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成都高新区高2015届2014年9月统一测试试题卷英 语全卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试时间120分钟,满分150分。 ( 命题:中和中学高三英语备课组;审题:李祖诚 )注意事项:1答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考籍号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。3答非选择题时,必须将0.5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卷规定的位置上。4考试结束时,监考人只将答题卡和答题卷收回。第I卷 选择题(共90分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1A few stars from the entertainment industry, such as Ke Zhendong and Fang zuming, have recently been arrested, which shows that drug taking is becoming _ increasingly serious threat to society.A. the B. an C. a D. 不填2Peter, though a green hand, has earned not only the trust of his fellow workers but also _ of his boss.Aone Bones Cthat Dthose3Life is like riding a bicycle. _ your balance, you must keep moving.A. To keepB. KeepingC. Being keptD. Having kept4Only after one loses something _ how precious it is.Ahe will realizeBwill he realizeChe has realizedDhas he realized 5No student _ go out of the school campus after 10:00 at night without permission according to the school regulations.A. shall B. must C. should D. would6In my opinion, _ matters is whether we can win together as a team instead of individuals.Ahow Bit Cthat Dwhat7A big earthquake hit Ludian in Yunnan, _ many deaths and injuries and a big loss of property.A. to cause B. caused C. causing D. having caused8If you find yourself _ no one will help you, please call me.A. whichB. whenC. whereD. what 9A new product must be _ before it comes into use.A. given out B. tried out C. put out D. made out10. - Could I ask you a rather personal question?- Of course, _.A. go ahead B. good idea C. pardon me D. dont mention it 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 People say one mans trash(垃圾) is another mans treasure. That 11 comes to me as I 12 the house purchased in 1962 by my parents. My mother passed away in 1996. My father left the house 13 my sister and me when he died a few months ago.After Dad was 14 , we looked around the 15 house where we grew up and that Dad loved so much. At first we felt so 16 all the stuff(东西) left. Like so many of their generation, my parents 17 everything. And like many in my generation, we faced anxious 18 about what to abandon and what to keep.As we started throwing out old phone books and every medical bill from every 19 my parents ever saw, I also 20 many hidden treasures. Moms pocketbook was in their bedroom closet, which had everything in it, 21 her hairbrush with hair, as if she were still here. And Dad, who was a World War II veteran(退伍兵) and a world traveler, 22 everything - from little spoons from all over the world to every letter he wrote to his parents while in the 23 . The letters he wrote during the war 24 his thoughts as a young man. Later, in the basement, I 25 our old kitchen table, which brought back 26 of my parents and sister and me having breakfast together. Im realizing all these things 27 my parents life journey. Each time I go to 28 , I find something that reminded me of my childhood or teaches me something about my parents I 29 knew. 30 , from the shabby furniture to all the hidden treasures, means more to me than all the money in the world.11. A. coincidenceB. goal C. principle D. thought12. A. looked forB. looked through C. looked into D. looked after13. A. to B. for C. with D. by 14. A. retiredB. ill C. gone D. injured 15. A. clean B. strange C. empty D. modern16. A. pleased with B. familiar with C. astonished at D. disappointed at17. A. saved B. enjoyed C. purchased D. designed 18. A. decisions B. bargains C. challenges D. responsibilities19. A. person B. doctor C. neighbor D. child 20. A. bought B. discovered C. buried D. lost21. A. just B. even C. only D. yet22. A. liked B. bought C. keptD. lost23. A. countryside B. school C. college D. army 24. A. receiveB. direct C. sense D. describe25. A. repaired B. cleaned C. spotted D. set26. A. introductions B. memoriesC. descriptions D. communications 27. A. represented B. recognized C. instructed D. confirmed 28. A. the supermarket B. church C. my office D. the house29. A. merely B. always C. really D. never30. A. Everything B. Nothing C. Anything D. Something第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读下列短文 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOwning a personal island is a luxurious treat one can imagine.New Holland Island$400 million, 18 acresRoman AbramovichInvestment BankerLocated in Saint Petersburg Canal in Russia, the island takes its name after its resemblance to areas in Amsterdam. The owner plans to turn it into a cultural center. The new look of this island is expected to be revealed in another six years.Musha Cay Island$150 million, 700 acresDavid CopperfieldFamous magicianWorld-famous magician David Copperfield has developed the island located in the southern part of Bahamas into a magical resort (度假胜地) with adventures, treasure hunts, luxurious apartments, and water sports. All these, for $32,250 a night!Mago Island$10 million, 5,400 acresMel GibsonActorInterestingly, this island is almost the size of a small country! Mel Gibson does not plan on developing it into a resort, thus keeping its natural beauty. Mosquito Island$15 million, 120 acresRichard BransonInvestorThis island is rich in eco-diversity and is also one of the rich rainforest places. Branson plans to make this island the most eco-friendly and develop the biodiversity (生物多样性) of this island.James Island$19 million, 780 acresCraig McCawCell phone pioneerCraig McCaw plans to develop the island, but not at the cost of losing its natural beauty. Smoking is banned on the island, and only electric bikes or cars are used for transport. All power lines are laid underground. The island also has a golf course designed by the excellent golf champion Jack Nicklaus.Allan Island$13.5 million, 292 acresPaul AllenInvestorThe island is reportedly named after a hero, and Paul Allen plans on building a vacation home here. However, his vacation home was built on another island nearby. So, the Allan Island now has only a caretakers small house without electricity. And it is up for sale. Hands anybody?31. The island which