高二英语(选修六)unit 4 单元测试题

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高二英语(选修六)unit 4 单元测试题_第1页
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高二英语(选修六)unit 4 单元测试题_第2页
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Unit 4Complete the words according to the initials.1. As s result of the snow, he drove just 280 kilometers in 5 hours, so the a_ speed was 56 kph.2. Though he is less than one year old, he is strong enough to walk s_.3. Snakes skin can be r_.4. People who believe in God have no doubt about the e_ of God.5. The p_ were observed by astronomers throughout the world.6. She g_ at her watch and told me it was 12 oclock.7. Every year large q_ of steel products are turned out in our factory.8. The increase in the use of fossil fuels could have c_ results for the earth.9. The result of a rising sea level would be w_ flooding.10. Its OK to leave an e_ appliance on.I. Choose the right phrases to fill in the blanks, and change the form if necessary.( on the whole, result in, result from, come about, turn up, compare to) 1. _ the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.2. You have made a few mistakes, but _ you have done well.3. Its burning of fossile fuels that is _ the increase in CO2.4. Ill never understand how it_ that you were one hour late on such a short journey.5. If youre cold ,put on more clothes instead of _ the heat.II. Complete the following to make similar sentences by filling in each blank with a proper word.1. We hadnt enough money to take a bus, and as a result we had to walk home.We hadnt enough money to take a bus, and _ _ we had to walk home.2. It was not until she had arrived home that she remembered her appointment with the doctor._ _ she had arrived home _ she remember her appointment with the doctor.3. You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.You can go out _ _ _ you wear an overcoat.You can go out _ _ you wear an overcoat.4. The death of two people resuled from the accident.The accident _ _ the death of two people.III. Translation.1. 这本辞典把重点放在语法上.The dictionary _ _ _ grammar.2. 由于一场大火, 该屋全毁._ _ _ a great fire the house was completely destroyed.3. 这件事是我的能力办不到的.Its _ _ _ _ my ability.4. 校长已经声明他不会容忍在学校里乱丢垃圾的现象.The headmaster has stated he s not going to _ _ _ littering in the school. Answer SheetI. 1.average2. steadily3. renewable 4.exsitence5. phenomena6. glanced 7. quantites8.catastrophic9. widespread 10. electricalII.1. Compared with2. on the whole 3. resulting in4. came about 5. turning upIII.1. in consequence2. Not until did 3. so (as )long as; only if/ provied that /proving that 4.resulted in/ led toIV. 1. place(puts) emphasis on 2. In consequence of 3. beyond the range of 4. put up with单位:湖北省荆门市姓名:李国E_mail:liguo619


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