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英语副词的分类及用法作者:陈觉法一、副词的识别和用法副词在句子中作状语,用来修饰动词、形容词、副词本身或者整个句子。我们可以通过以下方式来识别副词。1、以-ly结尾的单一副词。很多副词由“形容词+ly”构成,如carefully, successfully但要注意的是,“名词+ly”构成的是形容词,如friendly, brotherly, lovely, manly等。2、在形容词、副词或者介词短语前。有些副词并不是由加-ly构成的,如often, fast, there, then, very, quite, perhaps等,识别的办法是:如果它们置于形容词或副词前,便可断定是副词。例如:She asked teachers for advice on her lessons very often. (在副词前)她经常就学习向老师请教。Generally, our experiment was quite successful.(在形容词前)总的说来,我们的试验相当成功。Much to my surprise, the cat came to life three days later.(在介词短语前)使我非常惊奇的是,这只猫三天后又活过来了。3、在动词前或者后面。修饰动词时,副词常置于动词前,有时也可后置。例如:We drove slowly on the muddy road.我们在泥泞的路上缓慢地行驶。4、单独置于句子之首,或者插在句子中间。单个的词用逗号与句子隔开时,这个词多半是副词,作状语修饰整个句子。例如:Fortunately, I was absent from the house when the earthquake occurred. 幸运的是,地震发生时我不在家。二、 副词的分类1、方式副词。多由形容词加-ly构成,例如patient / patiently, mad / madly, sudden / suddenly;也包括由-l结尾的形容词,此时l要双写,如beautiful / beautifully;一些介词短语也可以作方式状语。方式副词用来表行为方式或者状态。例如:The scientific workers carefully watched the situations of the quake lakes day and night.科学工作者们日夜仔细地监视着堰塞湖的情况。Though Beethoven heard badly, he made it as a great musician.尽管贝多芬听力很差,却成了一个伟大的科学家。2、地点副词。说明事物的“方位”,如here, there, abroad, ahead, anywhere, away, back, forwards, south, left, upstairs, above, behind, below, down, up等;一些介词短语也可以作地点状语。例如:Indoors it is nice and warm. Outside it is snowing heavily.室内非常温暖,室外大雪纷飞。Our plane was traveling north at 800 km an hour about 5,000 meters above the sky. 我们的飞机正以每小时八百公里的速度在5千米高空向北飞行。3、时间副词。说明动作行为的时间,如today, tomorrow, yesterday, age, early, late, later, already, afterwards, lately, recently, then, now, soon, once, just, immediately, nowadays, yet, still以及介词短语和名词词组,如sat last, at once, another day, some day, these years等。例如:That day we arrived at the airport too early, so we went to the caf for some coffee.那天我们到达机场太早了,所以去咖啡馆喝了点咖啡。He started working at Lawsons seven months ago and worked there for only four months.他七个月前开始在劳森店里干活,只在那里工作了四个月。4、频度副词。表某行为或动作发生的频度,即多久发生一次,包括表确定性的频度副词如once, twice, three times a month,daily, monthly, yearly, annually, every day, every three years等,以及表非确定性的频度副词(按频度大小排列):always, almost, usually/ regularly, often/ frequently, sometimes/ occasionally, ever, hardly/ scarcely/ seldom, never。还有一些词组如again and again, at times, from time to time, now and then等。例如:Theres a collection from the letter box twice daily.这个信箱每天收两次信。Public transport isnt always very reliable.公共交通并不总是可靠的。5、程度副词。用来回答To what extent?(到什么程度?)的问题,最常用的有almost, altogether, very, barely, enough, fairly, hardly, nearly, quite, rather, somewhat, too, much, pretty, a lot等,这些词大都用在它们所修饰的词之前。例如:The destruction caused by Wenchuan Earthquake is very fearful.汶川地震造成的破坏非常巨大。I quite enjoy mountain holidays.我相当喜欢在山区度假。6、焦点副词(focus adverbs)。“集中注意”时用的副词,如even, just, merely, only, really, simply等以及too, as well,可以用在所修饰的词之前,使人对其集中注意。例如:Even two years olds know that 2 and 2 makes 4.即使两岁孩子都知道2加2等于4。I like John and I like his wife and children, too / as well.我喜欢约翰,也喜欢他的妻子和孩子。7、评述性副词。也叫观点副词,表说话人的态度、观点,常用的有clearly, frankly, honestly, generally, briefly, personally, hopefully, shortly/ in short, fortunately, luckily, evidently, normally等,这类词多出现在句首。例如:Frankly, I am not satisfied with your work.坦率地说,我对你的工作并不满意。He smiled nastily. He evidently knew something I didnt.他发出狞笑。显然知道一些我所不知道的事。8、连接副词。用来对前面所说的话作补充、修饰或总结等,这类副词有however, meanwhile, as a result, at the same time, on the contrary, furthermore等。值得注意的是,这类副词常用于中学英语书面表达中,可以起到使文章通顺、连贯、逻辑关系紧凑等作用。例如:Many people are crazy about popular music. However, I love classical music in particular.很多人对流行音乐非常狂热,可是我对古典乐情有独钟。He turned down my advice and, as a result, he failed in the final exam.他不听我的忠告,结果期末考试没及格。三、 副词在句子中的位置(position of adverbs)1、副词作状语时通常都置于谓语动词之前、主语之后,或置于整个谓语之后;当句子中有助动词、情态动词和系动词时,则必须置于这类动词之后。例如:Working in different places, Mary and Peter can usually meet once a week, but they generally get along well with each other. 由于在不同的地方工作,玛丽和彼特每周才见一次面,但是他们总体上相处得还不错。