安徽省屯溪一中高三第四次月考 英语试题及答案

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安徽省屯溪一中高三第四次月考 英语试题及答案_第3页
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屯溪一中2015届高三年级第四次月考英语试题本试卷共分两部分,第卷为选择题,第卷为非选择题。满分为150分,考试时间120分钟。 请将答案写在答题卡上。 祝考试顺利第一卷(满分115分)一、第一部分:听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What may cause the womans problem?A. Too much work.B. Too much coffee.C. Too much exercise.2. Why is the woman waiting to order her card?A. She cant decide which color to choose.B. She will be getting a new address.C. She will have a new telephone number.3. Where is the man going?A. To a theatre.B. To a school.C. To his house.4. What does the man suggest the woman should do?A. Take the course next year.B. Decide whether to drop the course.C. Find out if any place opens up in the course later.5. What does the woman mean?A. Her sweater is not warm enough.B. Her sweater is similar to the mans coat.C. She needs to buy a new coat.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Who likes hip hop?A. Sam.B. Mary.C. David.7. What type of music does Laura like best?A. Jazz.B. Rock “n” roll.C. Classical music.请听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Who are more likely to be Internet addicts?A. The old.B. The middle-aged.C. The young.9. What is the purpose of the programme?A. To stop the addicts surfing the Net.B. To help the addicts get better.C. To find out the number of the addicts.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What kind of exercise would the woman like to do?A. Weight-lifting.B. CyclingC. Jogging.11. How often does the man suggest the woman work out?A. Twice a week.B. Three times a week.C. Four times a week.12. What do we know about the woman?A. She is eager to start the class.B. She has done some exercise lately.C. She will choose the class with the mans help.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the mans paper mainly about?A. Sports events.B. International affairs.C. Movie industry.14. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Narrow his search.B. Use a typewriter.C. Try a broader topic.15. What can be found in the “Readers Guide to Periodical Literature”?A. Books.B. Magazines.C. Newspapers.16. Where are the speakers? A. In a teachers office. B. In a bookstore. C. In a library.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the speaker talking about in general?A. Some scientists B. A case study C. A towns history 18. Who teaches the local women to weave the baskets? A. The white people B. Their mothers. C. They themselves19. How long have the women been weaving baskets in the US? A. More than 400 years B. More than 300 years C.More than 200 years 20. What do the women weave baskets for now? A. Money B. Fun C. Daily use第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项答案填上。21. - Mary, Im going to Paris for a couple of days?- _. I wish I could get away for a while.A. Forget it. B. I really envy you C. Go ahead D. I cant agree more 22. Your _ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.A. performance B. growth C. operation D. character23. Peng Liyuan has been wearing his designs for more than a decade, however, _the brand, Pengs support of Chinese labels has surprised millions of Chinese who favor foreign fashion brands.A. in terms of B. in defence of C. in place of D. regardless of 24. John was usually so careful, this time he made a small mistake. A. still B. yet C. thus D. even 25. _is power is a famous saying known to all. A. What knowledge B. How knowledge C. That knowledge D. When knowledge26. -Could we see each other at 3 this afternoon?-Sorry, lets make it _ time.A. another B. other C. the other D. others 27. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago having a holiday abroad.A. he considered B. he was considered C. had he considered D. did he consider28. -Kevin, you look worried. Anything wrong?-Well, I a test and Im waiting for the resultA. am taking B. took C. had taken D. take29. By 17:30, _ was almost closing time, nearly all the products had been sold. A. what B. when C. which D. that30. Hong Kong residents say they can no longer _ the ongoing Occupy Central protests which greatly influenced their daily life and local business, and ask the protestors to withdraw from the streets.A. keep up with B. catch up with C. put up with D. come up with31. _ today, he would get there by Friday. A. Was he leavingB. Were he to leave C. Would he leaveD. He leaves32. “Only two centimeters higher, _ break the world record,” encouraged the coach. A. or you will B. you will C. will you D. and you will 33. After pains-taking efforts, he eventually concluded that the principle he stuck _ true. A. to proved B. to proving C. to be proved D. to being proved34. It was in the small house _ was built with stones by his father _ he spent his childhood. A. which; that B. which; which C. that; which D. where; that35. -What bad luck! I had a cut in salary yesterday. - _. I warned you not to be late repeatedly but you ignored it.A. By all means B. Never mind C. Luck you D. You deserve it 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项答案填上。