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Unit 1 Section 1课后强化作业.单词拼写1She is a little girl, but she b_ as if she were an adult.2On summer afternoons,his parents sit in the s_ of the large tree drinking tea and chatting.3Tom and Jim are good friends and they are joined by b_ of friendship.4I hope this success will i_ you to greater efforts.5To be o_ is to express your opinions honestly and directly.6I _ (尊重) his views, although I do not agree with them.7Hundreds of passengers _ (挤满) the entrance of the hall.8He likes _ (观察) the night sky in summer.9The bridge is strong enough to _ (支撑) the heavy lorries.10Its not _ (值得) spending time on him. .用所给短语的适当形式填空move off, lead a hard life, argue sb. out of, show respect for, crowd in on, in support of, work out, wake up1The troops _ at dawn.2The old couple _ in the past.3The youth should _ the old people.4She _ leaving his job.5He came here specially _ me.6The thought of missing home _ the little girl.7Every morning when you _, decide to make that day the most important day.8Well have to _ how much food well need for the party. .单项填空1Is that book worth_?Yes, it is worthy_twice.Areading; being readBto read; to be readCof being read; readingDreading; of being read 2A man dressed in a black coat was observed_the house and later the owner found all the valuable things_.Aentering; stealing Bto enter; stolenCto enter; stealing Denter; to be stolen 3 Armed with the information you have gathered, you can _ preparing your business plan. A. set out B. set about C. set off D. set up 4Im sorry, but I didnt mean_out your secret.But you know, letting out ones secret means_ones feelings.Ato let; to hurt Bto let; hurtingCletting; to hurt Dletting; hurting 5They were surprised that a child should work out the problem_they themselves couldnt.Aonce BthenCwhile Dif 6Before my father moved off, he told me again and again that I should _ the rules and regulations of the school.Amake BwatchCremain Dobserve 7Most people think that it is _ to spend some time surfing the Internet, but we shouldnt be too dependent on it.Aworth BworthwhileCworth of Dworthy of 8Only when we lost what we had _ how much we loved it.Awe realized Bwe did realizeCdid we realize Drealized we 9In my opinion, he is a(n) _ person, that is, he says what he thinks.Amodest BrespectfulCoutspoken Deasygoing 10We are told to read the passage and find the sentences that _ the argument.Apromote BshowCdesign Dsupport 11Earth Day is a reminder that we need to care about the world we live in and that we should learn to _ life and nature.Arespect Blook onCcare for Dadmire 12Seeing the terrible scene, many problems crowded _ my head.Aabout BoutCup Din .完形填空Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843, and moved to Montreal, Canada at the age of five with her family. While _1_ her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had a(n) _2_ in medicine. At 18 she married and _3_ a family. Several years later, Charlotte said she wanted to be a _4_. Her husband supported her decision._5_, Canadian medical schools did not _6_ women students at the time. Therefore, Charlotte went to the United States to study _7_ at the Womens Medical College in Philadelphia. It took her five years to _8_ her medical degree.Upon graduation, Charlotte _9_ to Montreal and set up a private _10_. Three years later, she moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and there she was once again a _11_ doctor. Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps. Charlotte _12_ herself operating on damaged limbs and setting _13_ bones, in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.But Charlotte had been practising without a licence. She had _14_ a doctors licence in both Montreal and Winnipeg, but was _15_. The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons, an allmale board, wanted her to _16_ her studies at a Canadian medical college! Charlotte refused to _17_ her patients to spend time studying what she already knew. So in 1887, she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature to _18_ a licence to her but they, too, refused. Charlotte _19_ to practice without a licence until 1912. She died four years later at the age of 73.In 1993, 77 years after her _20_, a medical licence was issued to Charlotte. This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor “this courageous and pioneering woman.”文章大意:本文主要讲述了一位传奇医生的追梦历程和无私奉献的一生。