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Unit1 I like maths.教学内容(Teaching content):Module 7 My school day. Unit 1 I like maths.教学目标(Teaching target):1. 知识目标(Knowledge target):Key structures: Its six oclock. Its half past six . We have chemistry at eight oclock.Key vocabulary: half, past ,art, chemistry, history2. 能力目标(Ability target):To understand time expressions and identify school subjects.To understand conversations about “a school day” through listening.To talk about ones lessons with given information.3. 德育目标(Moral education target):Make the students more interested in learning English.Make the students like their school life better.教学重难点(Focal and difficult points): Its half past eight. We have science at half past seven.知识拓展( knowledge expansion): 如何用to 和past 表达除整点以外的时间。教学策略(Teaching tactics):1. 通过真实的教学情景,让学生在真实的情景中体会到学习语言的乐趣。2. 通过听、说、谈等多种形式,使学生积极参与,培养学生的英语听说能力。教学用具(Teaching aids): 多媒体、投影仪、录音机、钟表教学过程(Teaching procedure): Step1: Warm-up /Lead-in1. Greetings between teacher and students.2. Students duty talk.Step2: Presentation A. Learn how to express time(学习时间的表达方法)1. Lead-in (play a guessing game)通过猜老师黑板上所画的东西,引出板书中的钟,导入新课的第一个重点:时间的表达。2. Teachers explanation讲解时间整点和半点的表达方法,板书“What time is it ? Its eight oclock .”3. Practice and expansion (练习和拓展)利用实物钟调出多种不同的时间,带领学生进行练习,然后拓展如何用to和 past 表达几点几分。BReview subjects (复习科目)1. Play a guessing game (猜谜语复习科目单词)2. 展示学生的各种课本,让学生说单词。CSpeaking (综合A,B两个环节,谈论学生课程表)1. 师生以问和答的方式谈论课程表,引出板书上的重点句型:When do you have English on Tuesday ?We have English at eight oclock on Tuesday.2. Practise between teacher and students (师生之间反复操练)3. Practise in pairs(学生两人一组操练)DListening 1. 从谈论学生自己的课程表过渡到Betty, Lingling和Daming的课程,组织学生听对话,听对话之前老师给出几个简单的问题,听完录音之后请学生作答。(用幻灯片展示问题)2. Listen to the dialogue again and ask the students to check the true sentences .( 用幻灯片展示问题)E. Reading (朗读)Read the dialogue on page 42 chorally.Homework:1. Make up a dialogue about lessons on Wednesday in pairs after class and act it out tomorrow.2. Learn by heart the dialogue on page 42.3. Finish exercises 6 and 7 on page 97.Blackboard design Unit 1 I like maths. What time is it ?Its eight oclock. When do you have English on Tuesday?I have English at 8:00 oclock on Tuesday. Post-teaching notes: 创新研讨课教案 Module 4 EducationUint2 Project Hope has built many schools Name: Liu Wuying Class: Class 3 Grade 8 Date:October 23rd


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