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(新高考)湖北省襄阳五中2021届高三英语下学期第一次模拟试题(含解析)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮檫干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在打题卡上,写在试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.答案是C。1 What dose the man like about the play?A. The story. B. The ending. C. The actor.2. Which place are the speakers trying to find?A. A hotel.B. A bank.C. A restaurant.3. At what time will the two speakers meet?A.5:20. B.5:10. C.4:40.4. what will the man do?A. Change the plan.B. Wait for a phone call.C. Sort things out.5. What does the woman want to do?A. See a film with the man.B. Offer the man some help.C. Listen to some great music.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A. B. C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题.6. Where is Ben?A. In the kitchen.B. At school.C. In the park.7. What will the children do in the aftrenoon?A. Help set the table.B. Have a party.C. Do their homework.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题.8. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A family holiday.B. A business trip.C. A travel plan.9. Where did Rachel go?A. Spain.B. Italy.C. China.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10. How did the woman get to know about thirdhand smoke?A. From young smokers.B. From a newspaper article.C. From some smoking parents11. Why does the man say that he should keep away from babies?A. He has just become a father.B. He wears dirty clothes.C. He is a smoker.12. What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do?A. Stop smoking altogether.B. Smoke only outside their houses.C. Reduce dangerous matter in cigarettes.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题.13. What does Jan consider most important when he judges a restaurant?A. Where the restaurant is.B. Whether the prices are low.C. How well the food is prepared.14. When did Jan begin to write for a magazine?A. After he came back to Sweden.B. Before he went to the United States.C. As soon as he got his first job in 1982.15. What may Jan do to find a good restaurant?A. Talk to people in the street.B. Speak to taxi drivers.C. Ask hotel clerks.16. What do we know about Jan?A. He cooks for a restaurant.B. He travels a lot for his work.C. He prefers American food.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题.17. What do we know about the Plaza Leon?A. Its a new building.B. Its a small town.C. Its a public place.18. When do parents and children like going to the Plaza Leon?A. Saturday nights.B. Sunday afternoonsC. Fridays and Saturdays.19. Which street is known for its food shops and markets?A. Via del Mar Street.B. Fernando Street.C. Hernandes Street.20. Why does the speaker like Horatio Street best?A. It has an old stone surface.B. It is named after a writer.C. It has a famous university.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ADear students and employees(员工) of RWTH,Based on recent decisions by the state government on Covid-19 lockdown( 封 城 ), the Management Committee of RWTH have decided on the following measures:Studying and teaching:All in-person classroom teaching activities (especially lab courses written examinations, and exam revision) will be stopped in the period from December 16, 2021 to January 10, 2021. If possible and reasonable, teachers can offer online teaching during this time instead. We would also advise strongly the exam committee to find ways that help students with their degree programs.All network teaching and exams that have already been planned will continue during this time.Service operations:In the period from December 16, 2021 to January 10, 2021, all employees who can work from home must do so, even if this causes quality losses.For the period from December 21, 2021 to January 8, 2021, we have made further offers for service operations and vacation arrangements.If employees have questions about the organization of working hours and childcare, the human resources departments will be happy to help. The state government has also said it will provide help for this group of employees.The Management Committee of RWTH has taken the above measures based on the following rules: All measures are designed to reduce the possibilities of infection( 感 染 ) even more (for example, by reducing the need to take transportation).The Management Committee calls on all students, employees, and managers to fully obey the measures that have been made.Best regards.Head of the Management Committee of RWTH1. When may the email be written?A. On December 14, 2021B. On January 10, 2021C. On January 8, 2021D. On December 21, 20212. What is most probably RWTH?A. A universityB. A programC. A courseD. A state3. What can we learn from the text ?A. All the teaching activities will be stopped from December 16, 2021 to January 10, 2021including teaching on the Internet.B. All the measures are taken in order to cut down the number of infection as much as possible.C. Workers must work in the campus if the measures cause quality losses.D. All exams that have been planned before will not be held during the lockdown.