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一、单项选择。1.There are _ days in October. A. three-one B. thirty-one C. thirty D. thirty-first2.Sunday is the _day of the week. A. first B. seventh C. sixth D. fifth3._ people are seeing the movie now. A. Five hundreds B. Five hundreds of C. Hundreds of D. Hundred of4. _ is very difficult. A. Lesson Ninth B. Lesson Nine C. Ninth Lesson D.The Lesson Ninth5. There are _ people here. A. three hundred and twenty-one B. three hundreds and twenty-one C. three hundred, twenty-one D. three hundred, twenty and one 6. Christmas Day is December _. A. twenty-five B. the twentieth-five C. the twenty fourth D. the twenty-fifth7. The girl goes to school _. A. at the age of seven B. seven years C. when she seven D. seven years old8. My brother was born _. A. in May 6th,1998 B. on May 6th, 1998 C. in 1998, May 6th D. on 1998, May 6thB ACB A DAB 10.His mother is in _. A. her forty B. her the forty C. her forties D. her fortieth11. Two pens are lost. I want to buy a _ one. A. third B. three C. first D. second12.Three million, three hundred and thirty-three thousand, three hundred and thirty-three is _. A. 30,300,333 B. 333,333,333 C. 3,300,333 D. 3,333,33313. There are _ students in the game. Im the _. A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelfth; twelfthC ADB 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. the boy in green is _(three) years old. 2. February is the _ (two)month of a year. 3. Which is the _ (five) month of a year? 4. December is the _(twelve) day of a week. 5. There are two _(thousand) students in our school. 6. We can see _(million) of people in the square. 7. My _ (one) name is Jim. 8. Im _(eight) years old. Today is my _(eight) birthday. 9. Im in Class _ (four). 10. There are _ (seven) days in a week.threesecondfifthtwelfththousandmillionsfirsteight eighthFourseven 数词数词:是用来表示事物的数目和数序的词。 基数词数词 序数词 一、基数词一、基数词的构成:(1)1-12的基数词是独立的单词,即(2)13-19的基数词均以-teen结尾,即(3)20-29的整十位均以-ty结尾,即(4)十位数与个位数之间要加连字符号“-”,如:28twenty-eight 96ninety-six(5)百位和十位(若无十位则和个位)之间加and。如:138one hundred and thirty-eight 405four hundred and five(6)整数单位:hundred(百),thousand(千),ten thousand(万),one hundred thousand(十万),million(百万),ten million(千万),a hundred million(亿),billion(十亿)。(7)在英语中,1000以上的阿拉伯数字,从后往前数每三位加一个逗号“,”。如: 4,256,392four million, two hundred and fifty-six thousand, three hundred and ninety-two.one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve。thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen,nineteentwenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety. 【注意】hundred, thousand, million, billion等前面有具体的数词时,不能在它们的后面加s。 但是用来表示不确定数目时,要用其复数形式,且后面需加of。如:five hundred 五百 six million 六百万 thousands of 成千上万的。【典例】_ people come to see our play(表演). Its so great. A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds ofD 2.基数词的用法(1)作主语。(主语是执行句子的行为或动作的主体 )如:12是一个很重要(important)的数字。Twelve is a very important number.(2)作定语(定语是用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的 )。如:我有两个姐姐。