and more water ,which causes serious water shortage. If we ever want to solve this problem, the overall planning of the government and the cooperation of all the citizens are both needed. On the one hand, the government shouldexercise a careful overall control of water consumption so that the reasonable and scientific disposition of every drop of water is at hand. Through recycling used water, we can considerably improve the efficiency of our water usage. On the other hand, the citizens should make great efforts to cooperate with the government by cherishing and making good use of the limited water resources. All in all, only when the government and the citizens join their hands in the efforts, can we hope to solve the water shortage problem satisfactorily. 办法类模板At present, many people take it for granted that_ because _. Consequently, it is not necessary for us to worry about_. In fact, the situation has become so serious that everyone should be aware of it and take immediate actions. _. Whats more, with the development of science and technology,_. Thirdly,_. We should take urgent measures to _._, on the other hand,_. Last but not least,_. At present, many people take it for granted that fresh water will never be used up because we can find it not only from the rain, but also in the rivers, lakes and wells. Consequently, it is not necessary for us to worry about global shortage of fresh water. In fact, the situation has become so serious that everyone should be aware of it and take immediate actions. With the world population increasing rapidly year after year, water resources are being consumed at an appalling speed. Whats more, with the development of science and technology, modern industry needs much more water than before. Thirdly, pollution is also a worrying problemwater in rivers and wells becomes undrinkable because of industrial wastes. We should take urgent measures to protect fresh water resources. The government should increase the efficiency of water usage by such methods as water recycling and purification of sea water. On the other hand, should form the habit of cherishing every drop of water. Last but not least, pollution must be effectively controlled, if we ever want to improve the quality of life. P183图表类模板(现象+原因+影响) 1. 近十年来X市有越来越多的人选择出境旅游2. 出现这种现象的原因3. 这种现象可能产生的影响Number of people in City X traveling abroad in 1995,2000,2005 As is vividly indicated in the 根据图图表信above chart,_. Especially in the 息引出一种现象。recent 5 years,_. The reasons for the increasing of people traveling abroad are as 从三个方面分析follows. Firstly, _. Secondly, 产生这一现象的原因。_. Thirdly,_. From the changes reflected inthe chart, we can predict that_. On 从两个方面分the one hand,_. On the other 析这一现象的影响hand,_.As is vividly indicated in the above chart, the number of people in City X traveling abroad has increased considerably in the past decade. Especially in the recent 5 years, the figure has been more than tripled, surging from 40, 00 to 120,00. The reasons for the increasing of people traveling abroad are as follows. Firstly, with the development of economy, people are rich enough to afford to travel abroad. Secondly, tourism has been greatly developed over the decade and it is safe and convenient to travel abroad. Thirdly, people are encouraged to go abroad to wider their horizon and to keep themselves informed of what is going on around the world.From the changes reflected in the chart, we can predict that this trend will bring lots of benefits for us. On the one hand, traveling abroad will help tourists learn great amount of experiences and cultures which will be inevitably beneficial for their own development. On the other hand, it may facilitate the cultural exchange and enhance the friendship between our country and the rest of the world.图表类模板(解释原因) During the period between_ and_, _ declined abruptly from_ to _. While _ increased sharply from _ to more than _. Several reasons can account for this phenomenon. Compared with_, _is much cheaper and more convenient_. Apart form that, _. However, there are still a number of people who_, generally for two reasons. On the one hand, _. On the other hand,_.P1751. 电影观众越来越少2. 电视观众越来越多3. 然而,还是有人喜欢看电影,因为During the period between 1975 and 1985, film-goers declined abruptly from 85000 to about 12000. While TV-watchers increased sharply from 5000 to more than 100 000. Several reasons can account for this phenomenon. Compared with a film, TV is much cheaper and more convenientyou dont have to leave your house at all. Apart form that, you have many choices while watching TV, but a film concentrates on a certain topic. However, there are still a number of people who enjoy going to the cinema, generally for two reasons. On the one hand, the audio-visual effects of a cinema is much better. On the other hand, in a quiet and comfortable place such as a cinema, you can concentrate on what you are watching and get the most of the film. 15


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