高二英语(选修六)unit 1 教案(Period 4)

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高二英语(选修六)unit 1 教案(Period 4)_第1页
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Period 4 Integrating skillsTeaching aims:1. To enable students to draw the floor plan of his present house.2. To get students to read the newspapers to find out the information about apartments they want to rent.3. To make them a review of a painting or a building. Important and difficult points:Write a review of art and architecture, especially a painting or a building.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision:I got an apartment in the teachers dormitory of our school, I dont know how to design it, so would you like to help me design my house? How should I decorate my room? Please discuss it and give me some advice, OK?Ss discuss in groups. Show them the sentence pattern on the screen to revise the grammar:- You should have your walls painted white.- You had better have done. - Thank you very much! Youre good designers. Ill decorate my room according to your design. Step 2. Lead-inOur school has completed the teaching building, and next term we can move into the new classroom. But what should I do to deal with our old teaching building? Should we pull it down? No, our headmaster dont want to do that. Should we let it stand empty? No, not a good idea. We want to give it a second life. What shall we do? Please discuss again in groups and this time give me advice on how to deal with the old classroom.- Wow, you have so many wonderful ideas! I think I like to change it into a beautiful teahouse and I can rent it to somebody else since I am too busy to run it myself. And thus we can give our old classroom a second life. Thank you very much! Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea in my teahouse some day?Step 3. Fast reading on “ Factory 798 ”Thank you for your ideas to give my old house a second life. And the same story goes with another old factory that is no longer used in Beijing. It is the famous place called “Factory 798”. Has anybody ever heard of that? If no, lets open our books and read the passage on Page 23. Try to find out: “What is Factory 798? ”- Who has found out the answer?1. Where is Factory 798?2. What kind of factory was it?3. Who designed it and when was it built?4. How is the factory being used now? an old army factory ; an arts center;Step 4. Careful reading- Now lets get some detailed information about Factory 798. Please read the second paragraph of the passage carefully again and find out: What was Factory 798 like? huge factory halls of bricks; small round windows that remind you of ships;bent roofs;20-foot high walls of glass单位:湖北省荆门姓名:李国E_mail:liguo619


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