Gandi wanted so badly to help the world that he devoted himself to removing self-interest out of his heart and mind, leaving them pure, healthy, and free to love. It took him nearly twenty years to gain such control of his 36 process.When in South Africa, Gandi would sometimes walk fifty miles a day and 37 only a few hours a night. 38 into his seventies Gandi wrote hundreds of letters every week; when his right hand became 39 , he learns to write with his left. Once, while he was writing a letter, the lantern giving light 40 , in which case most of us would have 41 and gone to bed, 42 Gandi, knowing his timely reply would be particularly 43 to those who had written to him, went 44 and finished writing by moonlight. If asked to live like this, we would say,“Impossible!”Gandi would 45 , “Oh, no. Its possible, when your mind is flooded with 46 for all.” Late in Gandis 47 a Western journalist asked, “Mr. Gandi, youve been 48 fifteen hours a day for fifty years. Dont you ever 49 taking a few weeks off and going for a vacation?” Gandi laughed and said, “Why? Im 50 on vacation.” This world-famous figure, who could have been prime minister of India and one of the richest men in Asia, announced he wasnt 51 on becoming rich or famous. He wanted something far 52 to place all his talents, resources, time, and energy in a trust for the world.“You neednt be 53 if youve made mistakes. Just continue to try your 54 . If you fall, pick yourself up and march on. If you cannot run, walk. If you cannot walk, crawl. The 55 alone brings a continuing wave of joy in which every personal problem and every suffering is forgotten.” said Gandi. 36. A. thinking B. drawing C. growing D. learning37. A. read B. run C. exercise D. sleep 38. A. Also B. EvenC. IndeedD. Only39. A. tired B. lazy C. relaxed D. hopeless 40. A. sank B. failedC. flashed D. shook 41. A. screamedB. waited C. escapedD. stopped 42. A. forB. or C. and D. but43. A. importantB. difficultC. friendly D. exciting44. A. aroundB. insteadC. outsideD. alone45. A. object B. attackC. fight D. lie 46. A. love B. freedom C. courage D. doubt47. A. class B. life C. pastD. mind48. A. workingB. writingC. caring D. imagining 49. A. turn to B. insist on C. feel like D. put off50. A. finallyB. alwaysC. straightD. still 51. A. interestedB. keen C. successfulD. experienced 52. A. wiser B. tougherC. truerD. greater53. A. troubled B. dismissed C. defended D. bored 54. A. changeB. strength C. best D. advice 55. A. choiceB. voiceC. effort D. comfort第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项答案填上。A Once upon a time, a man was walking on a mountain when he found an incredible cave with all kinds of treasure inside it. So he gave up his job, his home, and his friends, and spent all his time guarding the cave.He was so dedicated to it that he hardly ate or drank, and before long he fell ill. One day, when he could hardly move at all, he decided to share the treasure.He crawled into the cave to get a handful of jewels, but discovered, to his horror, that it was empty except for a small diamond. The man took it and gave it to the first person to come by, a woman.Then an old man came by. “What bad luck!” the man said. “Just a moment ago I gave a woman the last of the treasure I was guarding.”“Are you sure there is nothing left?” the old man asked. The man took him into the cave, where they found a box with jewels and some bags of gold. The man was shocked, and the old man explained to him, “At last! At last! At last someone has broken the curse of this cave. This is the Cave of Treasure, and youre the first to have passed its great test. Many have devoted their lives to this cave, only to end up realizing there was nothing here ”“And why does this happen?” the man asked.