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Oxford English Module 2 Arts and crafts 学习目标 1、掌握词汇:cartoon、warning、role-play、symbol、thought、program、record、basic、stage、pleasant、appear、actor、match、separately、play 2、学会运用本课的词汇:comic strip、pop out、decide on、video camera 3、复述课文。 根据中文提示总结关于“How to make a cartoon?”的说明文,文章开头已经给出。提示:(1)首先定好故事的基本框架。 (2)第二步,构思人物。 (3)第三步,制作故事的雏形。 (4)第四步,用电脑画详细的图片和涂颜色。 (5)第五步,用电脑程序把图片连在一起。 (6)第六步,配音。 范文 How to make a cartoon? You should do the following. First, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story.Second, think about the kinds of characters. Third, make a rough sketch of the story. Fourth, use a computer to draw detailed pictures and add colour. Fifth, use a computer program to put the pictures together as a film. Finally, record the voices and sound effects. 一、请认真读课文P3 5,翻译下列词组和句子,并在你的书本上划起来 1、需要做某事 2、决定 3、忘记做某事 4、思考,考虑 5、眼睛瞪大 6、摄像机 7、一点点不同于 8、准备做某事 9、被用于做. 1 0、 为某人配音 1. need to do2. decide on3. forget to do sth.4. think about5. (somebodys eyes) pop out6. video camera7. a little different from8. be ready to do sth.9. be used to do sth.10.do somebodys voice(s) 1. First, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story. need做实义动词时,否定和疑问句中需助动词 need to do sth. 我需要先完成我的作业。 I need to finish my homework first. need做情态动词,多用于否定和疑问中 neednt do sth. 我们今天不用去上学。 We neednt go to school today.=We dont need to go to school today. decide on 决定、选定,后跟名词或动名词。我已经选定了一台新电脑. Ive _ _ a new computer. decided on 2. Han says, “Oh, no! I forgot to bring it!” forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(未做) 老师很生气,因为我今天忘记交作业了。 The teacher was very angry, because I forgot to hand in my homework today. forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事(已做) 我忘记今天早上打过电话给他了,所以又打了一次。 I forgot calling him this morning, so I called him again. 我今天忘记带作业回来。 I _ _ _ my homework today.我忘记今天早上打过电话给他了,所以又打了一次。 I _ _ him this morning, so I called him again.forgot to bringforgot calling remember to do sth.remember doing sth.stop to do sth.stop doing sth.go on to do sth.go on doing sth.记得去做某事记得做过某事停下来去做另一件事停止正在做的事继续做另一件事继续做同一件事 what they will look like.so he looks clever. look like+n. 看起来像(什么) look+adj. 看起来(怎么样)这图案看起来很漂亮,它看进来看一朵花。 This pattern _ _. It _ _ a flower.looks nicelooks like 3.To make the characters and things appear to move, each picture should be made a little different from the one before it. appear to do sth.她显得很自信。She _ _ _ very confident. (be) different from/to sth. 这个男的好像是我的小学老师。 This man appears to be my primary teacher. 你的电脑和我的很不一样。 Your computer is quite different from mine. 拓展: (be) the same as显得,似乎和不一样和一样appears to be 4. In the next stage, a computer program is used to put the pictures together as a film. be used to do sth. be used to (doing) sth. used to do sth.1. 我爸爸曾经是个军人。 My father used to be a solder.2. 笔是用来写字的。 Pens are used to write with.3. 他不习惯广州的天气。 He is not used to the weather in Guangzhou.被用来做某事习惯做某事过去常常/曾经做某事 5. the cartoon is ready to be played for everyone to enjoy. be ready to do sth. 我已经准备好下星期测验了。 I am ready to take the exam next week. be ready for sth. 你准备好了这星期的测验了吗? Are you ready for the test this week? 准备好做某事为做好准备 1. - Tom, dont forget _ the door before you go out. - OK , I wont.A. to close B. closingC. close D. closes2. We cant play outside if it doesnt stop _.A. to rain B. raining C. rain D. rains3. - Would you like to come to my daughters dancing show? - Sure. I remember _ her show last year. It was so wonderful!A. to see B. seeing C. see D. sees一、单项选择。 二、翻译下列句子。 1. 见到这位超级明星时,她的眼睛瞪得老大 Her eyes _ _ when she saw the super star. 2. 昨晚他们选定了旅行计划. They _ _ their travel plan last night. 3. 要下雨了,别忘记带伞. Its going to rain. Dont _ _ _ an umbrella with you. 4. 看,他们正在用摄像机拍照。 Look, they are taking photos with their _ _ 5.已经七点了,你应该准备出发了。 Its 7 oclock now. You should _ _ _ set off. popped outdecided on forget to take video camerasbe ready to 1.他已经决定了故事的角色。 He has decided on the characters of the story.2.当她生气的时候,她通常瞪大眼睛。 Her eyes often pops out when she is angry.3.在他离开之前,他忘记了关窗。 He forgot to close the window when he left.优生拓展、翻译下列句子。


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