高二英语(选修六)unit 2 单元测试题2

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Unit 2 Poems Book 6Part 1 Vocabulary1. Can you r_ any poems you have read in high school, either in Chinese or in English?2. I think youd better consider other a_ of the matter.3. Some poems try to c_ certain emotions.4. The n_teacher made the children sit bolt upright.5. Mind your manners, guy! I want no r_ of your bad behavior.6. The lady has a very expensive ring with a d_ in the centre. 7. Somebody dreamed of after retirement moving to a remote c_ in the countryside. 8. If you always t_ others like that, youll forfeit the good opinion of your friends. 9. There is e_ work to do when you have children in the house.10. He t_ the speech from Spanish into English.11. The companys head office is in the city, but it has b_ all over the country.12. Your room looks old. Why not t_ it by painting it? 13. He told me with s_ that his mother was very ill. 14. His casual clothes were not a_ for such a formal occasion. (The government a_ a large sum of money for building schools. The minister was found to have a_ government money.) 15. If you are lost in the wood, its very handy to have a c_ with you. 16. The cloth has a p_ of flowers on the dress material. 17. John was touched by the w_ of their welcome.18. The truck was carrying a l_ of bananas.Part 2 Useful Phrases1. 传达某种感情_2. 使小孩快乐_3. 童谣中一种常见的形式_4. 向地主哈腰_5. 熬夜_6. 筋疲力尽_7. 周而复始_8. 落花_9. 整个村庄充满着欢乐的儿童_10. 把转换成_11. 把翻译成_12. 绊倒_Part 3 Complete the following sentences according to the texts.1. There are various reasons _ people write poetry. 人们写诗有着各种各样的理由。2. If I hadnt _ _ _ _ the ball, we would won the match. 如果我死死盯住球我们就能得冠军3. It is easy _ _ and _ a clear pictures and _ a special feeling in just a few words.它容易写可以用很少的词语呈现出一副清晰的画面,表达出一种特出的感情。4. Some of the first poetry written in English were _.用英文写的最早的诗是童谣。5. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that _ _ _ _ 17 syllables.(由17个音节组成)。6. If we hadnt _ _ _ sugar, I wouldnt have gone to the shops.如果我们的糖没有用完,我是不会去商店的。Part 4 Multiple Choice1. Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast._.(2005辽宁32)A. So it isB. So is itC. So does itD. So it does2. He _ more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15. (2005北京24)A. has learnedB. would have learnedC. learnedD. had learned3.As soon as he comes back, Ill tell him when _ and see him. (2005北京29)A. you will comeB. will you comeC. you comeD. do you come4. The prize of the game show is 30,000 and an all expenses _ vacation to China. (2005北京32)A. paying B. paidC. to be paid D. being paid5. Would you like_, sir?No, thanks. I have had much. (2005福建22)A. some more oranges B. any more orangesC. some more orange D. any more orange6. Did Jack come back early last night?Yes. It was not yet eight oclock_he arrived home. (2005福建24)A. before B. when C. that D. until7. Must I turn off the gas after cooking ?Of course. You can never be_careful with that. (2005江西34)A. enoughB. tooC. soD. very 8.He transplanted the little tree to the garden _ it was the best time for it. (2005上海34)A. whereB. whenC. that D. until 9.The country life he was used to_ greatly since 1992. (2005山东35)A. changeB. has changed C. changing D. have changed10. What should I do with this passage? (2005重庆31)_ the main idea of each paragraph. A. Finding out B. Found outC. Find outD. To find out11. I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I _the book from which it was made. A. have read B. had read C. should have read D. am reading 12. You are late. If you _ a few minutes earlier, you _ him. A. came; would meet B. had come; would have met C. come; will meet D. had come; would met 13. I wish my husband _as well as yours. A. had dressed B. dress C. will dress D. dressed 14. Edison kept phosphorus carefully in a bottle lest it _. A. would burn B. burned C. was burning D. should burn 15. He looked as if he _ ill for a long time. A. was B. were C. has been D. had been 16. If the doctor had come earlier, the poor child _. A. would not have been lied there for two hours B. would not have laid there for two hours C. would not have lied there for two hours D. would not