【答案】1. A 2. A 3. B【解析】【分析】本文是一封书信。文章主要说明了疫情期间学校在研究和教学领域以及服务运营方面需要做出的一些具体措施。【1题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第二段“All in-person classroom teaching activities (especially lab courses, written examinations, and exam revision) will be stopped in the period from December 16, 2021 to January 10, 2021.(2021年12月16日至2021年1月10日期间,所有课堂教学活动(特别是实验室课程、笔试和考试复习)将停止。)”可判断,本文是一则电子邮件通知,写在2021年12月16日之前。故选A项。【2题详解】推理判断题。根据文章开头“Dear students and employees(员工) of RWTH,(尊敬的RWTH师生们:)”和第二段“If possible and reasonable, teachers can offer online teaching during this time instead. We would also advise strongly the exam committee to find ways that help students with their degree programs.(如果可能和合理的话,教师可以在这段时间提供在线教学。我们也强烈建议考试委员会找到帮助学生完成学位课程的方法。)”可推测,RWTH指的是一所大学。故选A项。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“The Management Committee of RWTH has taken the above measures based on the following rules: All measures are designed to reduce the possibilities of infection even more (for example, by reducing the need to take transportation).(RWTH管理委员会根据以下规则采取了上述措施:所有措施都是为了进一步减少感染的可能性(例如,通过减少交通的需要)。)”可知,所有的措施都是为了尽可能的减少感染的数量。故选B项。BWhen I was first married to my wife, I lived and worked in Ontario, moving from small town to big city as I pursued my career as a radio broadcaster. We have two sons, both of whom were born in Toronto, but they moved, with us, to Ottawa when they were quite young. They grew up there, and then, chasing their own careers, they also moved. One went to Canadas east coast near a city called Halifax and the other headed to the west coast to Vancouver. We had a dilemma; we were left in the middle.At the time I was still working and my job was in Ottawa. However, as we began to consider retirement we wondered where we should spend our final years. We couldnt be close to both of our children and there was no telling when they might again relocate. For several reasons we settled on a small town on Vancouver Island. At least we were close to one of them. However, he had his sights set on Hollywood and, when an opportunity presented itself, he left Canada and headed south. I helped him move.So, there we were, and still are, in our little west coast town. We love our little corner of paradise but we have paid a price. We have not been there for some important events such as the births of two of our grandchildren. We have missed watching each of them grow up; we have missed the normal, noisy households that have young people in them. Our home, while very comfortable, is also very quiet.Every fall we travel to see the children. We usually fly, first to California to see our son Scott and spend a week or more with him trying to catch up on everything weve missed. Then, usually in November, we make the even longer trip east across Canada to see Travis and our grandchildren, who are now teenagers, actually into their twenties. They seldom come to visit us. The distances are just too great and it is costly.Fortunately, both our boys are doing well and our grandchildren are growing up straight and tall. We love all of them and we are secure in the knowledge that they love us but the reality is that they dont need us. We have done our jobs and, at least in theory, we can sit back, relax and enjoy the time remaining to us. They have also missed having a set of parents and grandparents around.Life has been good for our family but we have all paid a price.4. What does the author mean by saying “We had a dilemma.”?A. They were not happy about their sons absence.B. They were unwilling to separate from their sons.C. They were not yet prepared for retirement at that time.D. They couldnt decide which son to live close to.5. Why does the author say they have paid a price?A. They have lost lots of money because of his retirement.B. They have to give a large sum of money to their sons.C. They have been absent from their childrens life.D. They have to afford very expensive fare to visit their sons.6. Why do not the authors grandchildren visit them regularly?A. They are quite occupied with their homework.B. Its not easy for the kids to visit their grandparents.C. They dont need their grandparents any more.D. The weather of winter in Canada is very awful.7. What is the best title for the text?A. Grandparents LoveB. Suffering SeparationC. A Price to PayD. Hidden Emotions【答案】4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C【解析】【分析】本文为一篇记叙文。作者一家人忙于追求各自的事业,因此不能相互陪伴。作者认为,虽然生活很幸福,但是陪伴的缺席是一种付出的代价。【4题详解】句意猜测题。根据第一段“One went to Canadas east coast near a city called Halifax and the other headed to the west coast to Vancouver. We had a dilemma; we were left in the middle.”(一个去了加拿大东海岸附近一个叫哈利法克斯的城市,另一个去了西海岸温哥华。我们进退两难;我们被夹在中间。)及第二段“We couldnt be close to both of our children and there was no telling when they might again relocate. ”(我们无法与两个孩子都近距离接触,也不知道他们什么时候会再次搬迁。)