I have two sisters. (3)作宾语(宾语,又称受词,是指一个动作(动词)的接受者 )。如:Give me two, please.(4)作表语(表语是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的 )。如: What time is it?Its six.(5)作同位语(一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形式)就是同位语)。如:你们两个在做什么?What are you two doing ? 二、序数词用来表示顺序的数词叫序数词。1.序数词的构成(1)一般来说,序数词是由相应的基数词在词尾加th构成。如fourfourth,six sixth, seven seventh, eleven eleventh , hundred hundredth, thousand thousandth, million millionth.(2)下面这些基数词在变为序数词时,有特殊的变化。如:one first, two second, three third , five fifth, eight eighth, nine ninth , twelve twelfth.(3)十位整数序数词的构成方法是将基数词的词尾y,变为ie,然后再加th。如:twenty twentieth, thirty thirtieth, forty fortieth , ninety ninetieth.(4)两位或两位以上的基数词变为序数词时,仅将个位数变为序数词。如:twenty-one twenty-first, forty-four forty-fourth, two hundred and thirty-three two hundred and thirty-third. 其规律可以用下面口诀记忆:基变序,有规律,结尾加上th, 1、2、3,特别记,first,second,third。8去t,9去e,f代ve, y变为ie,词尾要加th。 若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 【注意】(1)在使用序数词时,一般在其前加上定冠词the。如:the first book(第一本书), the fourth week (第四周)(2)序数词与定冠词、物主代词或名词所有格等连用表示顺序;与不定冠词连用,表示“再一,又一”的意思。如:I am often the first to get to work in my office.在我们办公室,我是经常第一个上班的。Try it a second time.再试一次。【典例】Mike has _ elder brothers. Hes his fathers _ son. A. two; third B. two; three C. second; third D. second; threeA 三、数词的常用表达1.年份的读法用基数词,分成两位一读,也可以用thousand或hundred来读。如1998 nineteen eighty-nine;2010 two thousand and ten;1900 nineteen hundred。2.年、月、日的顺序 英语中,可以按“月、日、年”的顺序来表示,也可以按“日、月、年”的顺序来表示。如“1999年6月1日”可以写成“June 1st,1999”或“1st June 1990”读作“June (the) first, nineteen ninety-nine”或“the first of June,nineteen ninety-nine”3.时刻表达法英语中时间是用基数词来表示的,最常见的形式有两种:(1)先点钟,后分钟。如6:30 six thirty; 7:54 seven fifty-four(2)先分钟,后点钟。分钟数不超三十分钟时(包括三十分钟),用“分钟数+past+钟点 数”表示;分钟数超过三十分钟时,用“(60分钟数)+to+下一个钟点数”表示,即“差几分到几点”。如6:20 9:47 twenty past six thirteen to ten(3) “整点”,直接用“钟点数(+oclock)”表示。“半小时”用half an hour表示,“一刻钟”用a quarter 表示。 如6:00 six (oclock), 7:30 half past seven, 5:45 a quarter to six 8:15 a quarter past eight.【注意】一般使用half时,都与past连用,而不加to。 4.年龄表达法(1)年龄可以用下列结构表示。如: 她九岁了。She is nine years old./ She is nine years of age./ She is aged nine (years).她是一个九岁的女孩儿。She is a nine-year-old girl.(2) at the age of表示“在某人几岁”时。“in+ones+整十数的复数形式”表示“某人几十多岁”。如:他祖父六十多岁了。His grandfather is in his sixties.When she was at the age of six, she was so lovely. 5.表示编号编号可以用基数词表示,也可以用序数词表示。用基数词表示是,要将基数词放在被修饰词之后,且首字母都用大写;用序数词表示时,要将序数词放在被修饰的名词前,且要加上定冠词the。如: 第三单元 the third unit / Unit Three【注意】(1)表示房间时不用“No”,而是将room作为单位词放在数字前,大写首字母。如:303房间 Room 303 (读作:room three o three)(2)如果编号的数字比较长,一般使用阿拉伯数字。如Page 626(第625页)。 6.次数的表达法在英语中“一次”、“两次”分别用once和twice来表示;表示三次以上则用“基数词+times”。如:We travel to other countries three times a year.我们一年出国旅游三次。7.加、减、乘、除的表达 英语中表示“加”用plus或and,“减”用minus,“乘”用times,除用divided by, 谓语动词多用单数;对计算的结果提问用how much 或what。如:六加一等于七。Six plus/and one is seven.Nine minus three is six. 九减三等于六。 二乘五等于十。Two times five is ten.Six divided by two is three.一加一等于多少?How much/ What is one and one?


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