此例中的generally称为前位副词,通常多置于整个句子开头,所以也可以改成这样:, but generally they get along well with each other. 2、多个副词作状语的位置通常是:方式副词+地点副词+时间副词(也可置于句首),但在go, come, run, drive等后,地点状语通常在方式状语之前。比较:He waited patiently at the station for two hours.(方式地点时间)他在车站耐心地等了两个小时。They went to school hurriedly after breakfast. (地点方式时间)早饭后他们匆忙地赶到学校。3、多个同类副词在一起时的位置关系表达具体或小的概念的副词在前,表笼统或大的概念的副词在后。例如:Each year many tourists come to the Yangtze Three Gorges from all corners of the world.每年很多旅行者从世界各地来长江三峡(参观)。较短的状语在前,较长的状语在后,其间用and或but连接。例如:She always works hard and carefully.她的工作总是既努力又细心。4、enough修饰形容词、副词时置于其后,修饰名词时可前可后。例如:Having been retired, my grandfather has enough time (或time enough) to do what he likes.退休后,我的父亲有足够的时间做自己想做的事。四、 副词考点及值得注意的现象(一)副词的三大考点1、副词的比较等级(在前面第28单元涉及过一些)(1)“the+副词比较级+than”,用于两者之间的不同级比较。例如:If there were no examinations, we would be living much more happily at school. 要是没有考试的话,我们在学校的生活会幸福得多。(2)“副词最高级+in/of等介词或者定语从句提供的比较范围”,用于三者或三者以上的不同级比较。例如:Our economic development is progressing the most smoothly in the world today. 我们的经济发展在世界上是进行得最顺利的。(3)asas, the same as, suchas表示同程度的比较。例如:Alice dances as well as, if not better than, Mary does. 爱丽丝的舞蹈跳得(即使不是更好)和玛丽一样好。(4)“the+比较级, the+比较级”,意思是“越, 越”。例如:Generally, the harder you study, the greater progress youll make. (5)高考实例分析。(2006四川卷): Did you enjoy yourself at the party? Yes, Ive never been to _ one before. A. a more excited B. the most excited C. a more exciting D. the most exciting分析 这里需要具备两点知识,第一,修饰事物的本质特征要用现在分词,第二,最高级通常有一个比较范围,如果指所有参加过的所有party,则这一次是最好的,答案C,这是用形容词的比较级形式表最高级含义,意思是:从没有参加过更令人激动的party(这就是最令人激动的)。又如(2005上海卷):At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _ Great Britain. A. three times the size as B. the size three times ofC. three times as the size of D. three times the size of 分析 答案是D,这里size指“(面积)大小”,同时被表倍数的three times修饰。比较结构的修饰语通常应置于这个结构之前,包括比较级和最高级。此答案也可以改成three times as large as,含义相同。2、副词的词义辨析这类试题主要考查考生在具体语境里对不同副词的语义辨析和用法能力,也就是对语言的实际运用能力。这是形容词、副词考点中比重最大的一类考题。例如(2007湖北卷):He began to take political science _ only when he left school.A. strictly B. truly C. carefully D. seriously 分析 题干大意是:“他”离开学校后开始对待政治学;再将各个选项分别代入空格处并译成汉语,可知只有take political science seriously“严肃地对待政治学”符合语境和逻辑,所以答案是D。3、形容词和副词的语用功能区别。(2007江苏卷):My parents have always made me _ about myself, even when I was twelve.A. feeling well B. feeling good C. feel well D. feel good分析 一般说来,修饰动词要用副词,所以考生很容易误选A或者C;但根据语境可知这里feel是系动词,表“感觉”,所以只能跟形容词作表语;同时因为习惯用法make sb. do sth.,可知答案是D。(二)可用作从属连词的几个副词:immediately, instantly, directly,它们可以用来引导一个时间状语从句,相当于as soon as, the moment等。例如:The baby picked out its mother immediately (=as soon as/the moment) he caught sight of her.这个婴儿一看到妈妈就认出来了。(三)有些副词有两种形式,但实际含义和用法有别,包括wide/ widely, high/highly, deep/ deeply, hard/hardly, late/lately, direct/ directly, hard/ hardly, firm/ firmly, free/ freely, flat/ flatly, even/ evenly, clean/ cleanly, most/ mostly, close/ closely, right/ rightly, just/ justly, near/ nearly, pretty/ prettily, sharp/ sharply等。一般说来,相同意义的副词的两种形式中,不加-ly的多用于实指,加-ly的多用于抽象含义。限于篇幅,这里仅举几个常用副词的例子,其余的请同学们在学习过程中通过查词典弄懂它们的含义和用法。It is said that Zhang Fei opened his eyes wide while sleeping.(实指“宽度”)据说张飞睡觉时眼睛睁得大大的。Printing was not widely spread throughout the world until over 1,000 years later.(抽象)印刷术直到一千多年后才在世界上广泛传播。Look! The skies are flying high in the sky.(实指“高度”)瞧!那些风筝在天上高高地飞翔。The locals spoke highly of the soldiers and police for their behaviors in the rescue.(抽象)当地人对战士和警察在援救工作中的表现给予了高度评价。In the earthquake, many people were buried deep in the ruins.(实指“深度”)在地震中,很多人被深深地埋在废墟中。We were all deeply moved by his story.(抽象)我们都被他的故事深深感动了。I went direct from the school to my home after school.放学后我直接回到了家里。Im sorry to say that your answer is directly opposite to the fact.(抽象)我很遗憾,你的回答恰好与事实相反。此外,还有一些副词(组)在形式或者意义上相近,很容易混淆,例如too much / much too,so / such, rather / fairly, well / healthily, specially / especially等,需要同学们在学习的过程中多多留意,以避免使用时产生混淆。5


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