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microscopicmess351Migrant WorkersIn the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another. While some newly independent countries have understandably restricted most jobs to local people, others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the case in the Middle East,where increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to call in 0utsiders to improve local facilities.Thus the Middle East has attracted oil-workers from the USA and Europe. It has brought in construction workers and technicians from many countries, including South Korea and Japan.In view of the difficult living and working conditions in the Middle East, it is not surprising that the pay is high to attract suitable workers. Many engineers and technicians can earn at least twice as much money in the Middle East as they can in their own country, and this is a major attraction。 An allied benefit is the low taxation or complete lack of it. This increases the net amount of pay received by visiting workers and is very popular with them.Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating advantage.For example, the difficult living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers have to depend on each other for safety and comfort.In a similar way, many migrant workers can save large sums of money partly because of the lack of entertainment facilities. The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely presents greater challenge to engineers who prefer to find solutions to problems rather than do routine work in their home country.One major problem which affects migrant workers in the Middle East is that their jobs are temporary ones. They are nearly always on contract, so it is not easy for them to plan ahead with great confidence. This is to be expected since no country welcomes a large number of foreign workers as permanent residents. In any case, migrant workers accept this disadvantage, along with others, because of the considerable financial benefits which they receive.DreamsEveryone can dream. Indeed, everyone does dream. Those who claim that they never dream at all actually dream just as frequently as the rest of us, though they may not remember anything about it. Even those of us who are perfectly aware of dreaming night after night very seldom remember those dreams in great detail but1 merely retain an untidy mixture of seemingly unrelated impressions. Dreams are not simply visual-we dream with all our senses so that we appear to experience sound, touch, smell, and taste.One of the worlds oldest known written documents is the Egyptian Book of Dreams. This volume is about five thousand years old, so you can see that dreams were believed to have a special significance even then, Many ancient civilizations believed that you should never wake a sleeping person as, during sleep, the soul had left the body and might not be able to return in time if the sleeper were suddenly awoken .From ancient times to the present day, people have been making attempts to interpret dreams and to explain their significance. There are many books available on the subject of dream interpretation, although unfortunately there are almost as many