推测,作者说自己进退两难是想离孩子近一点,但又不知道选择哪一个。故选D项。【5题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第三段“ We have not been there for some important events such as the births of two of our grandchildren. We have missed watching each of them grow up; we have missed the normal, noisy households that have young people in them.”(一些重要的事情,比如我们两个孙子的出生,我们都没有去那里。我们错过了看着他们每个人成长的时光;我们怀念家里有小孩子的正常、吵闹的家庭生活。)可以推测,作者认为他们付出了代价是因为他们没有参与到孩子们的生活中。故选C项。【6题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第四段“They seldom come to visit us. The distances are just too great and it is costly.”(他们很少来看我们。距离太远,成本太高。)可知,作者的孙辈不能经常来拜访他们是因为不方便,不容易。故选B项。【7题详解】主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“We love our little corner of paradise but we have paid a price.”(我们都爱我们自己的小天堂,但我们已经付出了代价。)及最后一段“Life has been good for our family but we have all paid a price.”(我们家的生活很好,但我们都付出了代价。)并结合全文内容可知,作者认为自己和孩子的家庭都幸福,但是缺少了相互的陪伴,因此,是一种不得不付出的代价。A Price to Pay(付出的代价)符合全文故事主旨。故选C项。CAbout 12 million tons of plastic wastes are entering the oceans every year. This garbage pollutes the water, kills wildlife and breaks down into small pieces that fish and other creatures eat.Now a group of Spanish fishermen will receive economic support to catch plastics. It is part of a new project. Carlos Martin is one of the fishermen taking part in the project. He and his partners collect the plastic in the ocean and bring it back to land every week. Martin thinks rivers carry a lot of plastics to the sea. He says his most concern is no more than that the plastics often get caught in the nets, which makes nets not work properly. They take on mud(泥), causing the nets to break because they weigh so much.Under the new programs, one million pounds will support ocean cleanup efforts for fishermen like Martin. The money is coming from the European Union and the Catalan government. Sergi Tudela, the General Director of Catalonia Fisheries, is responsible for the cleanup project. He said, We are hopeful that if we are successful in this project, we can apply it to other areas in the Mediterranean(地中海).Government reports show that the amount of plastic wastes washing up along the Spanish coastline has grown by 65 percent in just six years. Fishing equipment makes up a large part of the about 8 to 12 million tons of plastics left in the worlds oceans every year.Martin says the fishing community now understands how big the problem is. He says, In the past we didnt see it that way. We took the plastic garbage and threw it back into the water. I think that after a few year here we have realized the problem. Nothing is thrown into the water; we collect everything and bring it to shore.8. What worries Martin most about plastic wastes at the beginning?A. They pollute the sea environment.B. They affect the quality and taste of fish.C. They prevent the fishing nets from working well.D. They kill wildlife and reduce his fishing amount.9. What does Sergi Tudela probably consider doing?A. Getting more money to support the project.B. Getting help from other European countries.C. Spreading the cleanup project to more places.D. Praising the European Union for their helping to the oceans.10 What do Martins words in the last paragraph imply(暗示)about the fishing community?A. Its members do a lot of work for free.B. It has stopped using plastic fishing equipment.C. It has made positive changes to fight plastic wastes.D. Its members find people sill throw the garbage carelessly.11. What would be the best title for the text?A. New programs are changing fishermens lifeB. Money is given to Spanish fishermen to clean up oceansC. Traditional fishing equipment causes a lot of plastic wastesD. Spanish fishermen are encouraging people to clean up oceans【答案】8. C 9. C 10. C 11. B【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。西班牙渔民将获得一些经济补助,以帮助他们清理海洋中的塑料垃圾。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中“He says his most concern is no more than that the plastics often get caught in the nets, which makes nets not work properly. They take on mud(泥), causing the nets to break because they weigh so much.”( 他说,他最关心的不过是渔网会经常兜住塑料,使网不能正常工作。它们沾着泥浆,破坏渔网,因为它们太重了。)可知,起初Martin最担心的是塑料垃圾使渔网无法正常工作。故选C项。【9题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中Sergi Tudela 说的话“We are hopeful that if we are successful in this project, we can apply it to other areas in the Mediterranean(地中海).”(我们希望,如果这个项目取得成功,我们可以将其应用到地中海其他地区。)可知,Sergi Tudela可能会考虑将清理工作扩展到更多的地方。故选C项。【10题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中Martin说的话“Nothing is thrown into the water; we collect everything and bring it to shore.”(没有任何东西被扔进水里;我们把所有的东西都收集起来,带上岸。)可知,Martin的话暗示了,对于消灭塑料垃圾,他们已经做出了许多积极的变化。故选C项。【11题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第二段中“Now a group of Spanish fishermen will receive economic support to catch plastics.”(现在,一群西班牙渔民将得到捕捞塑料的经济支持。)可知,本文主要讲述了西班牙渔民获得一些经济上的补助,以帮助他们清理海洋中的塑料垃圾。选项B“西班牙渔民会得到钱来清理海洋”紧贴主题,清楚地说明了人物和事件,适合做标题。故选B项。