高一英语必修3 Unit1 课件(新人教版)

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高一英语必修3 Unit1 课件(新人教版)_第3页
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Festivals around the world H ow many festivals do you know both in and out of China? the Double Seventh Day Chinese Valentines Day the seventh day of the seventh lunar month 乞 巧 节Feb. 14th Read Para.3 The Chinese festivals Spring Festival The Lantern FestivalWhat do people do at the Lantern Festival? dumpling Spring FestivalLantern FestivalQingming FestivalDragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalChongyang FestivalChinese Traditional Festivals Christmas EasterThanksgiving DayThe Valentines DayHalloweenFathers DayMothers DayFestivals around the world Harvest FestivalsFestivals to Honour People or Events Festivals of the DeadSpring FestivalsKinds of Festivals Language points be meant to do sth / for sth被 指 定 ,预 定 给Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year. This book is meant for three-year-old kids. 这 本 书 是 给 三 岁 小 孩 用 的 。He is not meant to be a doctor. 他 不 是 当 医 生 的 料 。The flowers are meant for you. 那 些 鲜 花 是 准 备 给 你 的 。 be meant to/ be meant for1.The Dragon Boat Festival is meant to _.2. The spring festival in China is meant to _.honor.celebrate mean to do想要做某事 mean doing 意味着I dont mean to hurt anybody.Success means working hard.Dont be so mean to your little sister.That is a mean trick. Take place or HappenThe accident _ yesterday.The meeting _ at 8:00.Happen指 “偶 然 或 未 能 预 见 ”take place 指 “事 先 计 划 或 预 想 到 ”happenedtook place In 1919, the May 4th movement _ in China. It _ to rain that night. The traffic accident _ on Wednesday.took placehappened happened Celebrate celebrationselibreitHe celebrated his birthday with a party.他 举 行 宴 会 庆 祝 自 己 的 生 日 。We held a party to celebrate our success.我 们 举 行 宴 会 庆 祝 我 们 的 成 功 。Because of the victory, we decided to hold a celebration.因 为 成 功 , 我 们 决 定 举 行 庆 祝 会 。 beautyWe were amazed at the beauty in Sichuan.Some students came to our school because of its beauty.Atlanta is a real beauty.beauty beautiful Harvesth:vistIf you dont work hard, you can harvest nothing.Autumn is a time for harvest.It happened that the harvest was bad in 1988. Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. of all kinds = all kinds ofMost ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. would 表 示 “过 去 常 常 ”。 celebrate 的 宾 语 包 括 哪 些 ? hunt, hunterNovember is a good time to hunt deer.十 一 月 正 是 猎 鹿 的 好 时 节 。Well go hunting in the afternoon.我 们 下 午 将 出 去 打 猎 。Im hunting for a job.我 在 找 工 作 。David was a very brave young hunter.戴 维 是 个 非 常 勇 敢 的 年 轻 猎 手 。 At that time people would starve st:v if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months.starve, starvationWhats for dinner? Im starving!晚 饭 吃 什 么 ? 我 饿 死 了 !The explorers starved to death in the desert.探 险 者 们 在 沙 漠 中 饿 死 了 。The worker died of starvation.这 个 工 人 死 于 饥 饿 。 Todays festivals have many origins, ridin some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events.origin original Do you know the origin of Christmas?The origin of the universe remains unknown.What was the origin of the fighting?打 架 的 起 因 是 什 么 ?The original price of the car was a bit too high.这 辆 汽 车 的 原 价 太 高 了 一 点 。This is an original painting by Picasso.这 是 一 幅 毕 加 索 的 原 作 。 religion religious rilidnChristmas has a religious origin.圣 诞 节 起 源 于 宗 教 。He is a man without religion.他 是 个 没 有 宗 教 信 仰 的 人 。 读 课 文 , 凭 记 忆 把 空 格 中 词 补 充 完 整 。Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been _ everywhere since _ times. Most ancient festivals would _ the end of cold weather, _ in spring and _ in autumn. Some _ would be held after _ had caught animals. At that time people would _ if food was difficult to find , especially during the cold winter months. Todays festivals have many _ , some _ , some _ , and some for special people or _. 读 课 文 , 凭 记 忆 把 空 格 中 词 补 充 完 整 。Festivals and _ of all kinds have been _ everywhere since _ times. Most ancient festivals would _ the end of _, _ in spring and _ in autumn. Some _ would be held after _. At that time people would _ if food was difficult to find , especially during _. Todays festivals have many _ , some _ , some _ , and some for special _ or _. 读 课 文 , 凭 记 忆 把 空 格 中 词 补 充 完 整 。Festivals and _ of _ have been _ everywhere since _. Most _ would _ the end of _, _ in spring and _ in autumn. Some _ would be held after _. At that time people would _ if food was _, especially during _. Todays festivals have many _ , some _ , some _ , and some for _ or _. Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Some celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Todays festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. P4 Ex. 1 religious dangerous humorous courageous cultural national seasonal original productioneducationcelebrationprediction n. adj.-ous 有特质;充满;fame famousadvantage advantageousmystery mysteriousharmony harmoniousjoy joyous - al agricultural international practical physical political chemical historical adj.与有关的 -tion organize congratulate liberate repeat explain organization congratulation liberation repetition explanation Satisfy:stisfai Vt.vi 使满意,满足Ancestor:nsst 祖宗Obon:Grave:reiv坟墓Incense:insens薰香 In memory of. 纪念 The bridge was bulit in memory of the hero Feast fi:st day盛大的节日Skull skl头脑,头骨Bone:bun 骨头Belief:bili:f 信念 religious beliefs 宗教信仰She has lost the belief in her son.Dress upShe derssed up her face to look prettier.Play a trick on sb poet puit 诗人-poem 诗歌 This poet wrote a beautiful poem. Arrival raivl n. arrive v. 到达 Gain ein 获得 vt Independence ndipendns -independent adj.独立。 Children should be encouraged to be independent thinkers.应该鼓励孩子独立思考。 Gather:收集,集合 Agriculture riklt agricultural adj Award w:dn/v 奖品,授予 Rooster ru:st 公鸡 Admire dmai vt.羡慕 We admire his working so hard.我们钦佩他工作努力。 Energetic /endetik/ adj 精力充沛的 energy n Look forward to (to 是介词 后接v-ing ) We are look forward to visiting England. Carnival k:nivl n. 狂欢节 Lunar lu:n阴历的 Easteri:st Parade preid n. 检阅 Day and night Clothing 衣服的总称 Christian kristn n/adj 基督徒、基督教的 Jesus di:zs Cherry teri 樱桃 Blossom blsmn./vt 花,开花 As though /if It looks as though/if its going to rain. Have fun with sb Custom kstm习惯,风俗 It is the custom of foreigners to do so.这种做法是外国人的习惯。


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