meanings for a particular dream as there are books.Scientists Develop Ways of Detecting Heart AttackGerman researchers have come up with a new generation of defibrillators and early-warning software aimed at offering heart patients greater protection1 from sudden death from cardiac arrest.In Germany alone around 100,000 people die annually as a result of cardiac arrest and many of these cases are caused by disruption to the hearts rhythm. Those most at risk are patients who have already suffered a heart attack, and for years the use of defibrillators has proved useful in diagnosing life-threatening disruptions to heart rhythms and correcting them automatically by intervening within seconds. These devices take on a range of functions, such as that of pacemaker.Heart specialists at Freiburgs University Clinic have now achieved a breakthrough with an implanted defibrillator capable of generating a six-channel electrocardiogram ( ECG) within the body. This integrated system allows early diagnosis of acute blood-flow problems and a pending heart attack. It will be implanted in patients for the first time this year. Meanwhile, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Mathematics in Kaiserslautern have developed new computer software that renders the evaluation of ECG data more precise.The overwhelming majority of patients at risk will not have an implanted defibrillator and must for this reason undergo regular ECGs. “Many of the current programs only take into account a linear correlation of the data. We are, however, making use of a non-linear process that reveals the chaotic patterns of heart beats as an open and complex system,” Hagen Knaf says, “In this way changes in the heart beats over time can be monitored and individual variations in patients taken into account.” An old study of ECG data, based upon 600 patients who had suffered a subsequent heart attack, enabled the researchers to compare risks and to show that the new software evaluates the data considerably better.Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ ScoresYoung adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university, reveals a major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital. The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The study involved 1.2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976. The research group analyzed the results of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army. The study shows a clear link between good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. The strongest links are for logical thinking and verbal comprehension. But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test,and not strength. “Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen,” says Michael Nilsson, professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. “This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness, but not with muscular strength. We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important. ” By analyzing data for twins, the researchers have been able to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and a higher IQ. “We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,” says Maria Aberg, researcher at the Sahlgrenska Academy and physician at Aby health centre. “This being the case6, physical education is a subject that has an important place in schools, and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects.” The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests during national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in life. Those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education, and many secured more qualified jobs. Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred YearsA hundred years ago, life expectancy in developed countries was about 47; in the early 21st century, men in the United States and the United Kingdom can expect to live to about 74, women to about 80, and these ages are rising all the time. What has brought about these changes? When we look at the life span of people 100 years ago, we need to look at the greatest killers of the time. In the early 20th century, these were the acute and often highly infectious diseases such as smallpox. Many children died very young from these diseases and others, and the weak and elderly were always at risk.In the developed world these diseases are far lessdeadly today, and in some cases have almost disappeared. A number of factors have led to this: improvements in sanitation and hygiene, the discovery and use of antibiotics, which make bacterial diseases much less dangerous, and vaccinations against common diseases.In addition, peoples general health has improved with improvements in our general environment: cleaner air, better means of preserving food, better and warmer housing, and better understanding of nutrition.Genetically, we should all be able to live to about 85 but while people do live longer today, there are still some big killers around that are preventing us from consistently reaching that age. The problems that affect people today are the more chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and strokes, and those spread by viruses, such as influenza and AIDS1. Of course, cancer is a huge killer as well. In most cases these diseases affect older people, but there are worrying trends in the developed world with problems such as obesity leading to more heart disease and illnesses such as diabetes at younger ages.The killers today can be classed as “lifestyle diseases”, which means that it may be possible to halt their progress.Who Wants to Live Forever?谁想永生?If your doctor could give you a drug that 如果你的医生能给你一种药,这个药能让你健康的活两倍长的时间,你会服用吗?好消息是我们离这一天越来越近了。科学家已经在实验中延长了苍蝇、蠕虫和老鼠的寿命。许多人认为,采用基因疗法,我们很快就能将人类的寿命延长到至少140年。这看似一个好主意。想想我们将会延长多少时间来追逐我们的梦想、与爱人厮守、看着我们的孩子成长并组成他们自己的家庭。加州大学公共健康学院的格里戈里斯托克博士认为: “长寿能使我们有机会改正错误,亦能促使人从长计划。同时,长寿还延长了人的工作时间,从而使生产力得到提高。”长寿不仅会影响到寿命延长的这个人的生活,还会影响到整个社会。“战争、贫困,所有这类问题都确实存在着,而我认为延长人的寿命并不能缓解这些问题,”美国的生命伦理学家丹尼尔,卡拉汉如是说,“我们应该考虑的是长寿将给我们的社会带来什么?我想那将不是一个更好的社会。”当然,那将是一个非常不同的社会。如今的人们已经觉得保持一段婚姻比以往更加困难。离婚率在不断上升。如果一个社会里的人都能活到140岁,那时候的婚姻将是什么样的呢?如果一个家庭里同时生活着九或十代人,那样的家庭生活又将是怎样的一种情景呢?对老龄化的研究有可能延长女性的育龄。那样的话,就可能出现百岁的父母,或者年龄相差50岁的兄弟姐妹。其实我们是希望哥哥或姐姐能够给予我们帮助、建议和保护,但是如果他们属于另一个完全不同的年代,就很难做到这些。长寿也将影响到人的职业生涯,尤其是退休年龄被推后了。更多的人将工作更长的时间。这能带给我们年龄上的优势:熟练的技术、智慧以及准确的判断。而另一方面,更多的人工作更长的时间将使求职的竞争更加激烈。年轻人更难找到工作。永远是少数的那几个人占据着高端职位,这使职业发展更加困难。想象一下:一个25岁的员工在与125岁的老板沟通时将遇到怎样的困难?在一个人的寿命长达140年的社会,年轻人将是一个很小的人群。