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Module OneListening and vocabulary Noun Verb Adjectivecorrectencourageenjoy enjoyableexplain fluentmisunderstand progressivepronounceWord Formation 构 词 法 Word Formation构 词 法Noun Verb Adjectivecorrectencourageenjoy enjoyableexplain fluentmisunderstandprogressivepronouncecorrectionencouragementenjoymentexplanationfluencymisunderstandingprogresspronunciation Now Listen to a Conversation1.Who are the two students in the conversation?2.Which languages are they studying?3.What is the name of the assistant teacher?Rob and DianeR: Chinese/ D: SpanishMiss Wang Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences.fluentenjoyableencouragementprogress pronunciationcorrectionmisunderstoodexplained 1. be fluent inbe able to speak a language well他 的 俄 语 说 的 很 好 。He is fluent in Russian.3. make great/ much/ a lot of progress我 们 在 这 20年 里 取 得 了 非 常 大 的 进 步 。We have made great progress in the last 20 years.2. encourage sb to do sth他 鼓 励 我 刻 苦 学 习 。He encouraged me to study hard. 5. be disappointed at/with/about/in/that我 对 你 很 失 望 。 我 对 你 所 做 的 很 失 望 。I am disappointed in you. Im disappointed with what you have done.4. make corrections make mistakesBob非 常 粗 心 , 总 是 犯 错 误 。Bob is very careless and is always making mistakes.我 需 要 把 作 业 改 正 一 下 。I have to make several corrections in my homework. 6. explain sth to sb explain to sb why/how/what虽 然 张 老 师 很 忙 , 但 他 依 然 给 我 讲 了这 道 题 。Mr. Zhang explained the question to me though he was quite busy.你 能 告 诉 我 刚 才 发 生 了 什 么 吗 ?Can you explain to me what happened just now?explanation of/for他 对 这 件 事 情 的 解 释 是 什 么 ?Whats his explanation for this matter? 7. So + 助 动 词 / 情 态 动 词 / 系 动 词 + 主 语 “ 也 ” Neither / nor + “也 不 ”1) If you can finish it in time, so can I. 2) If you go to the cinema, so shall I.3) He was interested in PE, so were you.so + 主 语 + 动 词 强 调 : 确 实 如 此You didnt close the window.Oh, _.so I did 注意:表示前面的多种情况也适合于另一人或物,或者既有肯定又有否定情况或涉及到不同类型的动词时可用:It is the same with something /somebody或 So it is with something/somebody. I like English very much, but I dont like physics. It is the same with my brother.She does well in English, but is poor in maths. So it is with Lucy. You forgot your purse when you went out. Good heavens, _. A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so I would never ever come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! _. A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I BB Marry never does any reading in the evening, _.A. so does JohnB. John does tooC. John doesnt tooD. nor does JohnD


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