四年级英语M1U1 she is a nice teacher教案

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Module 1 FriendsUnit 1 she is a nice teacher教学目标: (一) 技能与知识目标:1 基本能听懂会说、会写nice、shy、clever、naughty2 基本能听懂会说,会读句型:This is和Shes/Hes (二) 能力目标:1. 在活动中,能够正确运用句型This is和Shes/Hes。2. 能运用所学单词和句型表述周围的人和物并作记录。 (三) 情感目标:增进人与人之间的相互了解,善于抓住对方的闪光点,多赞扬别人的长处。教学重点:1 词汇:nice、shy、clever、naughty2 句型:This is和Shes/Hes教学难点:1日常生活中运用简单的口语化句子。2单词的语音、书写、重点句型的掌握,并熟练朗诵课文。教材分析本单元的题目为“Friends”,主要讲述熊猫盼盼用美丽的修饰形容词来描述自己喜欢的朋友和家人。可爱的熊猫盼盼首先用图片的形式点明图片上的人物都是自己的朋友,后分别依次向大家介绍。简单的语句突出他们各自的特点。教学方法采用游戏教学法导入,提高学生学习和参与的兴趣,顺便引入本节课的主题;通过TPR教学法,让学生在老师的带领下学习新的单词,加深学生的记忆,并且用TPR来表示整个句型。任务型教学法,通过给学生设计一定的学习小任务,让学生感受成功的喜悦。发挥小组互助合作竞争的学习机制,放手学生,充分发挥学生学习的主体作用,教师起好引导作用,加强生生以及师生间的多维互动。借助多媒体出示生动形象的课件,图文并茂,刺激学生的多种感官,最大程度上调动所有学生的积极性;用真实人物的图片做教具,让学生体会到学习的实效性。Teaching processT: Class begins! Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning teacher! Look, there are so many teachers sitting there to have class with us, would you like to say “Hello” to them? Ok, good! Boys and girls! Today I am your new English teacher. My name is Kyle, so you can call me Kyle. 设计意图(在学生和老师say hello 后,可以说Theyre nice teachers. You are nice pupils.)Step1:Warm up:1.Greetings and free talk. T:Hello, girl/boy!(找同桌)Whats your name? How are you today?S: My name is . I am fine, thank you.T: Hi, xxx. You are so cute. T:Is she/he your friend? S: Yes, he/she is. T: Good! We all have some friends. And am I your friend?S: No, you are not.T: I think we will be friends after class.T: look at the screen: dognice yixiuclever do TPRnaughty do TPRshy(设计意图:通过free talk来引出本模块的主课题Friends。同时用图片和TPR来初步展示本课的重点单词)2Ok, boys and girls! Do you want to play games?Lets play a passing game- pass the box when I play the music, when I stop the music, the student who has got the box should stand up and choose one card. And then come to the front. (小包中包含7个单词卡片,分别为she is a nice teacher,these,friend,游戏结束后,及时对学生进行表扬鼓励,并且带领学生读课题she is a nice teacher,复习以前接触的单词these,friend)设计意图:(通过此单词小游戏,一方面调动学生学习并且参与英语的积极性,一方面引出本课的主课题She is a nice teacher, 将本课题放到黑板上,并且通过及时的表扬和鼓励给小组加分的形式开始本课的竞争合作之路,为更好的学习课文做好铺垫。)Good,boys and girls!You have done a great job! Today we are going to learn Module 1 she is a nice teacher.Now look at me carefully! Do the word nice/a bit/shy/clever/naughtys TPR, let students guess ,tell them and read after teacher.设计意图:(通过TPR一方面唤醒学生对学习单词的热爱,另一方面加深学生的印象) Write the words on the blackboard, show little fingers , write the words and let students write the words on their papers.设计意图:(给学生的书法做以良好的示范, 并且培养学生良好的书写习惯,为更好的开展课文讲授做一铺垫) Choose some students writing to the students and encourage them according to their writing performance.设计意图:(通过展示并且及时评价学生的书法作品,培养他们良好的书写习惯。)T: Excellent! You have done a great job!Step 2 Presentation1、T: We are talking about friends, now. Our friend Panpan wants to introduce their friends to us. Ok, first lets learn the text. 设计意图:(看一遍课文课件,初步感知课文内容)2、Read the text according to your book after the recorder.设计意图:(让学生跟读课文,能够初步的熟读课文)3、Finish the blackboard writing while the students read the text.板书设计意图:(既新颖又能突出重点,让学生掌握本课重难点)Step 3:Practice1、Competition: great six and oneLittle translator: But shes a bit shy. Parrot is a naughty bird.Chinese meaning:a clever boy a very naughty birdI can do:这是毛毛 This _ Maomao. Shes very _ Can you read?These are my friends. But shes a bit shy. Yes or No?But she is a bit shy. Shes a naught teacher. Can you correct?This is Ms Smart. She is a fat teacher.This is Xiaoyong. He is a naughty pupil设计意图:(通过英语全方位的检测和巩固,提升学生各方面的英语能力;积极通过开展小组合作形式,调动更多的学生参与活动中来,并且及时的做出评价。)2、Talent show time: record:record the text according to the sentencesThese are my friends. But shes a bit shy. She is a nice teacher. He is a clever pupil.Parrot is a naughty bird.order:order the following sentences according to the text.This is Maomao. Shes very nice. This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher. This is Parrot. Parrot is a naughty bird. (用小组合作的方式进行,每小组发一张练习,让他们小组合作排序) memory test: He is a _ pupil. Parrot is a _ bird.设计意图:(通过英语模仿、排序、记忆的检测和巩固,提升学生各方面的英语能力;积极通过开展小组合作形式,调动更多的学生参与活动中来,并且及时的做出评价。)3、Little English writer:(tall, nice, naughty, clever, are)This is _. Hes very _.This is _. Shes very _This is _. Hes very _This is _. Hes very _设计意图:(通过英语扩写训练,提升学生学以致用的能力;积极通过开展小组合作形式,调动更多的学生参与活动中来,并且及时的做出评价。)4、A chant:A chant:She is a nice teacher This is Maomao. Shes very nice. This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher. This is Parrot. Parrot is a naughty bird.(设计意图:通过运用Twinkle little star的曲调来阐述本节课的重难点)Step 5: Summary and homework: Summary: What did you learn from todays lesson?(通过今天这节课你学到了什么?) Which group is the winner? Homework: introduce your friends to us next class. (下节课介绍你的朋友给大家)Recite the text as possible as you can. (尽可能的背过课文) Module 1 Friends Unit 1 She is a nice teacher . He She Parrot a bit shy a nice teacher a clever pupil a naughty bird my friendsTheseisisisis are道具:传球盒子、粉笔转、教案2份、学生准备: 书写本子、笔


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