因此,这样的社会很可能不会太看重对年轻人的教育和引导,反而会更重视改善老年人的生活质量。如果一个社会的绝大多数是老年人,它将给人带来很不同的感受。它更有智慧,却缺乏活力。年轻人喜动,老年人喜静;年轻人做事缺乏思考,老年人爱思考却缺乏行动;年轻人好奇心强并渴望有不同的体验,老年人对变化缺乏热情,事实上,他们是对所有的事都缺乏热情。“逆老龄化”技术所产生的影响比我们想象的要深远。而随着科技的进步,我们现在就需要去考虑这些改变。“如果这个技术有一天能实现,我们最好问问自己想得到一个怎样的社会,”丹尼尔卡拉汉,“在想清楚这些问题之前,我们最好不要开始着手做这件事。”until we have figure those problems out1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the things that living longer might enable an individual to do?-Having more education.2.Which of the following is implied in the sixth paragraph?-Marriages in the US today are quite unstable.3.All of the following are possible effects living longer might have on working life EXCEPT -More money would be used by employees in payment of their employees.4.An important feature of a society in which people live a long life is that -it lacks the curiosity to experiment what is new.5.Which of the following best describes Callahans attitude to anti-ageing technology ?-Reserved.Single-parent Kids Do Best单亲幼儿最出色Single mums are better at raising单身母亲在抚养孩子方面比双亲要好至少在鸟的世界是这样的。母斑胸草雀必须要努力工作且只能抚养较少的小鸟,但是它们抚养的雄性后代更有吸引力,更容易得到配偶。这个发现显示家庭冲突是与捕食和食物提供等生态因素同样重要的进化推动力。身边有双亲就总会有利益冲突,这会对后代的质量产生有害的影响。从进化的角度讲,在动物界,任何一个父亲或母亲的最佳策略都是让他人来照顾后代,这样,它们就可以集中精力再繁殖后代。所以父母之间很自然就出现了相互推卸责任的现象。但是兰卡斯特大学的阿兰哈特利及他的工作组想知道家庭是如何解决这个冲突的,以及冲突本身是如何影响后代的。为了找到答案他们衡量斑胸草雀抚养它们的子女花了多少力气。他们监控每个母亲或父亲采集的食物量,以及移动或增加小鸟,因此每对草雀养4只小鸟,每只单身母雀养两只假定这是相同的工作量。通过这些方法他们对单身母雀和成对草雀做了比较。但是他们发现单身母雀比与配偶共同抚养后代的母雀多付出25%。如果公雀太懒的话,为了避免受到剥削,有配偶的母雀并不十分努力工作。这样做的后果就是后代付出代价。哈特利说:“后代要为这种冲突付出某些代价。”这种代价不是表现在身材和体重的锐减,而是表现在它们对异性有多大吸引力上。当小鸟长大后,研究者通过提供给雌性它们所选择的伴侣的方法检验雄性后代的健康状况。那些由单身母亲抚养大的雄性比由父母抚养大的雄性更多地被选中。研究鸟类父母冲突的剑桥大学动物学家瑞贝卡,卡尔纳说,很久以来人们就认为两性之间的冲突会影响对后代的照顾。 “但是试验证据并不充分。这个突破主要是以经验来显示这种影响的。”卡尔纳说更为令人惊讶的是哈特利说这种冲突可能会严重影响行为的进化、窝卵数目甚至外表。哈特利说:“人们并没真正确定这种联系。”人们通常认为雌性的繁殖策略受捕食和食物提供方式的影响。卡尔纳说父母之间的冲突现在也应该被考虑在内了。be taken into account as well1.With which of the following statements would the author probably agree?-Two-parent families produce less attractive children2.According to the passage, in what way does family conflict affect the quality of the offspring?-The young males get less care.3.What is the relationship between paragraph 4 and paragraph 5?-Experiment and result.4.According to Hartley, which of the following is NOT influenced by sexual conflict?-The offsprings body size.5.According to the passage, people believe that a females reproductive strategy is influenced by -ecological factorsDangerous Sunshine to Children日光有害儿童健康Two United Nations agencies warned on 星期二世界卫生组织和联合国环境规划署联合发出警告称,儿童由于长期缺乏地球臭氧层的保护,感染皮肤癌的可能性很大。同时,这两家联合国机构发布了一项全球性计划,旨在引起学校对日光的警觉。世界卫生组织总干事Lee Jong-wook说:“随着臭氧消耗愈加明显,和全球进行日光浴人群的增加,由于过度受到紫外线辐射而引起的并发症成为危害公众健康的一大隐患。”他说,通过减少儿童和青少年直接接受阳光的时间,“我们可以从根本上减少也许在年龄大一些时才可能患上的皮肤癌、白内障和其他的一些疾病的风险。”在2002年的世界健康状况报告中,世界卫生组织称,全世界每年平均有66,000人死于黑素瘤和其他类型的皮肤癌。独立的科学研究表明,每年会产生2,000,000 -3,000,000例新的非恶性黑素瘤和大约130,000例致命的恶性黑素瘤晚期皮肤癌的病例。尽管众所周知,皮肤癌似乎常发生在工业化的国家,联合国辐射和环境卫生专家Mike Repa-choli在一次记者招待会上称,贫穷国家一定也有很多这样的病例,只是未报告统计罢了。尽管深肤色的人相对不易感染皮肤癌,但他们和浅肤色的人一样易患白内障,而且住在赤道附近的人更容易患白内障。至于保护措施,世界卫生组织说将会在学校中实行“保护儿童免受紫外线辐射的规划”,两家联合国机构将会发布一揽子建议供老师们参考制订自己的阳光教育计划。两家机构联合发表了声明,定了“国际臭氧层保护日”,在声明中,联合国环境规划署执行主任Klaus Toepfer说,最新的研究表明保护层正在逐渐得到恢复,这是过去20年来国际协议规定逐步结束使用各种化学物质(比如在杀虫剂、冰箱、烟雾剂中使用的)的成果。Toepfer还说:“但我们必须清醒地认识到我们还有大量的工作要做,才可以保证这个问题得到永远解决。”这还包括停止禁用化学物质的非法贸易和在发展中国家加强推广这些协约。