三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 Where is my car |人教PEP

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Unit 4 Where is my car?A Lets learn Its a desk.Whats this ? box ball onWhere is the ball ?It s on the box . 在 上 on在 上 面 in在 里 面Where is the ball ? It s in the box . under在 下 面 on 在 .上in 在 .里under 在 .下 面 on in under Where is the ball?Its _ the box.inbox Whats this? Its a ball. Where is the ball?Its _ the box.on Where is the ball?Its _ the box.under Where is the ruler?Its the desk.on Where is the ruler?Its under the chair. 看 口 型 猜 位 置Where is my car?Its on the desk.car Where is my car?Its under the desk. A: Where is the?B: Its in/on/under the desk. Where is the ball?Where is the ball? Where is the pen ? Its on the desk. Where is the pencil ? Its in the desk. Where is the ruler ? Its under the desk. on in under desk chair Lets play a game. Guessing game: Where is the ball ? Its _ the box.每 组 选 一 位 同 学 猜 猜 球 在 哪 儿 , 猜 对 可 为 本 组 加 on under in Where is the ruler?尺 子 在 哪 里 ? Its under the chair!在 椅 子 下 面 ! Put your foot under your chair.Put your hand on your chair.Put your arm in your desk.Put your hand under your desk. Where is the pencil box? Its on the chair. Where is the bag? Its under the desk. Where is the book? Its in the box. Where is the pen? Its under the chair. Where is my? Pair work!on the desk. in the desk.under the desk. on the chair. home work 1、 抄 写 Lets learn中 的 五 个 单 词 , 英文 三 遍 , 中 文 一 遍 ; 抄 写 其 中 的 句 型, 中 英 文 一 遍 。 2.听 写 今 天 学 习 的 单 词 , 家 长 签 字 。 3、 描 述 书 包 文 具 的 位 置 , 需 用 到 今 天学 习 的 on,in,under三 个 单 词 。 Lets play a guessing game . 猜 猜 游 戏G reat! Where is the ball?Its _ the box.inbox Whats this?Its a ball. basketballfootball ping-pong ballvolleyball Where is the ball?Its _ the box.on Where is the ball?Its _ the box.under Where is the ball?Where is the ball? What is this?car Look at the pen/pencil.It s on/under the chair.chair Where is the _?Its _ the _ .rulerin deskonunder chairAsk and answer. A: Lets go home !B: OK! Uh-oh! Where is my pencil box?A:Look! Its in your desk!B:Oh,yes!A:And your pencil!Its under your book!B:Silly me !Thanks ! Lets spell!orange boxdogbody cap toy 椅 子 chair 桌 子 desk 帽 子 cap 球 ball 盒 子 box 玩 具 toy 小 汽 车 car Missing gametoy car capbox deskchair ball map cap toy carbox chair desk ball 椅 子 chair 桌 子 desk 帽 子 cap 球 ball 盒 子 box 玩 具 toy 小 汽 车 car Where is the ball?Its _ the box.onIs it on the box? Where is the ball?Its the box.underIs it under the box?Yes,it is./No,it isnt. A:Mum,where is my cap? B:Is it in your bag? A:No,it isnt. B:Is it in your toy box? A: Yes,it is.Thanks, Mum. Bye! B:Bye! Have a good time. ?Mike: I am a boy. I have many toys .Mike: I have a ball, a toy boat, a toy plane, a toy car .Oh! Where is my car ? ( 玩 具 )and Mike: No. deskChen Jie: On your desk ? Mike: No. toy boxWu Yifan: In the toy box ? Mike: Oh, yeah! Thanks,Chen Jie. G oodbye.Chen Jie: Look! Its under the chair .是 , 是 的Chen Jie: See you. Mike 回 家 后 又 找 不 到 他 的 toy car 了 Mike: _, Where is my _ ?Mom: _ your _ ?Mike: No!Mom: _ the_?Mike: No!Mom: Look! Its _ the _ .Mike: Oh,yeah! Thanks, _ .Mom carOn deskIn toy box under chairMom 选 择 其 中 一 个 物 品 , 同 桌 进 行 表 演 。Mike :Mom, where is my _ ?Mom:_ your desk ?Mike :No .Mom:_ the toy box ?Mike:No .Mom:Look! Its _ the chair.Mike:Yeah , thank you , mom .on inunder underonon in under Lets play! 将下列句子变为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。vIts a desk .vIts under the chair .vThis is my sister . vShe is from Canada.vI have small eyes .


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