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粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季_0BubblesPeppa and George are diinkiiig orange juice. What a noise! Little piggies!George, look at all the tiny bubbles.I can make bigger bubbles.Peppa is blowing bubbles in her drink.George wants to blow bubbles too.Peppa, George, you really shouldnt play with your food!Sony, Daddy.Peppa, if you like bubbles,Why dont you play with vour bubble mixture? Yes! My bubble mixture!George, lets blow bubbles ill the gaiden. Peppa is showing George how to blow bubbles.First, dip the stick in the mixture.Then, take a big breatli and blow.Heeee. bubble!George, now its your turn!Dip die stick ill the mixtuie,hold it up,take big breatli,and blow!George is trying really hard, but he. S niiining out of breath!George, you didnt blow haid enough!I know a way George can make bubbles.Dip die stick ill the mixtuie, then lift it up and wave it around.Bubble!Ifs even better if you nm along.Wait for me!George is having fun making bubbles, and Peppa is having fun popping.I love bubbles!Oh, dear! The bubble mixture is all used up. Daddy, Mummy!Theres no more bubble mixture!Dont wony, Peppa. I have ail idea.”Mummy Pig, bring me a bucket, please! Yes! Daddy Pig.Peppa, bring me some soap!Yes, Daddy Pig.George, bring me my old tennis racket. A bucket, some soap, a tennis racket! What is Daddy Pig doing?First, I need some water.Then, the soap.And now, the tennis racket, please! Thaiikyou!Now watch this!Woo. Wow!Daddy Pig lias made his own bubble mixture.Come on, eveiyone!Be careful! Daddy Pig! Dont slip and fall.Ill be fine! Wow.Are you Ok, Daddy Pig?”Ybs, Im fine!”Wow!Daddy Pig lias made die biggest bubble ever! Oh dear! Fve spilled all my bubble mixture. Now, we cant make any more bubbles! But we can play jumping ill muddy puddles! Look!Daddy Pigs bubble mixture has made a big muddy puddle!Hurray!Peppa loves jumping up and down ill muddy puddles!Look! The bubble inixtuie has madetlie puddle all bubbly!Peppa loves jumping up and downill muddy bubbly puddles!Eveiyone loves jumping up and downill muddy bubbly puddles!粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季 _02_Teddy_s_day_outTeddys day outPeppa and her family are going out fortlie day. Daddy Pig lias made a picnic.Peppa, George, have you got yourstuff ready?”Yes, Pm taking teddy!nDinosaur!If you take yourtoys, you must look afterthem!Yes, Mummy!Aie we all ready?Yes, Daddy Pig! Then lets go!Dinosaur!George has left Mr. Dinosaur behind.Oh George, you shouldtake more care of Mi. Diiiosuar! Dinosaur!Aie we all absolutely suie we havent forgotten anytliiiig else?Yes, Daddy Pig!Teddy! Ive left Teddy!Where did you leave teddy?I tliiiik, on the kitchen table.Peppa, you really must take more caie of Teddy!Teddy!Here we go again!All ready?Yes, Daddy PigHere we go!This is the picnic aiea.We aie here!Hooray!All. I love tliis picnic spot!Its so quiet and peaceful!It is Zoey Zebra with her daddy,Mi. Zebra the postman.Hello Mr. Zebra!Have you got all post?HoHo, no deliveiy today!It is my day off!Neigh, were having a picnic lunch. So are we!I know, why dont we make one big picnic?1 Yes!What a splendid picnic!Please make George and I leave the table and play witli Zoey! Yes Peppa!Zoey, Pve got my Teddy! Pve got my monkey!Dinosaur!Ive got a toy picnic set!Lets play picnics!Oh, ifs the ducks!They always turn up when we have a picnic. Weve got pretend orange juice.And weve got pretend cake.Its pretend cake, its veiy niceOh, dear. I do not tliiiik tlie ducks want pretend cake!Oh, well. That means theres more for monkey,Mr. Diiiosaurand teddy?”Hum, deliciousMoilkey says, tlie best cake ever!Peppa George home time!Bye-bye, ZoeyBye-bye!Aie we