“This magic cave has only as many riches as your own heart. When someone discovers it, the cave fills with the treasure they bring with them, but later, when they have devoted themselves to guarding the treasure, their hearts become empty, as does the cave. The only way to fill it is by filling your heart with all that is good, as you did by giving the woman that last jewel.”From that day on, the man understood that it was better to share than to keep. Thanks to the cave and the old man, he became noble and generous.56. Why did the man give up his job, home and friends?A. Because he possessed a variety of treasure. B. Because he had to guard the treasure cave.C. Because he wanted to find the treasure cave. D. Because he devoted himself to a great test.57. What did the man find when he showed his cave to the old man? A. All kinds of treasure. B. A handful of jewels.C. A small emerald. D. A box with jewels and gold.58. What do we learn about the people who dedicated their lives to the cave before?A. They all filled the cave with the treasure they had. B. They thought it was better to share than to enjoy the treasure alone.C. They all found the cave empty at last.D. The old man freed them from its spell.59. What can we learn from the text?A. Giving makes people healthier and happier than owing.B. Some people never learn what is really valuable. C. Treasure only belongs to those who possess it.D. Different people have different views.BIKEA is the worlds largest furniture retailer, and the man behind it is Ingvar Kamprad, one of the worlds most successful businessmen. Born in Sweden in 1926, Kamprad was a natural businessman. As a child, he enjoyed selling things and made small profits from selling matches, seeds, and pencils in his community. When Kamprad was 17, his father gave him some money as a reward for his good grades. He used it to start up a businessIKEA. IKEAs name comes from Kamprads initials (I.K.) and the place where he grew up (E and A). IKEA first began to sell furniture through a mail-order book in 1947. The furniture was all designed and made by manufacturers near Kamprads home. Initial sales were very encouraging, so Kamprad expanded the product lineFurniture was such a successful aspect of the business that IKEA became a pure furniture company in 1951. In 1956 Kamprad saw a man disassembling a table to make it easier to transport. Kamprad was inspired. The man had given him a great idea: flat packaging. Flat packaging would mean lower shipping costs for IKEA and lower prices for customers. IKEA tried it and sales boosted. The problem was that people had to assemble furniture themselves, but over time, even this grew into an advantage for IKEA. Nowadays, IKEA is often seen as having meanings of self-sufficiency. This image has done wonders for the company, leading to better sales and continued expansion Today there are over 200 stores in 32 countries. Amazingly, Ingvar Kamprad has managed to keep IKEA a privately-held company. In 2004 he was named the worlds richest man. He currently lives in Switzerland and is retired from the day-to-day operations of IKEA. IKEA itself, though, just keeps on growing. 60. The author states in Paragraph 4 that flat packaging_. A. needs large space to store furniture B. is a business concept inspired by Kamprad C. helps reduce transportation costs D. makes the company self-sufficient61. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Ingvar Kamprad established IKEA and succeeded.B. IKEA is the worlds largest furniture retailer.C. The advantages of IKEAs furniture.D. Ingvar Kamprad was a natural businessman.62. What can you learn about IKEA form the passage? A. The starter kept IKEA a company operated by a few people B. The furniture was made by manufacturers in Kamprads home C. The starter made a big fortune when he was a childD. The goods sold in IKEA are limited and not welcomed63. The passage is written mainly in terms of _. A. examples that illustrate a problem B. order of events C. analysis of a process D. comparison and contrastCFree Fun GuidesFree Admission to Hundreds of Museums Sept. 25What a weekend! This Saturday, Sept. 25, hundreds of U.S. museums are admission free for the Smithsonians annual Museum Day.Unlike previous Museum Day celebrations, you must sign up for a free ticket that admits two people to any of the participating museums. That means filling out a form and having the ticket emailed to you. Not bad for a free offer that will give you admission to museums such as the Adler Planetarium in Chicago and theAir & Space Museum in San Diego.Free Books for Kids Barnes & Noble!If your kids love to read and we hope they do! be sure to sign them up for Barnes & Nobles summer reading programs so they can earn a free book!Its easy for kids ages 