仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C 课件(共27张PPT)

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仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C 课件(共27张PPT)_第1页
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Section C Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? Do you have the following habit? 1.Doing exercise half an hour every day2.Smoking and drinking3.Eating fast food often4.Eating more meat and less vegetables and fruit5.Sleeping 8 hours a day6.Being unhappy always7.Drinking enough waterPair work Talk with your partner and check the following habits are good or bad. If not,give your advice.S1:Is doing exercise half an hour every day good or bad?S2:It s good/bad. We should/had better/ Tip: You can get the main idea of a paragraph according to the topic sentence. You can find the topic sentence at the or of the paragraph. 1.You need to have healthy eating habits.breakfast gives you enough energy for the morning.So don t go to school without it. Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, But fast food,like potato chips ,will make you fat and unhealthy.So eat the right food to keep you healthy.Skimming:read and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.beginning ending 2. Playing sports can also help you keep fit.But sometimes accidents can happen, so try to stay safe when you play them. It s necessary for you to learn about first aid. Then you can help yourselves or others if an accident happens. 3. Happiness is important for your health.It is the best madicine.When you ae ill,try to be happy and you ll feel better.On the other hand,You may feel ill if you are always unhappy.So ,be happy tobe healthy. 4.You must stay away from smoking and drinking.Many students think it s cool to smoke and drink.But they don t know smoking or drinking can cause many illnesses. You should say no to smoking and drinking. Scanning:mark the following sentences “T” for (True) or “F” for (False) and corect it.1.Eating fast food will make you fat and unhealthy,so we should eat the right food to keep healthy.( ) 2.When you play sports,accidents can happen,we should try to stay safe.( )3.Its not necessary for you to learn about first aid.( ) nec ssary 4.On the other hand, you may feel ill if you are always happy.( ) unhappy5.You should not say no to smoking and drinking.( ) should Tip: while reading, you can circle or underline the key words that help you understand the passage more correctly. Scanning:read 1a again and discuss what the red words refer to in the passage.So don t go to school without it.So try to stay safe when you play them.It is the best medicine.But they don t know smoking or drinking breakfastsportshappiness the students1cTip: while reading, you can circle or underline the key words that help you find the answer more correctly. Read the first paragraph,and answer the question.What can we eat to have healthy eating habits?We must eat breakfast, fruit and vegetables and dont eat fast food.Tip: while reading, you can underline the key words that help you . 1.You need to have healthy eating habits.breakfast gives you enough energy for the morning.So don t go to school without it. Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, But fast food,like potato chips ,will make you fat and unhealthy.So eat the right food to keep you healthy. What can we do when we play sports?We should try to stay safe and learn about first aid.2. Playing sports can also help you keep fit.But sometimes accidents can happen, so try to stay safe when you play them. It s necessary for you to learn about first aid. Then you can help yourselves or others if an accident happens.Read the second paragraph,and answer the question.Tip: while reading, you can underline the key words that help you . Why does it say, “Happiness is the best medicine”?Because it can make you feel better when you are ill.Read the third paragraph,and answer the question.Tip: while reading, you can underline the key words that help you .3. Happiness is important for your health.It is the best madicine.When you ae ill,try to be happy and you ll feel better.On the other hand,You may feel ill if you are always unhappy.So ,be happy tobe healthy. Why must we stay away from smoking and drinking?Because smoking or drinking can cause many illnesses.Read the forth paragraph,and answer the question.Tip: while reading, you can underline the key words that help you .4.You must stay away from smoking and drinking.Many students think it s cool to smoke and drink.But they don t know smoking or drinking can cause many illnesses. You should say no to smoking and drinking. Keeping healthy Have healthy habits.Play . Be .Stay away from and . Eat .Eat . Dont eat .Try to and learn about . It can make you when you are ill. It can cause many . Draw a mind-mapTip:A good structure (结 构 ) can help us understand the passage better . .eating breakfastfruit and vegetablesfastfoodsports stay safefirstaidhappy feel bettersmoking drinking illnesses Group workDiscuss the question with your partners in your group, What else can we do to keep healthy? And why?Then choose one student of your group to report. Top 10 standarsBe full of energy Be happy Have a good sleep Have adaptable ability适 应 能 力强Resist the common diseases能 抵 抗 一般 疾 病 Maintastandar in weight保持 标 准 体重Have bright eyes Have shiny hair头 发有 光泽 Have strong teeth Have good skin.How many points have you done and check if you are a healthy person? Learn some new words and phrases. habit fat happen try to do sth. on the other hand say no to sth/doing sth. Its necessary for sb. to do sth.2.Know how to keep healthy in our daily life. 1.写 给 小 组 成 员 的 一 封 信 ! Keeping Healthy!小 组 合 力 完 成 ,每 位 组 员 写 一 个 建 议 , 组 长 用 连 词把 句 子 串 联 起 来 , 并 加 上 开 头 和 结尾 。 )


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