all ready?Yes, Daddy PigHome time for us, too, Zoey.MYes, daddy!Cups, plates, monkey, teddy.Oh. no! You shouldnt be here, teddy! Peppa has forgotten her teddy, again! Peppa and lieiianiily aie home.Thats enough diiviiig for one day.All I want to do now is relax!Put my feet up and watch some.Teddy!I forgot Teddy!Oh Peppa, now Daddy Pig will have to drive all the way back to the picnic spot.Hull. Yes of course!Its Mr. Zebra, tlie postmanI thought it was your day off today, Mr. Zebra.1It is my day off! But Zoeys got a veiy special deliveiy for a Miss Peppa pig.Here you are, PeppaWhat is it?Its teddy!You left teddy beliiiid,So we brought liiin home.Thank you Zoey!Teddy ceitainly has had an exciting day out. But Peppa, you really must take better care of him.Yes Muniniy. YouYe a veiy naughty teddy!You must promise not to wonderoff ever again.Sony, Peppa. I promise.粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季 _03_Emily_ElephantEniilv ElephantPeppa and herfriends are going to playgroup today.The cliildren each have their own hook to hang theii- coats on. Today, we have a new pupil, Eniilv Elephant.Hello, Emily!”Hello.Eniilv is a bit shy.Who would like to show Emily where to hang her coat?Me! Me! Me! Me!We just need one.Peppa, can you show Emily1 where to hang hercoat?Yes, Madame Gazelle.We each have our own coat hooks.Tliis one is foryou, Emily.” Eniilv is hanging her coat on her veiy own coat hook.Now, Enuly,what would you like to do today? Painting,clay or buildiiig-blocks?Um. I dont know.Maybe building-blocks.And everyone else; painting, clay or buildiiig-blocks?Building-Blocks! My goodness!Buildiiig-blocks aie populartoday!Eveiyone wants to sit next to Emily Elephant. Emily, you put one block on top of another.Like this.Its betterif you put them side-by-side.No, this way, Emily.This is the light way, Emily. No, Emily! Like this. Youie all being veiy helpful. But Emily, how would you play witli the blocks?Um. Im not veiy sure.I might do it like tliis.Wow!Emily Elephant is good at building-blocks.It is playtime.Horiay!Emily, would you like to play outside with the otliers?Yes, please.Can someone show Emily where we play?Yes, Madame Gazelle.At playtime,Peppa and herfriends play in the school garden.Cant catch me!What a lot of noise!Lets see who is the loudest! Ok. I. Il go first.Squeak! Squeak!That was quite loud.Now, it is Zoe Zebras turn. Brnrrirn!Now Suzy Sheep.Baaaaa!Now Damiv Dog.Wbof! Woof!That was very loud. My turn! Meow!My turn! Wliimiee!My turn! SNOOORT! Peppa is the loudest.Emily, you try! Im not too sure.Please, Emily! Ok. Ill tiy. AOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHGH! My goodness!That was loud.Wow!Do it again! AOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHGH! Eniilv is not shy anymore.Emily, would you like to play my favourite game?What is yourfavourite game? Jumping in muddy puddles! Thats my favourite game, too! Peppa loves jumping up and down ill muddy puddles. Eniilv loves jumping up and down ill muddy puddles. This looks like fun.Yippee!Madame Gazelle loves jumping up and down ill muddy puddles. Eveiyone loves jumping up and down ill muddy puddles. Emily, have you enjoyed your fiist day at our playgroup? Yes, Madame Gazelle! And I see youve made lots of new friends.Yes!Eniilv elephant is my friend!And Emily is my friend.And mine!And mine! And mine!Emily, who do you like best? Um.I like, Suzy and Daimv and Zoe and Rebecca and Pedro and Peppa!粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季 _04_Pollys_HolidayPollys HolidayGiaiiny and Grandpa Pig are going on holiday.They aie bringing Polly Pairot to Peppas house so Peppa and George can look after her.Waaa!”Hello, everyone!” Hello, Grandpa Pig! ” HegGnmnyPig!” Polly is veiy excited about her holiday witli Peppa and George.HeUo, Polly.nWaa! Hello, Polly.”Polly Parrot copies eveiythiiig tliat is said.Whats in Pollys suitcase,Granny?Tliis is Pollys food.George, can you guess what Polly likes to eat best?Chocolate Cake!Ha! No, not chocolate cake.Polly likes birdseed.Waa! Biidseed!Cail I feed her, Granny Pig!Can I feed her?Yes!Its very importantnot to give Polly too much food.Yes, Grandpa Pig.Grandpa,can Polly come out of the cage?Yes, but you must keep alldie doors and windows closed, so Polly doesnt fly away.Yes, Grandpa Pig.Goodbye, Peppa. Goodbye, George.Goodbye, Graniiv Pig!Goodbye, Grandpa Pig!Waa! Goodbye, Granny Pig!Goodbye, Grandpa Pig! Would you like a cup of tea? Waa!Would you like a cup of tea?George has got Pollys birdseed. George!That is too much birdseed!Polly will grow veiy big andburst like a balloon. POP!Waa!Burst like a balloon. Pop!Whats that noise?ICE-CREAM!Ice-cream! Horray!Oh dear, George has forgottento close die door.Ice cream. Ice cream!It is Miss Rabbit, the ice cream lady.Hello, Muniniv Pig.Hello, Miss Rabbit.Four ice creams, please.Thank you. Miss Rabbit!George!You forgot to close the door!Polly will have flown away!Dont wony, Peppa,Im sure Polly is still inside.Pollys not here!Oh!Whaaaaaaaaaaa!Weve lost Polly.Grandpa and Grannyare going to be veiy sad.Maybe we should try the gaiden.Look! Whats that?What has Mummy Pig seen in the gaiden?Waaa!Its Polly! Horray!But Daddy, how are we goingto get Polly down from tlie tree?Dont worry, Peppa,Ill rescue Polly.Come on, Polly.Waaa!Would you like a cup of tea?Oh no, Polly has flown liigher up the tree!OH! DEAR.Be careful. Daddy!Dont fall out the treelike you always do.Dont worry, Peppa,Ill be veiy caieful.Come on, Polly.Waa! Biiseed!I wonderwhere George is going?George has got Pollys birdseed.Polly loves to eat biidseed.Waa!George has got Polly downfrom the tree!Horiay!Whafs that noise?Daddy Pigs mobile phoneis ringing!What? Whoa.!Hello. OKGraiinyPig!HeUo, Daddy Pig.Please may I talk to Polly?Yes, of course!”Hello, Polly.Aie you having a nice holiday?Waa! Hello, Polly.”Aie you having a nice holiday?!粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季 _05_George_s_friendGeorges FriendPeppa and her friends are at die playground. Peppa, Suzy, and Damiy aie on the round about.Aie you all ready?Ready?Then lets go!Whee!Faster! Faster!George is a bit too little for the round about. He is playing on the swing.Heres Rebecca Rabbit with her little brother,Richard Rabbit.Hello eveiyone!Hello!Can I come on the round about, too?Hop on, Rebecca.Lets go really really fast.Richard Rabbit wants togo on the round about, too.Oh, if Richaid gets on,it means we cant go fast.Richard can play with George.” Richard,”would you like to play with George?No.Georges dinosaurs just like youis.Lets go and see.Richard Rabbit is tlie same age as George.Richard wants to see Georges dinosaur.Gnr. dinosaur.” George,”can Richaid play witli your dinosaur?No.Richaid, can George play with youidinosaur?”No.George and Richaid do not want toshare their dinosaurs.” George,”ifll be much more fun if you share.That was really nice of George.Dinosaur.George does not like sharing.Richaid,let George hold the dinosaurs now. Richaid does nor like sharing, eitlier. Whafs all this ciyiiig about?George and Richard always cry when tliey play together.They aie just too little to play properly.Can you two big gills teach tliem to play togetlier?Of course we can help themmake sand castles.Good idea!Lets go to tlie sand pit!George and Richard love the sand pit! George, Richaid, today we are going to make sand castles.First, we fill the buckets with saiid. We tuin the buckets over and give tliem a