1A.raising BteachingCnursing Dmissing 2A.habit BinterestCopinion Dvoice 3A.invented BselectedCoffered Dstarted 4A.doctor BmusicianClawyer Dphysicist 5A.Besides BUnfortunatelyCOtherwise DEventually 6A.hire BentertainCtrust Daccept 7A.history BphysicsCmedicine Dlaw 8A.improve Bsave Cdesign Dearn 9A.returned BescapedCspread Dwandered 10A.school BmuseumCclinic Dlab 11A.busy Bwealthy Cgreedy Dlucky 12A.helped BfoundCtroubled Dimagined 13A.harmful Btired Cbroken Dweak 14A.put away Btaken overCturned on Dapplied for 15A.punished BrefusedCblamed Dfired 16A.display BchangeCpreview Dcomplete 17A.leave BchargeCtest Dcure 18A.sell Bdonate Cissue Dshow 19A.continued BpromisedCpretended Ddreamed 20A.birth BdeathCwedding Dgraduation .阅读理解Mario Capecchi, 70, a scientist at the University of Utah, US, got a bonus after winning the 2007 Nobel Prize for medicine: He learned he has a younger sister.Capecchi returned to his native Italy last month and met with his halfsister Marlene Bonelli, 69, who believed Capecchi and her mother had died during World War . It was really more of an introduction; they were too young to remember when they were separated in the early days of World War .Capecchis mother gave birth to Bonelli in 1939, when her son was learning to walk. Lucy Ramberg, who was in prison for much of the war, handed over the baby girl to friends living in Austria, where Bonelli still lives.Bonelli recognized Capecchis name after he won the Nobel Prize in October and informed the media in Austria that the famous scientist was her brother. The newspaper Dolomiten sent Capecchi photos of Bonelli. “Looking at the pictures, it was obviously my sister,” Capecchi said, noting she was very like his mother.With the help of an interpreter, they reunited at a hotel. “She doesnt speak English and I dont speak German, and neither of us speaks Italian, although I can get away with it in a restaurant,” Capecchi said.The reunion was another dramatic(戏剧性的)turn in Capecchis life story. Capecchi was separated from his mother during World War . The two were reunited at the end of the war, when he was 9, and they moved to the United States. As a child in America, Capecchi started on what became a brilliant academic career. 1What might be the most suitable title for the passage?AHow the Nobel Prize Winners Sister Survived World War BMario Capecchis Great Success in His CareerCNew Nobel Prize WinnerMario CapecchiDNobel Prize Winner Reunited with His Sister Lost in World War 2The underlined word“bonus”in the first paragraph probably refers to_.Athe money given to Mario CapecchiBthe fame for his achievementCthe news that his sister is still aliveDthe idea that he wants to look for his sister 3How did the brother and sister separate from each other?AThe sister was put in prison.BThe sister was sent to Austria.CThe brother moved to America.DThe brother left Italy with their mom. 4It can be inferred from the passage that Capecchi moved to America in _.A1938 B1939C1945 D1947 5What can be inferred from the passage?AMario Capecchi and his sister always knew each other.BMario Capecchis mother was out of prison finally.CBonelli once reunited with her mother.DWhen Capecchi and his sister were reunited, they could communicate very well. Unit 1 Section 1 答案课后强化作业.单词拼写1She is a little girl, but she b_ as if she were an adult.2On summer afternoons,his parents sit in the s_ of the large tree drinking tea and chatting.3Tom and Jim are good friends and they are joined by b_ of friendship.4I hope this success will i_ you to greater efforts.5To be o_ is to express your opinions honestly and directly.6I _ (尊重) his views, although I do not agree with them.7Hundreds of passengers _ (挤满) the entrance of the hall.8He likes _ (观察) the night sky in summer.9The bridge is strong enough to _ (支撑) the heavy lorries.10Its not _ (值得) spending time on him.答案:1.behaves2.shade3.bonds4.inspire5.outspoken6respect7.crowded8.observing9.support10.worthwhile.用所给短语的适当形式填空move off, lead a hard life, argue sb. out of, show respect for, crowd in on, in support of, work out, wake up1The troops _ at dawn.2The old couple _ in the past.3The youth should _ the old people.4She _ leaving his job.5He came here specially _ me.6The thought of missing home _ the little girl.7Every morning when you _, decide to make that day the most important day.8Well have to _ how much food well need for the party.答案:1.moved off2.led a hard life3.show respect for4.argued him out of5.in support of6.crowded in on7wake up8.work out.