德国前环境部长说:“只有到那时,我们才能够说我们头顶的天空对我们的儿童及他们的下一代是安全的。”the former German environment minister said.1.Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children become greater and greater?-Because the earths protective ozone layer declines year after year.2.How many people die from skin cancers including melanoma all over the world every year?-An average of 66,000.3.What people are more likely to develop eye cataracts?-People living near the equator.4.All of the following articles may use some chemicals unfavorable for the preservation of the -medicines.5.The phrase “for good” in the last paragraph can be best replaced by -permanently.Hypertension Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke发现高血压药品可降低中风的危险Australian doctors decla Monday that a cocktail 澳大利亚的医生于周一宣布,一种由简单抗高血压药品组成的合剂可以减轻中风患者三分之一以上的重复发作的危险。这项研究于周末在意大利的一次医疗会议上公布,受到高度评价,誉为中风预防的重大突破。每年500万人死于中风,1,500多万患有非致命性中风,常常使患者四肢残废,有语言障碍以及其他严重残疾。中风以后存活的病人五人中有一人在第一次中风后五年内会再次中风,而且常常是致命的。一项由悉尼大学指导历时六年完成的对6,100名病人的国际性研究发现,服用两种降压药后,继发中风的危险性可减少40%。研究报告,单服一种即使最常用的药物,其危险性也能降低三分之一。药物为利尿的吲达帕胺和血管紧张肽转化酶抑制剂呱哚普利,广为人知的是其商标名Coversyl。研究者说这种合剂对没有高血压的患者同样有效。患者中十分之一有大脑出血,这是最为严重的中风类型,血液径直流人大脑,他们甚至发现这种中风也能降低四分之三。Stephen McMahon教授在这次欧洲出血症学会米兰会议上介绍了这一研究,他说,大约5,000万活着的人经历过至少一次中风。他对澳大利亚的ABC电台说道: “如果他们大多数能有机会接受这种治疗,每年就可以避免五十万次中风的发生。”McMahon说,医生早就知道,给高血压患者降低血压有助于预防中风.他说: “我们第一次所证明的是,你的血压高低并不太重要;只要你得过中风,降低血压就有很大益处,即使血压正常或低于正常也是如此。”McMahon说,这次米兰集会宣告这一研究为“中风患者医疗方面的重大突破,可能是我们近几十年来前进最为重大的一步”。that we have made in the last couple of decades1.How many people surviving the first stroke may suffer another attack during the following five years?-20% of them.2.Taking two blood pressure-lowering drugs may produce_ less risk of secondary strokes than taking only one such drug.-about one fourteenth3.Which of the following is NOT a symptom left by strokes?-Habitual sleeplessness.4.How many strokes may be reduced in a year if most of stroke patients can be treated in the way as the article recommends?-500,000.5.What patients among those who have had a stroke will benefit greatly from taking blood Pressure-lowering drugs?-All of the above.Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower Breast Cancer Risk怀孕异常会降低乳腺癌发生率Certain abnormalities occurring in problem 本周二,一项对妇女做了40年跟踪调查的报告说,在一些有问题的怀孕中出现的特定的异常与乳腺癌的患病危险性长期下降有关。由加利福尼亚州伯克利市公共卫生研究所的流行病学家Barbara Cohn领导的研究人员,对旧金山地区3,804名在1959年6月至1967年4月期间怀孕妇女的记录做了检查。研究发现三种异常两种与胎盘有关,一种与血压有关与产后妇女乳腺癌的发生率下降大有关系。Cohn说,由异常引起的体内激素及其他物质水平的变化可能会产生一种保护作用。她还指出大多数有过异常反应的妇女仍能生下健康的婴儿。“这个问题并不像说对婴儿有害就是对母亲有利这么简单。的确完全不是那么回事。”Cohn在一次电话采访中说道。她说,妇女孕期有并发症能够起到长期预防癌症的作用,她对研究人员能确切地把这方面的机理搞清楚抱有希望。“当然有可能设计出一种与这些因素有关的治疗或预防方案,”Cohn说道。她说,科学家们许多年前就知道了怀孕期出现的情况会对乳腺癌患病危险率有影响。Cohn还说,她的研究提供了与乳腺癌长期预防有关的怀孕方面一些特点的新的细节资料。研究发现,母亲在怀孕的第二和第三个三个月期间出现血压升高与乳腺癌发生率下降有关。血压升得最高的25%的孕妇,其乳腺癌发生率下降了51%。胎盘(重量和直径)较小的妇女,其乳腺癌发生率也较低。胎盘为连接母体与胎儿的组织,分泌激素,维护正常妊娠,容许氧气、营养物质及废弃物质进行交换。此外,有的妇女孕期出现一种名为母体胎盘底部梗塞的严重异常情况,这可以阻断氧气和营养物质流入胚胎。她们的乳腺癌发生率下降了60%。研究得出结论,综合这三项风险因素,乳腺癌发生率下降94%与此相关。breast cancer incidence, the study concluded.1.Which of the following may have NOTHING to do with a decline in breast cancer incidence?-Experiencing serious morning sickness during the early period of pregnancy.2.According to the study, what on earth may play an important role in lowering breast cancer -The changes in the levels of hormones and other substances in the mothers body.3.From the fifth paragraph we may infer that pregnant women whose blood pressure_may have the least risk of breast cancer.