little tap.Now we lift the buckets.Hey presto!Richaid has made a sand castle.Hey presto!And George has made a sand castle.You see, playing togetlier is firn.Oh dear!Tliis game has not gone very well.It was vour brotliers fault.He broke Georges sand castle.Squeak! Your brotlier,broke my brothers sand castle first.Now, Now,you two big girls are meant to be teaching Richaid and George to play nicely together. That. S right.We are big gills.And George and Richaid are too little to play togetlier properly.Humm, Ive got ail idea.George, whafs your most favorite tiling ill the whole playground?Seesaw!George loves tlie seesaw.Seesaw.It is a bit difficult toplay on die seesaw on vourown.Richard wants to play on the seesaw.Seesaw.Look!George and Richard are playing together!Seesaw.George likes Richard.Richard likes George.George and Richard like playing together. Seesaw.粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季 _06_MysteriesMysteriesPeppa and herfaniily are watcliiiig theirfavorite television program, Detective Potato.I am Detective Potato,the world famous detective.Oh!Please help me, Mi. Detective.I can not find my floweraiiwhere.Hurnni, youiilower is on the top of your head.Oh, thank you, Mr. Detective.That was easy. I can do that.Halia, I. M sure you could, peppa.Daddy, when I grow up,I want to be a famous detective.George wants to be a detective, too.If youre going to be detectives,1you each need a hat.Detectives always wear hats.Now you look like two properdetectives.And we need one of tliose firniiy tilings that makes eveiytliiiig look big?A magnifying glass.I tliiiik weve got onein the kitchen drawer.Here they are.A real magnifying glass.Wow! How does it work?You hold it in front of thiiigs, and tliey look bigger.The magnifying glass makes the little fish look big.Can I have a go?Wow!The magnifying glass makes Georges eyes look veiy big.Now what you detectives needis a mysteiy to solve.Daddy, what is a miss story?A mysteiy is something detectivesaie good at sorting out, like finding tilings that are lost.I know,we can find Georges toy dinosaur.Thats always getting lost.Dinosaur.Mr. Dinosaur is not lost.What about your glasses, daddy?You. Re always losing them.Not today,Im wearing my glasses.Its not fail-.There arent any miss storiesWould you like me to make you a mystery? Yes, please.Daddy Pig is going to make a mystery.Now, whats on tlie table?The little fish, teddy,a Jackin the box and Mi. Dinosaur.That. S right.Now look very hard and tiy to remember them aU.The little fish, teddy,a Jackin the box and Mi. Dinosaur.Have you remembered them?Yes!Ok!You just have to go outside for a moment.Ill call you when Im ready.It sounds like daddy is going upstaiis.And now he is coming down again.All riglit, you can come back inside now. One tiling is missing fiom tlie table.Do you know what?Mr. Dinosaur is there,little fish. Jack ill tlie box.So whos missing?Humni, Teddy.That. S light.Teddys gone.Well done, Peppa and George.It was quite easy for us.Werre famous detectives.All, but that. S only half the mysteiy. Where has teddy gone?Oh, I dont know.What are those little things on the flooi?The cake crumbs.The magnifying glass makes the cake crumbs easy to see.I wonder if teddy has been eating cake. And the crumbs lead tliis way.Teddys been eating a lot of cake.The crumbs lead intoPeppa and Georges bedroom.Oh, the crumbs have stopped. How could we find teddy?Ask me some questions.But I would only answeryes or no.Ok, humm, is teddy in tliis room? Yes.Is teddy in Georges bed?No.Is teddy some where high up?Yes.Teddys in my bed.Hooray!The mystery is solved.Do you still want to be a detectivewhen you grow up, Peppa?Being a detective is quite hard.Next time, I want to be the one who makes mysteries.Like you. Dear daddy.粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季 _07_Rock_poolsRock poolsPeppa and George aie going to the seasidewitli Giamiy and Grandpa Pig.Peppa and George love the seaside.Oh, where has the sand gone?There isnt any sand down tliis beach, Peppa. No sand?But we wanted to make sand castles.Peppa and George love making sand castles. No, no, George. Dont be upset!There ai e lots of exciting thingsto do on tliis rocky beach.Like what?When the sea goes out, it leaves little pools of water in amongst the rocks.That called rock pools.And in these rock pools, theres something specialtliat the sea has left behind.I can see sometliing ghtteiing.Its a coin.Maybe its a pirates treasure.Lets make a collection of all the things we find.”畑”well put tliem in Georges bucket.What surprise is waiting in tliis pool?Theres nothing special in tliis one.Theres always sometliiiig, Peppa.Look closer!Whoa, there is something.”Ybs, its a crab!*The crab is piiicliing Grandpa Pigs finger.Ouch!Naughty, Mi. Crab.Look, George.Mr. Crab is walking side ways.George is pretending to be a crab.Peppa wants to be a crab, too.Were naughty crabs.Pinch, pinch, piiich!Pinch, pinch, piiich!There aie two naught crabs tiying to pinch. Werre naughty crabs.Pinch pinch, piiicli!Shoo, shoo, shoo, you naughty crabs.Go back to your little rock pools.Yes, lets look in more rock pools. What can you see?A seashell.Can you hearthe sea in it? What do you mean?If you put a shell to yoiueai/ you could lieai the sea.Wow, I can hearthe sea!I love my seashell.George, can you find a seashell, too? SheU!Thats not a shell.Oh.Peppas right.Thats not a shell.George has found a fossil.Whats a fossil?Afbssil is the remains of ail aiiinial that lived long ago when there were dinosaurs. Dinosaur!Rock pools are such fun!Yes, they are fun for us.But not fbrtliis little fish.A fish!Where?Poor little fish. Shes tiapped.The little fish says she wants to go back to the sea.Maybe you could use your bucket to rescue her.Yes.Peppa is rescuing tlie little fish in her bucket.Dont wony, Mrs. Fish.Youll soon be back witli yoiuiriends.Bye bye, Mis. Fish.1Bye bye.I love rock pools!粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季 _08_Windy_Autumn_DayWindy Autuimi DayToday, Peppa is going to the park.Bm! Lts freezing cold!It is cold!Quick!Lets get ourwarm clotlies on!On cold days, Peppa and herfamilywear theii hats and scaives and coats.Ill put the roof up.Ooh, And lets get the heating on.Eveiyone nice and warm?Yes, Daddy Pig!Then lets go!Tliis is the park.Were here! Hooray!Mummy,why are all the leave red and yellow?Its Autumn time, Peppa.In the Autumn, it gets a bit coldei and die leaves change color.Its quite windy.Lets play a game to keep waim.My turn!Oh,its not meant to go that away.The wind is blowing tlie ball along!The ball is ill the pond!riljust use this stick to reach it.Just a bit fuillier, Daddy.Be careful. Daddy PigDont wony!I. Ve almost got it.Whoa!Daddy, is die water cold?A little bit.The wind has blown the ball out of the pond.Thats lucky!Yes, what a stioke of luck!Its getting even windier,Hold onto your hats.Oh no!The wind has blown Georges hat off.Whoa!Dont wony George!Daddy Pig will catch your hat!Quick, Daddy!Look!Its in that little tree!Hininin.riljust climb up and get it.The tiees much too tliiii totake yourweight, Daddy Pig!So, how can we get Georges hat? Simple,I. II give tlie tiee a little shake.Hmmin, Maybe if I shake it a bit harder. Oooh!I thought tliat soil of thing only happened to me!Its not funny.Its a bit funny, Munuiiy.I suppose it is a bit fiiniiv.Wheres Georges hat?Its on your head!Heres your h


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