has been developed now belongs to a(n) _.A. investment bankerB. famous magicianC. actorD. investor 32. How many acres does the cheapest island of the six cover?A. 120. B. 700.C. 780.D. 5,400.33. Who will be potential visitors to the James Island?A. Those who like adventures and treasure hunts.B. Those who like rich cultural atmosphere. C. Those who long to live in a luxurious apartment.D. Those who agree with the environmentalists ideas.34. If you want to buy a personal island, you should pay a visit to _. A. the Mago IslandB. the Mosquito Island C. the Allan Island D. the James IslandBLast week I was riding my special motorbike and then stopped at a convenience store. As I was getting my wheelchair off the back, a man watched me from his car and I noticed a wheelchair in his back seat. We spoke for a moment and I asked him about the wheelchair. He answered that it was for his daughter. “Well, do you think she would like to go for a ride on my motorbike with me?” I asked. He seemed shocked that a total stranger would ask him this. He thought about it for a second and said, “OK, as long as I can follow you.” He introduced me to Amy and he sat her on my back seat. Her father followed me for a few miles and she talked non-stop about what she wanted for Christmas.As we came back to the convenience store, she said, “This ride is the best Christmas present I could ever receive. I have been in a wheelchair my whole life and didnt know I could do this.” I told her about some of the other things I do (ski, travel the world by myself, etc.). As her father was taking her off my bike, she turned to him and said, “Oh Daddy, Im going to be OK. Mr. Bryant does all kinds of things, and I will too.” Her father turned away as a tear of joy rolled down his cheek. He hugged me and said, “I was sitting here praying for a gift for Amy that would encourage her. She often felt that her life was dull compared to other children. God answered my prayer just now. Now I pray that God will bless you for your gift to Amy today.” I believed what he said. Being kind and thoughtful to others, we can be an answer to prayer.35. How did the father feel at first when the author invited his daughter for a ride?A. He was happy because his daughter could gain excitement.B. He felt surprised because he didnt know the author. C. He was moved because the author offered to help his daughter.D. He felt nervous because he was worried about his daughters safety.36. What can we know about the author?A. He was a disabled man. B. He worked in a convenience store.C. He often helped people who were in trouble.D. He usually drove too fast.37. According to the passage, the girl _.A. used to be a completely healthy personB. was not allowed to do some fierce sportsC. usually felt sad about life due to her disability D. was unwilling to communicate with a stranger38. What did the authors gift refer to according to the girls father?A. The motorbike. B. The wheelchair.C. The blessing.D. The ride.CA small piece of fish each day may keep the heart doctor away. Thats the finding of a study of Dutch men in which deaths from heart disease were more than 50 percent lower among those who consumed at least an ounce of salt-water fish per day compared to those who never ate fish.The Dutch research is one of three human studies that give strong scientific support to the long held belief that eating fish can provide health benefits, particularly to the heart. Heart disease is the number-one killer in the United States, with more than 550,000 deaths occurring from heart attacks each year. But previous research has shown that the level of heart disease is lower in cultures that consume more fish than Americans do. There are fewer heart disease deaths, for example, among the Eskimos of Greenland, who consume about 14 ounces of fish a day, and among the Japanese, whose daily fish consumption averages more than 3 ounces.For 20 years, the Dutch study followed 852 middle-aged men, 20 percent of whom ate no fish. At the start of the study, average fish consumption was about two-thirds of an ounce each day, with more men eating lean fish than fatty fish.During the next two decades, 78 of the men died from heart disease. The fewest deaths were among the group who regularly ate fish, even at levels far lower than those of the Japanese or Eskimos. This relationship was true regardless of other factors such as age, high blood pressure, or blood cholesterol(胆固醇)levels.39. In which section of a newspaper can we read this passage?A. Ads B. Movies C. Briefs D. Health and Diet40. The passage is mainly about _.A. the high incidence of heart disease in some countries B. the changes in peoples dietC. the effect of fish eating on peoples health D. the daily fish consumption of people in different cultures41. The phrase “this relationship” in paragraph 6 refers to the connection between _ and the level of heart disease.A. the amount of fish eatenB. regular fish-eatingC. the kind of fish eatenD. people of different areas42. From the passage we know the author is most probably _.A. a heart doctor B. a science researcher C. a supporter of healthy eatingD. a university studentDWithout most people realizing it, there has been revolution in office work over the last ten years. Before that time, large computers were only used by large rich companies that could afford the investment. With the advancement of technology, small computers have come onto the market which are capable of doing the work which used to be done by much larger and expensive computers, so now most smaller companies can use them. The main development in small computers has been in the field of word processor system, or WPS as they are often called. 