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unit3 G rammar宾 语 从 句 和 表 语 从 句 Can you tell me if you like this novel?I must say that I really enjoy it.主 语 谓 语 宾 语 从 句 1. I must say something. 2. I must say that I really enjoy it. 主 语 谓 语 宾 语( 简 单 句 )主 语 谓 语 宾 语 从 句连 词 从 句 主 语 从 句 谓 语 主 句( 复 合 句 ) 位 于 谓 语 动 词 或 者 介 词 后 在 复 合 句 中 作 动 词 或 介 词 宾 语的 从 句 叫 做 宾 语 从 句 。 We know the Million Pound Bank Note.We know that the Million Pound Bank Note is a famous novel.主 语 谓 语 宾 语主 语 谓 语 宾 语 从 句Object Clause 宾语从句定义:在 复 合 句 中 作 动 词 或 介 词 宾 语 的从 句 叫 做 宾 语 从 句 。宾 语 从 句 位 置 : 宾 语 从 句 多 位 于 及 物 动 词 或 介 词 后 面 。 1. We wonder how we shall do .2. I dont know it can be fake.3. I worry about whether he can pass the exam.4.Pay attention to what the doctor said.Read the following sentences and try to find the object clauses. 连接代词主要有:连接副词主要有:连词主要有:宾 语 从 句 的 引 导 词who,whom,what,which,whatever,whoever等 。where,when,how,why等 。that,if,whether.怎 样 选 择 引 导 词 呢 由 从 属 连 词 that 引 导 的 宾 语 从 句由 连 接 代 词 Who, whom, whose, which,what 和 连 接 副 词 where, how, why, when引 导 的 宾 语 从 句由 从 属 连 词 whether, if 引 导 的 宾 语 从 句123 e.g. 1.I hear (that) _. 2.H e said (that) _. 3.The teacher told us (that) _ _.he will be back in an hour he missed us very much the earth moves由从属连词 that 引导的宾语从句注 : that 在 句 中 无 词 汇 意 义 , 在 从 句 中不 能 充 当 成 分 , 在 口 语 当 中 往 往 省 略around the sun that不能省略的2种情况(2)用it做形式宾语的宾语从句时 ( it常可以放在动词think, find, consider, believe, feel, make等后作为形式宾语,而真正的宾语that从句则放在句尾) I think it necessary that you should read English aloud. We heard it that she would get married next month.( 1) 当 that作 介 词 宾 语 时They believe in that she must still be single. I know nothing about him except that he is living in Beijing. 由 从 属 连 词 whether, if 引 导 的 宾 语 从 句I want to know _ _.2. Ask him _. 3. I wonder _.4. Could you tell me_? if (whether) he will go to the park with us whether (if) he can come whether it is going to rain or notif/ whether “是 否 ” , 说 明 对 陈 述 的 事 物 不 明 确 或 不 清楚 。 常 用 在 ask, wonder, can(could) you tell me 等 后 。 whether(if) Mr Li lives here 当与or not连用,或提出两种选择时:I dont know whether hes free or not.Mary asked whether I was doing my homework or not.Tell me whether youd like to go shopping or tidy the room.宾语从句提前时:Whether this is true or not, I cant say. Practice timeif / whether1. I asked her _ she had a bike.2. Were worried about _ he is safe.3. I wonder _ he is well.4. I dont know _ or not he is well. if / whetherwhetherwhether /ifwhether 1. He asked _. 2. Do you know_?3. He asked_.4. Do you know _?5. Please tell me _. 6. Can you tell me _?7. Could you tell me _? who could answer the question whom they are waiting for whose bike was the best in the class when well have a meeting where he is how I can get to the station why the train is late由 连 接 代 词 Who,whom,whose,which,what 和 连 接 副 词 where,how,why,when引 导 的 宾 从代 词 或 副 词 连 接 主 句 和 从 句 , 并 在 从 句 中 担 任句 子 成 分 , 具 有 一 定 的 意 义 , 不 可 省 略 。 vI know he lives here .vI know he lived here ten years ago . 1.主 句 用 现 在 时 或 将 来 时 , 从 句 可 用 任 何 时 态 , 根 据 实 际 情 况 而 定 。 2.如 果 主 句 是 过 去 的 时 态 ( 一 般 过 去 时 , 过 去 进 行 时 ) , 从 句 的 时 态 一 定 要 用 相 对 应 的 过 去 的 某 种 时 态( 一 般 过 去 时 , 过 去 进 行 时 , 过 去 将 来 时 , 过 去 完 成 时 )vI knew who lived here. vI saw she was talking with her mother. vHe asked whether his father would come back tomorrow. vHe said that he had seen it . The teacher told me she was born in 1 9 6 0 .I heard that he went to Paris last night.3. 从 句 说 明 的 是 一 般 真 理 、 客 观 事 实 、 自 然 现 象 时 , 仍 用 一 般 现 在 时 。 Dad told us that it is better to do than to say. He told the boy that three and three is six. He told me the earth moves around the sun.4. 从 句 中 有 具 体 时 间 状 语 , 即 使 从 句 动 作 发 生 在 主 句 动 作 前 , 仍 用 一 般 过 去 时 。 1 . The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow. (be)2 . The headmaster hopes everything _ well. (go)3 . I hear they _ (return) it already. 4 . He said that they _ members of the Party since 1 9 4 8 . (be)5 . Our teacher told us in class the sun _ in the east. (rise) will be goes have returned had been rises 1 . They dont know _ we are going hiking.2 . She wanted to know _ her coat would be ready the next day.3 . I was really surprised at _ I saw.4 . Do you know _ skirt it is? whenif/whetherwhatwhose在 下 列 各 空 白 处 填 上 适 当 的 连 接 词 ,使 句 意 通 顺 。 5. H e asked_ could answer the question .6. Do you know_ we ll have a meeting?7. Please tell me _ he is .8. Can you tell me _ I can get to the station?9. Could you tell me _ the train is late?whowhen/wherewhere/whowherewhy 1.H e has become what he wanted to be ten years ago. 2. She has remained where I stood yesterday for an hour.3. H is suggestion is that we should stay calm. 4. The question is when he can arrive at the hotel. 1.H e has become what he wanted to be ten years ago. 2. She has remained where I stood yesterday for an hour.3. H is suggestion is that we should stay calm. 4. The question is when he can arrive at the hotel. 一 个 从 句 在 复 合 句 中 作 主 句 的 表 语 , 这 个 从 句 就 叫 作 表 语 从 句 。The problem is that millions of peopledie of illnesses caused by smoking.The question remains whether we can win the people. 1 . 从属连词that(一般不省略为好),whether(不用if),as if(though)等引导的表语从句。The reason (why) she hasnt come is that (此处不可用because) she has to take her mother to a hospital.她没来是因为她必须送母亲去医院。 2 . 连接代词what, which, who, whom, whose等引导的表语从句。This is what I want to say. 这就是我想说的。3 . 连接副词when, where, how, why等 引导的表语从句。This is how we overcome the difficulties. 这就是我们克服困难的方法。


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