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Book3 Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note words and expressions一 拓展1. believe vt.&vi. 相信 _adj. 可相信的 _adj. 以置信的_adv难.以置信地 _n信.仰; 相信2. _vi.幸存, 存在 vt.幸免于;挺 来 ; _ n幸.存;_ n.未死的人;残存者3._ v. 允 ;n. 可 , 照_ n允. , 可,准 4._adv耐.心地; _adj. 没有耐性的 _adv.没有耐性地_n. 耐性 ;_ adj有.耐性的; n.病人5. _adj粗. 的,不礼貌的; _ adv. 粗 地;粗略地;_ n粗. ,不礼貌6. _ adj. 出席的; _ n.出席,到 7. adventure n. 奇遇;冒 ; _ adj.冒 的,惊 的; _ n.冒 者8. _vi.漫游,漫步; _ vi.想知道9.busy(adj.)忙碌的; _(n.)商 ,事情 ; _(n)商人10. _ (n.)小 ; _ (n.)小 家二短 翻 1. 着看,凝 _6. in rags_2.偶然_7.on the contrary_3.做出解 ; 致 _8.take a chance_4.与 打 _9.as for _5.前 ,可以 _10.bring up_三.根据中文意思或用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The principal s出席 ) at( the party didnt t seem to be very welcome.2. Finally he lost his _ (耐心 ) and started to yell at his mother.3. He was punished for his _ 粗(鲁 ) to his teacher.4. They entered the area without _允(许 ).第 1 页5. My husband loves _ (adventure)life while I enjoy a more peaceful life.6. . It is _ that he has passed the last final examination . . I hold the strong _ that I can achieve my dream in the future. . _,nobody can solve this simple problem. (believe)7. I enjoy reading_, especially the works of Mark Twain,who was aworldwide_. (novel)8. . The parents lost _ with his naughty son and even wanted to give him up. . Generally speaking, most teachers are_ with students and kind to them. . As a nursery teacher , you mustnbe_ with the children . (patient)四.选词填空account forcarry outon the contrarydo withstare atin rages1. It wasn t a good performance; _ ,it was so terrible that I couldn t wait to leave the theatre.2. Tell me what you _ yourselves last Sunday.3.Don t look at me in such way; I don t like being _.4.The program made in yesterday s conference will soon _.5.You shouldn t consider Tom poor though he is _.五语法填空The woman often called the First Lady of New York died in August.Brooke Astor was one hundred and five years old. The extremelywealthyand famous New Yorker spent much of her life1.(help)the needy inher beloved city. She was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She was theonly child of a high level military officer. After two earlier2.(marry),she married Vincent Astor in 1953 again. He came from a family3.hadbeen rich for at least one hundred years. Among other things, he owned many buildings in New York City. Brooke Astor became one of the第 2 页4.(rich)women in the world when Vincent Astordied. She alsobecame head of a huge charity organization 5.(found)by her husband.He reportedly had told her she would have fun6.(give)awayhismoney. And apparently she did. Missus Astor gave tens of millionsofdollars7.(main)to places and people in New York City. She said itwas the sensible choice 8.that was where the money had been made.She gave financial support to the city s itsculturalpoor centers,anddiabledas9.as to many other smaller charities. When she died, the mayor ofNew York said the city would not be what it is today 10.her support.Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Notewords and expressions答案一词汇拓展1. believable; unbelievable; unbelievably; belief2. survive ; survival, survivor 3. permit ;permission.4. patiently; impatient; impatiently; patience ; patient5. rude ; rudely ; rudeness6. present ;presence7. adventure ;adventurous ;adventurer8.wander;wonder9.business;businessman10 novel ,novelist二、短语翻译:1.stare at6.衣衫褴褛2.by accident/by chance7.正相反3.account for8.冒险4.make a bet with sb. on sth. 9.关于,至于5.go ahead10.抚养,培养三、 1. presence2. patience3. adventurous4. rudeness5. permission6. believed ; beliefUnbelievably;7. novels;novelist8. patience; patient impatient四、 1. on the contrary2. do with3. stared at第 3 页4. carry out5. in rages五、 1. helping2.marriages3.that/which4.richest5.founded6.giving7mainly8.because9.well10.without第 4 页


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