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The problem of food safety Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design Laoganma(老干妈)During the two sessions,online users to exclaim:Zhang blood sprayed countless men, body heat of a woman appeared, eating for so many years, finally see laoganma reality TV, really tasty!两 会 期 间 网 上 有 网 友 惊 呼 : “ 令 无 数 男 人血 脉 喷 张 , 全 身 发 热 的 女 人 出 现 了 , 吃 了 那 么 多年 , 终 于 见 着 老 干 妈 真 人 了 ” , “ 真 的 很 好 吃 !老干 妈 。 我 爱 你 !” Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design目录 CONTENTS Focusing on two sessions聚焦两会Story of Tao Huabi陶华碧的故事Product culture产品文化 Thinking思考Videos to watch视频观赏 Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker DesignFocusing on two sessions 聚 焦 两 会 Tao Huabi only a primary school education, aged 6 5 , from the pendulum started a stall with goods spread out on the ground for sale, have gone through hardships, as head of Chinas largest hot sauce company. 65岁 的 陶 华 碧 只 有 小 学文 化 程 度 , 从 摆 地 摊 起 家 , 历 经 艰 辛 ,成 为 中 国 最 大 辣 椒 酱 企 业 的 掌 门 人 。 图为 行 事 低 调 的 陶 华 碧 代 表 (右 )赴 会 。 Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker DesignProduct culture stories产 品 文 化 故 事Brand品牌 She was illiterate, she constantly shaking his name three words: these three words, too difficult, too complicated. ”她目不识丁,她面对自己名字的三个字不断摇头:“这三个字,太难了,太复杂了。”1 2 Sales销 售 3 Culture文 化5 dollars a bottle of hot sauce made with Mao as famous brand把 一 瓶 5块 钱 的辣 椒 酱 做 成 与 茅 台 齐名 的 品 牌 She sold 1.3 million bottles of hot sauce, with annual sales of up to $ 2.5 billion, each bottle of chilli sauce probably earned 9.5 cents她 每 天 卖 出 130万 瓶辣 椒 酱 , 一 年 销 售 额 高 达25亿 , 每 瓶 辣 椒 酱 大 概 赚9角 5分 Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design 2021-7-31 Videos to watch视 频 观 赏Videos视 频 : If you are happy and you know it clap your hands如 果 感 到 幸 福 你 就 拍拍 手Children under 18 years of age do not allow viewing请 未 满 18周 岁 的 少 年 儿 童禁 止 观 看 Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker DesignLaoganma todays achievement to thinking about Chinas food safety problems由 “ 老 干 妈 ” 现 今 的 成 就 来 思 考中 国 的 食 品 安 全 问 题 Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design 2021-7-31 What happened to food safety?The scandal was reported that the plant had been added coloring to make wheat buns look like corn flour buns and black rice buns on April 11th.CCTV also reported that the buns made two days earlier , was relabeled with producing date. Overdue buns was returned to facotry to makenew buns. Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design 2021-7-31 What happened to food safety?TOXIC bean sprouts, filthy cooking oil, drug-tainted pork: Those headlines in Chinese media have aroused anxieties of most citizens for months. Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design 2021-7-31 How to resolve food safety problems?The government plays the role of a father, supervising the children - the enterprises - at the market. When children do something wrong, the father must be blamed as well. Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design 2021-7-31 What we have done ?Chinas health authorities urged food producers to display on their packaging all additives used in their products and released a revised rule setting the national standard for the use of 2,314 additives. Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design 2021-7-31 What we have done ?Beijing now requires restaurants to inform customers about all food additives contained in their self-made beverages and food sauces by posting the lists on menus or other public places. Any additives should also be reported to supervisory departments. Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design总 结 维权民族特色责任 Tankertanker Design Tankertanker DesignTankertanker Design 谢谢观赏Make Presentation much more fun WPS官方微博kingsoftwps


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