have lain there for two hours 17. I wish that I _ with you last night. A. went B. could go C. have gone D. had gone 18. Lets say you could go there again, how _ feel? A. will you B. should you C. would you D. do you 19. Mr. Brown left for London long ago. Thats a pity. I wish _. A. I meet him. B. Ill have met him C. I had met him D. Id meet him 20. I cant stand him. He always talks as though he _ everything. A. knew B. knows C. has known D. had knownPart 5 Reading: Read and then ask and answer five questions on the passage, using who, what, where, when or how.Get moving for a longer life free of diabetesNEW YORK (Reuters Health Mon Jan 2, 2006 8:48 PM GMT)The results of a new study may motivate couch potatoes to get moving in the New Year. According to the study, people who are physically active live longer and spend more years free of diabetes than people who are inactive.Using data from the Framingham Heart Study, which has followed some 5,200 residents of Framingham, Massachusetts, over the past 46 years, researchers calculated the differences in life expectancy in subjects with and in those without diabetes associated with different levels of physical activity.They found that at age 50 life expectancy free of diabetes is 2.3 years longer for moderately active individuals and at least 4 years longer for highly active individuals.“The effect of physical activity on life expectancy without diabetes reflects both the lower incidence of diabetes and the lower mortality of nondiabetic individuals associated with increasing physical activity,” Dr. Wilma J. Nusselder from Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and colleagues report in Diabetes Care.The study also shows that life expectancy with diabetes is roughly 0.5 years less for moderately active people and 0.1 years less for highly active people compared with their sedentary counterparts.This reflects two opposing effectslower incidence of diabetes in people who are active, reducing the time spent with diabetesand lower mortality in those with diabetes, increasing the time spent with diabetes.“Our study suggests that if sedentary people could be stimulated to be at least moderately active, they could extend their lives and increase their life-time spent without diabetes,” the team concludes.SOURCE: Diabetes Care, January 2006.1. Question_Answer_2. Question_Answer_3. Question_Answer_4. Question_Answer_5. Question_Answer_Unit 2 Peoms Book 6参考答案Part 1 Vocabulary1. recite 2. aspect 3. convey 4. nursery 5. repetition 6. diamond 7. cottage 8. tease 9. endless 10. translated 11. branches 12. transform 13. sorrow 14. appropriate (appropriated; appropriated) 15. compass 16. pattern 17. warmth 18. loadPart 2 Useful Phrases1. convey certain emotions 2. delight small children 3. a common type of childrens poetry4. bow to a squire 5. stay up 6. run out of energy 7.week in week out 8. a fallen blossom 9. the whole village is brimful of happy children 10. transform into 11. translate into 12. trip overPart 3 Complete the following sentences according to the texts.1.why 2. taken my eye off 3. to write gives creates 4. nursery rhymes. 5. is made up of 6. run out of Part 4 Multiple Choice1-5 ADABC 6-10 BBBBC 11-15 BBDDD 16-20 DDCCAPart 5 Reading: Read and then ask and answer five questions on the passage, using who, what, where, when and how.1. Question Whats the main idea of this text?Answer Physically active people live longer and spend more years free of diabetes.2. Question What people are surveyed for the differences in life expectancy? Answer People with and without diabetes associated with different levels of physical activity.3. Question Where did the people who were studied come from?Answer Framingham, Massachusetts.4. Question What do you think a couch potato is?Answer A couch potato is a person who spends much time sitting or lying down, usually watching television.5.Question How could sedentary people extend their lives and increase their life-time spent without diabetes?Answer They should be at least moderately active.单位:湖北省荆门市姓名:李国E_mail:liguo619


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