DIts possible to admire Oprah Winfrey and still wish Harvard hadnt awarded her an honorary doctor of law degree and the commencement speaker spot at yesterdays graduation. Theres no question Oprahs achievements place her in the temple of American success stories. Talent, charm, and an exceptional work ethic have rarely hurled anyone as far as they have this former abused teenage mother from rural Mississippi who became one of the worlds most successful entertainment icons and the first African-American female billionaire.Honorary degrees are often conferred on non-academic leaders in the arts, business, and politics. Harvards list in recent years has included Kofi fi Annan, Bill Gates, Meryl Streep, and David Souter. But Oprahs particular brand of celebrity is not a good fit for the values of a university whose motto, Veritas, means truth. Oprahs passionate advocacy extends, unfortunately, to a hearty embrace of fake science. Most notoriously, Oprahs validation of Jenny McCarthys claim that vaccines cause autism has no doubt contributed to much harm through the foolish avoidance of vaccines.Famous people are entitled to a few failings, like the rest of us. And the choice of commencement speakers often reflects a balance of institutional priorities and aspirations. Judging from our conversations with many students, Oprah was a widely popular choice.But this vote of confidence in Oprah sends a troubling message at precisely the time when American universities need to do more to advance the cause of reason. As former Dean of Harvard College, Harry Lewis, noted in a blog post about his objections. “It seems very odd for Harvard to honor such a high profile popularizer of the irrational at a time when political and religious nonsense so jeopardize the rule of reason in this allegedly enlightened democracy and around the world.”As Americas oldest and most visible university, Harvard has a special opportunity to convey its respect for science not only through its research and teaching programs but also in its public affirmation of evidence-based inquiry.Unfortunately, many American universities seem awfully busy protecting their brand name and not nearly busy enough protecting the pursuit of knowledge. A recent article in The Harvard Crimson noted the shocking growth of Harvards public relations arm in the last five years and it questioned whether a focus on risk management and avoiding controversy was really the best outward-looking face of this great institution.As American research universities begin to resemble profit centers and entertainment complexes, its easy to lose sight of their primary mission: to produce and spread knowledge. This mission depends on traditions of rational discourse and vigorous defense of the scientific method. Oprah Winfreys honorary doctorate was a step in the wrong direction.12. What do we learn about Oprah Winfrey from the passage?A. She was a distinguished graduate of Harvard School of Law.B. She worked her way to success in the entertainment industry.C. She used to abuse her children when she was a young mother.D. She achieved her fame through persistent advocacy of fake science.13. Why does the author think it inappropriate for Harvard to confer an honorary degree on Oprah Winfrey?A. She did not specialize in the study of law.B. She was known as a supporter of fake science.C. She was an icon of the entertainment industryD. She had not distinguished herself academically.14. What is the authors regret about many American universities?A They show inadequate respect for evidence-based inquiry.B. They fall short of expectations in teaching and research.C. They all attach too much importance to public relations.D. They are tolerant of political and religious nonsense.15. What does the author think a prestigious university like Harvard should focus on?A. Cultivation of student creativity.B. Defense of the scientific method.C. Liberation of the human mind.D. Pursuit of knowledge and truth.【答案】12. B 13. B 14. C 15. D【解析】【分析】这是一篇议论文。文章中作者认为,哈佛不应该授予奥普拉温弗瑞荣誉学位,因为她被认为是假科学的支持者。指出如今美国的大学过于注重公共关系,忽视了它们的主要使命:对知识和真理的追求。【12题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中“this former abused teenage mother from rural Mississippi who became one of the worlds most successful entertainment icons and the first African-American female billionaire. (这位来自密西西比乡下、曾经因为遭受性侵而十几岁就当了妈妈的女性,现如今已成为世界上最成功的娱乐圈偶像之一,并成为第一位美籍非裔女亿万富翁)”可知,奥普拉温弗瑞通过努力在娱乐界取得了成功。故选B。【13题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段中“But Oprahs particular brand of celebrity is not a good fit for the values of a university whose motto, Veritas, means truth. Oprahs passionate advocacy extends, unfortunately, to a hearty embrace of fake science. Most notoriously, Oprahs validation of Jenny McCarthys claim that vaccines cause autism has no doubt contributed to much harm through the foolish avoidance of vaccines.(但是奥普拉独特的名气与这所以真理为校训的大学的价值观并不相符。很不幸,Oprah激情的倡议演变成了对伪科学的真心拥护。最臭名昭著的一件事是她认同Jenny M


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