-increases the most4.Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta?-Protecting the mother against breast cancer.5.It seems that Cohn is _of finding out the exact mechanisms at work.-confidentSauna桑拿浴Ceremonial bathing has existed for仪式性的沐浴已经有几千年的历史,并且有多种形式,其中的一种就是桑拿浴。芬兰人完善了蒸汽浴,也就是桑拿浴。它可以在一个封闭的房间里将水浇在滚烫的石头上,或是一种干热浴。日本人、希腊人、土耳其人、俄国人以及美洲土著人在他们的沐浴传统中都有发汗浴这一形式。用于热浴发汗的方式是古罗马优先使用的,而哥伦布发现美洲大陆前的美洲人则使用发汗小屋。最早的桑拿浴很有可能是在地下山洞里。由于当时还没有掌握烟囱技术,山洞里总是充满着火焰引起的浓烟。人们在火槽里生火,加热山洞的四壁。当墙壁达到一定的温度时,将浓烟排出洞外,这使得墙壁还能保持几个小时的高温。今天,有一些人认为有烟的桑拿浴,“烟熏桑拿”,才是真正的桑拿体验,而所有的桑拿浴都应该至少有烟熏或烟味儿的背景。现在,尽管煤油炉和烧木头的火炉仍然可以使用,大多数的桑拿浴都是用电炉。桑拿浴能使人放松并消除压力。肌肉疼痛或关节炎都可以利用桑拿浴的热气减轻疼痛和炎症。热气还可以拓展哮喘患者的肺部通道,使呼吸更加顺畅。桑拿浴并不能治愈普通的感冒,但它可以减轻患者的胸闷感,加快康复的速度。在蒸桑拿浴时,人体温度通常会上升1-2度,就像发低烧一样的感觉。因此,蒸桑拿可以说是印证了一句老话:“伤风时宜吃,发热时宜饿。”定期蒸桑拿浴可以在第一时间预防感冒的发生。蒸桑拿对皮肤也有好处,它可以促进皮肤的血液循环和出汗。在这个过程中,成年人一般每小时要蒸发2磅的水。出汗可以清除毛孔中的污垢,使皮肤变得光洁。失水只是暂时性的,人体机能能够很快补充合适的水量。在热气交换的过程中,心脏跳动得更快,这就使心血管系统也得到了锻炼。蒸桑拿浴时的心率能从原来的平均每分钟72下增加到每分钟100-150下。健康的心脏可以承受这种变化,而那些心脏病患者在蒸桑拿浴之前应该征求医生的建议。同样地,老年人和糖尿病患者也应如此。孕妇则不能蒸桑拿浴,尤其是在怀孕的头三个月。其实,每个人在刚开始尝试桑拿浴时都应该先是短时间的,直到适应了这种沐浴方式。become accustomed to this type of bath1.Ceremonial bathing -has various forms2.What is understood by some people to be the true sauna experience?-Saunas with smoke.3.According to the third paragraph, saunas can do all of the following EXCEPT -curing asthma4.According to the fourth paragraph, sauna gives the skin a healthy glow because -pores are cleaned by sweat5.Who are advised not to take a sauna?-All of the above.Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others咸度味感因人而异Low-salt foods may be harder for some people 宾州州立大学农学院食品科学家进行的一项研究表明,有些人很难喜欢含盐量低的食物。该研究指出,遗传因素导致我们对咸度的不同喜好。该研究负责人、食品科学副教授约翰,海斯指出,这些结论非常重要,因为近期对减少食物含盐量的大力宣传使得许多人努力去接受适合其他人而不适合自己口味的食物。含盐量高的饮食会增加高血压和中风的风险,这就是公共健康专家和食品公司共同努力、通过可口的食品帮助消费者减少盐摄入量的原因。该研究使人们更加理解对盐的喜好和摄入的差异。该研究87名参与者经过了仔细筛选,他们在几周的不同时间品尝了汤和薯条等含盐食物。参与者包括45名男性和42名女性,身体健康,年龄在20岁到40岁之间。参与者不会主动改变自己的饮食习惯,且不吸烟。他们通过一种常用的科学量表来区别咸度,分为“最轻微味感”到“最强烈味感”等级别。海斯说,“大部分人都喜欢盐的味道。但是,有些人吃盐较多,这不仅是因为他们更喜欢咸味,也因为他们需要咸味来遮盖食物其他讨厌的味道。口味超重的人比口味清淡的人消耗更多的盐。因为快餐食品的主要味道就是咸味,而且咸度越高,味道越好,所以口味超重的人更喜欢快餐。”海斯还提到,口味超重的人还需要盐来遮盖奶酪等食物中讨厌的苦味。“例如,奶酪是发酵牛奶味和发酵苦味的完美结合,而盐可以遮盖苦味。口味超重的人不喜欢低盐奶酪,因为苦味太明显了。”海斯举出了化学家福克斯和遗传学家布雷克斯里75年前进行的研究,该研究表明,人们品尝特定化学制品的能力是不同的。海斯解释说,由此我们知道每个人的味觉敏度是不同的,这一差异和头发眼睛颜色的差异一样正常。海斯说,“口味超重的人觉得苦味混合物非常之苦,而口味清淡的人会觉得同样的苦味混合物没有味道,或稍微有些苦。对苦味混合物的反应是确定食物偏好生物差异的众多方法之一,因为口味超重的人不只是对苦味敏感。”because supertasting is not limited to bitterness.1.In paragraph 2,John Hayes points out that -many people accept low-salt tasteless food reluctantly2.The fourth paragraph describes briefly -how to select subjects and what to do in the research.3.The article argues that supertasters -like snack foods as saltiness is their primary flavor.4.Which of the following applies to supertasters in terms of bitter taste?-They prefer high-salt cheese, which tastes less bitter.5.What message do the last two paragraphs carry?-Taste acuity is genetically determined.Kidney Disease and Heart Disease Spur Each Other肾病和心脏病相互刺激Hearts and kidneys: I


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