译林版牛津小学英语Unit 8 Open Day PartB C D课件

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Good memory (好记性)Learn better (学得更好)Do best (做得最好)We have a good memory! (我们有好记性!)(我们有好记性!)1. Whats in the school? School Building2. Whats in the classroom?blackboard 黑板黑板bookcase书架,书橱书架,书橱s( (复复) ) We can learn better! (我们能学得更好(我们能学得更好!)computer 电脑电脑picture图画,照片图画,照片chair 椅子椅子Guess in groups.组内竞猜组内竞猜地点地点。music roomofficeThere are some songbooks on the piano.1.Theres a piano near the window.Its a _.2.Theres a desk and a chair.Theres a computer and a telephone on the desk. Its an _.Theres a football, a basketball and some volleyballs.3.There are some trees.Its a _.playgroundmusic room音乐室音乐室office 办公室办公室playground操场操场an一间一间Read after it.a chaira blackboarda picturea computera bookcase a music room an officea playgroundTheres a desk in the classroom.Look, theres a clock on the desk.Look, theres a in/ on/ near the 12Look and say 看一看,说一说看一看,说一说1Look and say 看一看,说一说看一看,说一说Look, theres a in/ on/ near the 2Look and say 看一看,说一说看一看,说一说Look, theres a in/ on/ near the 5Look, there are some bikes near the classroom.Look and say 看一看,说一说看一看,说一说Look, there are some in/ on/ near the46Look and say 看一看,说一说看一看,说一说4Look and say 看一看,说一说看一看,说一说Look, there are some in/ on/ near the6Look and say 看一看,说一说看一看,说一说Look, there are some in/ on/ near the Find home 找找 家家Home 1Home 21.Theres a piano near the window.2.There are some balloons in the tree.3.There are some bikes near the classroom.4.Theres a violin on the piano.5.There are some toys on the bookcase.6.Theres a clock on the desk.There isThere areTips: 记住这两个公式哟!记住这两个公式哟!There + is + 单数单数名词名词/ /不可数不可数名词名词 + +地点介词短语地点介词短语. .There + are + 复数复数名词名词 + +地点介词短语地点介词短语. .Choose and fill in the blanks.选词填空。选词填空。isisareTips: There be 句型中句型中be动词的单复数一动词的单复数一般由最靠近般由最靠近be动词的名词决定。动词的名词决定。is , are(2) There _ a guitar and some violins.(3) There _ a TV and three bags in the classroom.(4) There _ three bags and a TV in the classroom.(1) There _ some violins and a guitar.areDescribe our big classroom in groups 小组讨论,用英语描述我们的大教室小组讨论,用英语描述我们的大教室1. Theres a in / on / near the 2. There are some in / on / near the 每组至少说三句话哦!每组至少说三句话哦!Work in pairs 同桌对话同桌对话 A: Whats in the classroom?B: Theres a blackboard. There are some desks and chairs.A: Whats in the ? B: Theres a / There are someWork in pairs 同桌对话同桌对话 A: Whats in the library?B: There are some bookcases and books.Work in pairs 同桌对话同桌对话 A: Whats in the music room?B: Theres a piano. There are some violins and a guitar.Work in pairs 同桌对话同桌对话 A: Whats in the playground?B: Theres a football. There are some volleyballs and a basketball.Work in pairs 同桌对话同桌对话 Write down the dialogue.写对话。写对话。(P63 图图3)telephoneA: Whats in the ?A: Whats in the office?B: Theres a . There are some .B: Theres a sofa. There are some pictures and a telephone.Summary-Whats in the music room?-Theres a piano.There be句型句型表示某处表示某处有有某物或某人。某物或某人。无论答句是无论答句是There is 还是还是There are特殊疑问句的特殊疑问句的be动词都用动词都用is。 即即“What is + 地点介词短语地点介词短语?”-Whats in the music room?-There are some violins.-Whats in the music room?-Whats in the music room?有什么相同点?有什么相同点? We can do best! (我们能做得最好(我们能做得最好!) Describe the places you have 描述你们小组所得到的地点描述你们小组所得到的地点 1. Whats in the ?2. Theres a in / near the 3. There are in / near the 请说清楚每样东西的数量哦!请说清楚每样东西的数量哦!Describe your picture and try to write a short passage. 用英语描述你所得到的图片并试着写下来。用英语描述你所得到的图片并试着写下来。Describe your bedroom and try to write a short passage. 用英语描述你的卧室并试着写下来。用英语描述你的卧室并试着写下来。Design your Dream House and try to write a short passage. 设计你设计你“梦想的房间梦想的房间”并试着用英语写下来。并试着用英语写下来。


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