40% of British offices are now estimated to have a word processor and this percentage is growing fast. There are many advantages in using a word processor for both secretary and manager. The secretary is freed from a lot of daily work, such as retyping letters and storing papers. He or she can use this time to do other more interesting work for the boss. From a managers point of view, secretarial time is being made better use of and money can be saved by doing daily jobs automatically outside office hours. But is it all good? If a lot of daily secretarial work can be done automatically, surely this will mean that fewer secretaries will be needed. Another worry is the increasing medical problems related to work with visual display units (显示器). The unease of a slow loss of sight among people using word processors seems to have risen greatly. It is also feared that if a woman works at a VDU for long hours, the unborn child in her body might be killed. Safety screens to put over a VDU have been invented but few companies in England bother to buy them. Whatever the arguments for and against word processors, they are a key feature of this revolution in office practice. 43. Ten years ago, large computers were only used by large companies because _. A. small companies did not have enough money to buy such expensive computersB. large computers could not do the work that small companies can do todayC. large computers did not come onto the marketD. small companies did not need to use this new technology 44. According to the writer, the main progress made in office work over the last ten years is _.A. the saving of time and money B. the use of computers in big companiesC. the wide use of word processors D. the decreasing number of secretaries 45 We can infer from the passage that with the use of word processors, _.A. some secretaries will lose their jobsB. all jobs can be done automatically outside office hoursC. medical problems related to work with a VDU must have increasedD. the British companies will make less money 46. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. There are both advantages and disadvantages in using a word processor.B. The British companies care much for the health of the people using word processors. C. The technology in the field of computers has been greatly advanced over the last ten years. D. Using word processors, secretaries can get more time to do more interesting work for their bosses. EMonitoring the mood of a pet dog could be used as an early warning sign that an elderly owner is struggling to cope, a new report has claimed.Researchers placed movement sensors (探测器) on dogs to track their behaviour and identified 17 distinct activities, including chewing, barking, sitting and digging.This allowed them to map the normal behaviour of a healthy, happy dog, which means any changes can be monitored and could indicate an issue with their owner.Nils Hammerla, part of the team from Newcastle University, said, “Humans and dogs have lived together in close relationships for thousands of years, which has led to strong emotional and social mutual bonds.”“A dogs physical and emotional dependence on their owner means that their well-being is likely to reflect that of their owner. Any changes such as the dog being walked less often, perhaps not being fed regularly, or simply demonstrating “unhappy” behaviour could be an early indicator for families that an older relative needs help. This is the first system of its kind which allows us to remotely monitor a dogs behaviour in its natural setting.” The team of academics, who presented their findings at the 2013 UbiComp conference in Zurich, created a hi-tech, waterproof (防水的) dog collar for the study.Dr Cas Ladha, who led the study, said: “A lot of our research is focused on developing intelligent systems that can help older people to live independently for longer. But developing a system that reassures family and carers that an older relative is well without intruding on (侵犯) the individuals privacy is difficult. This is just the first step but the idea behind this research is that it would allow us to support people without the need for cameras.”A range of dogs was used for the study, as the team needed to map distinct behaviours that correlated between different breeds.47. From the text, we know that Nils Hammerla _.A. led the study and identified 17 activities of dogs B. thinks some activities of dogs can reflect senior owners healthC. studied the relationship between humans and animalsD. developed a hi-tech, waterproof dog collar48 The underlined word “reassure” in Paragraph 7 probably means _.A. protect B. comfort C. warn D. recognize49. Which of the following is an advantage of the intelligent system mentioned in the text?A. It can indicate that people arent well. B. It can identify different activities of dogs.C. It monitors an elderly owner without disturbing his privacy.D. It lets people see the dogs behavior clearly.50. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?A. Dogs mood can be an indicator of owners healthB. Strong bonds between dogs and their senior ownersC. Signs that your older relative needs help D. A special way of taking care of the old第二节 对话理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据对话内容,从对话后方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其标号填写在答题卷相应题号的横线上。选项中有两项多余选项。 Oh,Christina,is that you?How have you been? Ive been okay. Ive just been busy with school. We really should get together and have a chat. 51 Id love to,but Im leaving for Miami at 8 tonight because my brother is getting married on Saturday morning. 52 I hope that you have a nice time there. Well,what are you doing now?Maybe we can go to the coffee shop and chat for a while. I really wish I could, 53 Tennis courts? 54 Im taking tennis lesson. My roommate is on a tennis team and shes gotten me interested in the sports. 55 A little,but I havent played for years. When I come back from my trip,Ill join you in taking lessons. OK. Just give me a call when you get back. Ill.A. I didnt know you could play tennis.B. but Im on my way to the tennis courts.C. Give him my best wishes!D. Do you know how to play?E. Have a good time!F. How about joining me for dinner tonight?G. Do you play well?第II卷 非选择题(共60分)注意事项:以下各题必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卷规定的位置上。第三部分 写作(共三节,满分60分)第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卷相应的位置上(请注意每题的词数要求)。There are a number of special days of the year that are celebrated in different countries. One of the most popular of these, even though it is fairly recent, is Mothers Day. Mothers have always been highly regarded in all cultures. The Ancient Romans h


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