12 and under to participate. For Barnes & Nobles Passport to Summer Reading program, just download and print out your passport. Read any eight books, make a list of them on the back of the passport and bring it to any Barnes & Noble by September 7. Choose your free book from the list. FREE Night of Theater Across the U.S. in OctoberIts the annual run of the Free Night of Theater, when hundreds of theaters in 120 U.S. cities give away thousands of tickets to local productions. While the kickoff date is October 15, many of the theaters start releasing their free tickets by Oct.1 or in waves during the month of October for performance dates throughout the month. Ticket seekers are limited to two tickets for one performance.Find your city on the Free Night of Theater Website and check the listings for performances, their dates and their ticket giveaway times and locations.64. What is new about this years Museum Day?A. People will get free tickets online. B. Two museums offer free admission.C. People must buy tickets for visiting a museum. D. People can visit museums online and get a small gift.65. The main purpose of the passage is to_. A. introduce ways to save money B. help people who are very poor C. give guidance on how to have some fun D. provide information about free things to do66. How can kids get a free book?A. By reading eighty books at any Barnes & Noble.B. By downloading and printing out a passport before October.C. By signing up for a summer reading program and choosing one of the books they have read.D. By signing up for a winter reading program and make a list of the books.67. Which of the following shows the similarity between Museum Day and Free Night of Theater?A. They last for the same length of time. B. The same number of free tickets is given away.C. The tickets can be used in any U.S. city. D. They take place once a year.DMars was the first planet that humans attempted to get to. Since the 1960s, scientists have been working to learn more information about the Mars past, We now know that Mars was once a warm, wet place with great oceans and deep rivers. We also know that about 3.7 billion years ago, all that water disappeared when the planet lost its air. But why did the atmosphere on Mars change so greatly? NASA had launched the MAVEN spacecraft in the hope of answering that very question. MAVEN will study the remains of Mars air and help scientists figure out what became of the rest of it The spacecraft was launched on Monday, November 18, 2013, from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The trip to Mars takes about 10 months. and MAVEN is scheduled to go into orbit in September 2014. It is the first spacecraft created with the purpose of studying Mars atmosphere. Its wings measures 37.5 feet not quite the length of a school bus, and it weighs 1991 pounds about the same amount as a small car. MAVEN is equipped with eight different tools to measure and study the planets atmosphere. To collect information, it will fly in orbit as fast as 3278 miles per hour, and as slow as 93 miles per hour. Once it arrived at Mars, MAVEN will have plenty of company. The spacecraft Curiosity is still walking around the planets rocky surface, studying the geology, chemistry and possible biology there. NASA currently has a number of spacecrafts getting unique views of Mars with powerful cameras and telescopes. These missions are all slow, steady steps forward to discover Mars secret past. While the results may not be revealed for some time, an exciting exploration is on the way.68We can learn from the first paragraph that_Aall the scientists wanted to live on Mars Bpeople have had a better knowledge of Mars nowadaysCspaceships have been sent up to Mars since 1960sDall the water on Mars has been gone for ten billion years 69The MAVEN spacecraft has been launched with the purpose of_Aanalyzing the change of the atmosphere on Mars Bassisting Curiosity in studying the surface of Mars.C. analyzing what is contained in Mars air Dchecking whether water still exists on Mars 70It can be inferred from, the text that_Amany different tasks will be given to MAVEN when it lands on Mars Bmany spacecrafts are working around Mars to study its water Cmore wonderful things about Mars will be found in the futureDmore spacecraft will be sent up to help Curiosity71What is the best title of this text?AA new finding on Mars BA new spacecraft sent to MarsCThe rapid development of Mars DThe great change of the Mars atmosphere


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