单项填空1Is that book worth_?Yes, it is worthy_twice.Areading; being readBto read; to be readCof being read; readingDreading; of being read答案:Dworth习惯句式为be worth doing,而worthy则常用于句式be worthy to be done或be worthy of being done中,表示“值得做”之意。2A man dressed in a black coat was observed_the house and later the owner found all the valuable things_.Aentering; stealing Bto enter; stolenCto enter; stealing Denter; to be stolen答案:B在主动语态情况下接动词原形作宾语补足语的动词,用于被动语态时往往要添加上to;第二空中all the valuable things与steal之间为被动关系。3 Armed with the information you have gathered, you can _ preparing your business plan. A. set out B. set about C. set off D. set up答案:B本题考查动词短语的用法。句意:用你所收集的信息武装自己,你可以着手准备你的商业计划了。set out to do sth.与set about doing sth.意义一致,都是“着手干某事”。set off出发, 动身 ;(使)开始; 引起 ;点燃, 爆炸;set up建起,搭起。根据句子结构,B项正确。4Im sorry, but I didnt mean_out your secret.But you know, letting out ones secret means_ones feelings.Ato let; to hurt Bto let; hurtingCletting; to hurt Dletting; hurting答案:B第一句句意为“我并不是有意泄露你的秘密”,故用mean to do sth.,第二句句意为“泄露一个人的秘密意味着伤害他”,故用mean doing sth.。5They were surprised that a child should work out the problem_they themselves couldnt.Aonce BthenCwhile Dif答案:C句意:他们惊奇地发现一个孩子居然解决了这个问题,然而他们却未能做得到。while“(对比两件事物)而;然而”。6Before my father moved off, he told me again and again that I should _ the rules and regulations of the school.Amake BwatchCremain Dobserve答案:Dmake“使;制造”;watch“看”;remain“剩下;逗留;保持”;observe“观察;遵守;庆祝”。句意为:在我父亲离开前,他反复地叮嘱我应该遵守学校的规章制度。根据句意选D项。7Most people think that it is _ to spend some time surfing the Internet, but we shouldnt be too dependent on it.Aworth BworthwhileCworth of Dworthy of答案:Bbe worth doing/n.“值得一做/值得”;be worthy to be done/of being done“值得做”;It is worthwhile to do./doing.“做某事是值得的”。句意为:大部分人认为花费一些时间上网是值得的,但是我们不应该太依赖它。故选B项。8Only when we lost what we had _ how much we loved it.Awe realized Bwe did realizeCdid we realize Drealized we答案:C“only状语”位于句首,句子用部分倒装结构;“only状语从句”位于句首,主句用部分倒装结构。句意为:只有当我们失去了我们所拥有的,我们才意识到我们是多么的爱恋它。故选C项。9In my opinion, he is a(n) _ person, that is, he says what he thinks.Amodest BrespectfulCoutspoken Deasygoing答案:Cmodest“谦虚的”;respectful“恭敬的”;outspoken“坦诚的,直言的”;easygoing“随和的”。句意为:依我看来,他是一个坦诚的人,也就是说,他想到什么说什么。故选C项。10We are told to read the passage and find the sentences that _ the argument.Apromote BshowCdesign Dsupport答案:Dpromote“促进,提升”;show“表明,出示”;design“设计”;support“支持,养活”。句意为:我们被告知阅读这篇文章并找出支持论点的句子。故选D项。11Earth Day is a reminder that we need to care about the world we live in and that we should learn to _ life and nature.Arespect Blook onCcare for Dadmire答案:Arespect“尊重,尊敬”;look on“看待”;care for“喜欢,照顾”;admire“钦佩,赞美”。句意为:地球日提醒我们,我们需要关心我们生存的世界,我们也应该学会尊重生命,尊重大自然。故选A项。12Seeing the terrible scene, many problems crowded _ my head.Aabout BoutCup Din答案:Dcrowd about“涌向;在周围”;crowd out“挤出,排挤在外”;crowd up“无此搭配”;crowd in ones head“涌入脑海”。句意为:看到那个可怕的场面,很多问题涌入我的脑海。故选D项。.完形填空Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843, and moved to Montreal, Canada at the age of five with her family. While _1_ her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had a(n) _2_ in medicine. At 18 she married and _3_ a family. Several years later, Charlotte said she wanted to be a _4_. Her husband supported her decision._5_, Canadian medical schools did not _6_ women students at the time. Therefore, Charlotte went to the United States to study _7_ at the Womens Medical College in Philadelphia. It took her five years to _8_ her medical degree.Upon graduation, Charlotte _9_ to Montreal and set up a private _10_. Three years later, she moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and there she was once again a _11_ doctor. Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps. Charlotte _12_ herself operating on damaged limbs and setting _13_ bones, in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.But Charlotte had been practising without a licence. She had _14_ a doctors licence in both Montreal and Winnipeg, but was _15_. The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons, an allmale board, wanted her to _16_ her studies at a Canadian medical college! Charlotte refused to _17_ her patients to spend time studying what she already knew. So in 1887, she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature to _18_ a licence to her but they, too, refused. Charlotte _19_ to practice without a licence until 1912. She died four years later at the age of 73.In 1993, 77 years after her _20_, a medical licence was issued to Charlotte. This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor “this courageous and pioneering woman.”