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上海交通大学生物化学试卷(2003年度)校名_ 系名_ 专业_姓名_ 学号_ 日期_2003 TEST PAPER (1)(闭卷部分)(Shanghai Jiao Tong University,1st term of Univ. year 2003)Subject: Biochemistry Name _ Score _ Class _一. Explain the terms:(2.5 x 10= 25)1. hyperuricemia 2. LDL receptor 3. pyruvate dehydrogenase complex 4. glucokinase (in liver) 5. malate-aspartate shuttle 6. PRPP 7. substrate cycle 8. “macro CoA” 9. urea cycle 10. UDP- glucose 2003 TEST PAPER (2)(开卷)(Shanghai Jiao Tong University,1st term of Univ. year 2003)Subject: Biochemistry Name _ Score _ Class _二. Filling the blanks: (2.5 x 12= 30)1. Many important coenzymes, such as_, _and _, are the derivatives of ADP; dNDP are synthesized from _ and dTMP is formed by_ of dUMP; all these facts reflects that_ came before_ in evolution.2. TPP is the derivative of vitamin _, it serves as the prosthetic group of the following enzymes: _, _and_.3. There is a large difference between the yield from the complete oxidation of triacylglycerols and of carbohydrates (and protein), the reason is _.4. The three pairs of enzymes that catalyze the three resemble steps in -oxidation of FA and citric acid cycle are_ and_, _and_, _and_. 5. The only reactions in mammals that require coenzyme B12 are_ and _ catalyzed by _ and _, respectively.6. OAA has several possible fates: _, _, _ and _.7. In the synthesis of phosphoglycerides磷酸甘油酯 and of glycogen, the activated intermediates are _ and_, both of them are formed from a _ substrate and a _, and then react with a _ group.8. The committed step in cholesterol biosynthesis is the synthesis of _ from _which is catalyzed by _.9. The carrier of the activated one-carbon units is_ which consists of three groups: _, _ and_. Besides, _ is the major donor of methyl group. The fully oxidized one-carbon unit is _, which is carried by_.10. Disease and inherited defects of enzyme or functional protein, e.g. PKUPhe hydroxylase; drug-induced hemolytic anemia溶血性贫血_; hypercholesterolemia高胆固醇血症_; pernicious anemia恶性贫血_; maple syrup槭糖浆 urine disease_; Lebers optic neuropathy视神经症 _.11. Acetyl CoA carboxylase from E. coli consists of three subunits called _, _ and _.12. There are two types of covalent modification: _ and_in the regulation of enzymatic activity, the typical example of which is_ and _(enzyme), the direct related residue is_ and _, respectively. 三Make choice (one or several):(3 x 8= 24)1. Schiff base intermediates are formed in the reactions catalyzed byA. aldolase B. glycogen phosphorylase C. Trp synthetase D. transaldolase E. aminotransferase2. Multifunctional (or bifunctional) enzyme occurs inA. pyrimidine synthesis of eukaryotes b. FA synthesis of eukaryotes C. the synthesis and hydrolysis of F-2,6-BP D. the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of isocitrate DH E. FA synthesis of E. coli3. PRPP participates in the synthesis of the following substanceA. Pro B. His C. purine D. Phe E. pyrimidine4. Biotin, as the posthetic group of the following enzymeA. acetyl CoA carboxylase B. transketolase C. pyruvate carboxylase D. Pyr DH E. KG DH5. The following complex contains Fe-S clusterA. NADH-Q reductase B. cytochrome c reductase C. cytochrome c oxidase D. succinate-Q reductase E. ribonucleotide reductase6. Which substance is the direct precursor of the synthesis of acetoacetate乙酰 乙酸 in liverA. HMG CoA B. acetoacetyl CoA C. D-3-hydroxybutyrate羟丁酸 D. D-3-hydroxybutyryl CoA E. acetone7. Citric acid cycle A. it can produce high-energy phosphoryl compound by itself B. it is not inhibited by the anaerobic厌氧 condition C. the two carbon atoms of acetyl CoA are liberated as the form of two CO2 in that round of the cycle D. its rate depends upon the need of ATP E. it is the final common pathway for the oxidation of fuel molecules.8. It participates in the activated methyl cycle (or S-A Met cycle)A. VB12 B. biotin C. FH4 D. VB2 E. nicotinate烟酸四. Answer or calculate: (7x 3= 21)1. What is the activated reactant in each of these biosyntheses?a) Sphingomyelin鞘磷脂 from ceramide神经酰胺b) Met from homocysteine高半胱氨酸c) Phosphatidyl choline磷脂酰胆碱 from phosphatidyl ethanolamine乙醇胺d) IPP from 5-pyrophosphomevalonate焦磷酸甲羟戊酸e) The synthesis of phosphoribosylamine磷酸核糖胺f) Ser from Glyg) Glycogen n+1 from glycogen n 2. In purine biosynthesis, Asp becomes linked to the carboxylate group of an intermediate. In the next reaction, the carbon skeleton of the Asp unit leaves in the form of fumurate延胡索酸. These reactions are reminiscent重演 of a similar pair of reactions in the degradation of AA. Which ones? 3. Currency exchange. For a proton-motive force of 0.2V (matrix negative), what is the maximum ATP/ADPPi ratio compatible with ATP synthesis? Calculate this ratio three times, assuming that the number of protons translocated per ATP formed is 2, 3, and 4 and that the temperature is 250C.


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