文章大意:本文主要讲述了一位传奇医生的追梦历程和无私奉献的一生。1A.raising BteachingCnursing Dmissing 答案:C整个一年中都在照顾生病的姐姐时,nurse意为护理。2A.habit BinterestCopinion Dvoice 答案:B夏洛特发现她对医药感兴趣。have an interest in 对感兴趣。3A.invented BselectedCoffered Dstarted答案:D18岁时,夏洛蒂结婚开始了家庭生活。start 开始。4A.doctor BmusicianClawyer Dphysicist 答案:A由后文可知她想成为一名医生。5A.Besides BUnfortunatelyCOtherwise DEventually答案:Bunfortunately意为“不幸的是”,加拿大不允许女子入学。6A.hire BentertainCtrust Daccept 答案:D参考上一题解析。accept接受。7A.history BphysicsCmedicine Dlaw答案:C根据后文提示可知为医药大学。8A.improve Bsave Cdesign Dearn答案:Dearn意为“获得”,获得医药学历。9A.returned BescapedCspread Dwandered 答案:A据上文知蒙特利尔是她的家乡,学成后“返回”。10A.school BmuseumCclinic Dlab答案:C开办一个私人诊所,即clinic。11A.busy Bwealthy Cgreedy Dlucky答案:A由下文知夏洛蒂为附近人们服务,因而很忙。12A.helped BfoundCtroubled Dimagined答案:Bfind sb. doing发现某人一直做某事。13A.harmful Btired Cbroken Dweak 答案:C接上断掉的骨头,broken意为断掉的。14A.put away Btaken overCturned on Dapplied for答案:D由上下文知,她曾经申请过医生执照,但被拒绝。15A.punished BrefusedCblamed Dfired 答案:B参考上一题的解析。16A.display BchangeCpreview Dcomplete答案:Dcomplete意为“完成”,一所大学邀请她完成学业。17A.leave BchargeCtest Dcure 答案:A由原文知她不愿离开病人去学习。leave离开。18A.sell Bdonate Cissue Dshow答案:Cissue意为“颁发,发行”。19A.continued BpromisedCpretended Ddreamed答案:A由上文知,夏洛蒂没有获得执照,但继续行医。continue意为“继续”。20A.birth BdeathCwedding Dgraduation答案:B在夏洛蒂去世77年后,获得执照,death意为去世。.阅读理解Mario Capecchi, 70, a scientist at the University of Utah, US, got a bonus after winning the 2007 Nobel Prize for medicine: He learned he has a younger sister.Capecchi returned to his native Italy last month and met with his halfsister Marlene Bonelli, 69, who believed Capecchi and her mother had died during World War . It was really more of an introduction; they were too young to remember when they were separated in the early days of World War .Capecchis mother gave birth to Bonelli in 1939, when her son was learning to walk. Lucy Ramberg, who was in prison for much of the war, handed over the baby girl to friends living in Austria, where Bonelli still lives.Bonelli recognized Capecchis name after he won the Nobel Prize in October and informed the media in Austria that the famous scientist was her brother. The newspaper Dolomiten sent Capecchi photos of Bonelli. “Looking at the pictures, it was obviously my sister,” Capecchi said, noting she was very like his mother.With the help of an interpreter, they reunited at a hotel. “She doesnt speak English and I dont speak German, and neither of us speaks Italian, although I can get away with it in a restaurant,” Capecchi said.The reunion was another dramatic(戏剧性的)turn in Capecchis life story. Capecchi was separated from his mother during World War . The two were reunited at the end of the war, when he was 9, and they moved to the United States. As a child in America, Capecchi started on what became a brilliant academic career.文章大意:70岁的美籍遗传学家马里奥卡佩基惊喜连连,刚刚喜获2007年度诺贝尔医学奖,又靠诺贝尔奖的“牵线搭桥”,终于与失散68年的妹妹在意大利重逢!1What might be the most suitable title for the passage?AHow the Nobel Prize Winners Sister Survived World War BMario Capecchis Great Success in His CareerCNew Nobel Prize WinnerMario CapecchiDNobel Prize Winner Reunited with His Sister Lost in World War 答案:D归纳标题题。纵观全文,主要讲述了诺贝尔奖获得者马里奥卡佩基靠诺贝尔奖的帮助,与失散多年的妹妹重逢一事,D选项概括全面,可作标题。2The underlined word“bonus”in the first paragraph probably refers to_.Athe money given to Mario CapecchiBthe fame for his achievementCthe news that his sister is still aliveDthe idea that he wants to look for his sister答案:C指代题。根据下文冒号后的解释:He learned he has a younger sister可推知,此处的“bonus”指的是他获知自己还有一个在世的妹妹。3How did the brother and sister separate from each other?AThe sister was put in prison.BThe sister was sent to Austria.CThe brother moved to America.DThe brother left Italy with their mom.答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段Lucy Ramberg,. handed over the baby girl to friends living in Austria.可知,Bonelli当年是被送给奥地利的朋友了。4It can be inferred from the passage that Capecchi moved to America in _.A1938 B1939C1945 D1947答案:D计算题。第一段提到Capecchi 70岁,第二段提到Bonelli 69岁,第三段提到Bonelli出生于1939年,由此可推知Capecchi生于1938年。最后一段说到他九岁时去了美国。经计算可知,Capecchi是在1947年去的美国。5What can be inferred from the passage?AMario Capecchi and his sister always knew each other.BMario Capecchis mother was out of prison finally.CBonelli once reunited with her mother.DWhen Capecchi and his sister were reunited, they could


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